Chapter 152

Yue Qingran looked at Yuan Rong, who was devoured with only his shoulders and head left, and didn't feel too much emotion. Although the scene was too bloody, everyone had to go through it.

Taking a deep breath, Jueming ordered: "Let's go, everyone, don't disturb here." Yue Qingran took a look at Jueming, knowing what the other party meant.Don't bother, let him rest here.

"What did you say? That's my brother, he just died here. No matter what, I want to collect his body. He must not like this place, which fills him with fear. He must not like it. He must not like it. .”

Yuan Zhan tightened his hands, looked at Shen Shen, and roared: "Don't make any more trouble. If you don't go out now, you may die here. You still want to collect his body? You also have to ask the beast to agree. ah."

Shen Shen was yelled at, calmed down, wiped his face indiscriminately, and looked at Yuan Zhan: "Cowardly waste. I don't need you to take care of me, let alone you to be responsible. Yuan Rong is my brother. He collects the body, even if he dies here, even if I come to accompany him, you cowardly trash don't need to understand my feelings."

Yuan Zhan took a deep breath, not knowing what to say.Yuan Zhan's hands were trembling, and he stared at Shen Shen closely. "Sick tuberculosis, what do you know? Why do you order me? Why are you so calm? That's my brother, your brother."

Yuan Zhan remained silent, motionless, looking at Shen Shen, as if he had met him for the first day, looking at Shen Shen like a stranger.

"If you guys want to quarrel, stay here for a long time. We're not interested in hearing how you quarreled. If you want to run for your life, will you run away?" Yue Qingran still spoke calmly when the two were most angry.

" are also cold-blooded." Shen Shen cried, and started crying unconsciously.Yue Qingran raised her eyebrows: "Why should I be sad? You and I are just partners, why should I be sad?"

"The celebrities fought for it by themselves. If you react slowly, you will die. If you want to survive and let others not be sad, then you have to work hard. He died because of his own reasons and has nothing to do with others."

"And you chose to stay here, which is actually cowardly. If you had helped back then, he wouldn't have died. Now you are here to pretend to be kind, just because you are guilty and you are escaping."

Shen Shen retorted with red eyes: "You are talking nonsense, I just want him to go home, I just want him to go home. Even if he is going to die, he should be at home, at least go home."

"If you keep talking about the Hui family, then I'll tell you that if you die, the only person who can take him home for burial will also disappear. Do you believe it? You go back now and tell them the news of the death, and they will press a grave .”

"If you don't know how to go, no one will talk about this kind of thing, and everyone will know what's going on. There are so many people when you go, and only a few people are left when you come back. The rest is self-evident. "

What Yue Qingran said was ugly, and every sentence made sense.Shen Shen cried for a while, squatted down, and looked at the head, that strange creature didn't like heads.

"I want to take her back, and I must take him back." Shen Shen was unusually firm, looking up at everyone.

Seeing that everyone was almost ready, Jueming ordered directly: "Let's go." Without even looking at Shen Shen.Yuan Zhan stood where he was, not knowing what to do.

Xiaotao didn't even look at them, she just followed the steps of Yue Qingran and the others, and walked out.

"Sister Xiaotao, how could you just leave like this? How could you do this?" Xiaotao was stopped, and her footsteps stopped: "I just don't want to die in such an unclear place."

"You..." Shen Shen didn't know what to say.Yue Qingran looked up and down the child named Xiaotao.What he said was the truth, he just didn't want to die in such an ambiguous place.

Under certain circumstances, Xiaotao is as cold-blooded as Yue Qingran.Yue Qingran is very satisfied with this child. "Find out the situation first, and then decide whether to stay or not. Giving up your life for a dead person is the most shameful act."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the large army in front of him and had already gone a certain distance, so he hurriedly followed.Yuan Zhan took a deep look at Shen Shen and followed their team.

"You're all gone, all gone. Don't worry, brother Yuanrong, it doesn't matter if they don't like you. It's fine if I'm still here. We'll definitely die together, otherwise, I'll take you back."

After all, Shen Shen went down and hugged Yuanrong's head.That weird monster saw that his food was touched by others. Although it was a place he didn't want, there was no one to challenge his authority.

With a roar, he ran over, but with one paw down, Shen Shen fell down.Hearing the sound, several people turned their heads together, and saw that Shen Shen was devoured to pieces when he was awake.

"Shen Shen!" Yuan Zhan called out.Shen Shen raised his head and saw Yuan Zhan's panic-stricken appearance. He smiled with satisfaction and said in a low voice, "Look, they are actually very worried, they just don't talk about it."

Jueming just took a look, then turned back and continued to move forward, Yue Qingran took a look, and left as there was no more fun.When Xiaotao heard the eagle, she just looked back, with deep pity and sorrow in her eyes, and then followed.

Yuan Zhan stood there, staring at Shen Shen who was looking up, until Shen Shen couldn't hold it anymore, his eyes were dull, and he couldn't get up too much.Eyes closed a little bit, before leaving.

This time would not exceed half an hour, and Shen Shen died in front of him, and only his neck and head were left, and the rest was gone.

But in less than half an hour, Yue Qingran and the others had already gone far.Yuan Zhan looked ahead, but they were nowhere to be found. Yuan Zhan looked at his current state, and could only fight alone.

Follow their path and move forward.After walking for a while, I saw a few people who were resting.Yuan Zhan looked at them with joy on his face: "You..." Yue Qingran took a look and said nothing.Bai Litang smiled: "We are just resting, you are overthinking. But you are lucky, the speed is fast enough."

Although Yuan Zhan knew this was the case, he was still excited. At least, it was a happy thing to be able to find a team at this time.

Seeing how Yuan Zhan couldn't find Bei with a smile, Bailitang spread his hands to everyone: "This person is crazy. Do you want to kill him?" Jueming nodded lightly.

Yuan Zhan suppressed his smile, and quickly waved his hands: "Don't, don't, it's just a joke." After speaking, he coughed a few times, and made a weak gesture for everyone to see, telling everyone not to kill him.

"How long will it take to get out?" Jueming asked Yuan Zhan to look at it. They have now found the water flow, and finding the water flow means they can go out. This is something they have always known.

"Judging from the river and the trees, we are not far away from going out. And it seems that the animals here will not attack as long as we don't take the initiative."

After Yuan Zhan finished speaking, he looked back at everyone.Jueming gave an 'en': "We are not familiar with the animals here, so don't act rashly, since you are hungry from now on, just don't move around."

"No problem." Everyone answered easily.It's just that you're hungry, and having water means you can live, so there's nothing wrong with just not eating.

Everyone walked persistently for more than a day before they saw the direction of home.The so-called direction of home means that everyone has already stepped out.And this road can now be considered to take a horse-drawn carriage.

There are mountains in the front, back, left, and right, but when you walk out of this mountain, you may be able to see people's homes. Seeing people's homes means that you can know where you are now, and then you can start buying horses to go home.

"Come on everyone, victory is just ahead." Yue Jiqiu said.Indeed, everyone was very excited when they saw Dashan for a moment.

But the only doubt now is what happened to those clothes and food, but now no one can think of it, that's all.

When I walked to the foot of the mountain, I saw the villagers, and everyone was very happy.Touching the purse, I realized that everyone had already run out of money.So I found a bank and exchanged some money back first.

After a good meal, everyone bought a carriage and rushed back to their respective homes.In contrast, everyone's losses are not too serious.The team led by Jue Ming is fine, and everyone's self-protection ability is still good.

But Yuan Zhan was a bit miserable, but at least two of them went back.Yue Qingran has always been particularly interested in this child, but unfortunately that child is leaving too.

Always talking about children, Yue Qingran is actually a child herself.After traveling for six or seven days, everyone finally found a familiar road, a familiar road, and a familiar city. Everyone was very excited.

Ge Xingkong also received the news that Qianye Shangxie and the others are coming back.Ge Xingkong personally went to the school gate to welcome everyone.This also made the other students of Xinghui Academy very puzzled, not understanding what Ge Xingkong was excited about.

But the teachers who knew the news were very excited. The return of these people meant that they had brought back the flower plants of the ghost flower. Such a difficult task had been completed, and it should not be underestimated.

It's just that they didn't know that after going to so many teams and so many people this time, only eight survived in the end, six of them were them, and the other two were Yuan Zhan and Xiaotao.

These don't need them to know.

"I'm finally back. You've worked so hard. Let's have a good rest." Ge Xingkong didn't want to ask anything else, because he knew it all.Looking at everyone with gratitude and relief.

Bringing them to his small courtyard, Ge Xingkong watched Qianye become evil, he was even better now than before.Ge Xingkong looked at Jueming and said, "Thank you for bringing my apprentice back safely."

Jueming looked at Xingkong, and Yue Qingran also looked at Xingkong, everyone was surprised that Ge Xingkong would say this.Ge Xingkong smiled indifferently: "My apprentice, my only apprentice."

Yue Qingran lowered her eyes and stopped talking.After Qianye Shangxie came back, he restrained a lot, and he looked calm again, as if those previous appearances were not him.

"Okay, just come back. Don't say so much. Where's Bai Ling'er? We borrowed it, and we're going back." Bai Litang said he was playing, and was about to leave.

"Okay, we are about to leave, Mr. Ge, this time I came back just to say that maybe going out to practice is what we need!" Ge Xingkong knew what Yue Qingran meant, Yue Qingran wanted to leave, and the school couldn't stay. hold him.

"Okay, but just remember that I am your teacher."

(End of this chapter)

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