Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 150 The Long-lost Light

Chapter 150 The Long-lost Light
For some reason, everyone felt a little eerie, and even a little cold.After Qianye Shangxie finished speaking, instead of looking at the timid girls who were about to die, he groped his way to Yue Qingran's side.

"What's wrong with you? You've never talked like this before." Yue Qingran frowned, somewhat wondering why Qianye Shangxie became like this.Qianye smiled evilly: "I just think it's better to make myself feel better."

"So, the price for your comfort is to make everyone think you are yin and yang, and then make everyone afraid of you? Are you comfortable like this?"

Qian Huishang also didn't say a word, just held Yue Qingran's hand, and held it in his arms slightly. "Okay, let's go, we will always find a way out. Even if it is only one way, I feel that the road we are walking now may be walking towards the edge of the desert, and it may not be long before we can return to the forest nearby."

Yue Qingran snorted coldly: "There is another possibility, we are walking towards the center of the desert." Qianye Shangxie curled his lips and said nothing.After hearing this, Jueming stopped in his tracks.

If it was before, when Jueming stopped, everyone would listen, but now no one knows where Jueming is going or where he stopped.

"Damn it! Jueming, is it you? Why are you stopping? You killed me." The second man complained, rubbing his forehead.When Cassia Zia felt someone bumping into him from behind, he was about to fight back.

Even the spiritual power is ready, ready to fight back at any time.But at this time, he heard the cursing from the second head, and quickly restrained his murderous aura.Sorry, said: "I forgot. It's just, Yue Qingran, what do you mean by what you said?"

Yue Qingran stopped, knowing that everyone in front had stopped.Yue Qingran pursed her lips: "Next, if anyone stops or encounters something, please tell me, and make a voice to show where you are."

Jueming pondered for a moment, and then slowly said 'En'. "Yue Qingran, what did you mean by that sentence just now? You haven't told me yet."

Yue Qingran was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said mischievously: "It means that everyone has something to speak out, isn't that simple?" Qianye Shangxie laughed with his head sullen.

Jueming was a little annoyed, and pursed his lips: "I mean, what do you mean by walking towards the center of the desert?" Yue Qingran stopped smiling, and said with a serious face: "I just feel the It's hotter than ever, but there's still air moving, so there must be vents around here, we just haven't gotten there."

"But the climate is important to us, and it feels more stuffy now, so I suspect that we are heading towards the heartland, and who knows what we will encounter. Especially the darkness makes us less aware of everything. If things go on like this, apart from the senses, other aspects will gradually relax."

"We have traveled so peacefully this way, and there is nothing even on the ground, which makes me feel unusual." People in the dark have every opportunity to exercise their senses, but it does not mean that People are invincible.

If one side is strengthened, the other side will become weaker.What Yue Qingran said was the truth.Jueming even felt that he was gradually relaxing.Knowing that everyone is one of their own, and now they are in trouble together, the Taiping Township and the road all the way made them lose their sense of attack, and they were not even in the crystal.

The two heads collided head on, and Jue Ming didn't think of charging to attack until the opponent was approaching. These were all signs.Everyone can't help but want to reflect on themselves carefully.

"So what should we do now? No matter how we walk, we can't see the end, and there is only one road. Where we fell, there is a wall behind. It seems that all of this is to guide everyone forward."

"There is only one way to go forward, so we can only go this way, and then what? What we will encounter, these are all unknown. In other words, we are walking on a route that has been arranged, and there is room for joint defense and health. nothing."

Yuan Zhan is all worried, if everyone has no ability to resist, then the consequences are unimaginable.But now, the endless darkness has made everyone gradually lose their sense of defense. If something happens at this time, does it mean that everyone...

Yuan Zhan shuddered. "If we walk on the path arranged by the other side, then we will be gradually swallowed up by the other side bit by bit, which means that he defeated all of us without spending a cent."

"Deprive us of our fighting ability, endless darkness, lack of water, fire, and food components, and if we see light, see fifteen, and who do we see, what will we do? If it were you, what would we do?"

Yuan Zhan's question hit the point.At the same time, let everyone know that there is an element of conspiracy in it.It doesn't matter how long ago the plot was or was set up specifically for this operation, it's a plot.

And it's a conspiracy that leaves everyone defenseless.If it was there a long time ago, then everyone would at most think it was scary. If it was specifically for this time, then the consequences would be unimaginable.

"If there are these things, will we rush to eat them immediately? Then, obviously, it is still designed by the other party. We are moving according to the other party's design, and even our every move is thought of by the other party of."

Yuan Zhan saw that everyone was silent, and continued: "In that case, our opponent is a very powerful guy. No matter what his identity is, we must admit that the opponent has guessed our hearts."

"In other words, everyone will act in their hearts and subconsciously after they come here. If this is the case, we must be different from others if we want to survive."

Everything Yuan Zhan said is the truth, and it is also what everyone is worried about and the current situation.The darkness wiped out everyone's defenses, and the lack of water and light made everyone eager.

Then, if there is no end in sight, it will be the lack of food and the concept of time. Now everyone has no sense of time, and some even start to become lazy.This is also the worst behavior.

In this way, when everyone encounters the light, they will be bathed in the light for the first time. At this time, everyone will be eager to see food and water.

It's like seeing an oasis in the desert.And in the same way, there is still no concept of time, and gradually, when I get lazy, everyone will disperse.In the end, he was really defeated by the opponent, completely defeated.

Lost in psychology, lost in tactics.

Qianye Shangxie also thought of this, he was no longer so lazy, and no longer so gloomy.Instead, he returned to his original appearance.In other words, the way I pretended at first.

However, Yue Qingran believes that the current Qianye Shangxie is only pretending. If this is her true face, she will definitely find out after living with him for so long.So, what is the reason why Qianye Shangxie would rather be like this?
Yue Qingran couldn't help recalling when Qianye Shangxie became like this in the first place.After fighting with that old man, after Qianye Shangxie gave up control, he became like this.

So, did Qianye Shangxie have any influence because of this control?Haven't recovered in a short time?Or, after an indulgence, Qianye Shangxie finally knows how to enjoy life?Don't mind your true colors?
Yue Qingran can't figure it out clearly, and now is not the time like this.Yue Qingran once wondered if the current Qianye Shangxie had been replaced, but later denied it.

Yue Qingran believes in her own judgment, the current Qianye Shangxie is still that Qianye Shangxie.

According to what Yuan Zhan said, what everyone has to do now is to change themselves.Therefore, Jueming decided: "The rest time and walking time will be carried out according to the counting method."

"That is to say, everyone walks a hundred steps and can rest for three counts. That's it. Do you have any comments?" Now we all know that if we continue to be careless like this, we will definitely die a miserable death, so although Jueming's words are very bizarre, but Everyone acquiesced, and there was no opinion.

In this way, we walked for a few days.Qianye Shangxie doesn't know how long it has been now. There are three meals a day, but later it became two meals. The time is still regulated.

The eating time is also counted, how many numbers or how much the eating and resting time should be together, these are strictly controlled by Jueming.

But on the sixth day, that is, when everyone just started eating twice a day, they saw a light ahead from a distance.At first everyone thought it was dizziness, but after walking for a while, the light still existed.

Everyone knows that light means hope.But because of this, Jueming warned everyone carefully again, and was stricter in controlling the time.

This dark passage is roughly a straight line, so the light can be seen from a distance, but it is like a mirage. We are far away, and we walked four meals before reaching the light.

Four meals are the way everyone counts the time, and sleep time is also included in it.So four meals are two days, but everyone does not know whether it is as long as two days.

After finally seeing Guanglian, everyone squinted their eyes, stood at the junction of darkness and light, and walked in after getting used to the brightness.

If you go from darkness to light rashly, you will blind yourself. They are people who know common sense. When they see the light, they see hope. Everyone is not in a hurry.Before leaving, Jueming once again tirelessly instructed.

After entering, it was as expected, except that it was more resplendent.There is even a place to take a bath, the water is hot spring water.

Food, drink, firecrackers, candles, all of them are placed there, countless gold, silver and jewelry, and even a few boxes that have not been opened.

It is these things that illuminate the entire hall brightly. "Don't take anything that doesn't belong to everyone. Eat and drink in moderation, and don't be too greedy."

Jueming knew that everyone would not take those gold, silver and jewels. Those things looked good, but if they really understood, they would only kill everyone.But water and food are irresistible.

Especially since there is even a place to take a bath here.This made everyone more excited.Jueming patted his head, even he couldn't help but want to take a bath, let alone everyone?
However, it is better to be patient at this time.Jueming glanced at Qianye Shangxie, and the two looked at each other, carefully dispersed, and looked around the entire hall from the inside to the outside, looking through everything that needed to be turned over.

"There is no problem at all? Impossible." Qianye Shangxie said to Jueming in disbelief.Jueming looked at a cabinet in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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