Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 148 Anxious and Nervous

Chapter 148 Anxious and Nervous

"How about it, have you thought about it? You can leave at any time. Since everyone has experienced storms together, I suggest that you go back the same way now, at least go back to the forest. I'm not sure what will happen after the world is destroyed. It will not make the speed of wind and sand flow faster and produce other chain reactions."

Qianye Shangxie kindly reminded him, and then smiled and said: "By the way, after this time, I am afraid that few of these people will survive. I understand why there is an enchantment in the forest..."

After saying this, everyone remembered that the forest, when they first entered the forest, they knew that the forest had an enchantment.protected.Now it seems that if the mechanism here is activated, the barrier will appear immediately, protecting the hard-won green.

Everyone is already in their hearts, but if they don't follow forward now, they can't retreat to the forest in less than half an hour, so...the only way forward is to move forward.

"Qianye Shangxie, you already counted us all in, didn't you? You knew you couldn't retreat at this time?" Xiaoxiao exclaimed, and at this moment, everyone managed to recover.

Xiaoxiao's question is indeed on point, I don't know why Qianye Shangxie can be so relaxed at this time, the only possibility is that Qianye Shangxie has already considered all this.

Qianye Shangxie shrugged: "I just found out, so I'm sorry, I'm not interested in the calculation that even kills me. When I walked over just now, I felt that the surrounding rocks and trees were placed in strange positions. , I seem to have seen it somewhere or read it in a book, but I'm not sure."

"Knowing that the second head said that the people in the school would never do this, I realized it. Jueming's actions confirmed my statement. Therefore, I said, now there is only one way forward, and there is only one way for us. Our way back They're all locked down."

Qianye Shangxie finished speaking indifferently and looked at everyone.Yuan Zhan took a deep breath: "So, what are you asking? We will definitely follow in, as long as we can live for a second."

Qianye smiled evilly, showing his white teeth, looking eerie in the dark.Yue Qingran frowned: "Okay, don't scare them."

Qianye's Shangxie calmed down, and said indifferently: "Now we are on the same front. Of course, I have to make sure that they will all be obedient. If they have other thoughts at this time, they will die miserably. So scare them first."

Only then did everyone understand what Qianye Shangxie meant by doing this, but now they are in no mood to say anything.Qianye Shangxie took a look at the approximate location of the organ, and said, "I can go there quietly, but everyone has to follow. The organ is nearby, so everyone has to go there."

"However, Rose is in charge of picking flowers, and at the same time, there must be someone around to protect him before he comes over, so..." Qianye Shangxie looked at everyone and decided: "Jue Ming and Rose are going to pick flowers, and the others are here Wait here."

"The two of Jueming will come back first after finishing their work. If someone attacks during this period, everyone will block it. After the two of them come back, everyone will come to my side together. If the speed is fast, it will only take a few seconds."

"At this time, I will open the mechanism. If it has been a long time, the opening time will be slower. At this time, it depends on luck. It is best that no one sees us picking flowers."

"No one saw my small movements, and then we can go in without any injuries..." Of course, these are impossible, everyone knows.Things that everyone pays so much attention to will not be forgotten just because they are fighting.

So everyone will see everyone's small actions, but it's just to see who finds out. If everyone attacks collectively, it will be much worse.

Qianye Shangxie first asked Rose to pick flowers, while Jueming watched from the side.Qianye Shangxie took this opportunity to run to a range not far away, stood upright, exposed himself to the torches, ignored outsiders, muttered words, and kept walking in a small area with his feet.

The two of them were exposed to everyone almost at the same time, while Jueming was still hidden in the dark.

"Look, someone wants to pick ghost flowers." The first person to find out exclaimed, but the hostile party thought that the other party wanted to divert attention, and sneered: "We don't care what you say now." will believe it."

The other party froze for a moment, and wailed: "It's true, if you don't believe me, look at it." The other party's expression didn't seem to be lying, everyone looked over, and then the second and third Dou Dasheng shouted.

"Someone wants to pick ghost flowers, everyone, look, hurry over." The shouts became louder and louder, everyone gradually stopped and looked in the direction of the fingers.

Jueming hides in the dark, knowing that if everyone finds out, it will be difficult to deal with, so he picked up a few small stones and placed a formation around it, which can at least resist it for a while.

Moon Season and Autumn struggled to dig ghost flowers again.Now everyone is not thinking carefully, because of what Qianye Shangxie said.Everyone's hearts are picking up, and the people outside are about to rush over.

Jueming's formation has not yet been set up, and Jueming is also in a hurry, and there are still a few stones missing. "Do you have anything that Daxiong loves similar to them? Give it to me quickly. It must be solid."

Like Qianye Shangxie, Yue Jiqiu was working hard without any hindrance.Has reached the realm of selflessness.But the ghost flower didn't know whether it was buried too deep or it grew by itself, and it still couldn't see the end.

Yue Jiqiu exerted strength on her hands and began to worry.He calculated the time himself, and it was probably almost the end of the day, and those people should have known about it long ago.

After working hard for a long time, Rose Rose became indifferent, and he couldn't reach it anyway, so he just continued to work hard.

Yue Qingran looked at both sides of the road, feeling very anxious in her heart.But now nothing can help.Everyone heard the cry of Jue Ming, and they all fumbled to find something about the size of the stones that were thrown out.

Yuanrong touched the money bag in his arms, and threw it to Jueming: "See if you can use the money." Jueming took it and opened it.There are a few small pieces of silver in it, about the same size, just right.

Jueming smiled and typed out.The three silvers lay down in their proper positions, and Jueming took a deep breath, feeling relieved.Now let's see how long Rose Moon can last.

However, in order to prevent accidents, Jueming made a formation again, and at the same time made a barrier to protect Yue Jiqiu, at least not to distract him.

Qianye Shangxie stood there. Although everyone saw him, they just saw him moving in a small area, so they ignored him.But it's not for a long time. I don't know who it is. Seeing Qianye Shangxie said: "Isn't that with them? What is he doing? Since they are confident, they must have countermeasures."

Everyone hold on, the two sides don't know who to move first. "In two batches, he looks like this now, so he can't be distracted. Although I don't know what he's doing, but I know he can't be distracted. Now everyone go over and beat him."

"Seeing that there is no one around him, he will be easy to deal with." After speaking, everyone automatically divided the people in their team into several groups, and then Qianye Shangxie formed a small attack team.

Rose finally dug up the roots, and she looked happy.He hurriedly found the special box for ghost flowers in his package, but he couldn't find it after searching.

At this time, Jue Ming's barrier and formation had already played a role. Many people were trapped in the formation, and some barely got out, but they couldn't break through the second barrier.

Jueming breathed a sigh of relief, but did not relax his vigilance, always paying attention to every move before, after, left, and right.

Seeing Yue Jiqiu's actions, Yue Qingran's expression changed. "Too bad, the flame box that Ge Xingkong gave is in the hands of Qianye Shangxie." After Yue Qingran finished speaking, she looked at Qianye Shangxie who couldn't be distracted on the other side, not knowing what to do.

Seeing this action, Jueming was also taken aback.At that time, the flame box wanted to be kept by myself, but later, due to some reasons, I had no place here, so I handed it over to Qianye Shangxie.

"Yoki, dig him out first." Yuejiqiu glared, "Do you have any common sense? The roots are all exposed, and I pulled them out. Now I need a box, otherwise how can I put it in?"

"What box?" Yuan Zhan asked softly.Yue Qingran said: "If you want a flame box, it doesn't matter if it's not a flame box, but you need something similar, and you can go to Qianye Shangxie in a short time."

"Did Qianye Shangxie get it done?" Yue Qingran took a look, and felt her eyes were about to burst from just this one look.Qianye Shangxie lowered his head and pondered, calculating, so the whole province had no defenses.

They rushed over, because they belonged to Yue Jiqiu and his group, so no one showed mercy.Qianye Shangxie has already received several palms and received a lot of knives, but Qianye Shangxie has no way to hide.

Now that it has been calculated, it is only the last step, and the fitter cannot be booming at this time.With another slash, Qianye Shangxie staggered, choked that he hadn't come down, and was still chanting.

Although Yue Qingran didn't know what they said, just looking at their excited eyes, she knew it wouldn't be a good thing.Yue Qingran clenched her fists tightly, ready to rush out at any time.

Bailitang looked at it, and was also dumbfounded, but it was resigned, and it held Yue Qingran's arm tightly: "If you rush out at this time, all previous achievements will be for naught."

Yue Qingran snorted, Bailitang knew that Yue Qingran was silent.Qianye Shangxie finally figured it out, at this time, the other party slapped again, Yue Qingran's eyes widened.

Qianye Shangxie dodged at the critical moment, and at the same time saw Yue Qingran's concerned gaze standing in the dark, and smiled.Looking around, everyone restrained themselves when they saw that Qianye Shangxie had resisted.Don't dare to attack for a while.

Yue Qingran breathed a sigh of relief, feeling much better.

Qianye Shangxie saw Yue Jiqiu looking at him, and Yue Jiqiu said, "The flame box." Qianye Shangxie understood instantly, took out his storage bag, and threw the flame box over.

"Sure enough, these two are a team and they have already succeeded. Everyone worked hard to kill them." After speaking, several people rushed over together.

Qianye Shangxie didn't look at them any more, but concentrated on paying the few people in front of him.Everyone is a spiritual master, and their abilities are comparable. Qianye Shangxie himself was injured, and no one benefited for a while.

Qianye Shangxie dodged the big knife in front of him, but he did not dodge the horizontal palm at his side. With a muffled grunt, Qianye Shangxie rolled away from them.

(End of this chapter)

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