Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 109 Ghost Flower and Ghost Fruit

Chapter 109 Ghost Flower and Ghost Fruit
Afterwards, a few people got off the stage and each took a break. Qianye Shangxie stood up and said, "Let's go, let's go to Zangshu Pavilion for a while." Yue Qingran stood up and walked out.

Before Jueming and the others came out, Qianye Shangxie looked at the sky, the sun was still there, but it was no longer so vicious.He chose a place at random and sat down: "Just wait here."

Yue Qingran sat over, looked at the exit under the shade of a tree, and waited for Jueming and the others to arrive.After a while, Jueming came out, followed by the bicep who was still rubbing his chest.

"This is..." Looking at Ertou, Qianye Shangxie thought that he had never hit Ertou's chest.Jueming explained: "It's because someone didn't agree with me just now and wanted to fight me, that's why it happened."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the two heads behind him with an angry expression on his face.Qianye nodded clearly and narrowed his eyes. "Let's go, let's go to Zangshu Pavilion to have a look."

Jueming nodded, and walked towards Zangshu Pavilion.Ertou spoke the Three Character Classic in the back, with a dissatisfied expression on his face.Jueming heard this, frowned slightly, and walked faster.

Qianye Shangxie sneered and shook his head: "Let's go, let's hurry up too." The second head nodded: "Of course we have to hurry up, I just scold him, he won't listen to anyone."

The corner of his mouth curled up and he smiled, looked at the pair of enemies in front of him, and shook his head: "It's really rare that this kind of brotherhood is actually manifested in this way."

Yue Qingran also smiled, one of the two in front walked quickly and the other chased, while the two behind walked slowly on the road.Such a combination is not on the same frequency at all.

Qianye Shangxie suddenly thought of something, and said: "Since they are going with them, shouldn't we ask them to come over? Everyone should get to know this ghost flower together."

Yue Qingran nodded, Qianye Shangxie said: "I'll go find them, why don't you go with Jueming first?" Yue Qingran looked at them and nodded.The two parted ways, Yue Qingran continued the prelude, and Qianye Shangxie turned back to find Bailitang and Yue Jiqiu.

The words were divided into two parts, Yue Qingran quickly walked to the front, Jueming saw that Le Qingran was alone, he was stunned for a moment: "Where is Qianye Shangxie?"

The two also shut up.Yue Qingran said: "He's going to find Bailitang and Yuejiqiu. Everyone needs to understand this position. I'll be here in a while." Jueming paused, obviously he didn't want people from outside the school to come and participate in this matter. matter.

But since it was arranged by Ge Xingkong himself, he had no choice but to agree. "When will you come over?" Yue Qingran shook her head, dealt with the matter, and then brought them over: "It's probably going to be night."

Jueming looked at it and nodded: "Okay, it will take a while for us to find the book." Then the three of them entered the Library Pavilion together.

"Mr. Chen." Yue Qingran nodded when she saw Mr. Chen was there.Mr. Chen was stunned for a moment: "You guys are..." Yue Qingran roughly explained, and Mr. Chen understood: "Go in and have a look, and ask me if you don't understand, I still know a little about it. "

After finishing speaking, Yue Qingran called over mysteriously and whispered: "In comparison, that friend of yours will know more." evil.

Qianye Shangxie had never appeared in front of Mr. Chen, how could Mr. Chen know about Qianye Shangxie?Old Chen understood: "The dean told me, if you want to know something, you can ask me, or you can ask the knowledge base, he will know more, after all, it belongs to that family."

Yue Qing was at a loss for a while, and didn't understand why that family knew more. "Why does the Qianye family know more?" Old Chen shook his head: "You guys will know about this in the future."

Yue Qingran shrugged, since that was the case, she would not ask any more questions.

After the conversation between the two was over, Yue Qingran walked over.Several people entered the library together.Start looking. "Is it okay to have an encyclopedia of plants?"

The two heads searched for a long time, and appeared next to Jueming and Yue Qingran with a book of plants.Yue Qingran froze for a moment, feeling a little speechless.

"Okay, put it there for the time being." Jueming flipped out a book of classical records, and put it on the table next to him along with the encyclopedia of plants.

Several people searched together, and it took an unknown amount of time before Qianye Shangxie and the others arrived late.

"So long?" Yue Qingran looked at the three of them and asked.Qianye smiled evilly: "Isn't there something else to be busy with, I came a little late."

Qianye went out of the academy to find the location of Bailitang.After briefly talking about the matter, he took out the matter that Bailitang had dealt with and asked him to report it all.

I cleaned up those tricky things that were not easy to handle, after all, I haven't come back for a long time.Then arrange the handover task, and Bailitang will go out with him, then the rest will be arranged.

It's been a long time since these were done.Then they brought Bai Ling'er to the academy together.First I took it to see the dean, and then I took it to Zangshu Pavilion to let Mr. Chen know.

Settle down Bai Ling'er, and a few people will come in.

"Bai Ling'er has settled down, so I brought them here." Yue Qingran nodded: "These are the books we found about ghost flowers, we will take a look at them later."

After speaking, he walked over.Jueming looked through it, and made sure there was no book about ghost flowers, so he walked over.Six people gathered together, sitting on the ground and flipping through the books in their hands.

After reading all of them, Jueming said: "Everyone sort out or share the records about ghost flowers that you have seen there, and see how many there are."

Bailitang first said: "The ghost flower grows in extremely hot areas. It is a bewitching flower. It is red. It is bright red and likes to eat human blood. It blooms more vividly after sucking blood."

Qianye Shangxie continued: "You can send out a kind of thought to lure all kinds of ferocious beasts to come to escort you, or you can buy some small cubs for your food. Not only eat human blood, but also eat all kinds of blood."

Jue Ming: "However, he will classify the level of deliciousness of the blood. The more delicious the food, the better the blooming. But according to the different hobbies of various ghost flowers, so the type of favorite is also different."

After finishing speaking, I added a sentence: "I am also picky eater." This sentence is not in the record, and everyone understands it.Laughing, Ertou added: "The ghost fruit is produced by the ghost flower, and the blood inside the fruit is refined by myself."

"It's an extremely nourishing thing."

Rose Moon: "I'm not talking about what's recorded in the book. You've already said about the same. I just want to say that the fruit and flowers are something that the refining demon stone dreams of."

"They can be used as the cause, and they can also be used to refine medicine. The most important point is that whether it is the petals or the fruit of the flower, it is a kind of thing that can bring hallucinations and improve one's ability after eating."

"He will overdraw your life in advance, so don't eat it easily. Especially if you don't control the spiritual power in your body, using it will only make you die early. But it is not absolute. There is a kind of people who are lucky to eat I lost the fruit and petals, but my ability has improved in all aspects, but I didn’t die.”

"As for how to survive, no one knows, no one has said. At the same time, you must eat the fruit and petals together to have this kind of reaction. Eating one alone will only overdraw your vitality and make you age early, but it will not Immediate death."

After finishing speaking, look at everyone.

Yue Qingran made the final addition: "The place we are going to is an extremely hot place, only that kind of place is suitable for its growth. So we have to prepare more things. And it will emit fragrance To lure the enemy, when he finds himself in danger."

"At that time, everyone was crazy, so we should not let him feel that he is in danger. The second is to be careful of the fragrance he emits when he is in danger, so as not to fall into the illusion."

After finishing speaking, he looked at everyone: "So, what else is unclear or incomprehensible?" The second head said: "I want to know what he looks like, red? Coquettish, what kind of these are coquettish? Can't see It’s easy to get it wrong.”

"Maybe we missed it." Yue Qingran nodded, looked at Qianye Shangxie: "Do you know what it looks like?" Qianye Shangxie nodded: "I have seen it, but I can't draw it."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Bailitang, who quickly shook his head: "I don't even dare to go there, after time, why don't you take my skin off?"

The conversation between the two of them was confusing to others, but Yue Qing understood that the place should be a secret, so Qianye Shangxie could enter as the young master, but Bailitang, the housekeeper, would be beheaded if he entered. .

Qianye Shangxie shrugged: "No one knows." Yue Qingran sighed: "I'll go out and find Mr. Chen to see if he knows." After speaking, he got up and went out.After a while, Yue Qingran came back, carrying a painting.

"That's it. It looks like this, but please feel free to change the color to red." The painting on the paper is black.

The color of the ghost flower is red.Yue Qingran said: "There is no way, only black ink, red ink... unless one of you donates some blood to me."

Qianye Shangxie took a look: "Yes, this is it, the color is red. It will turn into a kind of purple when it is extremely red. It is very scary, it looks like it has been poisoned."

Jueming looked at it and nodded: "Let's go shopping collectively in a few days, buy some spare things, so as not to be in a hurry."

Bailitang nodded: "Let me introduce, I am Bailitang, and this is Rose Rose. We will go with you, I believe you all know it."

Yue Jiqiu nodded and looked at them.Jueming blinked: "I am Jueming, he is the second head." After speaking, there was silence.Yue Jiqiu said: "I am a pharmacist, so I can guarantee your safety. As for the others, I guess it should be fine. Please rest assured in terms of ability."

Qianye Shangxie simply said: "Wait a while and go to the arena for a fight, you will know, your ability has been recognized, and then you can just practice tacit understanding and so on."

This statement was agreed, and Yue Jiqiu said: "My ability is a bit weaker than Bailitang, so don't leave me the master when fighting, just to learn from each other."

Jueming nodded: "After a while, you and Ertou will compete, and I will compete with you." After speaking, he pointed to Bailitang.Bailitang nodded: "No problem."

It's all done, except for Zangshu Pavilion, I ran to the arena again.A few of them went to spar, Yue Qingran and Qianye Shangxie watched from below, and after the sparring was over, the relationship between them became less rigid.

Ertou nodded: "You are not bad, I thought you would be in a hurry in that environment without spiritual power, and you didn't take advantage of it."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the arena with spiritual power.Bailitang roared in a low voice: "Come again?" Yue Jiqiu patted him on the shoulder and walked over.Jueming followed Bailitang.

After another fight, I was almost exhausted, and only a few people came down. "This group of people are all made of iron? I'm exhausted." Complained to the doctor, walked to Qianye Shangxie and stood beside him.

Several people walked out together.Standing obliquely behind Qianye Shangxie, Bailitang immediately revealed his identity, which proved that Bailitang was only a steward or a follower.

Jueming sized up Qianye Shangxie: "We have a chance to discuss." Qianye Shangxie froze for a moment, then nodded: "No problem."

(End of this chapter)

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