Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 134 The Sickle Black Spider

Chapter 134 The Sickle Black Spider

Jueming said 'oh', and didn't want to say anything more. "Okay, okay, now is not the time to think so much, everyone should hurry up and think about what to do."

Bailitang stared at the spider closely, not daring to act rashly, but he still looked helplessly at a group of people who were discussing the spider with nothing to do.

"Okay, okay, but now none of us dare to move, and there is no encirclement circle, what should we do? How many eyes does a spider have?" Yue Qingran watched everyone look at him, and widened his eyes: "How do I know? I It’s never happened before.”

The two heads said regretfully: "I thought you were a encyclopedia of knowledge." Yue Qingran smiled: "I only know that if you stab the other person in the heart, you will die. Is this possible?"

He got a blank stare: "If this is the case, I will pay it back, too? I also know that the other party's sickle is the key point." After speaking, everyone looked at him in surprise, and was stunned for a while.

"What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?" Qianye Shangxie looked at the second head: "How do you know where the other party's weak point is?" The second head wanted to touch his nose, but found that he didn't dare to act rashly now, embarrassed The corner of his mouth twitched: "No, this has been done in the school's library, right? Don't you pay attention to it?"

Jueming smiled bitterly, and the corners of his mouth slightly expired: "None of us have read that book. Who would be as idle as you." The second head was furious after hearing this: "You are idle, you have nothing to do when you are idle."

Jueming retorted: "Is it you? Everyone doesn't do anything but look for me every day. Who is more leisurely between the two of us?" The second head was embarrassed and smiled: "It seems to be me."

"I said, let's talk about the old days and then walk slowly? There is still a spider watching us now. When he gets impatient, he will attack us first. Now that we are many people, he still dare not move around, and neither do we dare to coltsfoot. But after a long time, he will attack." Bailitang helplessly reminded everyone what time it is now.

After hearing this, Yue Qingran's eyes lit up: "Let's just wait for him to come and attack first. At that time, there will definitely be openings. Now is the time to test endurance. Let's see who will show the opening first."

Jueming agreed to this approach, and everyone slowly waited to see who would be the first to be impatient and show their flaws.After a while, the spider probably got impatient, looked at everyone with a strong eye, and randomly chose a soft persimmon that was the best to pinch.

The lucky one is Qianye Shangxie.Of course, no one knows how to choose.Perhaps Qianye Shangxie performed the best.Seeing the opponent rushing towards him, Qianye Shangxie showed a smile.

After winking at everyone, Qianye Shangxie casually took out a short dagger from his pocket, turned slightly to avoid the two scythes, and stabbed it down.

The sound heard was indeed the sound of iron objects colliding with iron objects.Qianye Shangxie was cold for a second, and swung the sickle back, Qianye Shangxie quickly turned his face to avoid it.It's so dangerous, it will almost hurt Qianye Shangxie.

Yue Qingran rushed over and kicked the spider behind.Using its spiritual power, the spider rolled forward and fell back to Rhine to look at everyone fiercely.

"No, except for the weakest scythe, this spider is an iron arm. Also, once the scythe is injured, it will cause adverse effects. For example, the other party will be berserk, and then there will be various irregular routines. gone."

"If you want to kill him, you can only attack his heart, but it is very thick and hard. It is said that there is only one soft place, and it is surrounded. It is very difficult to find it."

Ertou took the opportunity to add various knowledge about the sickle black spider to everyone. "Also, this kind of spider's heart does not necessarily grow anywhere. There are mutations or for some reason, there are two hearts."

"So, it's not enough to stab one to death, but also to stab the other one. I only know that it's in the abdomen, and I don't know where it is. Do you think this is abnormal?" After finishing speaking, he asked everyone.

Yue Jiqiu pouted, taking advantage of the opportunity of everyone attacking the spiders, brought the medicinal materials and put them away.Seeing that the medicinal materials were taken away, the spider walked over in the spirit of the other party.

Yue Jiqiu saw that the other party came over quickly, showing a cold and stubborn smile, and said summarily: "You are waiting. Come quickly, little spider."

It's a pleasure to watch Bailitang deal with jerboas, but now the same scene is going to happen again, especially when the other party is a creepy-looking spider that makes people uncomfortable... and the spider is also vicious It's hard for anyone to bear to look at you.But looking at Yue Jiqiu's smile makes people feel even colder.

"Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it. I also like bad things, but you didn't realize it." After speaking, he watched the spider jump into his arms with a smile on his face.

Of course, it wasn't the one who asked for a hug, but the one who came to attack.Yue Jiqiu didn't know what was painted on her hand, and the spider didn't dare to approach that hand of Yue Jiqiu.

With the hand that the spider dared not approach, Yue Jiqiu grabbed the spider's hind legs and turned it over.Seeing the spider move its sickle, Yue Jiqiu hid for a while, then looked at him with a smile on his face, and said, "Unless you break your legs like a crab, otherwise, you will have to wait to die."

After finishing speaking, he smiled sinisterly.What he had smeared on his hand after escaping from his arms was placed in front of the spider.Looking at the spider running around with a smile on his face, he was overjoyed.

"What's that?" Peeking at the danger seemed to be in contact with it just like that, and asked curiously.Rose Moon said lightly: "This is just necessary to prevent mosquitoes in the jungle. Do you want to try it? It is absolutely cool."

It is the so-called cooling oil.It's just that I don't know what it is that scares the spider so much. "I've seen this kind of spider before. It's very sensitive. I can't bear even a pungent smell. What's more, an ordinary person like me will cry when I smell it. He will definitely be scared."

"But I didn't expect it to be so easy. Is it true or not? There won't be another move, right?" Rose just finished speaking, and the second move came.Yue Jiqiu felt a dark wind coming from behind, so she quickly lowered her head to avoid it.Looking back, I rely on it!

At that time, the first reaction was to take this spider and avoid it.Rose Moon did so.After avoiding it, I felt that if I took this one with me, I might resist.

He simply said, "Take care of the big one, and I'll kill the small one first." After finishing speaking, everyone stepped forward to block the figure of Rose, who took this opportunity to look at the spider's abdomen, and with a belt, The dope's hand was groping around the place close to the heart, and touched it lightly with his fingertips.

After a while, they found a good place, and a hint of mockery flashed in Yue Jiqiu's eyes.Shaking his head: "I wanted to have fun, but it's a pity, it's a pity."

After finishing speaking, he stabbed him mercilessly.The spider made a cry, which was very ugly and very loud.The big spider became even angrier when he knew that the little spider had been killed.

Qianye Shangxie asked: "How did you find the heart?" Yue Jiqiu thought for a while: "There is a part that is darker in color, and you can see it if you look closely."

Qianye Shangxie nodded: "Find a way to make him stand up, so that he can see the position below." Everyone nodded and continued to tease the general spider.

The animals that appear in this place are generally not too dangerous animals, so it is easy to kill each other. Now everyone is just responsible for practicing their hands.

Under constant teasing, the spider finally stood up.Qianye Shangxie took a quick look. After the spider landed, while attacking the opponent, he thought that the color of the place just now was wrong.

Eyes lit up: "I'm afraid I know where it is, everyone tell him to stand up quickly." Yue Jiqiu also came to help, threw away the dead little spider in his hand, and went to tease the big spider.

There are many ways to make spiders stand up, but those are only limited to the small spiders that can climb for half a day in the palm of your hand. For this kind of big ones, you basically kill Buddhas when you meet Buddhas, and kill gods when you meet gods.

It took a long time for everyone to successfully irritate the big spider and make him stand up and prepare to attack.Seeing this opportunity, Qianye Shangxie quickly stepped forward, aimed at the spot he had seen, and stabbed in.

The big spider let out a shrill cry, and it was many times bigger than the one just now.Seeing the spider fall, Qianye Shangxie breathed a sigh of relief and walked back.The screaming has not stopped, and everyone has no choice but to cover their ears.

He smiled at everyone, and several people showed relaxed expressions.

It's not over yet.

Under everyone's gaze, the big spider stood up slowly, eyes breathing fire.Qianye Shangxie secretly sighed: "No, he has two hearts."

Everyone's eyes widened: "Where's the other heart?" Qianye Shangxie shook his head, his brows were tightly furrowed, carefully echoing what else he missed just now.

"Do both hearts grow in the abdomen?" Qianye Shangxie asked the only insider seriously.Ertou nodded resolutely: "Of course, I'm pretty sure that it didn't mutate elsewhere."

Qianye Shangxie gave a faint 'En'.Think carefully.Yue Qingran also looked at it when he was strengthening his body, and frowned: "Is it the place closest to the claw? If he has a neck, it should be at the edge of the neck."

Qianye Shangxie thought about it for a while, and his eyes lit up: "That's right there, there's one there." After finishing speaking, he looked at the spider that would no longer be fooled, took a risk, and rushed over. One slipped and lay on the spider's bed under.It was very difficult for the spider to change its position, because it was too big, which just gave Qianye the convenience of being evil.

Taking a closer look, there was indeed a small dot with a lighter color at the junction of the claws. Qianye Shangxie took a deep breath, and stabbed with enough strength.

The spider let out a shrill howl, and it was about to come down. Qianye Shangxie hurriedly wanted to leave, but there was nothing he could do.At a critical moment, the second head pulled Qianye Shangxie's ankle, and Qianye Shangxie forcibly pulled it out.

After calling, the spider is completely immortal.In order to prevent a generation, everyone watched it for a while.Be sure to die completely.Qianye Shangxie said to the second head, "Thank you."

Ertou scratched his head: "They are all our own people." After speaking, everyone laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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