Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 155 Killers One Batch After Another Batch

Chapter 155 Killers Batch After Batch

Due to the current situation, everyone decided to stay one more night before leaving here. "This is the last good night we can sleep, so cherish it."

Qianye Shangxie said jokingly.Yue Qingran rolled her eyes and looked at Qianye Shangxie: "Yeah, cherish it, it's best to find a place to find a few people and have a rest together, isn't it?"

"You think too much, Qingran." Qianye Shangxie looked at Yue Qingran helplessly.Yue Qingran snorted: "Let's have a rest, I will be leaving tomorrow morning." After speaking, she took a look at everyone.

Bai Ling'er stood up straight with a smile, and walked out with Yue Qingran. "Where are we going to go next?" Yue Qingran paused after hearing this, "Going to find the legendary King Guihai is the same way anyway."

"Oh, I see." After Bailitang finished speaking, he went to make plans.Yue Qingran didn't care about that, she was too tired, so she went back to sleep directly.

Yue Jiqiu and Qianye Shangxie were left in the hall, Qianye Shangxie looked at Yue Jiqiu, and Yue Jiqiu also looked at Qianye Shangxie.Finally, Yue Jiqiu smiled and walked away.

Qianye Shangxie was behind Rose, watching Rose's Bei Ying.I don't know when it started, Yue Jiqiu looked at Yue Qingran's eyes again, it was an extension of Qianye Shangxie's disgust.

That's right, it's been a long time since I paid attention to Guo Yuejiqiu, which made Qianye Shangxie almost forget that Yuejiqiu was still his rival in love.However, Rose Moon, I, Qianye Shangxie, will not give you that chance.Just kill that heart.

Qianye Shangxie secretly decided in his heart.

Yue Qingran pointed out that she felt a shiver, and thought to herself, she didn't know who was muttering about herself.Seeing Yue Qingran's angry look, Bai Ling'er walked over quickly: "Miss, what's wrong with you?"

Yue Qingran turned her head, saw Bai Linger's innocent face, and smiled: "It's nothing. I've been living there these days, how is it, are you okay?" Bai Linger shook his head, looking yearning: " I wish I could go to school myself."

Yue Qingran raised her eyebrows: "Then what should I do? Otherwise, I will send you there, you were studying last time? Then we will continue on our way, and we will come back to see you when we are free?"

Bai Ling'er quickly withdrew her yearning gaze, and smiled flatteringly: "Why, it's best to have Miss He. I only like Miss He together, and it's best to be with everyone."

Yue Qingran smiled and shook her head, ignoring Bai Linger.Walking to the door of her room, Yue Qingran turned her head and looked at Bai Ling'er: "Okay, go and rest quickly, don't think about what you have and what you don't have."

Bai Ling'er stuck out her tongue playfully, her eyes sparkled. "It's great, I can finally be with everyone again, I don't know how many valuable things I will see on the road this time."

Yue Qingran had black lines all over her head, and hurried into the house helplessly.I really don't understand why Bai Ling'er likes these valuable things so much.No, it should be said that I don't understand why there is such a family that likes money.

Moreover, this love has been passed on to future generations.They all love treasures, gold and silver treasures.

Bai Ling'er saw that Yue Qing had entered the house, she just went there and didn't bother her any more, she walked back to her room with a happy smile, and then obediently lay down on the bed.

Bai Ling'er even dreamed about how many treasures he could get, and then exchanged these treasures for money, dreaming that he would become very rich, with a house full of gold and silver treasures.Bai Ling'er woke up with a smile, looked at the sky again, curled her lips, it was not long after nightfall.

In other words, Bai Ling'er had just fallen asleep not long ago.The helpless Bai Ling'er had another dream, but it was still related to money, this time she finally didn't wake up with a smile, and slept until dawn.

It was dawn, and Yue Qingran worked hard all night, raised his head refreshed, looked at the sky, and walked out stretching his waist.Once outside, Qianye Shangxie was already exercising outside.

"Morning, I woke up so early." Yue Qingran yawned, watching Qianye's evil.Qianye Shangxie looked at the sky and shook his head: "It's not too early, shouldn't we leave early, but I woke up and there was no one there."

Yue Qingran shook her head: "Tsk tsk, this story tells us that we must tell the time clearly. If it is early, isn't it earlier in the morning? Why don't you get up."

"You said to leave at dawn, so I just waited for dawn to get up. Is this also wrong?" Yue Qingran rolled her eyes, not going to be serious with a dead-headed person.

Qianye smiled evilly, and regardless of Yue Qingran's reaction, he just stretched his muscles and bones on his own.After a while, many people appeared one after another, and seeing the two of them, they were very different.

"You guys woke up really early." Qianye Shangxie forced a smile, Yue Qingran rolled her eyes and looked at someone with disdain.Then he said to the rest of the people who just got up: "Yeah, someone got up very early."

The corner of Qianye Shangxie's mouth twitched, his face was ugly. "Oh, that's it." Bai Litang saw it and understood.With a meaningful 'oh', he watched Qianye bewitched.

Qianye stared evilly, but the deterrence was not enough.After teasing for a while, everyone got up, looked at the sky, and everyone set off after breakfast.

As soon as he walked out of the small town, Qianye Shangxie smiled strangely.Facing Bai Ling'er and Yue Qingran who were in the carriage, he said with a smile, "Tsk tsk, the first batch of provocative ones are coming, do you want to come and play?"

Yue Qingran was resting in meditation, when she heard this, she opened her eyes, which were icy cold. "Just solve it yourself, don't bother me." Qianye Shangxie wiped his nose and smiled.

"Okay, let's just practice our hands." After Qianye Shangxie finished speaking, everyone stopped and waited for the group of tails to come over.After a while, many tails approached these people, but they did not appear.

"It seems that we are confirming the reason for our stop. If they know that we have found them, will they be very angry?" Bailitang looked at Yue Jiqiu and smiled.

Yue Jiqiu snorted softly, looked at the people in the carriage, and smiled, his smile was very cold: "Anyway, they are here, why don't you use them to practice your hands. I haven't fought for a long time, and I almost forgot how to fight."

Qianye Shangxie gave his rare approval, and the three stood outside, tightly surrounding the carriage.After getting the exact news, Tail gradually surrounded him.Qianye Shangxie watched coldly, and rushed over before their encirclement circle was formed.

Bailitang also moved at that moment, Yue Jiqiu touched his nose, looked at the frightened tails with an evil smile, and rushed over.Three people, three angles, just a fight.

Yue Qingran then also rushed out, holding a dagger, and rushed to the last direction.Yue Qingran's movements were fast and accurate, every one of them cut off their necks.

Using the phantom, before the other party reacted, rushed to the other party's side, waved the dagger, and took a life away.Then, rush to another person again.

Seeing Yue Qingran's movements from the corner of the eye, Qianye smiled evilly, shook his head, and became serious.Instead of doing practice brushing and playing, I started to understand the real thing.

There is spiritual power between the fists and feet, and the spiritual power turns into a blade, and the hand cuts.Wave your hand, a life.The method used by Bailitang is more bloody, and he is more willing to tear the National People's Congress into pieces.

With one knife stabbing, it started from the abdomen, went upwards from the abdomen, then crossed, and then came down, cutting off the hands and feet, and finally turned into a gorgeous dismemberment.

Compared with Bailitang, Yue Jiqiu is more inclined to use drugs to fascinate them, and then start to act.Therefore, the least bloody one is probably the rose.

They all died painfully from the drugs.Killing without blood is also the scariest thing, right?

But no matter what, these people are solved.

"Okay, let's continue on the road. I'm looking forward to seeing more people appearing later." Yue Qingran finished killing the last person, seeing that there was no one standing up on the ground except the four of them, Yue Qing Ran is very satisfied.

Although I really wanted to make a coquettish move and lick the dagger, but I really didn't want to lick this dagger that was stained with a lot of other people's blood.Yue Qingran threw the dagger at the crime scene in disgust.

Bai Litang looked at it and patted his chest: "Fortunately, I had the foresight to buy several daggers, otherwise... tsk tsk." After speaking, he shook his head, as if he was accusing Yue Qingran of his waste.

Yue Qingran rolled her eyes, not wanting to see Bailitang.Yue Jiqiu stepped forward and saw that Yue Qingran was covered with dots of blood, and asked with concern: "How is it, are you not injured? You don't like blood stains, do you? I have clothes here, you can change them on."

Qianye Shangxie gritted his teeth and came over, brought Yue Qingran over, and said angrily to Yue Jiqiu, "Don't worry, I'll be in charge of him, just take care of yourself."

Yue Qingran knew that these two people had always been number one, but after what happened last time, she became somewhat wary of Yue Jiqiu.The main reason is that he is worried that he will attack Qianye Shangxie.

But after thinking about it, Qianye Shangxie is not such a miserable person. If he was so miserable, then I would not choose him.In the end, the matter was over.

"Okay, okay, it's okay, let's go. I have clothes in the car, I'll just go and change." After speaking, Yue Qingran pulled Qianye Shangxie away.

Yue Jiqiu was behind, looking at the back of Yue Qingran leaving with Qianye Shangxie, his eyes burst into flames. "I said, if you like Yue Qingran, I advise you to change it. Otherwise, my young master will be angry."

Bailitang ran over at some point, looked at Yue Jiqiu with a serious face, and shook his head sympathetically.Yue Jiqiu rolled her eyes and left without looking back.

When Bailitang was out to the outside world, he kept his cold appearance, but when Baiyue Qingran and the others were too angry, they would play rascals. Now, he said something very seriously, but the tone was a little embarrassing. Just accept it.

After everything was done, Yue Qingran gave an order and was ready to go on the road.

The second batch of killers followed closely behind and arrived not long after. Yue Qingran saw it and sneered, "Didn't you see how the last batch died?"

The killer leader's aura changed obviously, and taking advantage of this opportunity, Yue Qingran rushed over.Qianye Shangxie also took this opportunity to follow closely behind, not to mention the others.

After solving this batch, everyone ate lunch, continued to kill, and hurried on their way.

Gradually, everyone has regarded killing as a necessity in life.If one day no killer appeared, Yue Qingran and the others would feel something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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