Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 122 Familiar with the terrain

Chapter 122 Familiar with the terrain
This time, instead of rushing to conduct experiments, I recalled the reason for the explosion just now.After thinking about it, Yue Jiqiu decided to conduct another experiment.

It's still a hot ending, Rose Moon is not so heartbroken, but I just can't bear to lose so much concoction.

Rose did not continue the experiment, but got up and took a pot of cold white water and put it beside her.Heat the medicine cauldron again, which is the so-called hot pot.

Put in the lavender liquid first, and separate it with a layer of water to prevent the cooled medicinal liquid from reheating.Then there is a layer of white water on the upper island, and then the colorless and transparent concoction is poured on it.

Separated by two layers of white water, Rose Moon controls them, mixes some white water, and fuses.Sure enough, a small part of them successfully merged.

After blending one part, squeeze out excess water while blending the next part.With such a little fusion, a lot of white water has been boiled below.Yue Jiqiu ignored it and continued to follow suit.

The first explosion of the last meeting was here, the last small part.Yue Jiqiu was careful and cautious this time, and finally successfully completed the fusion.After fusion comes shaping.

Looking at the fused things, Yue Jiqiu seemed to sneak them out, and they will be used in the next refining medicine.Even these can be used as the introduction of medicine after refining the demon stone next time, let's talk about the specific use.

Looking at the remaining version of the liquid in the top, I roughly estimated it, and it is not a problem to practice it as a pill.After collecting the rest of the liquid medicine, Rose Moon began to dry them up and burn them into sacrificial solids, and then controlled them to form the proper shape.

It's almost there, and looking further, it really has a rough shape.Yue Jiqiu wrapped them with spiritual power, making them carefully merge into a circle, one, consecutive, three...a total of nine.Yue Jiqiu took a look and found that they were all the same size, exactly nine, and the remaining half was not enough to form a pill, so he also found something to save, and this was considered a half-finished product.

It was all done now, the tired Yue Jiqiu came out of the barrier, put away the spiritual fire, took the medicine cauldron back into his mind, breathed a sigh of relief and staggered to his feet.

As for the existence of the medicine cauldron, the medicine cauldron is in the mind of every pharmacist, even the medicine master, as long as he is recognized, he will have a medicine cauldron in his mind.

Such talents have the opportunity to come into contact with medicinal materials and become pharmacists or medicine practitioners.A pharmacist may not necessarily become a pharmacist, but the medicine cauldron will still exist in his body.

The original medicine cauldron was just a small and exquisite medicine cauldron, and the grade was very poor.Sometimes cracks will appear after using it, and then it can't be used.

After that, the pharmacist can choose to change to a high-grade medicine cauldron. The medicine cauldron needs to be bought by himself, and then drip blood, and write his name on the medicine cauldron with his own blood donation.

Then this medicine cauldron will be in your mind.Unless it is death or transfer, the medicine cauldron will not be returned to others.As for where to buy the medicine cauldron, it is all in the trading place.

There is a special tripod maker there, just like drawing a formation, making an advanced medicine tripod.In addition to production, there is also burning, killing, looting, and plundering the medicine cauldron of the senior alchemist.

I said that the way to obtain the medicine tripod is death and transfer.The transfer is easy to handle, but no one who is advanced will be willing to transfer.Then the only option is to kill the other party and forcibly erase the ownership of the medicine cauldron.

Yue Jiqiu's current medicine cauldron has existed since the time she was able to perceive fierceness, which proves that she is a medicine master.A pharmacist needs some conditions to become a pharmacist.

Obviously, Yue Jiqiu had that condition, so he became a pharmacist.But Rose doesn't often refine medicine, because he is not very good at using the medicine cauldron, so the usage is the most primitive way of crushing.

From now on, Yue Jiqiu began to pay attention to the medicine cauldron, and his original medicine cauldron was no longer durable, so Yue Jiqiu had to choose a better medicine cauldron during this time.

If you go inside after a few days, you won't have the chance to buy anything, and you won't have the chance to choose a new medicine cauldron in the next few months.

But once inside, there will be more and more opportunities to refine medicine, and there will be a great need for refining medicine.So before that, you must choose a high-grade medicine cauldron, the grade must be good.

I secretly made up my mind to realize it.After resting, I opened my eyes and saw the playful smile on the two heads.Yue Jiqiu froze for a moment: "What's wrong? What's strange?"

Ertou shook his head: "I couldn't sleep yesterday, and I just saw some cute scenes." Yue Jiqiu's face changed, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "What did you see?"

Two heads shrugged: "For example, someone's heartbroken appearance, or someone's face being burned to ashes. There are many, and I may not remember it at any time."

Yue Jiqiu gritted his teeth: "What do you want so that you will never remember it for the rest of your life?" Er Tou shook his head: "I haven't thought about it!" After finishing speaking, he went out gracefully.Everyone downstairs was there, but Ertou didn't know what he said to everyone, and everyone was laughing.

Rose gnashed her teeth.My face was ashen because I accidentally rubbed it on the medicine cauldron and the liquid medicine contaminated by black dregs when I checked the medicine cauldron.I also blame myself for not paying attention, for not seeing the biceps next to me.

Anyway, it was true, at that time, I was almost obsessed with refining medicine, and I had no distracting thoughts, who could see the two heads monitoring the whole process.Now it has become like this, cheating the other party does not want hush money.It is nothing to fear.

Gritting his teeth, he walked downstairs angrily.Downstairs, Bailitang saw him, and smiled: "Unfortunately, I didn't see it." Yue Jiqiu took a deep breath, clenched his hands, and walked over, ignoring everyone.

He sat down on the chair and ate the steamed bun angrily.Jueming looked at the past lightly, didn't care, and said casually: "Let's go check out the terrain later, the meeting is just an idea, today we look at the terrain, there are those roads, and we just want to see who It's a more suitable candidate."

Everyone understands what it means, of course.Yue Jiqiu finished eating the steamed buns and said, "By the way, let's go to the trade fair. I need to get a new medicine cauldron, otherwise I won't be able to use this medicine cauldron inside."

Jueming looked at Yue Jiqiu and nodded.After drinking and eating, everyone began to look for the so-called suitable candidates.Let's go through every road in the town, and take a look at what's around.

"How about this group of people?" Ertou pointed to them and made gestures.Yue Qingran looked at it, shook his head, and gestured: "This group of people is not good, they all look like desperadoes, they are easier to be taken away, and small favors and small benefits are impossible."

Ertou nodded and continued to look.Qianye Shangxie pointed to another group of people, who were drinking together there: "How about this group?" Jueming shook his head: "Let's look at the terrain first, the candidates are random, now that we can see clearly, maybe they will die soon. We went in Time may not be the only ones left."

Yue Qingran nodded, and pulled Qianye to Shangxie: "Let's split up and walk all the routes, and then go back and find a way to draw a map, and then see which routes are more alleys, suitable for escape."

"Since we're here, we have to choose how to escape, otherwise it will be troublesome to die here." Yue Jiqiu nodded: "Then two people, let's go."

In this way, Bailitang and Yuejiqiu are in a group, Qianye Shangxie and Yuejiqiu are in a group, Ertou has to follow Jueming in a group, and everyone is in a group with one direction. One for each person in the next three directions.

Yue Qingran chose the west side, walked around and turned into a small alley: "This is a dead end." After walking inside, it didn't take long to see a wall, Qianye and Shangxie looked at each other, and ran up .

At the back, Yue Qingran took a look and was stunned: "That's not right..." Qianye Shangxie was also momentarily confused, touched the wall behind him, and frowned.

"Normally speaking, this wall should not exist here, because according to the previous requirements for building houses, this wall is regarded as the existence of everyone's fortunetelling. According to that kind of feudalism, it will not appear."

Yueqing said in a puzzled way.Qianye Shangxie took a closer look, and frowned: "Try to overthrow it?" Yue Qingran shook her head, rubbing her chin: "No, we can't cause trouble now, this existence is here, and we can't mess with it at will."

"Then what should we do? Its appearance is totally unreasonable, so there must be some kind of secret." Yue Qingran hissed and said, "Let's do this first, write this down, and let's take a look when we have a chance."

"The road behind this is open, and no one should know, so let's go on like this first, don't worry about it, and let's come together to find out in the evening."

Chiba could only reluctantly agree, and everyone went around the wall and continued walking as before, exploring every path, and walked back when it was getting late.

The two of Yue Qingran were the first to go back, they ordered a few small dishes at the inn, and sat there waiting for the other four to come back.Afterwards, the two of Jueming came over and nodded when they saw that Qianye Shangxie was already waiting here.

He sat down and continued to wait for the arrival of the last two. When they were patient and noble, they arrived late. It seemed that something good had happened to them. Both of them had unfinished smiles.

They all sat down, and looked at the smiling faces of the two of them: "What's the matter? Did something good happen? Or did you just go there to eat delicious food instead of exploring the way?"

Yue Jiqiu rolled his eyes at the two heads: "What do you know, we think this road is beautiful, and it looks even better at night. What do you know, it's just nonsense."

Ertou patted his head: "You said what was on your mind, are you out of breath?" The two bickered for a while, and stopped it desperately: "Everyone eat first, and then go upstairs."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at a group of people behind the author who were very angry.After eating, going upstairs, Yue Jiqiu deliberately put some medicine powder around, and was extremely wary of the movement downstairs.

"Okay, let's draw all the routes that everyone sees, and draw them together. First draw each other's route, and finally draw the route that we walk together." After speaking, hand over a piece of paper to the second head, and let the second head draw first .

After finishing the bicep, Jueming looked at it, nodded, and added a few strokes.Then hand it over to Qianye Shangxie, and then to Bailitang. After everyone finished drawing, Jueming finished it and nodded: "Tell me about any strange or good things you have encountered."

Yue Qingran looked at everyone, and first told her story.Jueming touched his chin: "Go and have a look at night." Looking at Bailitang again, the two of them came back the latest, and they were smiling, very comfortable.

"The road we were looking at just allowed everyone to see the road leading to the desert. At dusk, it was red and beautiful. Moreover, it seemed that we could see the location of the ghost flower."

This sentence is not sure, please ask to clarify.It turned out that at the last moment when the sun went down, you could see a glowing place, but this time, it disappeared after looking at it.

The time is short, making people mistakenly believe that it is not true.

(End of this chapter)

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