Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 151 Precise calculation of people's hearts

Chapter 151 Precise calculation of people's hearts
Qianye Shangxie found Jueming shocked, walked over, and looked at the cabinet: "What? It's just clothes, what do you care about?" Qianye Shangxie didn't care about it, but Jueming was really shocked and terrified , in fear.

Yue Qingran also realized that something was wrong and walked over.Everyone has never seen the appearance of a desperate panic being wrong, let alone a gaffe.He didn't even have any other expressions when he fell down at the beginning, let alone now, he actually saw panic in his eyes, which attracted everyone's attention.

"This is...? Clothes?" Yuan Zhan looked at the clothes and asked in confusion.Qianye Shangxie shrugged, unable to deny it.Jueming realized his gaffe, and closed his eyes fiercely.

When he opened his eyes again, he had regained his composure.Only the hands hidden in the sleeves were still shaking.

Taking a deep breath again, Jueming pointed at the clothes: "You can take a look at the clothes and you will know." After hearing this, Yue Qingran stepped forward and opened the clothes, and scattered them all.

There are a total of one piece of clothing, out of four girls' clothes, and the remaining seven are men's clothes.Yue Qingran raised her eyebrows, is this a good deal or what?
If someone has calculated all this and prepared in advance, then it can only be said that this person is very scheming.If someone has been following us all the way without being noticed, then this person is even more powerful.

If it was considered good, how could he be sure that one person came in instead of six?How can you be sure that the other five people will come in together?
If it is not good, then there is a person who follows us, in this person or outside this person?If it's outside, then we didn't notice it, and the martial arts are so high that the gods don't know it.

If it is among the 11 people, then among the six people brought out by myself, apart from the four selected by Ge Lao, only the outsiders Bailitang and Yuejiqiu are left. If counting, there is Bai Linger who knows us news.

But he wouldn't do that, Bai Ling'er was brought back by himself, she was always in the library, even if she received the news, she wouldn't know if the last five people were with her or not.

Then it's the other two people in my team.Bailitang is Qianye Shangxie's most sincere steward and guard, if he does this, it won't do any good.

There was only one left, and the one who had doubts was Yue Jiqiu.But Yue Jiqiu has the same surname as himself.If nothing else, Yue Jiqiu is most likely a member of Yuezhi.

But Yue Jiqiu doesn't like Qianye being evil, but there is no need to count everyone's thoughts, he will not count himself when he counts everyone.Yue Qingran did not hesitate to exclude Yue Jiqiu.

So what about the rest?There are only those five people left.Shen Shen, Xiaoxiao, the two girls have already looked for these clothes again, Shen Shen exclaimed in horror: "These clothes fit us, they are tailor-made!"

After shouting, everyone started to look for their clothes. If it really looked like that, the person hiding in it... can't be underestimated.

Looking at the two girls, they have no intention of doing evil at all, so they can be ruled out.Although Xiaotao never spoke a word along the way, he is a person who is too lazy to do these troublesome things, and it will not be him.

Yuan war?This is the most likely possibility for Yuan Zhan. From the very beginning, he appeared in everyone's sight with a gentle and refined personality. He is not a lazy person. Although his martial arts are not very strong, what is there a saying?If you can't win by force, then surpass others in wisdom.

However, if it is really him, do these expressions now mean that he is too good at acting or what?Yue Qingran watched with cold eyes.And then, it was Yuan Rong, Yuan Rong was a simple child who would not do such mind-consuming things.

From the looks of it, only Yuan Zhan is the most suspicious.But how did Yuan Zhan do it?Also, is he on the same front with everyone, or is it possible that something happened to him when he broke away from the team that made him change the front?
Yue Qingran shook his head, these are all unknown, but the only thing he knows now is that Yuan Zhan is the most suspicious.If everything Yuan Zhan is doing now is acting, then his acting skills are too good.

The frequent exposure of hand shaking cannot be done by acting.People will shake their hands when they are extremely panicked or nervous, but that frequency is not controlled by the brain consciousness, or in other words, not controlled by themselves.

I can control the devout ones, but I can't control the deep ones.So this is also the reason why some people can't control the shaking of their hands even if they want to do their best.

Yue Qingran took a closer look at Yuan Zhan's entire team, some were trembling all over, some were just trembling their hands and feet, even Jue Ming panicked when they saw this, so it makes no sense that others would do other things.

But now the shaking frequency of Yuan Zhan's hands and feet happened to be really panicking, why not excited.It's because the vibration frequency is not so fast when excited.

The vibration of excitement is slower than the vibration of panic in terms of frequency.Yue Qingran observed Yuan Zhan for a while, shook his head again, and chose to believe in a person on the basis of suspicion. It takes many aspects to be considered at the same time before he believes.

However, what Yuan Zhan has done now has dispelled Yue Qingran's worries.In the current Yuan Zhan, no matter from which angle you look at it, your own concerns and doubts are untenable.

What Yuan Zhan is showing now is that he finds himself being exposed to various inner expressions in a defenseless situation, so the suspicion that the opponent is Yuan Zhan is gradually eliminated by Yue Qingran.

So among these people, who is the one who counts everyone?

Yue Qingran took a closer look at everyone's reactions now, in short, no one revealed Xinfen's expression now.Logically speaking, if that person knows that he has counted so many people, he should be excited.

Regardless of whether he has thought about everyone's expressions, he will be happy.But none of these people have ever done this.You must know that people have "qi", and this "qi" can tell whether you are happy or sad at this time.

But not necessarily, if everyone's 'surprise' is revealed, it can resist the opponent's 'joy' to a certain extent.But Yue Qingran didn't think she would let these details go.

From the beginning to the end, we didn't realize that anyone was watching us, so how did we do all this?Yue Qingran frowned, unable to think of a result.

Jueming is also thinking about this issue, but Jueming thinks more comprehensively than Yue Qingran, and he counts himself and the others in it.People selected by Ge Xingkong can also rebel at a critical moment.

This is all understandable, so he counts everyone.Yue Qingran's expression told Jueming that he was also thinking about this issue.

Jueming put the greatest attention on Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran. If you really have to doubt it, these two people are more than everyone else in terms of ability and scheming. .

Therefore, Jueming focused more on the two of them.But seeing Yue Qingran's expression, you can tell that he is also thinking about this question, he doesn't know the truth.Jueming put more eyes on Qianye Shangxie.

Sensing that someone was looking at him again, Qianye Shangxie turned his head, saw that it was Jue Ming, raised his eyebrows, and then understood.From the looks of it, Jueming was massaging everyone, but more attention was paid to him.

Qianye Shangxie has become a little strange since he fought the old man last time. His speaking style, attitude and style of doing things are all weird.

Especially for a period of time, Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran were together alone, and when they came back, Yue Qingran came back first, and Qianye Shangxie followed after a while.

Jueming thought about it, after that time, Qianye Shangxie began to become different.So, what is going on?If Qianye Shangxie had been replaced, then Qianye Shangxie's deity would definitely not have no resistance.

Especially among all the fighters, there are not many who can deal with Qianye Shangxie.But what if there is a group of people who are always in the dark?Observed everyone, but did not let everyone find out.

Then he took Qianye Shangxie's main body away, replaced him or used other methods, and then lured them into here.What if their ultimate goal is to be optimistic that everyone can get the ghost flower, and then bring everyone here just for the ghost flower?Jueming shook his head, he didn't know what to say, he just felt something was wrong, something was wrong with Qianye Shangxie.

Yue Qingran also knew that Jueming looked away from him too much and left it to Qianye Shangxie, but at this time he did not speak, Jueming must have thought that Qianye Shangxie would not lie to everyone, would not plot against everyone .

In other words, there is no benefit after calculation.The ghost flower was given to Ge Lao from the beginning, and Ge Lao may still use it for Qianye in the later stage. There is no need for Qianye Shangxie to get him with such a complicated method.

Yuan Zhan and the others never said they wanted ghost flowers from the very beginning, because then, their own group of people would be their enemies.However, Yue Qingran frowned, why did Jueming focus on Qianye Shangxie for so long?

What happened to Qianye Shangxie?Any questions?Yue Qingran frowned, and wanted to turn her head, but heard Qianye Shangxie lazily said: "Okay, it's just a few clothes, no matter what the other party has in mind, if you give us something good, you have to accept it."

"No matter what their plan is, what we have to do is to destroy this place before leaving. Since he has treated everyone with great hospitality, then we will repay this hospitality."

After finishing speaking, he smiled and leaned lazily on the pillar: "After all, we are not those mindless guys. We have been sober when we came here and have not been defeated. Therefore, it should be said that the other party will Fighting spirits? Let's see what's waiting for us. Take it all."

After Qianye Shangxie finished speaking, he waved his hand, pointing to the food, water, torches and torches.

"Why?" Yuanrong didn't know the reason.

"Because, he doesn't have the guts to poison us like this. There must be some afterthoughts waiting for us. In other words, the enemy thinks we are very funny. So since this is the case, let's take him away as a reward." 'Give us something, and then tear it down here."

After hearing what Qianye Shangxie said, Jueming couldn't doubt him for some reason.Maybe this is to seduce everyone.Jueming thought so.

(End of this chapter)

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