Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 121 Making Medicine

Chapter 121 Making Medicine
"Ahem, even so, if the other party is really convinced, we don't have to worry about it any more. It's time to eat. If the other party really wants to be good, it's easy to do."

"It's okay to injure the enemy eight hundred and self-injure five hundred. If we have the determination to die, it will be more difficult for us to deal with it. So if possible, we should not use too extreme methods, lest we suppress the opponent too much and let them Crazier."

Bailitang spoke helplessly.Qianye Shangxie nodded thoughtfully.Yue Qingran shrugged helplessly, looked at Jue Ming, and let him make the decision.

Jueming nodded heavily: "The two-headed method is good, but the fit is at the back. Now we use this method as soon as we come up, and it will make us lose our ground."

"We need to use our interests to get the other party to agree. If we force it now, it will make the other party explode at a critical moment. Everyone doesn't want to die at a critical moment, right?"

The second head nodded: "Well, that's true. Then, don't we have to figure out the opponent's way and see what can make the opponent take the bait. At least we need to know the opponent's underground, and know the root."

Qianye Shangxie gave a hammer hand: "Everyone should choose one that looks good and doesn't have too much backing. You can't choose the academy, that one is for emergency use."

"And you can't choose those who have families and status to back them up. Then the leader will not be us. Since we want to be the leader now, we have to find those scattered groups who don't look fat and have good abilities."

"Understanding their needs, they all sacrifice their lives. It is the same to sell their lives to anyone, and we can give them more benefits, which will make them more willing to sacrifice their lives to us."

Liao Ran: "Then let's start to act tomorrow?" Jueming coughed: "There is no need to act recently, we still have enough time before we open the mountain gate and enter inside."

"It will take half a month to open the mountain gate, and the flowers will take more than a month to mature. We don't need to go in too early. On the contrary, we have to go in later."

Yue Qing understood, and seeing everyone's understanding, they all nodded.Go in early, everyone will fight at the same time, and many people will be eliminated here as soon as they go in.

So if you go in later, you can be regarded as a fish that slipped through the net.And what everyone wants is just the flower plant of the ghost flower. As for the petals and who took the fruit away, it is completely out of everyone's consideration.

It's a good thing to get there by luck, and it doesn't matter if you don't get it.Our task is just to take the whole flower away.If someone grabs this, it's not too late for everyone to make a move.

So there is absolutely no need to force them, we can go in after they are gone, just worried that some people will not start.So everyone can go in later.

Not only have they preserved their own strength, but they can also use their hands and feet to reduce everyone's threats.Of course, everyone is unwilling to do such a wonderful job.So I just had to enjoy it.

I looked at the time, it was almost time. "Everyone should go to bed. Pay attention to this at night. If there are no accidents, the reporters should do it now. We on the outside will not be in danger, but we must do it inside."

"We just need to be on guard. Because we are not in a hurry, so don't act rashly. Rose Moon, try to make as many antidotes and poisons as possible for us to use."

"The rest of the people, don't act rashly. Don't be in a hurry for supplies or something. If there is no more here, we will go to the bigger town ahead to buy them. There is no rush for these."

"Also, don't cause trouble during this period." After finishing speaking, Jueming walked out.The rest of the people looked at each other in blank dismay, Yue Qingran sighed: "He talks a lot, he doesn't think it's troublesome."

Everyone shrugged their shoulders loosely, and Yue Qingran sighed and went too.The rest of the people nodded and went back to their respective places to stay.

Yue Jiqiu looked at the second head: "I'm refining medicine, don't disturb me, don't move around by yourself when something happens, ring the bell. Everyone will rush over, and I will wake up."

After finishing speaking, he handed the bell to the second head, and under the surprised and angry eyes of the second head, he sat cross-legged quietly beside him, drew a symbol with both hands, and surrounded himself in it.

Seeing that the other party had already started to prepare the medicine, the two wise men didn't bother.They all said dissatisfiedly: "For the sake of your refining medicine, I will not say anything more. When you wake up, we will settle the old and new scores together."

Yue Jiqiu didn't hear what the other party said, and he had already made up his mind to adjust his mental strength and prepare for the process of refining medicine.

If you want to refine medicine, there are two methods, one is to master the heat and slowly peel off the medicinal materials, and the other is to separate the medicinal materials from the medicinal juice by yourself after waking up, and crush them.

Now that I want to practice it and crush it slowly, the two heads will definitely not help. It will take a long time to crush these medicinal materials by myself. I am afraid that it will be dawn before I finish training the medicinal materials.

Rose Moon also wanted to go outside to buy more medicinal materials for refining medicine after dawn, so naturally she couldn't choose the first method.As for the latter method of hitting me, you need to use your own spiritual fire.

This method is convenient, but it may fail at any time if the fire is not well controlled.There are only these medicinal materials. If the demon stone fails, it may be necessary to buy everything again.

After thinking about it, Yue Jiqiu decided to use the fire of the spirit. After all, the level of refining medicine will become higher and higher in the future, and this low-level trick has gradually become powerless.

So I still have to master the fire of the spirit well.In the past, the grade was too low, so Rose would only use the fire of the spirit when he had nothing to do. Other times, he would use the method of crushing by himself to obtain medicinal juice or dry medicinal materials.

But now the grades are all over the top, so it will not be easy to crush a medicinal material in the future, some medicinal materials are even very hard, and they will not easily melt when they are not exposed to high temperatures.

It can be seen that this low-level technique will no longer be used in the future.Therefore, taking advantage of the fact that the level of refining is not too high, and the medicinal materials can be easily found if it fails, it is better to quickly practice controlling the fire of the spirit.

It was almost time to adjust breath, Yue Jiqiu took a deep breath.I made an enchantment for myself, so as not to hurt the second head who lives with me when something happens.

The function of the enchantment is to do destructive things within the effective encirclement, even if you make a bomb, as long as the bomb explodes within the encirclement, it will not harm people and things outside the encirclement.

Therefore, Yue Jiqiu made an encirclement circle, not only so that the fryer that failed to refine the medicine would not hurt the outside, but also so as not to hurt himself.

Yue Jiqiu made a larger barrier to surround himself and the medicine furnace, and then made a small defensive barrier to surround himself.Avoid hurting yourself.

After all these were settled, Yue Jiqiu looked at the medicinal materials on the ground, then looked at the ordinary medicine cauldron in his hand, sighed, and muttered to himself: "It seems that I will change to a better medicine cauldron in the future."

After finishing speaking, he tapped the medicine cauldron and shook his head.Control the mental power and let the spiritual fire in your body come out.Slowly control it in your hands.

Looking at the exuberant spiritual fire burning, Yue Jiqiu smiled proudly.Summoning the medicine cauldron, he put the spiritual fire on the bottom of his hand, and slowly let go of his hand.

I saw the spiritual fire burning under the medicine cauldron.Release the mental power, wrap the medicine cauldron and the spiritual fire, and then pick up the medicinal materials that are listed in order.

Seeing that the heat is almost ready, first put the least resistant medicinal materials on it to refine it into medicinal juice.After a while, seeing the green concoction being peeled off little by little, after a while, Rose nodded.

Dry the medicinal materials that have lost the medicinal juice and withered quickly, and burn them to ashes.He put down the second medicinal material casually.It's still like this, but when it's rare, you have to be careful to mix the two together.

First, control the mental power to separate a little, wrap the already burnt concoction, and then slowly increase the heat to add another medicinal material, until it is burnt to ashes and extinguished, and the Chinese rose controls the mixing of two different colored concoctions .

Come little by little, first take out a little bit, and control them to mix together.The two concoctions were incompatible, so Rose had no choice but to increase the heat.

Under the high temperature, there is finally a little sign of fusion.Then, it was a little bit mixed together.Afterwards, Rose Moon put in some more, and they could be together the next day.

I sat down patiently little by little, and finally got it all done.Looking at the somewhat viscous lavender concoction, Yue Jiqiu put them in the encirclement of mental power.

Pick up the last medicinal material and throw it inside.Surrounded by the original concoction, it was first placed in a small medicine bottle prepared by myself for cooling.I increased all the heat and prepared to refine the last medicinal material.

Not long after it was refined, a small sound of '噗嗤' was heard, Yue Jiqiu was shocked, and hurriedly withdrew the heat, but it was too late. With a sound of 'Peng', it exploded.The fryer is gone.

Yue Jiqiu looked at the fried herbs with distress, shook his head, took out another one from the storage bag, heated up the pot after increasing the heat, and put him in it again.

This will carefully control the heat, so that there will be no sudden heating, and the temperature will be increased a little bit.Seeing the signs that the mysterious bamboo inside was about to melt again, Yue Jiqiu quietly increased the heat.

Xuanzhu didn't hold on for long, and was defeated by this tepid and slow heating, and melted little by little.From the melted Xuanzhu, a transparent concoction flowed out.

It's like drinking water, transparent and diluted.Peel off part of the transparent concoction and put it into the cooling bottle, then pour out part of the lavender liquid from the original bottle.

And that's put together for fusion.It is still a little bit, carefully integrated.It didn't take long to integrate into it.At the last step, a 'poof' sound was heard once.

Before Yue Jiqiu could react, it exploded directly.Yue Jiqiu was heartbroken, looking at the liquid with black impurities that was mixed with other things and slowly flowing out.

With a sad face, he peeled off a small amount of liquid from the two medicine bottles again.

(End of this chapter)

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