Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 123 The Wall Blocking Feng Shui

Chapter 123 The Wall Blocking Feng Shui
If you want to see the sunset, you can only go the next day. Tonight, everyone decided to go down to see Dato's weird wall.Before going out, top secret stopped everyone.

"Wait, those people outside, everyone pay attention, it's nothing to mess with, everyone be careful." Yue Jiqiu snorted: "What are you afraid of, we have so many people."

Jueming shook his head: "I'm not talking about this, but their appearance is very strange, and their spiritual power is also very strange, so don't provoke them easily."

Yue Qingran became interested: "What kind of weird method?" Jue Jueming frowned and thought for a while: "Have you ever paid attention to how they got here? Or did they have voices or spiritual powers that made you beware?"

Shaking his head, he said: "It's very simple, you just need to hide your own breath, we all do it." Sighing, he pursed his lips: "If it's that simple, do you still need to be careful?"

Yue Qingran shrugged his shoulders: "Then tell me, what's the matter with you. We won't interrupt." Jueming glanced at everyone, seeing that everyone wanted to listen, he sighed helplessly.

"These people had their spiritual power released when we were talking. I have to say that there is a very evil power in that spiritual power, and they are holding snake-headed rods in their hands. I have noticed it."

"Snake-head staff?" Yue Qingran exclaimed: "Isn't that just for the tribe?" Jueming glanced at Yue Qingran and nodded heavily: "That's it."

Yue Qingran frowned: "I don't believe that the tribes in the backcountry will receive the news, and the ghost flowers are far from worth it to let them, the church warriors, go out collectively."

Bailitang frowned: "There are not many tribes where snake-headed crutches appear. Only the Tibetan-flower chieftains and Guiyuan tribes exist, and the Lishui tribe has such things. Everyone has different beliefs, so the gods they believe in are also different. different."

"They all live in the depths of the jungle, and they won't come out easily. How could they come out because of this news? Moreover, in comparison, the ghost flower is not even worth as much as the six-headed golden snake flower in their tribe. How could they come out?" ..."

Jueming nodded: "I think so too. I suspect that their goal is not suitable for ghost flowers, but it is the same as what we have achieved. That means there are not only ghost flowers in it."

"So, does it prove that part of the reason for the existence of these people is not this?" Yue Qingran shook her head, and Yue Jiqiu rubbed her chin in deep thought.

Something flashed through Yue Qingran's mind, but she didn't have time to catch it.Yue Jiqiu asked: "Is it possible that something calculated by their priests is here?"

"That's why they came here. At the same time, they received news that the ghost flower and ghost fruit appeared at the same time, so they simply changed their route and followed."

No, Qianye Shangxie shook his head: "No, the result of their sacrifice is the ghost flower, so they came rushing to this. Or they can figure out that there will be abnormalities when the ghost flower appears."

"This anomaly is what they need, so they came here." Yue Qingran nodded: "The latter can be ruled out. If there is an anomaly, it can't be calculated no matter what. So it is only because of the result of the sacrifice."

Jueming nodded: "Even so, we can't take it lightly. We must be careful when dealing with tribesmen. They have absolutely no reason to speak and have been isolated from the world for too long."

Nodding his head, he completely agreed with this statement, Qianye Shangxie looked at the sky: "Shall we go?" Everyone nodded, got up and took action.

When they got there, Yue Qing ran to the other side of the wall, Bai Litang looked at it, and said 'strange'.Qianye Shangxie looked at Bailitang and asked, "What's so strange?" It was similar to what Yue Qingran said.

Especially when Bailitang was standing on the wall, the shape of mosquito coils appeared in Bailitang's eyes. "I'm just bored, who is so cruel, and the medicine broke the feng shui of the whole village?"

"There are so many houses here, so Fengshui is broken, what a joke, but the fact is that now, this wall has completely broken Fengshui whether it is intentional or not."

"This is a big taboo, who would do that?" Qianye Shangxie looked at Yue Jiqiu, who shrugged: "Since you don't know, go back and ask the shop owner. If things go on like this, people who live here will know something, right?"

Nodding, this is a good way, but... Bailitang jumped down and touched the wall: "No, there is also a problem with this wall."

"What?" Yue Qingran quickly jumped over.Qianye went to the evil for the sake of getting up.Jueming stood far away to give them a guard.Frowning: "Someone is coming, jump over first."

Everyone quickly jumped over, holding their breath and carefully hiding their aura.Then I heard someone from the other side of the door say, "Heizi, are you serious?"

"Really, I saw two people coming over with my own eyes. Do you think they will discover the secrets of our village?" Probably the person named Heizi was speaking.

Another voice said: "What are you afraid of, no one will find out what this wall is for. Don't worry." Heizi said bitterly: "But, they have stayed here for a long time and have not come out. I am worried that they will find out what the wall is for. gone."

"No, don't worry." Heizi continued to ask: "Then what should we do now?" The other party didn't know what to think: "Put the things in there first, don't worry, come and pick them up tomorrow."

"Yes, Heizi, don't worry, keep guarding. There will be too many people tomorrow, everyone will come and get it together. Take everything that belongs to you. They won't come overnight, and even if they come, they won't find anything."

The person called Heizi seemed to be relieved, and he heard a loud exhalation: "Since this is the case, I am relieved. Let's go back first, and I will come over early tomorrow to watch."

"Okay, let's go first, that's it." Then, the footsteps of several people walking away sounded.Knowing that the person walked away and disappeared, everyone turned over. "That's an ordinary village name. It should belong to the village inside, not people from the small town. They seem to be hiding something here, preferring to block Feng Shui."

"No, it's not that I would rather, it's that I don't know at all. They are young and energetic, and Yingai doesn't know much about Fengshui. So this thing was done without telling the villagers. There is no spiritual power, which is the main point."

He nodded approvingly: "The most important thing is to know what they hid, and what's going on with this wall." After speaking, he called Bailitang over: "Bailitang, didn't you find something? ?continue."

Bailitang didn't talk to everyone, walked over and concentrated on studying.Kanbai Class I Tang studied for a long time, Ertou reminded: "Don't forget, they don't understand Fengshui, so they don't need to read Fengshui. If you don't know Fengshui, how would you hide things? Especially when many people come to share the spoils thing."

This question aroused everyone's thinking.If you don't know these things, how can you hide them?Then you can only install the mechanism on the wall.But, will they understand what a mechanism is?
I don’t understand, so how can I hide many things?Is it hidden inside this wall or under the ground?It's well worth exploring.

Everyone thought about it for a long time, but couldn't think of a reason. Yue Qingran simply said: "Everyone speak out what you think, and overthrow it one by one. If you can't overthrow it, conduct an experiment. There is always a way that works." .”

Ertou first said: "If you want me to say that it is hidden under the ground, don't you know if the bottom is empty? If it doesn't work, I will use my spiritual power to break it open."

Jueming nodded: "It makes sense, there are only a few common people's methods we can guess, hiding in stones, hiding under the ground. Just these two places?"

Qianye Shangxie raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, walked forward, and pushed Bailitang: "Get up, let me do it." Bailitang looked at Qianye Shangxie, and felt that Qianye Shangxie's smile It was a bit glaring, and he stepped aside helplessly.

"This place is the weird place I said, you can see for yourself." Qianye Shangxie received a friendly reminder, nodded and looked carefully.

After reading it, he stood up confidently: "You guys stay away, I'm going to get it out of the way."

Yue Jiqiu looked carefully at Qianye Shangxie, and after a while said that he ruined his gaze, and quickly avoided it.Jueming and Ertou Night Market watched carefully for a moment before avoiding it.

Yue Qingran and Bailitang pushed away long after Qianye Shangxie had finished speaking.Qianye Shangxie nodded, seeing that everyone was at a safe distance, he made a move, and he raised his hands up bit by bit.

Everyone saw that a wall was so miraculously lifted up that a deep pit was left under the wall as a mark.

Qianye Shangxie chose a place, leaned against the wall, looked at the deep pit below and said, "It's right here, it won't work to get in by other methods, because the underground must be made of stairs."

After finishing speaking, he looked at everyone: "Besides, it's definitely the width of three walls, so everyone has to walk with one breath. This wall is definitely not as thick as imagined."

After finishing speaking, he clapped his hands and kicked a few times towards the very thin gap.I saw that the picture next to it seemed to be a little loose, and a huge keyhole was recorded.

Jueming looked at Qianye Shangxie, Qianye Shangxie looked at Bailitang, Bailitang looked at Yue Qingran, and everyone stared at each other.

"Isn't it? That's okay too? Forget it, I'll figure out a way." In the end, Bailitang couldn't stand being watched, and said helplessly.Seeing this, Qianye Shangxie withdrew his gaze and waited quietly.

Bailitang sighed: "I owe you since I was born." After finishing speaking, he found some things that were about the size of a keyhole, and fiddled with them for a long time. Slowly, the gap in the ground widened. .

Everyone watched for a long time and waited for a long time before seeing that the gap was completely opened.The inner stairs are exposed.It is a state of bottomless pit spreading downward.

Qianye Shangxie tried it, nodded: "Go down." Several people went down together.After walking for a while, they saw the light, and everyone went down to take a look, and were instantly dumbfounded.

"I just didn't expect that this group of people would block the feng shui of their own home just for the money. I've never seen such a desperate thing." Bai Litang scolded angrily.

Jueming said lightly: "That's not the case. They don't know Feng Shui, and they do things without telling the adults. This is enough." Thinking about it, Bai Litang withdrew his anger.

Everyone looked at it, and it was all silver, white and white, of course, there was not that much. Looking around, it's no wonder the place is so small.Because there are only two boxes of silver in it.

One box is 50 taels, and two boxes are only 100 taels.Everyone took out one at random, and it was more than 100 taels.Of course, this kind of place is relatively remote, and it is already a fortune to have these.

"Since there are only these, let's not rob them. Let's go up." Everyone returned disappointed, and returned after a night of futility.But figured out the origin of the wall.

Walked up, restored the wall to its original shape, and everyone went back to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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