Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 156 Seeing Liu Yuer Again

Chapter 156 Seeing Liu Yuer Again

During this period of time, every time after killing someone, Yue Jiqiu was always the first to come forward to ask about his health, which made Qianye Shangxie have the urge to pack Rose Jiqiu into a killer look, and then kill him.

It's not that Qianye Shangxie wants to be the last one to go up to ask Yue Qingran how he is, but because he firmly believes that Yue Qingran doesn't need these things.It's all the same, regardless of men and women, the strong don't need sympathy and care.

What's more, Yue Qingran always knew that there was someone silently caring behind her, but she just didn't say it out, so why did she go forward?Only this time, Qianye Shangxie began to reflect, should he also ask for warmth?
After killing a group of killers this time, Qianye Shangxie didn't look at Yue Qingran, but rushed over, looked at Yue Qingran, and didn't say anything.

Yue Qingran looked at Qianye Shangxie with his smiling eyes, but he wanted to see what Qianye Shangxie would say.Qianye Shangxie looked at it for a moment, made sure that Yue Qingran was fine, and smiled: "Let's go, let's go back."

Yue Qingran looked at Qianye Shangxie who was pulling her forward, never thought that Qianye Shangxie would not ask about those things.In fact, the things Yue Jiqiu asks every day really annoys me.

Are you that weak?He didn't even trust himself at all.Seeing Qianye Shangxie come over this time, Yishan and Yue Qingran are still a little angry, even you think you are weak, so weak that you need to ask for help?
Who knew, Qianye Shangxie didn't say anything, just looked at himself.I looked at my whole body with my eyes, and then smiled badly, and said with a smile, 'Let's go, go back. '

When Yue Jiqiu saw that Qianye Shangxie went up ahead of him, his first reaction was to gloat.If he wants to greet Yue Qingran like himself, I guarantee that with his temper, January Qingran will definitely ignore him.

It's just that I didn't expect the other party to say that. Does he really not know those words or is he just pretending?Isn't it the sweet talk that normal people should know?How come he is so different?
But what he said reached Yue Qingran's heart, and then Yue Qingran was kidnapped.Yue Jiqiu stared at Qianye Shangxie with dissatisfied eyes.Qianye Shangxie sensed it, turned his head, raised his eyebrows provocatively, and looked at Yue Jiqiu.

Yue Jiqiu snorted, feeling overwhelmed by Qianye's evil, walked behind resentfully, and got into the carriage.

"I received the news that more than half of the killers sent by Tang Aotian died, so he took pictures of all the killers, and it seems that he is preparing for the next operation. But in a short time, we don't have to mix with the killers."

Bailitang let go of the injured Xinge casually, and looked back at Qianye Shangxie.Qianye Shangxie was on the roof of the carriage. Hearing the news, he gave a faint 'Yes': "Since this is the case, we can travel lightly when we arrive at the next town."

Bai Litang smiled, the wind blew the curtain of the carriage, Bai Linger just saw Bai Litang's relieved smile, and asked softly with some guilt and remorse: "Did I hurt everyone?"

Yue Qingran was practicing on the side, and when she opened her eyes, she happened to see Bailitang's smile, and seeing Bai Linger's disappointed face, she glared fiercely at Bailitang through the car curtain.

"How come, you've done a good job. It's already good that you've endured hardships with us, and you didn't say anything. Don't think too much." Yue Qingran just wanted to comfort, when Bailitang heard it, I don't know if it's because of his good mood, but Bai Auditorium is surprisingly gentle.

Bai Ling'er blushed upon hearing this.Whispered and whispered 'Yes': "Thank you." Bai Litang waved his hand indifferently: "What, we are a team."

Yue Qing was speechless, did Bailitang really not understand or was he just pretending to be stupid?Let's say he has a high IQ. His IQ is really not high. Logically speaking, a person with a low IQ should have a high EQ, but he has a low EQ.

What can we do? Are these two people so exhausted?Looking at Bai Ling'er again, his face was already red enough to bleed.If Bailitang sees it, he will definitely ask with concern: "Do you have a fever, don't hold on."

Anyone with a discerning eye can see what is going on with the fever and emotion. Have you ever seen such a delicate fever?I really don't understand how Bailitang was created, why is it so funny?

Yue Qing was speechless, seeing Bai Ling'er like this, coughed, and told him, there are still people here, don't be like this.When Bai Ling'er heard the voice, she turned her head and saw Yue Qing's clear smile, her face turned even redder.

"It's enough for you, it's almost enough, be shy and reserved, and don't let the whole world know." Yue Qingran couldn't help but reprimanded.

Bai Ling'er froze for a moment, then quickly restrained herself.Looking at Yue Qingran with a fawning smile, Yue Qingran frowned: "Okay, don't worry so much, for a person like him, his emotional intelligence needs to be developed, and he still needs a second-level talent, it's up to you. "

Bai Ling'er nodded half understanding, Yue Qing was helpless, could this be a guy with low EQ?Qianye Shangxie heard clearly from above, so he naturally knew what he was talking about, so he smiled.

Hearing the laughter, Yue Qingran gritted her teeth and waited up: "What are you laughing at?" Qianye Shangxie shook his head: "It's nothing, it's just that you can't do it like this. Let them solve it by themselves."

Yue Qingran thought about it for a while, and it was the same reason, so she simply spread her hands: "Come on, I don't care, I'll meditate and rest." Qianye Shangxie covered his mouth and laughed.

"Don't hit the revolver, we're about to fall." Bai Litang couldn't understand what he said before, but Yue Qingran still understood the last sentence, so he hurriedly told everyone.

Upon hearing this, Yue Qingran opened the car curtain and looked outside. "Finally, we've arrived at a lively place. See if this is what it looks like during the day. It's lively."

There is a lot of traffic, but that's all.Many people are resting here, and some businessmen in the past are suspicious of various things again. This is a big town, and it is simply incomparable to the small town where dozens of families were acquired before.

"Find a better restaurant and have a good meal. The next time we meet, it may not be when." After Yue Qingran finished speaking, she put down the car curtain and lay down inside with her legs crossed.

After hearing this, Bai Litang touched his pocket with a bitter face: "How about we go eat steamed stuffed buns? That thing will fill you up." Yue Qingran exposed her head and smiled sinisterly: "Are you sure?"

Bailitang sighed helplessly: "Okay, okay, how about this restaurant? Juxianlou, the name sounds good." Just passing by, Bailitang stopped the carriage quickly, pointed to the plaque and asked everyone.

"No objection." After finishing speaking, Yue Qingran put on her veil and jumped down nimbly.Qianye Shangxie shook his head, his moon is so clear, it has grown up, and is becoming more and more beautiful.If the imprint on the face disappears, many people will definitely pursue it.

Yue Qingran didn't care about that, just got off the carriage and walked inside. "Guest officer, how many are you?" Xiaoer is also a smart person, from the appearance of Yue Qingran and Shenhou, he knows that they are rich and powerful, so the smile on his face is a little bit more.

Yue Qingran glanced around for a week, and randomly chose a place to sit down.Seeing this, Qianye Shangxie also followed.Not long after sitting down, I saw a group of people coming in from outside.

Liu Yu'er just glanced at it casually, and saw the Baili Hall that Qian Siye wanted.At this moment, he was sitting in a corner with a smile on his face.

Yue Qingran also saw Liu Yu'er, but he didn't intend to go there. Let's wait for the other party to take the initiative.Anyway, this opportunity is only once, it would be a pity to miss it.Yue Qingran looked at the door with a smile.

"What are you looking at?" Qianye Shangxie followed his gaze and saw Liu Yu'er and a group of people. He didn't like it, so he turned his head and didn't look at it.

The King of Guihai, Liu Yu'er's biological father, walked over and saw his daughter staring in one direction, but he only saw the back of a man, but he could tell that he was full of righteousness.

The king of Guihai stroked the beard on his chin. It was obvious that his daughter had taken a fancy to the other party, but he didn't know who the other party was, and it would make his proud daughter fall in love with him.

Turning his eyes, he looked at the people around the man, and happened to see Yue Qingran's side face, King Guihai was startled, and looked at Yue Qingran carefully.

After watching for a while, he invited the Lord of Guihai over.The king was sitting in the car, and when he heard that the prince was looking for him, he hurriedly got out of the car.

Sensing someone watching her, Yue Qingran paused with her chopsticks, turned her head slowly, and looked at King Guihai with cold eyes.I only saw Liu Yu'er, and after seeing how similar this man was to Liu Yu'er, and seeing his scary and respectful appearance, I guessed it was almost the same.

But, what's the matter with this old prince's excited expression?Yue Qingran frowned in boredom, turned her head and went on eating.Just being looked at will not lose a piece of meat.

The Lord of Guihai Kingdom also arrived, and after watching for a while, he felt excited.Like, so much like.Seeing the excited look on the king's face, the prince smiled with satisfaction.It seems that the person my daughter likes is also among this group of people, if I have the opportunity to get in touch with them...

The king of Guihai's abacus was clinking. "Yu'er, do you know them?" King Guihai looked at his daughter and asked back.Liu Yu'er came back to her senses and smiled a little: "I know each other, we have met several times."

"Is that so, when old friends meet, shouldn't they say hello?" the King of Guihai said in a persuasive manner.Liu Yu'er was agitated, and Meng Jin nodded: "I see, I'll go say hello to them right away."

Liu Er tidied up the carriage before walking in.Seeing Liu Yu'er walking in one direction, she raised her eyes a few times.He recognized these people at a glance, was startled, walked up to the prince, and said a few words in a low voice.

The prince was worried that he would not have the opportunity to talk to them, but he did not expect to have the opportunity now.Although, when he first heard the news that his daughter was injured, he slapped the table and was furious when he returned to Haiguo's website, and even the king was alarmed, but now he saw this group of people, this group of people who indirectly harmed his daughter , the prince just wants to please.

Yue Qingran saw Liu Yu'er approaching, with a smile on the corner of her mouth. "Bailitang, it's really you, do you remember me?" After eating positively, when someone called his name, Bailitang paused and turned his head.

When Bai Ling'er saw Liu Yu'er, even though she was disfigured, her aura and some of the handsome features on her face told others that he was Liu Yu'er.

Bai Ling'er looked gloomy, looked at Bailitang, and listened to what he had to say next.

(End of this chapter)

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