Chapter 142

The girl pouted unhappily: "No, although we don't have anything else here, we have a lot of medicinal materials and exercises. If you don't want these, we still have a lot of weird things here Woolen cloth."

"I have the exercises on me right now. As long as I am willing to practice, I can instantly raise two levels and reach the level of a great spiritual master, really."

Frowning in satisfaction, he shouted angrily: "Shen Shen! Don't talk nonsense." After speaking, he stood up and looked at all the people around him vigilantly.The girl named Shen Shen glanced at the apology, and shouted angrily: "What do you look at, it is useless to get it. If you are out of the same family, you can't practice. Unless you keep the blood of our family."

Speaking of being able to upgrade two levels in an instant, many people looked at that girl with red eyes.After hearing this statement, Ka Shi shook his head regretfully.If that's the case, it's pointless.

Many people sat down in disappointment, waiting to continue watching the excitement.Mu Qiu looked at Yue Qingran and his group: "How about it, tell me, do you want to join?"

Jueming stood there indifferently: "As I said, the conditions I want from you and the place that attracts me to join will always give me benefits. The six of us, the four of you..."

The meaning couldn't be more obvious.Mu Qiu waved impatiently: "Tell me, what do you want." Yue Jiqiu sneered, and walked out swaggeringly: "We have a lot of things we want, can you afford it? Let's see what you have."

"Talk to us about the conditions, and always tell me your capital. But judging by your looks, you look good, and your it a little short?"

The meaning inside and outside the words made the other party stare angrily.Many people around laughed out loud.The two women in the team looked at Yue Jiqiu, and blushed angrily when they heard the laughter of the people next to them.

"You are in school, laugh at me again and kill you all, let's see who can still laugh." The murderous look released told everyone that what he said was not a lie.

"Yo Yo Yo, I'm so scared. Are you still an old woman? Just like you? Whose mother are you? With a mother like you around, your son will commit suicide first. Do you still need to do it yourself?"

Jueming shook his head, sighed, stepped forward and pulled Yue Jiqiu back: "Stop talking nonsense, aren't you tired after talking so much? Just say a few words, we still have to hurry."

Rose Moon hummed, and continued to walk back swaggeringly.Standing in the team, I can still feel the glaring eyes of those two 'grandmothers'.

"Well, you join us, our request is very simple, help me get the ghost flower, I just want the ghost flower, as for the ghost fruit, you can take it if you want."

Before Jueming could speak, Yue Qingran spoke up: "The lion opened his mouth. Four people also want to get it? It's not from the family, with only a little ability, just like you, want to get it?"

Mu Qiu was taken aback, and pointed at Yue Qingran: "You..." Yue Qingran didn't wait for the other party to finish speaking, and continued to speak: "I don't even look at my own ability to speak, and if I get it, I won't bring it, but I will die." faster."

Bailitang also took a deep breath when he heard this, none of them thought about getting the petals of the ghost flower, let alone this group of people.I really don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the boy.

"We don't dare to say that, but you dare to say that you want ghost flowers? Are you kidding me? Have your brains been kicked by a donkey?" Mu Qiu calmed down and the doctor said, "What about your abilities? I am very capable, and they follow me go through fire and water……"

Yue Qingran frowned: "Watch out for me." Mu Qiu didn't understand why, so he froze for a moment.Yue Qingran was also unambiguous, and kicked it so fast that Mu Qiu was kicked flying before she had time to react.

After flying away, Mu Qiu didn't even react.It took a while before he realized that he had been defeated.The medicine jar was also on the side, looking at Yue Qingran in amazement.

'Wow—' There was an uproar, no one expected Yue Qingran to defeat Mu Qiu with such an easy move.Mu Qiu's strength is not the highest here, but she has not been defeated by a single move.

What's more, the other party has already said something like 'beware of me'.

Bai Litang snorted coldly: "What's going to happen? We don't dare to take this idea lightly, you kid will be serious at the time. It's okay to be confident, but it's your fault if you are a big lion. Being with someone like you , you come to be the leader, I'm afraid I won't even know how to die."

The cue ball took a deep breath, stood up tremblingly, clutched his chest, and looked at Yue Qingran in horror: "!" Yue Qingran raised his eyebrows and looked at Mu Qiu: "You still what to say?"

"Why do you have a doctor as the team leader, but the team members are so strong." The real doctor Yue Jiqiu's mouth twitched, and he didn't refute.

"The team leader needs brains. There are many ways to convince everyone. It is not only the use of force to solve the problem. Kong has a martial arts but has no brains. Let the team members go to death. This kind of team leader is worthless. He has brains and ability. In this case , why not let him be the team leader?"

Obviously, Mu Qiu once again misunderstood what Qianye Shangxie kindly said.Looking at Yue Qingran in horror: "You mean, he didn't become the team leader because he has no brains?"

Yue Jiqiu couldn't help laughing, squatting on the ground and laughing non-stop.Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran both darkened, looked at Mu Qiu, and shook their heads sadly.

Chen Jing twitched the corners of his mouth in embarrassment. The two women behind understood the meaning of prosperity, but Mu Qiu...: "I'm curious, which one of you has no brains? How did you become the team leader? You Where's your brain?"

Yue Qingran suddenly remembered a popular game in her previous life, Plants vs. Zombies.It's a pity that I haven't played it myself, but I have heard that voice: "Your brain was eaten by zombies."

Yue Qingran thought to herself, this person's brain is probably the same.It's gone.At this time, I can only express my heartfelt exclamation to prove everyone's feelings.

Jueming also sighed deeply, and looked at Mu Qiu sympathetically.Everyone really didn't know what to say about Mu Qiu's self-inflicted behavior.

Yue Qingran didn't want to explain anything.Directly signal Jueming to change or leave.Jueming nodded, shook his head at everyone, restrained himself, and everyone was about to leave.

Jueming glanced at Mu Qiu sympathetically, wiped away his tears, and followed everyone on the road.

Although Yao Jai knew that his strength was far behind theirs, he was still a little unwilling.He stepped forward a few steps to stop them, but Chen Jing made a move first.

"Think about it. Although our strength is not as good as yours, it is always good to have more people. Our ability is not good, but it can distract others."

Qianye Shangxie patted Chen Jing on the shoulder: "If it wasn't for him, it would be much better. We really thought about cooperating with you, but in the current situation, I think there is a great chance for us to fight among ourselves."

After finishing speaking, he lifted his foot past Chen Jing and prepared to leave.Chen Jing looked at them disappointedly and shook his head.Looking back at Mu Qiu, he sighed heavily.

If it wasn't because it was really Mu Qiu's team, I really hoped that I could jump out and go with them.Taking a look at their backs, Chen Jing walked back.

Yao Guanzi also hurried over: "Are you interested in joining us? Shen Shen said, we have a lot of things here, and my father's status in the clan is not low, so there are still things. What do you want, just ask, as long as you can." Definitely give it."

Bailitang smiled, "You?" Shen Shen ran over unconvinced, "I can become a great spiritual master at any time if I want." As soon as he finished speaking, his mouth was covered.

"You think it's so easy to change? If that's the case, why didn't you use it during the fight just now?" Seeing that Shen Shen's mouth was covered, Yue Qingran asked back.

Shen Shen gave two 'woo hoo', but said nothing.

"This is my little cousin Shenshen, this is my first cousin Xiaoxiao, and my second cousin Xiaotao. That is my younger brother Yuanrong." Yao Guanzi introduced these people, the meaning couldn't be more clear, and I showed my sincerity , I hope you accept it.

"Since yesterday, I have become the captain. I am Yuan Zhan." Yue Qingran looked at them carefully, and Jue Ming looked at them and said, "We need to think about it." .

Several people formed a pile and discussed in low voices.After a while, Jueming gave a reply: "Yes. But what we want is up to us to decide, and we haven't considered it yet. You should know that the six of us here are not useless, so the things we want are naturally very expensive. If you can’t get it out, don’t agree.”

Yuan Zhan frowned, a little puzzled.After Jueming finished speaking, Bailitang added: "The meaning is, if the promise is made, then we must give what we don't want."

Yuan Zhan hesitated for a moment, looking at the brothers and sisters next to him. "What if, I mean if, we really can't get it out?"

"It depends on your mood. If you're in a good mood, you can change it. If you're in a bad mood, you'll have to make yourselves restless." Yue Jiqiu smiled sinisterly and looked at them.

Yuan Zhan shuddered and looked at Yuan Rong.Yuanrong thought for a while: "Success, no problem. Well, why didn't you agree? What are we afraid of, we are already like this."

Yuan Zhan's eyes wandered for a moment, but he finally agreed.In this way, a small alliance was formed, with eleven members.

"There is another request that you must agree to, that is, the captain is still from us, because of your ability, so you still have to obey us, don't make trouble or play petty temper."

After Yue Jiqiu finished speaking, she looked at these girls.Yuan Zhan looked at the younger sisters, smiled and agreed on behalf of everyone: "No problem, we will obey you, and you can be the captain."

"However, you must not abandon us. At a critical moment, you cannot withdraw us as a shield. At least you must protect our safety. Before we see the ghost flower."

Jueming looked at them, looked them up and down, frowned, it would be difficult to keep them safe and sound.But in the end he reluctantly agreed.

Yuan Zhan smiled: "Don't worry, as long as we see ghost flowers, it's inevitable that we will get hands, so there is no need to be stressed." Saying this, everyone feels more at ease.Jueming's brows also stretched.

(End of this chapter)

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