Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 132 Fighting wits and courage

Chapter 132 Fighting wits and courage
Qianye Shangxie pursed his lips and nodded: "Okay, if you want to become the overlord, then I will help you. If you want to fight against them and know your own strength, it's okay, I'll come to Benny, we are together. "

Yue Qingran shrugged her shoulders: "I don't care who will help me again, it's just that you must be by my side, only you." Looking at Qianye Shangxie firmly, Qianye Shangxie was so funny Shaking his head: "Apart from me, who else is by your side?"

uh-huh?Shrugging: "No." Looking at Yue Qingran with a clear expression, Yue Qingran issued the order to evict the guest indifferently.

Before the eviction order was issued, Jueming came to the door.Seeing Jueming's existence, Yue Qingran's eyes widened: "What's wrong?" Jueming pursed his lips: "Everyone, let's have a little something."

His eyes are erratic.Yue Qingran sneered, lifted her foot and walked out.Qianye Shangxie followed closely behind, and everyone gathered in Jueming's room.

"What's wrong? What happened." Jueming frowned and opened the window.Seeing the scene downstairs, Yue Qingran was completely stunned: "What's going on?"

Jueming said indifferently: "In order to prevent the forest from forming seals, these corpses cannot get out of it, and it will affect the animals and plants inside, so the village name voluntarily carried the corpses out."

Yue Qingran sneered: "What is this? This means that there may be some ordinary people in our team who don't know anything?"

Jue Ming nodded heavily: "If this is the case, it means that our task will become difficult. Everyone will have other opinions. Without us, some big families will have more shady activities, which will be known by ordinary villagers. It will embarrass the family."

After Jueming finished speaking, Yue Qing fell silent.My own means can let others know, and I don't worry about it.There was only one person watching.It will be a little uncomfortable.

"But you are releasing new ones, everyone is already thinking of a way. The people I said don't include us, we still have to see how to deal with it now. If we really need to do this, we will avoid them and find another route. "

Bailitang nodded: "That's good, otherwise it would be meaningless. If there are more ordinary villagers, it will have a new impact on us."

Jueming also thinks the same way, so now I just point it out, maybe everyone will have to change the route. "By the way, do you still have the map that Ge Lao gave? See if there are other routes?"

Yue Qingran finished speaking.Qianye Shangxie took out the map, looked at it, and nodded: "There is still a route, but it is a bit more difficult to walk. We just wait for what they say."

Thinking about it this way, everyone decided to go see the ideas of the village names tomorrow and the answers they gave.It was getting late today, Jueming finished his orders and let everyone go back.

I went shopping the next morning and bought the things I needed, and I bought them in large quantities.Because I know it will be a long time, and the return date is uncertain.

After buying things, everyone went to the villagers to ask for their opinions.The villagers said that the forest seal here will be opened every three months. At that time, you can go in for half a month to find some herbs or trees in it.

But if there is a bloody smell, it will make those carnivores who are already very unfriendly become wild, and everyone will be in danger.So they don't agree with this practice of keeping the dead inside.

"But..." Yue Qingran continued. "Some of them have never seen this kind of death. In other words, the scene of the flesh-and-blood shepherd made them feel scary, so they dare not approach."

Nodding his head, this is the news Yue Qingran inquired about.Qianye Shangxie went on to say: "I asked, and they also hid that this is a war, and you can avoid it if you can, but for the sake of everyone in the future, I still hope to find a way to deal with these corpses, at least not because of Other animals come over."

"Especially because the location is right at the door, so many innocent people who go in to hunt and live will be harmed." Jue Ming asked, "Which one of you found out the solution?"

Bai Litang said: "The solution is that they promised to burn the dead people they met, so as to ensure that they would not destroy the Tao and their safety." Yue Qingran sneered: "Is their words credible?"

Shrugging: "At most, the pair of entities at the intersection are missing. They can't see what's inside, and there's no Orion to rush there, so no one will go back to care about what's going on inside."

Bai Litang talked and looked at the others: "Besides, who would be so stupid as to let others know his location? For example, two teams are fighting, and when they suddenly encounter a corpse, someone burns it and thinks that only other people know."

"So, would someone be so stupid as to do this? At most, it would be over if the door and the pair were burned down, and the ones inside would not be provoked to do anything. Once inside, everyone will work on their own."

After finishing speaking, everyone agreed: "If that's the case, is this matter considered settled?" Bai Litang nodded: "Of course, the villagers are simple and don't know that their words can't be trusted, so they just think it's safe .”

"Actually, everyone just helped to clean up the pile in front of their door, and they went in and took care of themselves." After finishing speaking, he sneered disdainfully.

"Okay, it's good if it's resolved, at least we have to fight wits and courage with them, so we have a chance, right?" Yue Qingran nodded, it's the same, this is an opportunity.

Although we didn't do anything, but because of this appearance, we have no chance to judge others' good or bad.Speaking of which, everyone's despicableness is about the same. This is not to praise anyone, nor to hurt anyone, it is just a normal thing.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's go back. We've already checked the door, those pairs of properties have gone in, and really set fire to it, and we'll do the rest by ourselves."

Jueming said for fun, and nodded: "We have to get ready, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. We are about to go in, inside Jinda, we are always ready and vigilant."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the second head: "There are some things, you must never make a second mistake." The second head flashed his eyes, nodded, and looked at everyone: "I will definitely be serious at the critical moment."

Yue Jiqiu sneered: "It's not the critical moment, but the moment you enter, you have to be serious. There are many unknown things in the forest, it's best not to move around." Ertou nodded and smiled.

Yue Qingran took a deep breath and looked down: "Okay, let's be ready at all times. Jueming, as long as you say to go, we can leave at any time."

Jueming nodded cautiously: "Since I am the captain, I will definitely take care of everyone, at least, I will not let everyone fall into danger."

Qianye Shangxie snorted: "What are you talking about? From now on, we are in danger, but you can take us to avoid most of the dangers. The road is our own choice, don't you There needs to be any pressure. The captain is also a human being when he is strong, so there is no need for too much pressure or self-blame."

"The captain we need is someone who keeps calm all the time and tells us what to do. You don't need to be responsible for the rest. We are all capable of solving the problem. You just need to be calm."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Jue Ming with a smile.Jueming took a deep breath and nodded.Several people walked back all the way.

They have been disappearing for the past few days, and everyone has done nothing, just waiting for the door of Jueming Raijo all the time, and then telling everyone: "Let's go."

However, several days passed and Jueming still didn't say anything.Bailitang took a few steps: "Jueming won't be afraid at a critical moment, right?" Qianye Shangxie sat beside the table, sipping tea calmly.

"Don't worry, anyone may be afraid, Jueming refuses, something must have delayed him, his news is so accurate, it's just that he didn't have time to notify."

Bai Litang sighed: "I'll ignore it first and understand, your ability is so strong, why do you have to listen to Jue Ming? Isn't it good to be the captain yourself?"

Qianye smiled evilly: "It's not bad, it's just that I don't like it. Besides, Teacher Jueming Poetry, he is the perfect captain. What's more, everyone is a person who can make their own decisions, and anyone can be the captain." Same."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a knock on the door.Bailitang looked happy.After opening the door, Jueming was indeed outside, and the fluctuation of spiritual power on his body told Bailitang that Jueming's ability had become stronger.

"Let's go, let's go." After finishing speaking, Jueming turned and walked to the front, followed by everyone, all the way into the entrance of the forest.

"It's here. I didn't call everyone these days because I didn't want to be attacked on my back. Today is the last day, and then the seal will be sealed."

Yue Qingran nodded, and Bailitang asked: "Are you practicing? I feel that your ability has become much stronger." Jueming nodded: "This is the second reason. I wasted some time because of cultivation."

It turned out to be like this, Bailitang was relieved. "Then let's go in." After speaking, Jueming looked at everyone and led them in.Just as they promised, the fighting here has turned into a pile of black ashes.

When the wind blows, those who have died here are wiped out.It's as if you've never been here before.Looking at the ashes on the ground, he shook his head.

"Okay, let's go in." After walking not far, he felt a little strange.Everyone raised their vigilance, and then they realized that it was sealed with a seal.

"The next time we come out, it may not be when. Maybe we have to be trapped inside and wait for the seal to be opened." Bai Litang said indifferently.

Jueming nodded: "So, if we don't manage the time inside well, we may have to wait for a few days before we can go out. In order not to make us wait too long, everyone should hurry up."

Qianye smiled evilly: "But we have to let the ghost fruit ripen quickly, otherwise it will be useless for us to wait here for a long time. If those people don't leave, how dare we do this in a fair manner."

(End of this chapter)

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