Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 119 Arrival at the destination

Chapter 119 Arrival at the destination

Half a month's journey, whether it is long or short, several people took turns to drive the car, but after half a month, they all seemed a little weak and tired.Although they are all practitioners and are used to this speed, it is difficult for everyone to not see people for a long time.

Half a month later, they arrived at the nearest town to Ghost Flower.This small town is called Yanyang Town, and it is the only small town that has survived in the hot zone. The villagers here are already used to the heat here.

But this made the few who just came a little bit unlucky. "Damn it! I'll forget it if I die." The second guy had a violent temper, and he was the first one who couldn't stand it.

But for the rest of them, Rose Rose has herbal medicines, and it feels much better to smear them on their bodies.Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran were both people with moderate mood swings, so their hearts were naturally calm.

The Xuanbing Art of Jueming cultivation originally had hidden attributes, so this bit of heat was not taken to heart.Bailitang is the least afraid of heat here. His skill attribute is fire, and he has a way to directly absorb the heat.

So the redemption duo here is now irritable and sweaty.Not only did Yue Jiqiu not offer any kind help, but she was also watching jokes there to add insult to injury. "If you stay quiet for a while, it won't be so hot, and if you run two more laps, it will get hotter here."

The second head turned around and glared at Yue Jiqiu: "You said it was light, you are a medicine concocter, if you are capable, give me some of your so-and-so, so that I can cool down too."

Yue Jiqiu sighed, and shook his head: "It's not some medicine powder, heat-dispelling powder." The corner of Yue Qingran's mouth twitched, it was really unimaginable that such a high-level medicine powder was called such a low-level name.

Fever?I'm still on pain relief.The pain of dispelling heat, the fever will be cured quickly!No matter how you look at it, he looks like a big man who sells fake medicines.Shaking their heads, several people entered the town together.

"The more we walk, the hotter it is. The desert forest is inside. Only when we go inside and think about the inside, can we go into the desert completely. Then we can see ghost flowers in the central area, which is the earliest hot place."

Jueming looked at the map, pointed to the seemingly endless dwarf green vegetation behind and said.Yue Qingran also saw it, and nodded: "We need to pack a lot of water, otherwise we will run out of water inside."

Qianye Shangxie agreed with Yue Qingran's statement: "We will adapt here for a few days now, and then we will be in the restricted area. Anyway, there is still some time before it will bear fruit."

Yue Jiqiu smiled: "It doesn't matter to me if I am unwell, the main reason is that there is a irascible person here who has been running for several laps, and after going on like this for a while, all my heat-dispelling powders were wiped out by him. "

After finishing speaking, he cast a disgusted glance at the bicep who was sticking out his tongue like a dog and kept fanning himself.The second rolled his eyes, as if he didn't hear what Yue Jiqiu said.

Jueming ignored the two people who had been arguing all the way, looked at the map, and nodded to Qianye Shangxie: "Let's find a place to live first." plate for two people.

I don't know why, these two people are in the same car, Bailitang is driving the car in front, Rose is lying comfortably on it, and the second one who has nowhere to go sits in the car like a lady, raising the curtain and feeling affectionate Pulse' looking outside.

It's not affectionate, it's just fire from the eyes.He gritted his teeth and looked outside, his eyelids rolled up, staring at the roof, as if he was going to poke a hole out of the roof.

Bailitang was very helpless about the actions of the two of them, so he could only protect himself wisely without saying a word.It was only later that I found out that the two of them were evacuating at the beginning and couldn't stay.Yue Jiqiu glanced at the two heads, immediately got out of the carriage, jumped up and lay down on the top.

But Er Tou, who was one step late, had to stay inside.Everyone established the rules as early as the very beginning, and the well water does not violate the river water.The rules are in Bailitang, because there is an ominous feeling when seeing the two of them.

That's why I said it, don't provoke anyone in the place where you drive, and the rest of you can go wherever you like.Both agreed, so Ertou had nowhere to go.

Lying on it, Rose didn't say anything, her head was resting on her hands, her legs were crossed, and she still sang. "Your Majesty, I will go on an expedition of [-] li with your Majesty. I am saddened by the dusty road and Momo, and the danger is always difficult, but I am hopeful that the road will be ups and downs. My Majesty! My Majesty!"

I don't know the tune of the opera's verses, but what they are singing and which passage they come from.Didn't even know what it was.The poor devil's voice reached my ears, but only passed into the carriage below.The two heads couldn't bear to look directly at Tiao Tiao who stretched the long tone.

"I told you to stop singing, okay? Why bother? I don't know what I'm singing. It's hard to make a voice." The second shouted towards the top.

Yue Jiqiu stopped, looked at the sky, smiled charmingly, and looked more like an actor.Covering half of his face with his sleeve, he said in a sharp voice: "Why, yes, pinch? The voice of my slave is a female voice!" The last word "ah" is still rising.

Yue Qingran felt uncomfortable listening on the other side, which made Jueming speed up.The carriage behind was still noisy.The second head said angrily: "I don't know when you still like to listen to it."

Yue Jiqiu flicked his water sleeves, pointed at the orchid, "It's just that my son is paying attention, that's all!" The second head became impatient: "What is 'some'? The word is 'no', okay?"

Yue Jiqiu cleared her throat and resumed her normal tone of voice: "I just said 'no' in 'not paying attention', who knows what you heard."

The two heads stared at the top angrily, and the conflict between the two started, and they never stopped along the way.Yue Qingran wiped the sweat off her forehead in displeasure, and looked at these two people who were angry until now.

"I said, don't you feel thirsty after talking so much on such a hot day?" Yue Jiqiu smiled, looked at the two heads, and said lightly, "I'm not thirsty, and ah, I'm not hot either." The second head was angrily going forward to argue, Yue Qingran frowned.

Jueming glanced at it, and said lightly: "Stop making trouble." After speaking, he walked over, found an inn at random, and walked in. "Boss, six rooms."

The store owner raised his eyelids to take a look at Jue Ming, licked his brush, and continued to settle accounts.Ertou was unhappy: "Boss, didn't you hear us talking to you?"

The boss snorted and made a strange sound with his probe: "There are no six rooms, do you want four? If not, just leave." Jueming looked at it and shook his head.

Ertou snorted: "Let's go, afraid of you?" After finishing speaking, he was about to leave.The boss didn't stop at the back: "Walk slowly and don't see you off. If you come back, there will be no room here."

"If you go out and walk along this street, it is your ability to find an inn that can accommodate so many of you." Qianye Shangxie frowned after hearing this.

Bailitang glanced at Qianye Shangxie, who nodded to him. "Boss, what do you say? My friends are not very good at talking, so don't worry about offending them."

After finishing speaking, he took out a piece of silver from his pocket and handed it to the boss.The boss's eyes lit up, and he looked at Bailitang.Seeing Bailitang's smiling and sincere face, he nodded.

Look at the grumpy one in the back and snort.Touching the beard on the chin: "Since you want to know, I will tell you for the sake of the little brother."

Yue Jiqiu grabbed the two heads, and several people gathered together to listen carefully.The second head didn't look at the shop owner, and turned around to make a fuss.Yue Jiqiu is only responsible for catching him and preventing him from getting angry, and doesn't care about anything else.

"I don't know why. Recently, many people from the rivers and lakes have come to stay in this small town, saying that they are waiting for a fruit in the desert? I don't know. It was fine a few days ago, and it was said recently that it was about to ripen. There will be more people."

"There are quite a few young children like you, and there are also quite a few murderous killers who seem to have killed people at first glance, and have lived on the tip of their knives. They have also come over."

"So now it's a bit difficult to find a place to stay. Like me, it's because it's a little far away from the desert, so not many people come. But now there are quite a few people who can't find a place to live in the desert, so they settle for the next best thing." .”

"I've lived for most of my life, and I've never seen so many people come to such a remote place. Some inns don't even have a place to stay."

"Those who have found a place to stay stay, and those who don't have a place to live, just gather around a table and order a few food and drinks, drink for a whole day, and sleep on the table at night."

"If you can stay, you can stay here. At worst, you'll spend money on the store. Go outside and have a look. If there is another inn with six rooms that can accommodate you, I can give you a refund."

Seeing everyone's disbelief, the shop owner looked at everyone with a mournful face: "Everyone is ordinary people who have never seen the world, and they will not lie to you, let alone switch their lives for such a few volumes, don't you think so. "

Seeing that everyone still didn't believe it, they were shaken: "It's a big deal, you have six people guarding me, and you can see if what I'm telling is the truth."

"However, let me declare in advance that some of those people really kill people without blinking an eye. Don't make troubles. It doesn't matter if you make troubles, don't implicate my small shop."

Jueming looked at the crowd and nodded: "Four rooms will be four rooms, we've decided." The boss nodded, went to the front and read the accounting book and came over: "Two taels of silver per room, one day's charge first. Eight taels of silver."

Jueming took out the silver and handed it to the boss.The boss took it, counted it, and nodded with a smile.Shouting to the back: "Please come upstairs, guest officer."

After shouting this sentence, he got up to welcome them upstairs.Hearing the figure, the boy in Youma came quickly: "Please come upstairs, guest officer." The second head snorted angrily and passed by the shop owner.

He went upstairs, looked at several people, and said, "How do you divide it? Yue Qingran has her own room, and how do we divide the rest." Nodding, he chose the middle room.

"I share a room with Bailitang." Qianye Shangxie looked at Bailitang and said.Yue Jiqiu smiled: "Exactly, Ertou and I are together." After speaking, he looked at Ertou ferociously.

Jueming nodded: "I'm alone." After finishing speaking, everyone was assigned how to live in the house. "Yue Qingran is in the middle room, Qianye Shangxie and you are in the last room, next to Yue Qingran."

"I'm in the farthest room, and the other one belongs to you." In this way, a few relatively weak people are placed in the middle, forming a protective circle.

Yue Qingran does not object to such an arrangement, her personal ability is not bad, but if she really uses her spiritual power to fight, she will be the one who suffers.

After the arrangement was made, everyone moved in one after another and put all their belongings inside.Rose Rose walked from room to room and sprinkled some medicinal powder, some of which were fluorescent powder-like powder used to remind everyone if anyone had entered this room.

There are also those on the handle of the slaughtering door. People who have antidote will be fine if they touch it. If there is no antidote, if they move around at will and enter the room and mix with the incense inside, then it will be a deadly poison.

(End of this chapter)

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