Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 113 Introduction to Yueshi's Kungfu

Chapter 113 Introduction to Yueshi's Kungfu
Walking over to watch, as expected, it was Ertou and Jueming.Jueming stood there calmly, while the two heads still collapsed on the ground in embarrassment. Everyone was already familiar with such a scene, and the onlookers were just joining in the fun.

Yue Qingran also sat by the side and looked at these two people indifferently, shook his head, and whispered to Qianye Shangxie: "When will the two of them stop fighting, there must be something wrong. It's either a replacement or I got sick."

At this moment, people have learned to be smart, and they keep their voices within the hearing range of themselves and the other party.

Qianye Shangxie nodded, and said clearly: "If you go out in the future and find that the two of them are unusual, you can take precautions in advance. Just like them, if you don't fight for a day, your skin will itch."

Yue Qingran smiled, and looked at the two people inside with great interest.Jueming discovered the existence of Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran, Ertou also saw the two, especially seeing their high spirits that cannot be ignored.

The second head felt a little embarrassed, and stood up angrily.He brushed off the dust on his pants, snorted at Jueming, and left without looking back.

Jueming looked expressionless and lowered his head slightly, watching the two heads go away, the crowd dispersed, and then he walked slowly in front of Qianye Shangxie: "What's wrong? School is over?"

Qianye Shangxie nodded.Jueming let out an 'oh' and said: "I have nothing to do tomorrow, let's go shopping together tomorrow. You don't have class tomorrow, right?" Qianye Shangxie looked at Yue Qingran, who nodded: "No class. "

Jueming nodded: "Then tomorrow, let's go shopping together tomorrow, since there is no class, let's go and have a look at night, and get back what you can get back first."

"The place I'm going to this time is dangerous. There are a lot of things to buy. Let's invite some of your friends and go together. Let's see if there is anything left to buy."

Qianye Shangxie nodded, said hello and everyone went their separate ways.

Yue Qingran went back to the dormitory, saw Li Xiaolian and the others were there, she froze for a moment, nodded, and went to her bed.

Xiao Ru and Chen Lian looked at Yue Qingran, feeling like they wanted to talk to each other, but they didn't know what to say.Yue Qingran suddenly thought of something, and slapped his head: "The high platform is the Qi Ju Pavilion. Look at my memory."

Chen Lian walked over slowly: "What are you talking about?" She looked innocent.Yue Qingran turned her head and saw the two of them.After a slight pause, he said: "I saw the distribution of schools in Zangshuge, there is Qiju Pavilion. I was wondering which one is Qiju Pavilion, but after looking at the location, I found out that it is the high platform that Teacher Zhou mentioned. "

Xiao Ru became interested: "The high platform is the Qi Gathering Pavilion? Why don't you just explain it directly? We also thought that the high platform was the high platform."

Yue Qingran said indifferently: "I don't know, it is said that Juqi Pavilion is the old name. For some reason, many people have forgotten the previous name. Seeing that she looks quite tall, I just call her Gaotai."

Xiao Ru looked taught, and asked: "Then why did everyone forget it? I think this name is good. Gaotai, who knows what Gaotai is talking about?"

Yue Qingran shook her head: "I don't know about this, maybe I forgot, maybe I think a two-character name is better. But now everyone knows that Qiju Pavilion is a high platform."

"Maybe we are the only ones who don't know." Yue Qingran said jokingly, shrugging his shoulders.Chen Lian suddenly realized and nodded: "I understand, it turns out that the Qiju Pavilion is a high platform, so that's how it is."

Yue Qingran looked at Chen Lian expressionlessly, Xiao Ru was blank and asked: "What do you know?" Chen Lian said: "A few days ago, I heard someone mention the Qi Ju Pavilion. I thought it wasn't from the academy. It's about some attic in a small town."

"Now it seems that we are talking about the high platform in our college." Yue Qingran glanced at Chen Lian lightly, and couldn't bear to complain.

Li Xiaolian glanced at it, looked away expressionlessly, and said without looking at Chen Lian, "The Qiju Pavilion is outside the school, but there is a small path in the college to pass through, and it is actually outside."

"It's not in the academy, it's just your academy." Chen Lian stuck out her tongue, shrank her neck and looked at Li Xiaolian embarrassedly, and walked over: "I don't know, and I don't have a chance to go and see."

Li Xiaolian snorted, glanced at Yue Qingran, looked away, and looked at Chen Lian who was beside her with a guilty face: "Now you know, stop talking nonsense, so as not to make others laugh."

He emphasized the word "others", and took a hard look at Yue Qingran.Chen Lian didn't notice, but Xiao Ru did.I was startled, when did Li Xiaolian and Yue Qingran have such a big conflict.

Chen Lian didn't understand, so: "Who would laugh at me? If I don't know, it's innocent." Yue Qingran nodded: "No one will laugh at you. It's not too late to know now."

It was as if he didn't hear the unkindness in Li Xiaolian's tone.Hearing what Yue Qingran said, Chen Lian relaxed.Nodded: "That's right, I'm not ashamed to ask, it's pretty good."

Yue Qingran closed her eyes, she really didn't want to complain.Li Xiaolian sighed and rubbed the head of the morning exercise: "Using idioms indiscriminately, and using them wrongly."

Xiao Ru smiled, and walked over: "It's fine if you don't talk, Xiao Lian doesn't know what's wrong today, she just complains casually. And she always exposes people's faults."

After speaking, he cast a strange look at Li Xiaolian.Li Xiaolian pretended she hadn't seen it, turned her head away expressionlessly, looked out the window, and propped herself up.

"No matter how you look at it, you can't change your behavior of always revealing people's faults today." Seeing Li Xiaolian's denial, Xiaoru said angrily and amusedly.Li Xiaolian's movements froze, but she still looked outside expressionlessly.

Yue Qingran stayed in the room for a while, shaking her head, the atmosphere here was not suitable for her, and she couldn't get into the relationship between these three people.After thinking about it, it is better to go to the dormitory Zhao Qianye to go to the evil.

After thinking about it later, there is no reason why the boys’ dormitory can’t be easily entered, and there are a lot of procedures before entering, which is too much effort.

Yue Qingran gave up, sighed and shook her head, put down beside her bed and Ding Lei secretly thought, it's better to practice in seclusion.Pull down the curtain to effectively block out the noise from outside.Yue Qingran sat on the bed in a daze.

It's not that I don't want to practice, it's that I really don't know what I should do to save my life.The combined version of Phantom has been cultivated, no matter how explosive it is, it will be there.

What about the rest?What else can I use as a life-saving talisman?On second thought, basically none.Because the time I have been here is too short, I can't practice many things at all.

After thinking about it, I still have a copy of Yuezhi's Clan here, this weird book contains Yueshi's exercises, so I can practice this by myself?

Thinking about it this way, I simply took out the exercises of the Yue clan, looked at it carefully for a moment, looked at my own situation, sighed, I have just started now, and I want to really practice him and at the critical moment It's very laborious to use it.

Yue Qingran sighed.Forget it, try it yourself, at least it is much better than holding back.In this world, strength is paramount, who cares what method you use.

Opening "Yue Shi", Yue Qingran found the formula taught by her dead mother, and slowly read it out.Follow the mental method called above, and try to gather your spiritual power bit by bit.

After a while, the spiritual power formed a small circle under his gathering.Yue Qingran nodded, satisfied.Look at the requirements in "Yuezhi" again, let this circle run in your body, big and small.

Yue Qing was puzzled, she could do this by herself, and it wouldn't be of much use if she added formulas, right?Forget it, don't want to, anyway, I don't even get started now, so let's find a way to get started.

Thinking of this, Yue Qing was relieved, and simply followed the above method to let herself get started as soon as possible.After running like this for a period of time, Yue Qingran found that even if he didn't need to control them, he just needed to recite the mantra to automatically run and adjust his breath.

Overjoyed in her heart, Yue Qingran gradually withdrew from the control of her spiritual group, watching him operate automatically and consciously under the guidance of the formula.

It didn't take long for Yue Qingran to feel that her spiritual power had increased greatly, and she could even see her spiritual power becoming stronger and stronger. If this continued, she would be able to break through and become a senior spiritual master in a short time.

Yue Qingran thought for a while, she should take her time, the speed of the meeting was too fast, if she broke through in a state of being caught off guard, the gain would outweigh the loss.

So he controlled the spirit group, compressed it, and made it smaller and smaller, but the spiritual power inside became stronger and stronger.This time the matter is over, and it will not be too late to make an impact.

In this way, one's own strength will improve faster.Thinking about it this way, after the compression, Yue Qingran gave up control over the spirit group, just repeating this cycle.

When he found that the spirit group had become huge, he started to compress it empty. After repeating it many times, Yue Qingran stopped. up.

Too many runs can be counterproductive, and this is just the right number of times.When he stopped, he saw that it was already dark.The other three people in the same dormitory were not there, probably out to play.

Although there is nothing interesting here after dark, and the inside of the academy is completely dark, but the small town outside is the favorite place for students to go.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Yue Qingran went downstairs, but there was no one outside.Yue Qing shrugged indifferently, and went to the cafeteria.After eating, I went to the town first, not to see anything, but to inquire in advance to see what I need.

After shopping around, Yue Qingran shrugged and found out the things she needed the most, and then walked back.Thinking of Bai Ling'er working in the Library Pavilion, I decided to go over and have a look.

Back home, I went to Zangshu Pavilion.

It was already dark inside, and I don't know if Bai Ling'er can adapt to this darkness.When Mr. Chen saw someone coming in, he said in an old voice: "Student, it's getting late, and this place is no longer allowed. Come back tomorrow."

Seeing that no one responded, Mr. Chen was taken aback and knew who it was. He lit a candle, and sure enough, Yue Qingran was standing not far away.

"What's the matter? Why are you here? Come to learn about ghost flowers and ghost fruits?" Yue Qingran shook her head: "Just to come and see. If I think about going out, I can't come here. I just come to see."

Old Chen nodded and smacked his lips: "It's okay, I believe you're fine, and when you come back, your strength will definitely improve to a higher level. I'm very relieved in this way."

Yue Qingran nodded and looked around: "Where's Bai Ling'er?" Mr. Chen said 'Oh': "That child? She's afraid of the dark. So I let him go inside to read."

Yue Qingran nodded and felt relieved.Sitting by the wall: "I just feel that I am a little worried about the position, and my ability is not the best, so I am worried that I will be delayed."

"It doesn't matter to others, but I am worried that I will hurt Qianye Shangxie." After finishing speaking, he told the story of accidentally hurting Qianye Shangxie when he met the red old man in the meeting.

Old Chen smiled: "It's okay, you are also growing up, this is the best way to grow up."

(End of this chapter)

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