Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 149 The World Under the Organ

Chapter 149 The World Under the Organ

Yue Jiqiu received the box, and at the same time saw Qianye Shangxie's serious injuries, so she couldn't help frowning.Although he doesn't like Qianye's evil, but he is desperately trying to save the unknown chance of surviving, no matter what he wants to heal the other party.

He frowned, but settled the matter at hand first.

He grabbed the ghost flower, put the whole plant in the flame box, and got up.Seeing Jueming, he hurried out to show his head.Rose saw it, and passed quickly.

Jue Ming's enchantment has been beaten several times, and now he only feels blood surging, but it's all internal injuries, which is different from Qianye Shangxie's bloody body.Rose and Jueming reunited, seeing Jueming's abnormal blush, he didn't say much, just took out the medicine bottle and gave Jueming.

Jueming looked at it, poured out a grain and ate it.I feel that the muscles and veins all over my body have been stretched, and the burning pain in my body is much better, and the cold feeling is much more comfortable.

Brows stretched, and everyone came together.Yue Qingran walked towards Qianye Shangxie without saying a word.Everyone was paying attention at all times, so after seeing Yue Qingran's actions, they all followed.

Qianye Shangxie was gradually unable to dodge everyone's hands and feet, he dodged more and more slowly, and even started to feel dizzy, but he still saw Jueming go back, and then saw everyone coming quickly together.

A mocking smile appeared on the corner of Qianye Shangxie's mouth, and Bailey's weak body began to gradually recover its strength.Only this time, no matter what Qianye Shangxie did, he never thought of letting the Red Legion come out.

Although the Red Legion is furious in the body.

"What's wrong with him? Isn't he exhausted by our beating? Why... now?" Everyone was puzzled, but when they saw Qianye's evil move, everyone was shocked.

At some point, Qianye Shangxie suddenly squatted down while everyone was in a daze, guarding in the sand not knowing what to do.The ground was trembling, and everyone looked around blankly, not understanding what was going on.

Qianye Shangxie's hand was still in the sand and he didn't take it out.Qianye Shangxie touched the organ and was pressing it down with all his strength.The ground trembled faster and faster.

"There's an earthquake, run, it's an earthquake!" With an order, everyone ran around and fled.Qianye Shangxie stared at the person running in front of his eyes in a daze, and sneered, do you think you can dodge this?
Yue Qingran quickly arrived in front of Qianye Shangxie, Qianye Shangxie raised his head, seeing Yue Qingran's angry face, he couldn't help but smiled and shrugged: "I'm fine. But wait for Ji Defu to give me a hand."

Yue Qingran kept a cold face and didn't look at him.Everyone felt it one after another, and because of some instability, everyone simply stood aside one by one.

Qianye Shangxie's eyes widened before he vaguely saw everyone's actions, and did not speak.After a while, he stretched out his hand and stood up. "You pull one by one and form a row, so that nothing will happen in time."

After finishing speaking, he walked up to Yue Qingran. Although it was only one step, Qianye Shangxie exhausted all his strength.Unaccustomed to being vulnerable in front of outsiders, Qianye Shangxie lazily leaned on Yue Qingran, appearing to be in high spirits.

After a while, all the sand rushed to one place, as if stepping on a trap, a huge hole suddenly opened, and everyone fell down without warning.

"Wow! Damn!" Ertou cursed, and tightly grasped the hand of the person next to him.After falling for a long time, Jue Ming finally remembered to slow down with the sword in his hand.

After a while, the speed slowed down, and Jue Ming Hu's mouth was numb from the shock, but he kept silent, pursed his lips, and stared at the front.Above the head, a gap has gradually narrowed.

Then, it was pitch black again.

Yue Qingran frowned, annoyed for a moment, Jueming pulled a long line of people, everyone held this one by one.With Qianye Shangxie at the end, he still had one hand free.

Qianye Shangxie held on, and took out the fire pocket from his arms. The appearance of the fire let everyone see the current situation.The bottom is still black and bottomless, and the top is also black and bottomless.

"What should we do now? Are we hanging like this?" Jueming shook his head, he had no hands anymore, if possible, he still hoped that a stone would appear to test the one below.

Qianye Shangxie didn't have any hands, and he was already unconscious, and the rapid flow of blood made him feel chills all over his body.Yue Qingran held Qianye Shangxie's hand tighter and tighter, and Qianye Shangxie barely managed to regain consciousness.

Hearing the question, Qianye Shangxie thought about it.Putting the fire pocket on his mouth, he took out a tael of silver from his pocket, bared his teeth and threw it down.

After a while, he heard the sound of landing on the ground, Qianye Shangxie rolled his eyes, and put the fire bag in front of Yue Qingran.Yueqing didn't understand, so Qianye Shangxie said in a low voice, "Let go, hold the fire bag."

Yue Qingran stared at Qianye Shangxie, and gritted his teeth: "Don't think about it." Qianye Shangxie smiled: "The height is not high, trust me." Yue Qingran still did not look at Qianye Shangxie.

Qianye Shangxie sighed helplessly, and extinguished the torch in his hand.Being plunged into the darkness made everyone stunned for a moment, and Bailitang couldn't help shouting: "What are you doing?"

When plunged into darkness, Yue Qingran subconsciously grasped Qianye's evil spirit.Qianye Shangxie put Huozhezi in his arms, stretched out his hand, and opened Yue Qingran's fingers.

"Believe me, Qingran, it's really okay." Yue Qingran wanted to exert strength, but found that she was powerless.Feeling her fingers being torn open one by one, Yue Qingran felt powerless.

"Qianye Shangxie, if something happens to you, I will never forgive you in this life." Yue Qingran had no choice but to curse in a low voice, threatening the other party.

Qianye Shangxie chuckled, let go of the last finger, and said casually: "Don't worry." Yue Qingran scratched in vain, but nothing happened.

In the darkness, just the few seconds of Qianye Shangxie's jurisdiction, to Yue Qingran, it seemed like several hours.The sound of landing was not heard, but in the end, the light was seen.

issued from below.Yue Qingran looked down, Qianye Shangxie raised his head, a little embarrassed, but his eyes were still bright.Qianye smiled evilly and said: "You look like little mice. Let's tune down one by one, the distance is here. But the height of the last one down may be higher."

Everyone bowed their heads along the light, seeing Qianye Shangxie, and for some reason, breathed a sigh of relief.Jueming breathed a sigh of relief, and said calmly, "Jump down one by one."

Yue Qingran moved her body, looked at the person above who was clawing her, and smiled.Yue Qingran looked at the other party: "Let go, I'm ready."

Smiling 'en': "I let go, one, two, three." Exit three and let go.Yue Qingran jumped down and landed safely.One by one, follow suit, and so on.

The last one was Jueming, and Jueming let go of the sword in his hand without hesitation.After Jueming landed safely, Qianye Shangxie said still energetically, "Tsk tsk, what a pity for a good sword."

Jueming glanced at it, but didn't speak. "Compared to his life, he is worthless." Qianye Shangxie shrugged and coughed, bringing out some blood.

Resigned to her fate, Yue Jiqiu took out her pocket, took out the medicine bottle and handed it to Qianye Shangxie.Qianye Shangxie ate it without hesitation.Sitting on the spot, I adjusted my breath for a while before opening my eyes.

No one urged, because Qianye Shangxie had done a lot. Although everyone was dissatisfied that he had included everyone, it was undeniable that they used a safe method to live longer than those outside.

Just how long it will last is still unknown.In this underground world, there is darkness, nothing but boundless darkness.Everyone can't help but wonder, if this continues, will it come to the end of the world?end of life.

After a good rest, everyone moved forward one after another. Those ideas just now have been realized. This is indeed the end of the world and the end of life.Like a mirage, life is lost in the endless pursuit.

However, before this, if it has been like this, Qianye Shangxie calculated the food: "At least enough for us to survive for a month." In other words, everyone lived a month longer than the group outside.

"Okay, not bad, let's continue walking, maybe there will be some light ahead." It is undeniable that everyone continued to move forward.

In the end, everyone made themselves nervous regardless of day or night.Qianye Shangxie said regretfully: "Sorry, this is the last fire stick!"

Only at this time did everyone realize that six or seven fire zip sticks had been used up.If there is still no light... everyone dare not imagine.

Qianye Shangxie regretfully announced the news, which made everyone feel like they were going crazy.If it is related to GIA, it is better, but if it is plunged into darkness, it is not guaranteed that those with weaker endurance will go crazy.

Jueming pondered for a moment, and decided to use it for a limited time. "It's very difficult for us to get out of here, but we all have to work hard."

"From now on, turn off the firebox after walking for half an hour, and turn it on again when you can't stand it." This is testing everyone's limits, and it is also testing everyone's luck.

Qianye Shangxie's body has almost recovered.It took about three days for this Huozhezi to die.Qianye Shangxie checked his storage bag before the fire pocket was used up.

"By the way, I regret to inform you again that our food can still last for about ten days." There was a thunder on the ground, and it exploded in everyone's ears.We can live without light, but we cannot live without food and hope.

"I can't take it! I can't take it, la, la!" Huiyin thought, Qianye Shangxie picked out his ears, and suddenly interpreted the image of the playboy to the end.

Regardless of everyone's stop, Shen Shen rushed to Qianye Shangxie angrily.At this time, Huozhezi began to flicker.It means that this fire book is about to say goodbye to everyone.

"Water is restricted first, and then light. Do you want to restrict food after that? Why, did you do it on purpose? Do you want everyone to die here?"

Qianye Shangxie shrugged and looked at the other party with a calm face: "Unfortunately, we have been gambling since the moment we entered, and no one knows what will happen afterwards. Others gamble money, we gamble life. That's it."

It was suddenly plunged into darkness, and no one could see anyone.The voice of Qianye Shangxie's calm list lingered in everyone's ears.Others gamble money, we gamble life, nothing more.

(End of this chapter)

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