Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 133 Walking into the Hot Desert

Chapter 133 Walking into the Hot Desert
Nodding, it's the same reason.

Several people walked forward, Jueming said as they walked: "There is only one road here, there will be more routes in front, and then there will be more roads in the desert."

After finishing speaking, I was complained: "When you enter the desert, you mean that there is no road ahead, and it is useless. Everyone can still walk. It's all yellow sand. Where can I find a road? Any way is the road."

After finishing speaking, Qianye Shangxie asked: "In the desert, how do you go? Is there a route to follow?" Jueming shook his head regretfully: "There is no route, we can only go according to our own sense of direction."

"However, the general route is marked. There is a route in the back mountain. It is not too far away, but it seems that it will take two or three days."

Everyone nodded: "It's fine if you don't want to, or you won't know if you get lost in the desert. Don't let everyone arrive by then, and we'll still be walking around there foolishly."

Yue Qingran smiled: "Don't worry, that's impossible. At least we still have a sense of direction. Without a sense of direction, we can use spiritual power. However, we never thought that we need a camel in the desert? "

Bailitang was stunned for a moment, then blinked innocently: "Camel? What is that? Hehe, we don't need it, hehe." After speaking, he touched his nose in embarrassment.

Yue Qingran rolled his eyes: "So, you haven't thought about this problem at all?" Jueming shook his head: "I thought about it at the time, but have you thought about it, how does the camel walk here? How do we arrange each other?"

Yue Qingran blinked, hesitated for a moment, and nodded: "I understand, I understand. That's it, I'll just get lost at the worst."

Jueming nodded, and gave Yue Qingran a "that's it" look.Yue Qingran shook her head helplessly, and continued walking ahead.

"Where can we go on this road?" Looking around, he has been in for so long and has not encountered any danger, probably due to the contributions of those who came in first.

Chased away those animals that were scary and took time to attack, so that the people who came in behind could walk without fear.Of course, no one will relax because of this. Everyone knows how difficult this road is.

This is a forest, and there are dangers everywhere in it, so everyone should be careful. "Are there any traps here that hunters can't fall?"

"There are no hunters, but I know that they will certainly not be less. Although they are not aimed at us, they are almost the same, and they are all aimed at the enemy."

"Should we find a place to discuss the countermeasures first? At least if we get inside, it's like being blind if we don't have a normal strategy. How can this work? What do you think?" Bai Litang asked as he walked, Also pay attention to the surrounding environment.

Yue Qingran nodded seriously: "This is very necessary. We can no longer think about it when we encounter danger. We must prevent it before it happens. What should we do? Who will come up with a solution?"

Everyone, look at me and I look at you. No one has a good solution.Yue Jiqiu said: "The main thing is, no one in our company knows how to clean up the team, so how can we think of a way?"

The two heads nodded: "And, what about the agreed alliance? Also, we are at the end now, who will have a chance to deal with us?" Yue Qingran curled her lips: "Why don't you understand? Let's just turn off the lights It's not now, but after arriving at the destination, what should I do when I see ghost flowers?"

"The after-sales service, the last remaining small team is a soft persimmon, who knows who knows, so what we have to worry about is this. It has nothing to do with what you said, do you know?"

Ertou nodded: "I know you're right, to take precautions before they happen, but now I know it's just making everyone more nervous, but wouldn't it be better to slow down? Relax properly so that everyone won't be restrained, or you'll all be waiting. Think about it, when you really meet, you will remember and forget. On the contrary, you will be more restrained."

"I really met, the big deal is like you said, we don't know how to form a group, so we will disperse. Whoever can fight together to form a small group, use a small group to fight, and who can form a large group, use a large group."

Yue Qingran was confused when he heard that, Qianye Shangxie burst out laughing: "I think I understand." Yue Qingran looked at Qianye Shangxie in puzzlement.Qianye Shangxie shook his head and asked, "Qingran, do you still remember the school's entrance exam?"

Yue Qingran nodded: "How long have you just entered school? Of course I remember." Qianye Shangxie continued to ask with a smile: "Then do you remember how you led them to the game when you were the captain?"

Yue Qingran Yajing: "You mean, if there is a tacit understanding between the two heads, then when they fight, they will be separated. The two of you will be in a team, and we will be in a team of two, and then each of you will be different, but the goal is the same. Yes. Is that so?"

Ertou nodded: "At that time, I was taken over to watch, so of course it was how to fight. Since you know it, why can't you remember it at critical moments?"

Yue Qingran curled her lips: "Who knows what you're talking about, I thought that since everyone has the same goal, they should unite well. For each group, once or twice is fine, but too many times is not acceptable."

"At that time, they will know what we have done. Wouldn't it be worse? Do it according to our situation..." The second head went on to say: "We in the team probably won't be able to do it. Of course we can try it, but if it is true When it gets to that point, we just fight one by one."

After pondering for a moment, he looked at everyone, rubbed his chin and said, "Everyone's single-player ability is good, so we will fight one at a time, and whoever finishes the fight first will come to help. That's fine. It's not easy."

Yue Qingran looked at the two heads, nodded appreciatively, Yue Jiqiu said: "That's right, the idiot has finally improved, his words are very good, it's worth trying."

Yue Qingran nodded: "This is a good idea." The second head said triumphantly: "The idea is all thought up by people, what are you afraid of? Soldiers will block you, and water will cover you up. There will always be a way."

Qianye Shangxie asked: "Do you still want to say that there must be a way for a car to reach the mountain, and the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge?" The second head nodded, his eyes lit up: "Yes, yes, this is it, I was excited I forgot."

Jueming looked at everyone and shook his head: "The idea is very good, Er Tou, don't be complacent. Otherwise, you will cry sometimes." The Er Tou stuck out his tongue and looked at Jueming dissatisfied.

The matter was settled, Yue Qingran let go of a big rock in her heart, she simply stopped thinking about this matter, and it was time to think about how to go forward.

Jueming could see that Yue Qingran was thinking a lot, and said: "Relax a bit, don't think too much and run, our tasks are different from others, and what we need is also very easy. Look at Rose, he ran to gather herbs went."

Yue Qingran shrugged her shoulders, looked back, sure enough, Yue Jiqiu had taken a fancy to a medicinal herb, and she was serving a dish.Helplessly biting and vomiting, seeing Yue Jiqiu's excited appearance, everyone had to stop and wait.

While waiting, suddenly felt that something was wrong, Yue Qingran frowned, where did this incongruity come from?Thinking helplessly, Yue Qingran raised her vigilance.

Seeing that Rose was picking herbs, Yue Qingran was startled suddenly: "Rose, is the medicinal material you picked very precious?" Rose squatted down and was sowing soil, nodded: "Of course, otherwise, can I pick it?" ?”

Yue Qingran finally understood where the incongruity lies: "There are more or less hunting animals around the precious medicinal materials, right? The villagers outside know it, so you don't know it?"

Yue Jiqiu froze for a moment, then nodded.Jue Ming also became vigilant.But after a long time, no hunting animals appeared, Yue Jiqiu frowned: "Shouldn't it?"

Tilting his neck and thinking curiously, he didn't know what was going on.Qianye Shangxie shook his head: "Perhaps, it's not necessarily that the other party has been killed."

Yue Qingran shook his head: "No, I still feel that there is danger, it must not be that simple." After finishing speaking, she looked at Yue Jiqiu: "What kind of medicinal material is this? Do you know what hunting beasts will be around?"

Yue Jiqiu shook his head: "I only know what this medicinal material is, but it is said that this medicinal material can attract all kinds of hunting animals to work for it, so I don't know which one it will be this time."

Yue Qingran cursed: "I hope it's not a difficult one." Qianye Shangxie sensed some danger and became vigilant: "I feel something is approaching, Ah Zi, but I can't hear the sound, and there is no way out. Come."

After finishing speaking, everyone became vigilant, and the two heads also nodded: "I feel it too. I don't believe that the other party will come over without a sound. It's really impossible. No matter what kind of animal, there will be a sound."

Yue Qingran shook his head: "I don't know, everyone should be vigilant, Yue Jiqiu, you continue to dig, before the other party comes over, hurry up and fix it, if it doesn't work, we will run away."

Rose walked over slowly and continued to dig.The rest of the people surrounded Yue Jiqiu to protect her.Yue Qingran frowned: "I feel a strong threat, but the other party won't just let us go so easily?"

Shaking his head, obviously, everyone didn't understand what was going on.Qianye Shangxie watched Rose Jiqiu dug up the medicinal materials and was about to take them out, his eyes opened wide: "Run!"

After finishing speaking, he knocked out the medicinal materials in Yue Jiqiu's hand.Pull the rose and fall away from there.Hearing the word 'run' squeezed out between Qianye Shangxie's teeth, everyone hurried into action.

A huge spider with sickle claws came out from the medicinal plant dug out in the rose season, and the first prize came out, and a sentence popped up: "Wow, what a big spider, it can make a dish... "

This sentence relieved everyone's tension.Qianye Shangxie also smiled: "Yeah, it's enough to stir-fry a dish. But you can tell it's a monster, who dares to act rashly?"

Ertou didn't dare to touch his head anymore, so he could only laugh awkwardly: "Yeah, who's doing the messing around? This spider is watching us right here, ready to eat us anytime."

Jueming looked at the other party: "Now, think of a way. I didn't feel the sound of the difficulty. It turns out that the other party is above the medicinal materials." The second glanced at Jueming: "I was wrong, it is under the medicinal materials."

(End of this chapter)

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