Chapter 131
The same thing happened in the first hall of Baili Hall.Ertou retorted: "But we can go and advance the color TV. It's not too late for us to do so after seeing the situation clearly. Fishing in troubled waters is a good way, I agree."

Yue Jiqiu rolled his eyes: "Then it's better for us to break it into pieces and break into the enemy's interior. At the critical moment, isn't it more effective to give the opponent a fatal blow? Is your method still needed? "

Ertou patted his head, chuckled, and nodded: "That's right, that's the case, so what do you say?" Yue Jiqiu shook his head: "We are only responsible for watching the fire from the other side, and we haven't acted yet. When it was time, we are all at a disadvantage now that we are in a hurry to command."

After speaking, he took out a fan, flashed it, and looked at the lively scene downstairs triumphantly.Rolling his eyes, seeing Yue Jiqiu's handsome appearance, he felt very disgusted in his heart.

Yue Jiqiu didn't care about that, took a sip of water, and continued: "What we have to do now is to see who the other party has left outside, whether they are planning to go in, or just waiting for an opportunity."

"Then, we need complete preparations and absolute countermeasures. It is enough to do what we do, and what to do when we encounter danger. Of course, procurement is the most important thing."

After finishing speaking, he looked at everyone confidently. Sure enough, no one objected to this.So, this matter was finalized.All you need to do is just watch from a distance, no actual action is required.

Looking at everyone, Yue Jiqiu yawned: "Let me declare first, I have already prepared all the medicinal materials for practice." After speaking, he turned out all the medicinal materials.

"Let's take a look, these are medicinal pills, and I will introduce the effects later." After finishing speaking, he continued to flip.After flipping through for a while, I said, "By the way, I still need to buy some medicinal materials tomorrow. I'm afraid it won't be enough. I'm not sure about the wine inside."

"By the way, I'm not sure what the inside of the forest looks like. But since it is a place with seals, there must be a lot of precious medicinal materials. We are not in a hurry, so if possible, go in and take it easy. Find some herbs."

"The herbs in it must be very suitable to my heart, maybe it is. Right? So everyone walk slowly, don't be in a hurry for a while."

After speaking, look at everyone.Yue Qingran nodded: "Got it." In this way, the matter was happily finalized, and Yue Jiqiu went back, stretching his waist: "I'm going to sleep, I have been working for several days to make medicine for you Didn't sleep."

The second head looked at everyone and nodded.The medicine pill refined by Yue Jiqiu was placed on it casually, and Qianye Shangxie hurriedly called him: "Come back, let me introduce what these are."

Yue Jiqiu paused, patted himself on the head, and walked back annoyed: "Look at my memory. I'm really exhausted. You don't even say comfort me."

Everyone rolled their eyes, but no one paid any attention to him.To make it boring, I had no choice but to touch my nose resentfully and introduce them one by one.After the introduction, Rose didn't intend to take it back.

Qianye Shangxie took a look: "Do you mean that we should divide now?" Yue Jiqiu nodded: "Dangran, there is no certain reason in the truth, we will divide now, help, three people are enough for one person .”

After finishing speaking, he commanded everyone to separate the medicinal materials, leaving some of them for Rose Rose, and the rest took three li and put them in different medicine bottles.

After finishing the assignment, Yue Jiqiu breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, don't call me if there is nothing to do this time, I want to sleep well in bed until tomorrow morning. Don't call me during this period, God It collapsed, and the tall one stood up."

After speaking, he glanced at the tall man inside.Qianye Shangxie looked at Bailitang, and the two of them touched their heads helplessly. They didn't know how Rose was able to survive, and they also seemed very loose, and they spoke without restraint.

The tallest person here is probably Qianye Shangxie, who is peaceful and transparent, and it doesn't matter if he has two ends. Qianye Shangxie doesn't want the sky to fall and he will hold it up.At least everyone has to help.

"Okay, you go to rest, the rest of us, follow me." Jueming looked at Yue Jiqiu, knowing that the other party was really tired, so he didn't force it.Call the rest of the people, and go to see what's going on outside.

Since we have already decided to watch the fire from the other side, we cannot act rashly when we are not sure whether there is fire or not.Therefore, Jueming wants everyone to go and see how the current situation is.

When I reached the edge, I looked inside and could only see blood red.Everyone was standing on a tall tower that was not bad but very hidden. Bailitang looked at this scene and sneered.

"If this goes on like this, I'm afraid we will really shuffle everyone's cards. Then, everyone who enters will be strong, and it will become harder and harder to cheat. Therefore, we must first think of countermeasures."

Looking at the scene, Jueming said that Bailitang was very curious: "How do you say that?" Bailitang snorted and pointed to the front: "The behavior of a reckless man." Jueming looked at Baili in surprise Hall, motioning the other party to continue.Bai Litang coughed, and said in a low voice: "The reckless man has solved it, and the rest are some intelligent people, and they will know what to do in such a situation. Therefore, those who died, join together and fight Yes, there will never be a big family."

"As long as it has a family title, it will not do this. No matter what the family looks like, whether it is a hidden family or an ordinary family, they will not do such stupid things."

"Everyone knows that many people share more power, and those who do this have no good intentions. It is enough to say that, do you understand?" Jueming nodded, agreeing with this statement, it is true, and now he is doing this , are basically reckless people who don't know what they are doing.

No one even knows that there are quite a few big families who haven't acted yet, and they are now holding sticks and sneering at this practice.A truly wise person will not choose to enter now.They will first see what the reckless man does.

Although there is a saying that the stupid bird flies first.But the one who flies away first is destined to be the object of the intelligent bird's education for its offspring.They would say: "Did you see that? That stupid bird. He doesn't know how to act with wisdom and only thinks that first come, first served. This kind of person doesn't know how he died. Especially under the premise that there is only one thing, he will definitely There is contention."

No matter how fast you fly.Hmph, now those witty big guys are behind, it seems that when everyone goes in, life will not be too easy,

"I'm afraid we have to be wary of each other anytime and anywhere. Life is not easy." Yue Qingran sighed, not having the slightest illusion about the future life, but looking forward to it.

At this time, I don't know what those people will do, and I am looking forward to whether they will have a higher level of wisdom?However, Jueming reminds everyone: "Don't forget, what is our mission. We are only responsible for taking things away by their roots, and we are not responsible for anything else. There is no need to fight."

Yue Qingran stuck out her tongue: "I'm sorry, I'm really interested. I'm very curious about how I will fight wits and courage with my opponent, so I can't wait, even though our goals are different."

Jueming nodded, agreeing with Yue Qingran's statement: "I'm also looking forward to it." After finishing speaking lightly, he looked at the scenes outside without squinting. The fighting was still going on, and everyone was still watching with cold eyes.

Wait until the fight is over.It should be everyone's battlefield.At this time, the meaning changed, it was no longer for something, but simply wanted to meet the opponent, wanted to fight against the opponent.

"Let's go back." Jueming looked at it and felt that it was meaningless. It was just a life-and-death fight. If you win, you will continue to move forward. If you lose, you will die here.That's all.

Hearing that Jueming said he wanted to go back, although he was a bit reluctant, he still did as he wanted.Qianye Shangxie walked out without hesitation, Yue Qingran was recalled by this bloody blood, and couldn't help but feel agitated.

"What's the matter? Finding something wrong with Yue Qingran, Qianye Shangxie asked in a timely manner. Yue Qingran shook his head, with a hint of cruelty in his eyes.

Qianye Shangxie saw it, and was just stunned for a moment, frowning: "Want to kill?" Yue Qingran shook his head: "Let's go." After finishing speaking, he quickly left here.

Qianye Shangxie frowned as he looked at Yue Qingran's fleeing back.Back in the house, Qianye Shangxie knocked on Yue Qingran's door.Yue Qingran had already calmed down, seeing that it was Qianye who was haunted by evil spirits, she let her in.

Without talking nonsense, Qianye Shangxie frowned: "Can you suppress your agitation? If you can't, eat some mint leaves." Yue Qingran shook his head and smiled: "Don't worry, I'm fine. Don't worry."

Qianye Shangxie still frowned, he couldn't bear to see Yue Qingran like this.Yue Qingran raised the corners of her mouth and smiled: "It's okay, this is just a normal reaction, which is enough to prove my desire for blood. I can't wait to have a confrontation with the other party, whether it is fighting spirit or courage."

Qianye smiled evilly, looked at Yue Qingran's evil and charming appearance, lowered his head and kissed Yue Qingran's forehead, without any other emotion, just pure, feeling relieved for such Yue Qingran.

"Okay, I can't wait for a countermeasure. If you have time, let's think about it together. The stupid birds have already entered and fought, and the remaining smart ones will be a fierce battle."

Qianye Shangxie agreed and nodded: "Besides, smart ones are hard to deal with. If possible, we'd better avoid them."

avoid?Yue Qingran thinks patiently, there is no such word in his mind.Leaning against the window evilly: "Avoid? I really hope to use all means. At least, this is the proof of my existence. I want them to be terrified when they hear my name. I want to be overlord."

(End of this chapter)

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