Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 110 Life-Saving Transmission Axis

Chapter 110 Life-Saving Transmission Axis
Then everyone parted ways and went their separate ways.As the sky darkened, Qianye Shangxie took his agent Tang and the others directly to find a place to live in the school.

Bai Litang shook his head: "Forget it, there is still a week left, we should go back first, and come back after a few days, Bai Ling'er will do it now, at least get proficient at the things at hand , so as not to be bullied."

Qianye Shangxie took a look and saw that both of them wanted to go back, so he had no objection: "Then I'll take you back, and see if there's anything else by the way."

Bai Litang nodded: "Okay then, let's go." Several people had a meal in the inn, and then returned to the house, Qianye Shangxie asked: "Is there any whereabouts of Qianye Xi recently?"

In the afternoon, I left in a hurry and in a hurry, so I didn't ask about many things in detail.Bailitang nodded: "Qianyexi has already escaped, and now I only know that it is safe."

Qianye Shangxie's face darkened: "Forget it, let's not talk about him. Let's talk about other things. Is there any movement recently?"

Bai Litang shook his head: "There is no movement over there. The royal family knows about the affairs between these medicine people, but they don't care about it. It seems that they are indulging."

According to Bailitang, Yaoren met near Mr. Zi's house at that time.Looking outside the house, Qianye Shangxie nodded: "Is there anything else important? If not, go out and let me be alone."

Bailitang looked at Qianye Shangxie, nodded and left.Qianye Shangxie shrugged his shoulders, looked at these handbooks, and learned some things about the clan.

For some reason, the clan was divided into two factions. Although it is harmless, it is just ugly to say it.Factions are used for quarreling, but the muzzle is always open.

Qianye Shangxie sighed, and said to Bailitang outside the door: "As long as they don't have conflicts inside, it's fine. If you want to divide the faction, just divide it, as long as you remember who you are at the critical moment."

It's not that I don't want to take care of it, but that there are too many things to take care of now. "If I have a chance, I will definitely go back and teach them a lesson. I'm too busy now and don't have time."

Bai Litang raised the corners of his mouth and smiled outside: "Understood." Said lightly.

Qianye Shangxie stayed here for one night, and returned to the academy early the next morning.Due to the unexcused absence from class yesterday, Mr. Zhou looked at the two with a bad expression.

Qianye Shangxie looked at the teacher calmly and nodded slightly.Teacher Zhou was furious: "You two, do you think that you can be absent from class without reason if you have a little ability? No matter what it is, at least tell me."

Yue Qingran said: "Teacher Jueming knows what we did, teacher, the situation was urgent at that time, so we were taken away before we could tell you."

It means to take away, not to call away.It is to make Teacher Zhou feel that everyone has tried their best, but they still feel unable to do what they want.

Teacher Zhou also knew that he had heard about these things when he met Jue Ming in the morning, but he was a little reluctant, but in fact he was worried about them.I didn't see them all day yesterday, and I was worried that something happened.

Moreover, yesterday was the first time we met after we were divided into classes, and some students didn't come, and Teacher Zhou couldn't justify it in face.

"Forget it, let's do this for now. You guys stay after school. I'll come to you if I have something to do." Everyone thought that Qianye Shangxie and Yueqing were in a terrible situation. The reason why they were kicked out by the teacher must be because of their absenteeism.

Qianye Shangxie nodded, the two of them were not worried about being left behind.This made those who were waiting to see the good show shake their heads.I thought they would have some expressions, but it turned out that they were still like this, and they were too calm to ask others to see them.

After Mr. Zhou said a few words, the teacher came in to teach.After finishing the morning class, Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran went to the teacher's room to find the teacher.

"Teacher, you are looking for us." It was not a question, but just a calm repetition.Seeing the two of them coming in, Mr. Zhou nodded, "Sit down for a while."

After the two finished, they looked at the teacher: "What's the matter?" Teacher Zhou looked at them and sighed: "I know you are going to get that so-called ghost flower. I can't say anything more, I can only let you Be careful."

"I don't know much about planning. You people should have learned about it yesterday, so I won't repeat it. However, I want to say that this is a very dangerous thing, so you have to be careful and don't act rashly. "

"Listen to the opinions of the seniors. Although Jueming is not much older than you, they are all seniors, at least teachers, so don't think that you can indulge yourself because you are very powerful."

"Be wary of the outside world anytime, anywhere." Qianye Shangxie nodded, knowing that Teacher Zhou really cared about the two of them, no matter what the reason was in the first year of junior high school, at least this concern was not fake.

"Teacher, don't worry. We know how to measure and will not act rashly. Moreover, we cherish our lives more than anyone else. Please rest assured, teacher."

Teacher Zhou looked at the firm eyes of the two, knowing that what he was talking about was useless, and sighed: "Actually, I don't want you to go. The elites sent by the school are the ones who go there every year, but every year there will be Jewish people like this." Those who come back are either dead or injured. I don't want you to go, because I don't want you to get hurt."

Sighing, he continued with a heavy voice: "But I know that if you are not in adversity, you will not grow up. This is also my teaching philosophy, so I should not interfere. This kind of feeling is quite contradictory. I wonder if you can understand it. .”

Yue Qingran was a little moved, and nodded heavily: "Teacher, don't worry, we will be careful, and hands are inevitable, but I can guarantee that we will come back, and we will definitely not be the one who came back from the spare tire."

"I also ask the teacher to believe that when we come back, it must be our moment of triumph. We will come back with growth and pride. Please rest assured, teacher."

Teacher Zhou looked at the two and nodded with satisfaction: "You are the students I most recognize, no matter what aspect, so since you have said so and have such conviction, I will naturally not object, and I will wait for the news of your triumphant return. "

Qianye Shangxie smiled with the corners of his lips curled up. Teacher Zhou took a look and slapped his head: "By the way, look at my memory. When are you going to leave?" Yue Qingran replied: "After six days."

Teacher Zhou nodded: "Six days, time is really tight." After finishing speaking, he got up and didn't know what to look for, and said while searching: "In the past, we gave half a month's notice before departure, and then let everyone have time to sort out and practice. .”

"I don't know what's going on this year. Not only is the time advanced, but the departure time has also become earlier. But if you can come back, you will be the heroes of the school. It will be easy for you to go there to practice."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the tall building that needs to be exchanged for training in the arena.Yue Qingran's eyes widened: "As long as you have made meritorious service, you can make an exception to enter? Don't you need to fight in the ring?"

Teacher Zhou nodded: "It's like this, so, you must work hard to come back alive, and then go to the place you dream of to practice."

Qianye Shangxie nodded affirmatively: "Even without this, we will definitely come back." Teacher Zhou finally found it and handed it to the two of them: "This was given to me by an expert back then. Although it is useless, at least It’s okay to save your life at a critical moment, the teleportation axis. If you are in danger, you can teleport. Of course, it’s only this time.”

"I have two here, a little less, don't worry about it, just make do with it. At least it can save you once, be careful, as much as you can avoid, and use it if you can't."

"If it's really dangerous and the task is completed, just send it to me. It's fine if you come back." Yue Qingran smiled sincerely with some warmth in her eyes: "Got it. Teacher, you are thinking too much."

Teacher Zhou scratched his head: "I hope I think too much." Taking a deep breath, Yue Qingran said, "Teacher, let's go first." Teacher Zhou nodded and watched them leave with a smile on his eyes.

"You two children, it's best for me to save myself, so that I don't have to worry about you. You are really the children I value most. Don't let me down."

Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran walked out with the teleportation shaft, opened it in the sunlight and looked, there was a formation drawn on the crystal clear dark red cotton cloth, called the teleportation formation.

It is by relying on it that everyone can teleport as they wish. There are high and low levels of this formation. Yue Qingran looked carefully, but couldn't tell what her own level was.

Qianye Shangxie looked at it for a while, and said: "This is probably an intermediate level. If it is divided into nine ranks, this is at most four ranks, and it may not be necessarily a third rank."

Yue Qingran rubbed her chin: "That's not bad, at least it's enough to save your life when the time comes. For the fourth-rank, you can already teleport as you like, and you don't have to worry about instability, right?"

Qianye Shangxie shook his head: "Not necessarily, sometimes accidents happen. It may be external factors, or it may be the transmission shaft itself."

After speaking, the monk sent the shaft and put it in the storage bag.Yue Qingran saw it and handed it over.Qianye looked at it evilly, and raised his eyes: "You are the one who keeps it. If there is an accident, you can open it and use it. It is not suitable for me."

Yue Qingran curled her lips, reluctantly opened her storage bag, put it in, and said to her colleague, "You don't want to bite it."

He said this to the spirit beast that he hadn't released for a long time.Qianye Shangxie shook his head and chuckled lightly: "Don't worry, they won't bite this, and avoid it."

Shrugged, understood. "Sometimes accidents will happen to the transmission shaft, but the situation is inconsistent, there are good and bad, it just depends on the fate. But there are very few accidents, especially at this level."

Yue Qingran nodded: "I feel much more at ease now." Qianye Shangxie shook his head: "Let's go, let's go back, I have to practice hard recently, I don't have time to go out."

Yue Qingran nodded: "I am the same, so let's stick to three o'clock and one line." Qianye Shangxie was at a loss: "What three o'clock and one line?" Yue Qingran pursed her lips and smiled.

"Three points and one line is just one line in the cafeteria, class, and dormitory. It means that you don't go out, and there are no extra lines to go. How about this explanation?"

Qianye Shangxie nodded, and understood what was going on with the so-called three points and one line. "Okay, that's about it. I don't think there will be any accidents. I won't be out of the school even if I'm practicing."

"When will you buy it? You always have to bring something for a long trip. According to visual estimates, we will take it there for three months to half a year."

Qianye Shangxie shook his head: "Well, we'll just wait for everyone's opinions and see when they will purchase, and we'll just work together. In other words, we're just waiting for the notice now."

Yue Qingran shrugged: "Okay, let's go first." Waved at Qianye Shangxie, Qianye Shangxie nodded.After watching Yueqing go away, Qianye Shangxie muttered about the so-called three points and one line, shook his head and laughed, and walked back to the dormitory.

(End of this chapter)

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