Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 166: Countless Beast Crystals

Chapter 166: Countless Beast Crystals
Speaking of which, beast crystal is also something that can be used for cultivation.Eating a beast crystal or holding a beast crystal in your hand will make your cultivation more effective with half the effort.

This is also the reason why many people even pay high prices to buy animal crystals.However, beast crystals are not so easy to obtain, and it is even more difficult to find one with the same attributes as your own, so if you issue a task, it may take ten and a half months for someone to respond to you.

Now, everyone has been here for three days, during which time countless spirit beasts have been hunted and killed.Those who were tasked with animal skins or animal eyes can go back and turn in the task, but this group of beast crystal hunters has not completed the task yet.

Bai Ling'er also changed from initial excitement to numbness. Fortunately, Bai Ling'er is not a wealthy daughter who can't bear hardships. Regarding this situation, Bai Ling'er, as an oil bottle, consciously did not complain about suffering or tiredness.

I don't think it's too boring here.It's just a lot more silent than usual.

Speaking of receiving the goods during this period, it probably means that Qianye Shangxie's spiritual power is more pure, and it may even be upgraded at any time.The same is true for Bailitang.Only Rose Rose doesn't need to be upgraded too quickly.

Yue Qingran's ability has been consolidated and compressed, that is to say, his ability has been improved to a higher level now.

These are all indifferent.The only thing that was surprising was Boss Shi. Boss Shi was also a high-level spiritualist, which made Qianye Shangxie very surprised.

It's not that Boss Shi hides too deeply, but his ability really doesn't want to be like this.But Boss Shi himself said: "I ate too many beast crystals, and I couldn't get promoted a long time ago, so that's it."

This also relieved everyone a lot.Beast crystal doesn't look like a good thing, at least it should be done in moderation.However, it is inconvenient for Yue Qingran to say more about these, he just does things in silence.

After staying here for a few more days, I finally collected all the beast crystals. "Ten beast crystals, just right. We can set off tomorrow. I hope we don't encounter anything on the way."

As soon as I finished speaking, I felt a wave of shaking.There was a crack under Yue Qingran's foot, and it cracked violently.Afterwards, there was an unconscious rapid decline.

This is the same feeling as the last trip to the desert.But the difference is that this time the ground shakes and the mountains shake, it is an earthquake.

Falling to the bottom, Yue Qingran carefully looked around, not intending to close it, that's fine.The most frightening thing is to encounter an earthquake in the wild. Falling into it is not the scariest thing. The scariest thing is that the crack closes before you can see the situation clearly.

The last time I saw such a report with my own eyes, someone was caught in the middle of the crack and couldn't be rescued.It finally came up, and it was indeed paralyzed at the end.

No matter now, Ying Gazien is still very unfortunate.I'm afraid Yue Qingran is the only one who fell down.There are even a few black dots that can be vaguely seen on it, and I don't know who it belongs to.

The crack came vertically, so only everyone standing in this direction fell down, and the rest of the people fell there, or were still outside, it had nothing to do with Yue Qing.

Now Yue Qingran wants to know who fell down.

"Qianye Shangxie, Yuejiqiu, Bailitang, Bai Linger, Yueyue, where are you?" This was the first time that Yue Qingran had all the names of all the people listed at the same time.

"No one responded to me, where are you?" Yue Qingran didn't want to shout at the top of his voice, because he was really not afraid. Even though she was the only one, her life alone had already been engraved into the bone marrow, so he really I'm not afraid.

He was just worried, worried that Qianye Shangxie would quietly disappear where he couldn't see it. "Where are you? Answer me." Yue Qingran shouted, using her spiritual power.

But still no one answered.Only then did Yue Qingran panic, looking around, not going to the village, not to the store, but one thing is for sure, the desk core goes back here, there is always a dead end.

The earthquake is only localized. The crack here is so big, which means that the earthquake is the most serious here. If we go forward, will the crack become smaller?There is always a way to go up.

He chose to walk forward alone, but Yue Qingran had made a calculation. At the time of the earthquake, Qianye Shangxie was standing next to him. If he fell, there was no reason why he would not follow him, unless he fell. on another line.

This is another matter, if this is the case, then the two people are very likely to be on a parallel line now, so Qianye Shangxie can't see himself.

So what about the people around you?What about Rose, Bailitang, Yue Yue and Bai Ling'er?They're all there, or rather, they're all down.

Or, nothing happened.Yue Qingran has spiritual power, so she can protect herself from falling from such a high place without injury, so what about Bai Linger and Yue Yue who are at the same height?
The moon could maybe take the shape of a cat, and he should have no problem getting down, and he should even be able to climb up.I looked around for a while, and it was slippery here, and I couldn't go up at all.

Living alone for too long, this kind of wild survival, I have the highest level in the test every year, so I never have to worry about it, but it is different now, I have concerns in my heart, I have concerns.

Qianye is evil, I hope you are all fine.

Yue Qingran walked forward quickly while groping and praying for Qianye Shangxie and the others to be fine.Sure enough, the cracks in front became much narrower, and even Yue Qingran might not be able to pass through the cracks in some places even if he turned sideways.

Her body was scratched by stones, but Yue Qing didn't care.The so-called willows are dark and flowers are bright and another village is like this.Originally thought that the narrow place was the end, who knew that this time there were two branches.

I walked over with the idea of ​​giving it a try, and then my body was scratched by the stone, but after I walked out, I found that it was a cave that suddenly opened.

As soon as I walked in, I found that there were several other caves here. Yue Qingran realized at this time that it might not be a real earthquake, or the level of the earthquake was not so high, but because the cave is here, so Unknowingly, the magnitude of the earthquake was increased.

Probably so?Yue Qingran was not sure, but at the same time, she was looking forward to whether Qianye Shangxie and the others could appear from this place?

This is probably where it was used for sacrifices in the past?There is also a platform for worship, and even a statue of a god is enshrined on it, but I don't know what it is.There are countless beast crystals on it.

Yue Qingran rubbed her eyes, and looked over carefully, it was really a beast crystal, countless beast crystals.Afterwards, Yue Qingran walked over, and sure enough, this was an abandoned sacrificial platform.

There is also a pond that has dried up in front.Probably some kind of holy water should have been installed before, right?Then use this holy water to wash people's sins and things like that.

In short, everything here is abandoned.It's just that the older the beast crystal, the more valuable it is.Although the energy inside may no longer exist, it is a good blessing item.

It is best to use beast crystals to bless formations, bless barriers, and all kinds of bless items.

Having said that, Yue Qingran still thinks that a look is enough.To be honest, these things are of no use to me, let alone the things that are enshrined to ancestors and gods. Although I don't believe in this, it's better not to bother.

Yue Qingran is still not sure if Qianye Shangxie and the others are really here, but there are several passages here.Yue Qingran didn't know which one to go to find them, and she didn't even know if they really fell down. At this moment, Yue Qingran was at a loss, should she go up or look for them?

But at this time, some voices were heard in the distance.After a while, three people came out from a cave entrance, namely Bailitang, Yue Yue and Bai Ling'er.

Yue Qingran was overjoyed, and hurriedly walked over calmly, looking at the three of them: "Only you three? Where are the two of them, are you alright?"

Bailitang didn't know.It turned out that Bai Ling'er was standing not far behind Yue Qingran, and the center of gravity was unstable during the earthquake, and when Yue Qingran fell, a big crack opened beside Bai Linger, and Bai Linger was startled , and fell down.

Bailitang saw it, and rushed over.Just kidding, it would be half as good if he fell, but if he, a guy with little spiritual power, fell, wouldn't he die miserably?

So Bailitang followed quickly.The moon rushed over as soon as Bai Linger fell, and the two of them fell down together with Bai Linger.

The moon could have turned into a cat and walked freely up and down. I went up to look at it, and Qianye Shangxie and the others disappeared. After the moon came down and finished speaking, Bailitang decided to move forward. There must be a place to meet .

The moon looks at the surrounding situation anytime and anywhere, and occasionally he will go up to check the current position or something.So, here, the two parties met.

Only Shangxie and Qianye were there, and the other one was found without crying.Yue Qingran was very worried that if the two of them fell together, wouldn't they fight to the death?
"There are so many caves, where should we find the two of them? Why don't we just wait here." Bai Litang was not worried about these two people.

Even he was able to get down safely, and saved a Bai Ling'er by the way, let alone the two of them.

Yue Qingran and him are not worried about the same thing, but there is nothing they can do now, they can only wait here silently for the two of them to come out quickly.

Yue Qingran's chessboard is still useful.After dark, the cave looks extraordinarily bright.This earthquake was able to find out the cave.

But if you look up, you can only see a crack. I'm afraid the top is just a small crack, and there is nothing hidden in it.

In such a situation, Yue Qingran was even more worried. What if everyone walked to a place that looked narrow enough to climb up, and halfway through the climb, they found that the top was not shaken away at all?

In such a situation, the gain outweighs the loss.Bailitang has never experienced an earthquake, let alone such an experience, so they don't know what it's like, and several people can only sit here and wait with their own thoughts.

Fortunately, this cave is still very warm and wind-resistant.Gai Ming heard the wind blowing loudly, but he couldn't feel it at all inside.Not even the Huozhezi flickered at all.

Early the next morning, Qianye Shangxie and Yue Jiqiu walked out from one of them, both of them had signs of fighting.Yue Qingran looked at the two of them, and didn't say a word, just looked at the wounds on the two of them, and didn't know what to think.

"Damn it! What's the matter, are you two happy?" Bai Litang opened his eyes, and saw that the two people who came out were in a state of distress, and Yue Jiqiu cursed on the spot.

Yue Jiqiu didn't speak, and Qianye Shangxie also chose to remain silent uncharacteristically.Yue Qingran knew that the two must have resolved some matters in private, but if the ultimate realm did not resolve, it was their own problem.

(End of this chapter)

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