Chapter 118

"However, it can keep you from being disturbed. You can sleep whenever you want. Don't disturb them when they are cultivating. If you have something to do, go to them." They are referring to Ge Lao and the others, and Bai Linger knows it well.

Smiling to a few uninformed people outside, Bai Ling'er sat inside and continued to listen to Yue Qingran's instructions.

The introduction was almost done, Xiao Ru asked: "Are you going away?" Yue Qingran nodded, distressed: "Didn't I tell you? I'm going away for a few months, and she's staying here."

Xiao Ru was at a loss, not knowing what Yue Qingran was talking about.Yue Qingran frowned: "Didn't I say that, there are some things in the school that require me to travel far away, so it will be a long time before I can come back."

Shaking his head, he looked at Yue Qingran blankly.Chen Lian smiled, walked out timidly, and said, "It's okay, it's not too late to know now, and it's okay, we will take good care of him."

One look and you can tell that Bai Ling'er doesn't look like she has spiritual power.Chen Lian gave Bai Ling'er a good smile.After all, Bai Ling'er was still a child at heart, when she saw someone treating her well, she immediately forgot her timidity.

After greeting them, Yue Qingran looked at Bai Linger and said, "You can stay here for a few days. I'm going out first." Bai Linger was stunned for a moment, and said, "Miss, you are going to where?"

Yue Qingran turned her head and smiled at Bai Longling'er: "You don't have to worry about this, sleep well here, don't worry, I won't come back at night."

Bai Ling'er nodded her head as it should.But the rest of the people were stunned, they had never seen Yue Qingran treat anyone so well, Xiao Ru surrounded Bai Ling'er curiously and asked questions.

At first, Bai Linger was still a little dazed and didn't know how to answer, but later the girls came up with a common topic, and their enthusiasm made Bai Linger no longer worried, so they chatted together soon.

Xiao Ru looked at Bai Ling'er who was a little afraid of Li Xiaolian, smiled and said, "Xiao Lian is like this, you don't have to worry, she is actually very good and enthusiastic. Don't worry."

Bai Ling'er looked at Li Xiaolian, and Li Xiaolian nodded to show her friendliness.Bai Ling'er breathed a sigh of relief, relaxed, patted her chest and said, "It's on par with our young lady."

Chen Lian became curious: "What kind of person is your lady? We haven't known him for so long." Bai Ling'er knew that she couldn't tell that everyone was from a big family, and she couldn't tell other things about everyone. identity thing.

But the rest can be accepted, especially some things about Yue Qingran, his character and so on.Bai Linger is still very proud, at least they don't know Miss well.

"Miss, he is a very good person. In fact, he just arranged with everyone, and it seems that the lady doesn't like to deal with everyone."

"Miss only recognizes strength, and she doesn't like girls very much. It's not that she hates you, it's just that she doesn't like dealing with you. Don't worry, if you have any difficulties, she will help you."

After finishing speaking, Bai Ling'er smiled amusedly.Chen Lian nodded: "I hope so, he is more difficult to serve than Xiao Lian, we don't know how to talk to him. When we look at him, we are scared."

Bai Ling'er looked at Chen Lian amusedly, and frowned: "Is it that serious? If the lady finds out, she will definitely be dumbfounded. He doesn't even know that he is so vicious in your hearts."

Xiao Ru nodded seriously: "Of course it's serious. It's really scary. I'm still freaking out. I really don't know how to deal with him."

"This is normal. You don't know how to deal with him, and the lady doesn't know how to deal with you either. But isn't it good for you? At least if you have something to tell him, he will definitely help."

Chen Lian nodded: "We know this. Looking at her, we know that he will help if we ask. It's just that it feels a little bad to ask someone we don't know well."

"But it turns out that we get along day and night every day, and it's hard to justify what we're not familiar with. It's very contradictory." Bai Ling'er rolled her eyes, and said, "I can't help you guys."

"But it doesn't matter, the lady doesn't care about these things. He thinks that as long as he has talked, he should help him with anything, unless he hates someone very much."

"Actually, I don't know, I just think so." Xiao Ru sighed: "I hope. Go to sleep. I still have to practice."

It was already very late, everyone pulled down the curtains and began to practice.Ye Mingzhu was also blocked by the curtain.The whole house was plunged into darkness.

Bai Ling'er was not afraid of such darkness, she had nothing to do, so she stuck at the window and looked outside.At this time, there were still a few people walking around.

Tired of watching and sleepy, I pulled down the curtain and lay down to sleep obediently.Yue Qingran stayed outside for two days, and on the third morning, the day of departure, she was waiting for everyone at the door.

"It came so fast." Ertou arrived second and looked at Yue Qingran.Yue Qingran shook her head: "No, I have been practicing outside these two days."

Nodded: "No wonder. It's very fast. They will be there for a while, right?" Yue Qingran nodded: "Let's go to the small town to find Bailitang and them." It's time to call them."

After speaking, the two sat patiently on the ground and waited for the other two to come.Jueming also arrived half an hour later.In the end, there was only one Qianye Shangxie left.Yue Qingran was not in a hurry, and waited there calmly.

"Aren't you in a hurry? Maybe something happened." The second head was a little curious that Yue Qingran could be so calm.Yue Qingran smiled lightly: "It's okay, he can come here."

After finishing speaking, Ertou couldn't believe it, thought for a while and said, "This is my trust in him." Jueming was on the side, and malfunctioned: "Well said, it is to have this kind of trust, believe that he will come, no matter what What time."

Qianye Shangxie just heard what Yue Qingran said, smiled and walked over, repeatedly apologizing.Then he smiled and said, "That's right, you should give your teammates enough trust."

Seeing that everyone is together, everyone talks while walking.By the way, Jueming would like to add knowledge to everyone: "If we encounter something on the other side, we have agreed to wait in one place, but we have to wait until the early morning of the next day."

"This is the end of the wait. Before the other party comes, we will wait. I believe that the other party can crawl over even if they are afraid." The second head nodded: "If it is someone else, I will wait, if it is you, forget it. "

Jueming glared at the second head and stopped talking.Seeing Bailitang and Yuejiqiu waiting there with their burdens on their backs from a distance, he hurried over: "How long have you been waiting?"

Yue Jiqiu glanced at Bailitang: "Someone woke me up just after the first period came, and then he was waiting outside." After speaking, he snorted, as if he was very dissatisfied.

Bai Litang smiled and scratched his head.After sorting out the luggage, everyone went on with their burdens on their backs.After walking through the small town, they found a bigger town, and a few people bought two carriages.

Yue Qing was puzzled: "Why use a carriage? It's not long before we used our spiritual power to get there?" Qianye smiled evilly: "This is not a carriage, it's a mount."

Yue Qingran was startled, and upon closer inspection, it was indeed somewhat different from a horse.And the most important thing is that there is spiritual power that cannot be ignored.At that time, I just glanced at it lightly and didn't care.

Now take a closer look, it has spiritual power and is suitable for traveling far away.After settling down, the three of them sat in a carriage. "Okay, let's go."

Seeing that everyone was done, Jueming sat in the front and took the lead, and started running in the carriage.In the first few steps, I still ran on the ground, and then gradually left the ground, flying higher and higher.

Qianye Shangxie watched and left the ground, and said, "You can go out and have a look." Yue Qingran was a little curious when she did this for the first time, but she didn't express it on the surface.

Looking at the sky calmly outside, he took a deep breath.The people in the other carriage also came out, obviously used to this.

Qianye Shangxie looked outside, and asked: "Do you know the route?" Jueming nodded, and Qianye Shangxie looked at the carriage next to this car.

On it is Bailitang driving the car.Bailitang also nodded: "We can still see the road below, so just follow the road below."

Yue Qingran listened, looked down and tugged on Qianye Shangxie's sleeve: "How high are we from the ground now?" Qianye Shangxie thought for a while: "It's not too high, if it's too high, the horse will Can't breathe."

Yue Qingran thought about it, it was the same thing, the height was just like that, not too high.

Yue Qingran lay there, looked down, and smiled slightly with the corners of her mouth raised.Rose got up and flew to the roof of the carriage, lying there comfortably.

Seeing the speed is very fast, Yue Qingran asked: "In this way, how long will it take us to reach the destination?" Qianye Shangxie shook his head: "I don't know, it will take half a month without accident."

Yue Qingran thought of a question: "Do you have a map?" Jueming glanced at Yue Qingran: "I have. How could we not prepare a map, otherwise how would we get there?"

Yue Qingran also felt that this question was not too clever, so she bowed her head and remained silent.After watching it for a while, I found it meaningless.Yue Qingran simply flew to the roof of the carriage, but she was in her own carriage.

Jueming and himself are in this carriage, Bailitang is in the other carriage, and Yue Jiqiu is at the other end.Yue Qingran also lay on it, seeing Yue Jiqiu's happy appearance, she did the same.

I didn't think so, but the sky was foggy, and I couldn't see anything clearly.Furthermore, nothing can be seen from above.It didn't make any sense after a while.

After staying for a while, he came down.Seeing Yue Qingran like this, Qianye Shangxie was a little amused: "What's the matter? Can't stay still?" Yue Qingran nodded with a cold face.

"Be patient, you have to go on like this for the next few days." Yue Qingran naturally knew it, but she was reluctant.It's really meaningless.

"If you're at the top, will anyone else do the same?" Qianye Shangxie thought for a while: "If everyone's goals are the same, it's possible."

Yue Qingran nodded, and whispered: "Don't let me get moldy, it's interesting to call." After speaking, Yue Qingran lay back inside, practicing calmly.

Knowing that Yue Qingran was getting impatient, Qianye Shangxie ignored it.Le Qingran has long been used to this, impatience is only temporary, and it will be fine after a while.

Sure enough, after practicing, Yue Qingran became much calmer. Although it was boring, she still accepted it silently.

Because it was above the sky, it felt hot and dry at noon, so everyone went down. On the land, the horse with spiritual power no longer used its spiritual power.

It seems that this is also controlled by the driver.After choosing a good place, everyone stopped and ate dry food while enjoying the shade.

(End of this chapter)

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