Chapter 114

Yue Qing was puzzled, moved her body, and still sat there hugging her knees, drooping her head in a somewhat decadent manner.Mr. Chen went on to say: "This is the way to let you grow up as soon as possible."

"You're never going to have a long memory when you're told, so you do it, and you grow on events. Isn't that your favorite way?"

"This time you know that your rash actions will hurt him, and he also knows that you didn't do it on purpose. Isn't it exciting that you have a good relationship?

"And, look, you will remember this, and you won't make this mistake again next time, and you can know a way to hurt people, that's enough. Don't always think about the bad, At least think about how much you have gained because of this matter is the main thing.”

After speaking, he stroked Yue Qingran's hair and smiled.Yue Qingran nodded.He buried his face in his knees and said in a muffled voice, "I'm in a hurry to leave. It's not that I don't have confidence in myself, but that I really don't know what I can do. I keep saying how good I am, but I still feel worried."

Chen Lao was very interested: "Oh? What are you worried about? I always thought that your appearance was a recognition of myself." Yue Qingran smiled wryly: "Of course I am worried, but I just feel uneasy."

"Actually, I hate the dead and injured very much. I hate and hate them very much, but I must be with them. I have always wanted to find a place to live for thousands of years. I will settle down in a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters."

Old Chen chuckled: "You have such thoughts at such a young age? How world-weary. Am I still working here after I am like this? Do my best. I didn't even think so, but you actually started asking for these things, that's not okay. "

"You should look forward, no matter how rough the front is, you have to go on. Because that's your path, you can't wait for others to walk."

Yue Qingran hummed, but didn't speak.Old Chen looked at it, shook his head, and blew out the candle. "Your path is your own choice. You can also choose to be a useless person, but since you choose to go this way, you have to go on."

"You told me this, have you forgotten?" Yue Qingran's eyes lit up, remembering that she had said this before.I also remembered my original intention and reason for saying that, and nodded.

"Yes, I forgot. This is the path I chose. Of course, I have to work hard to go on. Otherwise, how can I be worthy of the sweat I suffered?"

Old Chen smiled, nodded, and sighed: "I've lost all my spiritual power, and now there are only a few unremembering abilities left. I don't know if I will still be alive when you come back."

Yue Qingran was startled, and said loudly: "No, you will be fine, at least you will be fine until I come back." Yue Qingran thought about what it would be like for such an old man to die in such a dark place .

It's hard to imagine what would happen to me if the old man who talked to me and comforted me died there one day.Unimaginable things, Yue Qingran subconsciously wants to give up these imaginations of her own.

The old man smiled: "In life, you will always die, and no one can beat the time. It just depends on how you die. I hope to die on the battlefield, in a fight, and I don't want to sit on this table. In the chair, after falling asleep, I can’t get up.”

A trace of disbelief flashed in Yue Qingran's eyes, and he nodded: "I won't let you die like this, don't worry. If you want to die in those fights, you have to wait for me."

"Wait until I come back, wait for me to take you outside, and wait to see the sunshine outside. You have been here for a long time, and you must have forgotten what the sun looks like." The old man smiled: "Isn't that what it looks like? A big circle It’s still dazzling. I don’t want to read it.”

Shaking his head: "It's different, I remember someone said about the relationship between darkness and light, do you want to listen?"

The old man became interested: "Oh? Tell me, what does it matter."

Yue Qingran recalled what that person said. "Darkness is your shadow, and light is yourself. If you choose darkness, it means you are walking with your back to the sun."

"If you choose the light, it means that you are walking against the sun. Although you may feel that the sun is too glaring and bright, which makes you feel uncomfortable, but at least you choose the Yangguan Avenue, and you will inevitably become a master in the end."

"Walking with the sun behind your back, looking down and looking up, there are shadows, even though there is nothing on the road, and the journey goes smoothly, it is just a person who is spurned by thousands of people."

After finishing speaking, Yue Qingran smiled: "At that time he asked me which one to choose, I said I would rather choose the Yangguan Avenue, but unfortunately I am now walking on the dark road."

Old Chen nodded: "That makes sense. Choice is one thing, but having a clear conscience is another. Everyone has their own way of life, so there's no need to care about those."

Yue Qingran nodded, that's what he said at the time.He believes he can walk on that path.

That person is the old man that Yue Qingran likes, the quiet and peaceful old man, who likes to drink tea, and makes Yue Qingran's mouth tricky.Do not drink non-good tea and famous tea.

In Yue Qingran's life, the young people she has dealt with the most are the young people, but the ones she likes the most are still those old people who know their destiny. They have experienced too much and accumulated too much, and finally they can calmly bask in the sun and serve the flowers and plants. , are those old people who have accumulated everything in the world and have learned a lot of wisdom in life.

Yue Qingran likes dealing with them, even though she is a shadow hidden in the darkness, she always yearns for those sunny flowers and plants in her heart, a moment of light and tranquility.

Neither of them spoke, Yue Qingran sat quietly, staring at the darkness with wide eyes in vain.Yue Qingran looked at it and laughed.

Mr. Chen is an old man after all, I feel less.I don't know how long the stalemate lasted, but when I heard Yue Qingran's laughter, I woke up immediately.Looking at the direction where Yue Qingran was born: "What are you laughing at?"

Yue Qingran froze for a moment: "I'm sorry, did I wake you up to sleep?" Old Chen shook his head: "No, I don't know if I slept or not, but I just stayed here for a long time, and I didn't even sleep by myself. No, I don’t even know if I close my eyes.”

Yue Qingran felt a little bit bitter in her heart, and nodded: "I am also like this, I keep my eyes open, but after a long time, I don't know whether my eyes are open or closed."

"Those past events came out like a dream. I don't know if it's reality or a dream. It's prolonged. Maybe I can practice the skill of sleeping with my eyes open."

Old Chen chuckled a few times: "You think too much. In the dark, if you close your eyes, you will open them suddenly at a certain moment, and you don't know it yet."

Yue Qingran nodded and said, "I'll go in and have a look." Old Chen nodded and opened the Zangshu Pavilion.Inside, there was plenty of light, and Bai Ling'er was quietly reading a book.

Hearing a voice, Bai Ling'er turned around.As soon as she saw Yue Qingran, her eyes lit up: "Miss." Jing ide's voice, Yue Qingran nodded and walked in.

They closed behind them slowly, Mr. Chen sighed secretly in the dark, shook his head, not knowing whether he closed his eyes or opened them, just quietly waiting for the dawn.

"Miss, why don't you take a rest, what are you doing here?" Yue Qingran shook her head: "I have nothing to do, so I just come over to see how you are, what are you looking at?"

Bai Ling'er picked up the book in her hand and smiled: "It's nothing, it's just for treasure hunting. You know, I'm from the Bai tribe, so I'm sensitive to treasures."

Yue Qingran nodded, glanced at it, and was stunned: "Why are you looking at this? This is the price list of the treasure. It's useless if you look at it."

Bai Ling'er shook her head, and said triumphantly, "I'll see how much it's worth first, and then I'll start hunting for treasures. It's not like I'm greedy for money. You know that. These things can definitely be exchanged for a good price."

"Also, let me tell you, don't tell others. I've seen some things in Bailitang, and I bought them for him when I had the chance, and exchanged them for a good price or brought them back to keep."

Yue Qingran shook her head, looking at Bai Ling'er angrily and amusedly.Said: "You don't want to talk nonsense in the future, you know? The treasure will be stolen. You don't want yourself to die miserably. The treasure belongs to others, right?"

Bai Ling'er rolled her eyes and nodded, "I see. From now on, I will pretend to be a poor person and go out. No one knows how many treasures I have and how much money I have, right?"

Yueqing smiled angrily: "If you are like this, I'm afraid you will be punished by others. People will know that you are pretending to be able to enter the gate of other people's yard with your shabby clothes."

"Then what should I do?" His face fell instantly.Yue Qingran shook her head and said: "Then you can choose to control your mouth well. No matter how rich a person is, they won't have many treasures, they are basically money, so you just need to control your mouth well."

"No matter how many treasures you have, don't tell anyone that you are going to hunt for treasures or have to pay back the money. Be careful at ordinary times."

After finishing speaking, he said worriedly: "You also know that we are going out for a while, although we don't worry about keeping you here, but you should be careful yourself, and go to Ge Xingkong if you have anything to do."

"Also, take care of yourself and don't take things randomly. I'm really worried about you, but the place we're going is too dangerous, you can't follow." Bai Ling'er waved her hand indifferently: "I'm just talking casually, don't Seriously."

"Do you really think I'm ignorant? I've been with Bailitang for so long, how can I not know anything? Don't worry, I know what to do. I won't worry you."

"Why do you feel that the lady has become sentimental since we haven't seen each other for so long? Is it my illusion?" After speaking, he scratched his head in puzzlement, and looked at Yue Qingran mischievously while covering his eyes.

Yue Qingran shook her head and said: "Okay, it's fine if you know, then stop messing around." Bai Ling'er nodded and looked at Yue Qingran: "Do you want to rest?"

Yue Qingran looked at Bai Ling'er indifferently, and nodded.Bai Ling'er held the candle farther away, tidied up the place by herself, and let Yue Qingran sleep on it.

Yue Qingran is actually not Kun, on the contrary, every day's sleep time is the time for cultivation.It's just that it's really inconvenient for Bai Ling'er to practice here today.

Yue Qingran simply used Tang characters, and with her eyes closed, she would think about some past events that she hadn't remembered for a long time.I have been here for too long, and I have almost forgotten many things.

Memory is like a switch. Whoever touches that switch, the past events in it, even those things that you don't care about, will rush out like a scourge, and you can't even forget it.

Lying quietly, looking at those past memories, Yue Qingran shook her head.The old man died at the end of his own gun.But the death was peaceful enough.

He said: "As long as you have a clear conscience, as long as you don't have any demons in your heart, that's enough." The old man used up his remaining time to make Xin'ao for himself, and let himself enjoy the feeling of being in the sun.

(End of this chapter)

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