Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 143 Seeing where the ghost flower is

Chapter 143 Seeing where the ghost flower is

Yue Jiqiu jumped out of it, walked in front of Er Tou, held Er Tou's head, and wanted to push Er Tou in.The two heads struggled quickly: "What are you doing? Let go."

"Two heads, two heads, why are you so stupid? Is it because your head was smashed by the storm. How can you do it if you don't count yourself? Why are you so dumb."

Yue Jiqiu's laughing voice came from the top of his head.After Yue Jiqiu finished speaking, Er Tou's face turned red, and he looked at Er Tou angrily, and might rush up to fight with Yue Jiqiu at any time.

Everyone laughed when they heard Yue Jiqiu's words.Yue Qingran showed a rare smile, looking at these two live treasures.Qianye Shangxie sneaked over: "Have you relaxed a bit? It's been a long time since I saw you smiling like this."

Yue Qingran froze for a moment, then smiled deeper, and looked sideways at Qianye Shangxie's worried expression. "I'm fine, and I haven't worried about it, it's just that there is nothing happy about it."

Seeing Yue Qingran's current state, Qianye Shangxie felt relieved: "It's fine, everything will be fine." The storm has passed, the play is over, and everyone is about to start preparing for the road.

Qianye Shangxie looked to the left, then looked again, and frowned: "Just say what you have to say, don't act like this, it's annoying to watch." Yuan Zhan froze for a moment, rubbed his nose, and smiled wryly.

"It's nothing, I just didn't expect that you can disobey the captain's words at any time, it's just weird." Qianye Shangxie opened his mouth wide, blinked his eyes and didn't know how to answer.

"What's the matter? We can all have our own opinions. Everyone has their own good or bad things. What is there to worry about? Each has its own field. As long as you have confidence, you can control your thoughts at any time." .”

Yuan Zhan touched the back of his head: "Well, I've been taught." Qianye Shangxie looked at the second head, the second head raised his chin, and Qianye Shangxie smiled helplessly.Is this something to brag about?
"Okay, let's go on the road if there are no doubts. We are all human beings, and we can use our own thoughts. So we will also have right and wrong points. If there is something wrong, you can express your doubts. It's nothing."

Jueming said that he was playing, waved his hand, and led everyone on the road.Everyone didn't have a clear idea of ​​the route, but this didn't bother Yuan Zhan. Yuan Zhan pointed out an optimal route, and everyone walked there according to Yuan Zhan's command.

"Go this route all the way, and then we can get back on the right track." After Yuan Zhan finished speaking, he coughed a few times.Xiao Tao hurried over and handed the pill in her arms to Yuan Zhan.

"What's wrong with you?" Ertou frowned at Yuan Zhan.Yuan Zhan took the medicine, took a breath and smiled: "It's nothing, it's just that the body is poor, so the health has never been very good. Just take some medicine and keep an eye on it."

Yue Jiqiu looked at it, and said quietly: "Is it caused by the acclimatization of the water and soil? The climate here is very hot, so your body can't stand it?"

Yuan Zhan looked up at Yue Jiqiu, nodded and smiled.But there was some bitterness in the smile.Yue Jiqiu didn't plan to lend a helping hand, although it was a team, not everyone needed help.

At night, it is still a troublesome problem of rotation.Because there will be a few more people, so the rotation and so on make it impossible for everyone to allocate.

"It doesn't matter, three people in the first half, three people in the second half, and the remaining five people come tomorrow?" Yuan Zhan said easily.

"It's okay, but how to divide the number?" Yuan Zhan thought for a while: "We have five tomorrow, we will handle the distribution problem ourselves, and I will be responsible for the division. You can handle yours, how about this?"

Jueming thought about it, this is a good way, so the distribution method of the rotation of the six people remains the same, and they have Yuan Zhan to be responsible for the remaining five people.

It was a peaceful night, and the shift was carried out in an orderly manner, without waking up the rest of the irrelevant people.In the morning, Jueming looked at the route and said, "According to our current route, we can reach the place in less than ten days."

"Ten days left?" Ertou exclaimed, Qianye Shangxie only moved his eyes slightly when he heard it, but his face remained expressionless.Jueming smiled, a very weird smile, and looked at the second head with a gloomy look.

The second head kept his head: "Cheng Chengcheng, I admit my mistake, I admit my mistake. How about it, why do we have ten days to arrive?" Jueming pondered for a moment: "It's the angel's most conservative estimate. It will take six or seven days to arrive."

"I just said that so that you don't get too anxious." The second head said exaggeratedly: "Not anxious yet? I'm going to die here if I can't see it, and I'm about to collapse."

Jueming rolled his eyes: "Now, let's get on the road." The second head sadly gnawed a few mouthfuls of steamed buns, and angrily set off on the road.The speed remains the same, day and night.

Nothing too serious happened for the next few days.It's just that Shenshen was too lively on the way, so he was accidentally bitten by a scorpion and was poisoned.

Yue Jiqiu gave Shen Shen one of the detoxification pills he refined, and at the same time gave one to each of the five of them.After that, not too many difficult things happened.

It's just that in the picture, everyone once had no water source.Fortunately, everyone has spiritual power, so they can resist it for a while.On this day, everyone finally saw an oasis and were very excited.

"Wow, Oasis, I never knew green was so pleasing." Xiaoxiao said excitedly.Yue Qingran was a little excited when she saw it, and everyone ran over.

It's one thing for Yue Qingran to be excited, but besides being excited, she is still a little worried that it will be troublesome if this is not a real oasis.Fortunately, this is not a mirage, but a real oasis.

In the oasis, everyone played in the water lively, took a bath, and then poured some clean water, and then everyone started on the road again.I don't know if it's because the existence of the oasis brought good luck to everyone. Before we went far, we saw a dark crowd of people staying in the same place.

Standing on a sand dune far away, I looked into the distance, and in the dark crowd, I could vaguely see a red thing in the middle, probably the so-called ghost flower.

Yue Qingran smiled: "I finally found it." Seeing the plan made everyone happier, at least the destination of this trip was reached.

"Let's go down." Jueming was also very happy, but his voice remained the same. "Okay." Qianye Shangxie replied firmly.All the people walked down the road in a mighty way, and everyone lived in peace and harmony along the way, without encountering any difficulties.

So there is only one person in this team, which is considered a very large team.After Qianye Shangxie walked down, everyone looked sideways.

They have probably been here for a long time, everyone has spent their own time, and no one is waiting for the ghost fruit to appear.

"Hey, another team of little dolls is coming. I haven't seen anyone for a long time. I thought they were all dead behind. I didn't expect there to be any more."

Qianye Shangxie took a look at the person who spoke. It was a strange white-haired old man with a strange smile, a strange voice, and strange words. His whole body revealed no righteousness.

Qianye Shangxie had a judgment in his heart, and decided to be wary of this old man, he would not be a good person.

Yue Qingran also looked at the other party, but this large number was not like Qianye Shangxie, he looked at everyone, eyes, eyes can see a lot of things.

Some people come here with greed, some with determination, and some with the mentality of watching the excitement.Yue Qingran remembered all of these in her mind.

This means that once a scuffle really happens, everyone can know what kind of alliance can keep everyone alive as quickly as possible.No matter what the analogy is, be prepared for danger in times of peace.

It seems safe and peaceful now, but there is no guarantee that there will be no accidents.Yue Qingran doesn't have enough self-confidence.So now after reading these, we need to make an assessment, know that something has really happened, and find out which group of people will survive more reliably.

Jueming looked at it and said, "Let's rest here." Pointing to this position, the current state of Guihua can just be seen through the crowd.The ghost flower has not bloomed yet.

No one spoke, and after Jueming pointed out the place, everyone sat down.No one answered what the old man said, and the old man was a little dissatisfied: "Xiao dolls, don't you respect the old and love the young?"

The second glanced, but obediently did not speak.At this time, it is better not to provoke.Everyone doesn't know these people, and they don't know their abilities. The old man hides very deeply, so don't provoke them easily.

"Who can tell who is setting up the formation?" Yue Qingran approached Qianye Shangxie and asked quietly.Qianye Shangxie took a look at everyone, and shook his head regretfully: "I can't see it, everyone is hiding it."

Yue Qingran nodded understandingly, and didn't care about it.If there are words written on the face, I am afraid that many people will kill them collectively.So hiding it is the scariest thing.

"It's best not to let the other party have a chance to set up a formation and trap us inside when we go to grab the ghost flower later. Otherwise, I'm afraid we will die inside if we get it."

Jueming came over at this time, "So, when we go in, don't be the first to go in. I still say that, we are not in a hurry. But now, I need to confirm what they think."

After speaking, he glanced sideways at the other five people.Sensing Jueming's gaze, Yuan Zhan looked back.Yue Qingran also looked over, turned around and nodded.

The Jueming Eight found themselves together, and carefully arranged the barrier to prevent the other party from knowing what they were talking about.In order to prevent accidents, the voice of Jue Ming is still very small.

"I'll say it again, let's not rush up to grab that thing, don't worry, everything will come slowly. Let them hit first, and we will just watch."

Yuan Zhan smiled meaningfully: "You guys are really insidious."

Yue Qingran raised her eyes, as it should be: "The lead is also good, we just do it like this, it's better than stumbling behind, so this is good enough."

Jueming coughed and everyone shut up. "I went on to say, your thoughts need to be confirmed, or do you think we can disband our team now?"

(End of this chapter)

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