Chapter 141
This kind of thought not only arose in everyone's mind, but Jueming's mind was no exception.And this idea also appeared in other people.

Yue Qingran and the others are not the active ones, because there are already people who are more active than them.I don't know if it's the cold aura on them that made them a little worried or something. In short, many small teams have begun to look for their alliances.

It's not like that, it's just that there is a so-called revolutionary friendship between small teams. Because there are few people, they are in a disadvantaged position, so they feel at ease and are with more disadvantaged groups to form a huge disadvantaged group.At least, if it goes on like this, the power is still great.

Yue Qingran and the others had just been born in this land not long ago, probably not far from their destination, so many people in twos and threes rested together in one team and two teams.

Le Qingran and the others passed by, causing many people with a small number of people to look sideways at them.But they didn't care about it.During the break, a team leader or team member came around them.

When a stranger comes, everyone's first reaction is definitely to be vigilant.Sensing that they were too vigilant, the other party smiled embarrassedly, raised his hands and stood quietly around, looking at Jue Ming and them with kind eyes.

"What's the matter?" Jueming pondered for a moment and asked the other party.The other party did not hesitate, and directly explained his intentions. "I'm Chen Jing, from that team."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the small team he was in, and there were only four people there.

"As you can see, our team is very small. In this kind of place, it doesn't matter who has the ability, the team is very important to a certain extent. I saw with my own eyes that there are still people from big families outside What about recruiting people from other teams, so... I want to say, look at you, you just arrived, right? Do you want to join our team?"

Yue Qingran took a closer look, and those who came here first had already made up their minds.As a matter of course, I started to recruit other people as if I wanted to pick up customers.

It is a matter of course that those who arrive first will have the sovereignty, so they can only accept it passively.But it doesn't matter, as long as you can find shelter, who cares how it exists.

"Is there any request or can you give me any benefits? We don't do things that don't benefit." Chen Jing didn't seem to think of giving benefits.No matter which time, when watching someone take over other people, the other party would agree after a moment of contemplation.

Chen Jing was a little surprised, so he didn't know what to do.The look of asking for help looked at the rest of the people.In their team, there are two men and two women, which is very balanced.

After receiving Chen Jing's look for help, the rest of the people got up and walked over. "I'm the captain, Mu Qiu. If you have anything to say, you can tell me. If the request is reasonable, I will consider it."

Jueming stood up: "I'm the captain, Jueming." Mu Qiu smiled and said, "The name sounds domineering, doesn't it? Is it really Jueming? If it's fake, it's useless."

Qianye Shangxie frowned upon hearing this.Bai Litang also frowned. This captain, with a very arrogant tone, seems to be really rich?

"Pay attention to your tone of voice, no one told you?" Jueming didn't care at the time, and asked calmly.What does it feel like to get punched in cotton?That's it for now.

You were furious and wanted to give the opponent off, but who knew that the opponent saw your horse and avoided it directly.Do you want to show off others?Think beautifully.

Mu Qiu's eyes flickered for a moment, and he looked at Jue Ming: "You have a crazy tone, do you have the capital? You are gentle, don't mess around in the end, your captain is a doctor."

The two girls in their team covered their mouths and laughed.The captain heard someone laughing along with him, and laughed even more wildly.Chen Jing looked at Jueming and the others with some embarrassment.

Jueming was still expressionless, but judging from the aura he exuded, he seemed to be angry.

Others also saw what happened here and looked sideways.Yue Jiqiu was unhappy, and stood up: "What do you mean? Look down on the doctor or something?"

The original meaning of this sentence was just a rhetorical question, but Muqiu and the others understood that their team leader Jueming was really a doctor.He laughed even happier: "It turns out that the leader of the team is really a doctor."

Yue Jiqiu thought about it, understood, and for some reason, also laughed.Bailitang and the others even laughed out loud.Mu Qiu originally had the advantage, but when the opponent's team members also laughed, it became not funny.

"Hey, what are you laughing at?" Bai Litang smiled a little: "Anyway, it's not the same thing as you know." Mu Qiu thinks that her ability is good, especially in this team, he has led many times. Seeing these people rush out of the siege, so a little arrogant and not good enough for the country, now unexpectedly meeting such a group of people, making her lose face, Mu Qiu is very angry.

Most of the people who appeared here were small teams, and the road ahead was probably more difficult, or it was already the world of big teams.Therefore, if a small team wants to go there, it must be due to their ability to compete, otherwise it will be just cannon fodder.

Therefore, these small teams all appeared here, waiting to find some people who could be gathered, and then formed a team to go in together.

The cue ball and the others have been waiting here for a long time. They have been waiting here for two days.Because there is some pride and arrogance in the team, it is always difficult to gather people.

Now that the big alliance formed by the small team that has already arrived at Nen Huan i has left, it is really rare for Mu Qiu to be here for two days but still have only four people.

So everyone who knows knows that now is the opportunity to watch the excitement, and many people choose to find someone by themselves because they are not convinced by Mu Qiu's magnanimous and arrogant appearance.

"Brother, do you want to join us? Our team is a bit strange. Except for me and my younger brother who are men, the other three-dimensional girls are all beauties."

Someone next to him fanned a fan and walked over in a gentle and refined manner, smiling and looking at Mu Qiu's panting appearance, as if intentionally fanning the flames, he deliberately came over to annoy the other party.

Mu Qiu snorted angrily: "What do you mean? Medicine jar, don't think you can be proud for long, with a team like yours, you will die in it sooner or later, you better leave as soon as possible."

The man called the medicine jar frowned: "I don't remember that I have such a nickname." Mu Qiu sneered: "Take medicine every day, what is it if it's not a medicine jar?"

The younger brother of the medicine jar seemed to be a young boy who couldn't hold his breath.In other words, the idol in his mind was belittled in such a way that he was furious.

He rushed over angrily, but he was not Mu Qiu's opponent at all. "You are not allowed to speak of my brother like that." As he spoke, he rushed over and was kicked to the ground as soon as he finished speaking.

Looking at the medicine jar, his expression changed, and he rushed forward: "Let him go." The three girls next to him also stepped forward one after another, and the two girls on Mu Qiu's side stopped the three of them.

How should I put it, at first glance, this team is a team with insufficient ability, and the three girls are all embroidered pillows, so they are no opponents at all against the other two.

The other two girls seem to have been specially trained somewhere, with murderous looks on their bodies, and their moves are deadly.Yue Qingran watched, her eyes calm.

As far as the moves of these two girls are concerned, in my eyes, they feel the same as the moves of those three girls, and they are not worth mentioning.

The three girls were restrained, and Mu Qiu restrained the other boy by the way, leaving only the so-called medicine jar to stick to Mu Qiu's side, no difference between the two.

However, none of the few people who were the instigators intended to help.Just watching diligently from the side.It's as if someone's team has to adapt, and everyone will be like that.

Seeing Jue Ming and the others watching with great interest, Mu Qiu couldn't help but beam with joy, and played the deadly move to the fullest.But that medicine jar is indeed very powerful, but this strength is of no practical use to Yue Qingran and the others.

It's not easy for the two to be on par, but Yue Qingran was surprised: "How did they survive until now at their level?"

Yue Qingran's voice was not low, everyone present could hear it.Those watching from a distance might not hear it clearly, but those on the field heard it clearly.

The medicine jar was distracted for a moment, was injured, and fell out.The boy ran over and glared at everyone.Yue Qingran glared at Yue Qingran who asked the question.Qianye Shangxie frowned, and took a small step forward indistinctly, blocking the boy's gaze.

The other party smiled: "My father brought several brothers and sisters in the family. This is my own brother, and the other three are children from my cousins' families, all of whom are my sisters."

Yueqing said with a clear 'oh': "Where's your father? Who else is there besides your father?" The other party smiled bitterly: "Father and the other three uncles are dead, here. Just take a look at the ghost flower that killed them."

"We all know our strength. We just want to see it. As for getting that thing, we haven't thought about it. We just want to follow fate."

One of the girls rubbed her shoulders, walked over, helped the other two girls who had fallen to the ground, and then walked slowly back to the two men.

The medicine jar sat on the ground, still looking calm, and smiled indifferently.After coughing a few times, his expression suddenly changed.

The boy realized something, and hurriedly opened his storage bag, found the pill and stuffed it into the man's mouth, and the man ate it.After a while, he smiled nonchalantly.

"I was born with a weak body, so it is not easy to practice. This time I was able to come out because of the request of my three younger sisters, so I killed my father and uncle. Just like what Mu Qiu said, I am indeed a medicine jar, and I will hurt you all." .”

Saying this, even though he didn't care, the look of disappointment still existed.Most of their ability to come here should be dependent on their father and uncle. Now that these people are gone, their chances of surviving are not too high based on their ability.

Yue Qingran continued to watch with a blank expression, waiting for the development of the situation.

(End of this chapter)

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