Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 167: Ye Shangxie Disappears

Chapter 167 Qianye Shangxie Disappears
"I knew he wasn't too low, but I didn't expect that when we climbed out, it would be so dark outside." Yue Jiqiu complained. "After climbing out of it, I couldn't feel a little light for a moment, this kind of contrast."

"Don't talk about it, didn't you not see the light after you were inside? How does it feel to crawl forward in the dark?" Bai Litang rolled his eyes and raised his eyebrows to Wen Yuejiqiu in a funny way.

"If I can't see it myself, I will always worry that there will be an extra rock around me from time to time, and I will put it on." The two chatted without distraction.

Everyone was exhausted a long time ago, so they just lay down and looked at the stars, and listened to the nonsense of these two people here.Qianye Shangxie laughed when he heard it, and shook his head helplessly.

"The two of you are endless, aren't you tired after so long?" Bai Litang rolled his eyes and poked his neck: "Of course I'm tired, but if I don't talk, wouldn't it be a loss?"

Yue Qingran made two 'tsk tsk' sounds, but these two competitive people were helpless. "Okay, okay, stop making trouble, and take a rest. Otherwise, you will be exhausted tomorrow morning and evening."

The other party snorted and stopped talking.

When it was daylight, everyone got up.Since they are all martial arts practitioners, this little bit of rock climbing will not bother everyone, so there are no scenes of people with backaches and leg pains that Yue Qingran was expecting.

Because what is already there is probably a warm scene.As soon as she opened her eyes in the morning, she saw that Bai Ling'er had applied the herbs that Bai Ling'er picked up from somewhere along the moon, all of which had been smeared on Bailitang's worn-out palms.

Although Bailitang had spiritual power to protect his palm, he couldn't bear the weight of two people, and the spiritual power couldn't be used for a long time.So in the end, Bailitang simply gave up his spiritual power.

Therefore, his hand was mercilessly injured.Now you can see Bai Ling'er with her head down, Erjian is red, and she is still saying merciless words, and her subordinates are also merciless, sticking the crushed herbs on the palm of Bailitang.

Bai Litang grinned in pain.But Yue Qingran guessed that a large part of it was just pretending.Probably to make Bai Ling'er feel at ease, so I cooperated.

Bai Litang bared his teeth and begged for medicine. Bai Linger said all kinds of vicious words, but his hands moved a lot more slowly. In the hall.

But... Yue Qingran was very puzzled when he did it: "Doesn't Yue Jiqiu have ointment? Why don't he want it?" Bai Litang cried out in pain, then turned his face to look at Yue Qingran, and turned it over a lot Roll eyes.

"You'll know if you ask him yourself." Yue Qingran turned her head helplessly, and Yue Jiqiu was meditating on the side.Seeing Yue Qingran's gaze, he blinked mischievously.

Yue Qing was puzzled, and Bai Ling'er said: "Yue Jiqiu said that he didn't want to use these expensive medicines on Bai Li Tang, so he made a clear path for me, so I will go to gather herbs myself."

Yue Qingran looked at these two people speechlessly, thinking... Isn't this too unscientific?
"You two, do you think this is interesting?" Bai Litang snorted, "It's not what I wanted to do. It's because he didn't give me the ointment, which made me become like this now."

After finishing speaking, he raised his left hand that was covered with herbs, and his right hand that had not yet been filled with herbs.

Yue Qingran couldn't help laughing.That hand, if it was wrapped in gauze, could definitely be a zongzi hand.It is not wrapped in gauze now, but those herbs with green juice are definitely not good-looking.

"You dislike the herbal medicine I made for you?" Bai Ling'er asked calmly without raising her head.Bai Litang heard this, quickly put down his hands, and sat upright: "Why? You are very confused, I just play up the atmosphere suspiciously. Who dares to say that it is not good? I will beat him!"

Yue Qingran burst out laughing, helpless, these two people are so interesting.Looking around, he didn't see Qianye Shangxie.

"Where is Qianye Shangxie?" Yue Qingran saw the figure of the moon squatting not far away, and didn't know what he was doing.

"Yue Yue, have you seen Qianye Shangxie?" After spending time with everyone for a long time, Yue Yue understood everyone's names.Shaking his head, he looked at Yue Qingran innocently.

"Bailitang, did you see it?" Bailitang also shook his head: "It was still there just now, where did it go now?" Yue Qingran was not worried that Qianye would have an accident due to other reasons.

Now with my own abilities, nothing will appear quietly without being discovered.So, it should be Qianye Shangxie who left by himself, but where did he go?

"Have you gone looking for something to eat? Let's wait, he should be back soon." After speaking, Yue Qingran sat down on the spot.An hour has passed, and Qianye Shangxie still hasn't returned, Yue Qingran is a little worried.

"Could it be lost? It shouldn't be, everyone is moving around here, and even if you get lost, you can find it along the cracks."

Bailitang said in a low voice.Yue Qingran was anxious in her heart, but her face remained calm.

Now that this is the case, no one is in the mood to joke around. "If Qianye Shangxie left by himself, he should have told us. No one has been notified by Qianye Shangxie now."

After Yue Jiqiu finished speaking, Yue Qingran retorted: "Because he didn't think that he would go far away, he just thought it might be to find something to eat or something, and he would come back in a while. But he didn't expect it to become like this. "

"So, these are beyond his expectation, so what happened, only he knows." Yue Qingran said that he was playing, and decided not to sit still, but to look for it.

Standing up, looking at Yue Jiqiu behind him, he didn't care about it at all.Yue Qingran paused: "Yue Jiqiu, this matter has nothing to do with you, does it?"

Yue Jiqiu sneered: "What do you think of me as, I like upright people, this kind of behind-the-scenes sales competition is not my strong point."

Yue Qingran breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, I hope it has nothing to do with you. Now, let's go find Qianye Shangxie together."

Seeing Yue Qingran's relieved expression, Yue Jiqiu felt secretly happy.Fortunately, this matter has nothing to do with me, otherwise it would be terrible if I saw Yue Qingran's disappointed expression.

"Who knows which direction Qianye Shangxie was standing at that time? Or did anyone see Qianye Shangxie walking that way?" Yue Qingran was just about to walk in the direction to her right when she realized that she was The location is not the location of Qianye Shangxie.

Yue Yueliang nodded, and pointed to the direction of Yue Qingran's thoughts: "At that time, he was standing here, and when he walked, he seemed to be walking this way, I didn't pay attention."

Yue Qingran turned around, walked along this side, and said as she walked, "Let's look for footprints or traces." Yue Qingran found that she now has the potential to be a detective.

In other words, I have fulfilled my unfulfilled dream in my previous life.But yes, in fact, being a killer involves tracking and anti-stalking, so it's not unfamiliar.

Yue Qingran is very good at this kind of searching for clues.

Or else, girls are very careful, Yue Qingran and Bai Linger are worthy of being fighters among this group of men.Bai Ling'er didn't know how to find the so-called traces at first.

Yue Qingran thought to himself, if it was Qianye who was haunted by evil spirits, he shouldn't be walking around. If he heard something or something, he would say it.So he must have come looking for something to quench his thirst.

Because when everyone is in the gap, the food is separated.So everyone didn't know how much food was left, so they ate at will.Later, during the climb, all the water was dedicated.

After going up, everyone consumed too much energy and ate a lot of food.Because of this, there is not enough water and food.Qianye Shangxie probably went to find something to eat.

Therefore, Yue Qingran focused on the tree with fruit.Sure enough, a trace that had been broken again was found in one place, Yue Qingran felt the trace and thought about it.

Bai Ling'er walked over and asked humbly about these search techniques. Yue Qingran only briefly said a few words about Qianye Shangxie's usual personality and the general reason why he would leave without a word. Possibility to exclude some.

Therefore, in the current situation, Qianye Shangxie should be caused by some force majeure in the process of searching for food.To be honest, Yue Qingran is really not worried about this at all.

Since Qianye Shangxiegan went there alone instead of coming back to find everyone, it means that he still has a certain ability to solve this matter.

What's more, Qianye Shangxie's current ability and comprehensive strength are very strong, which is even incomparable to Yue Qingran, who is already waiting for the stock market in the coming year.

That being the case, Yue Qingran couldn't help but wanted to ask, why should she be worried?
Based on the above reasons, Yue Qingran just looked for all kinds of traces that could prove that Qianye Shangxie had let go of everything, and then she was willing to leave everyone.

Rather than the traces of being taken away by Qianye Shangxie in a panic.

Bai Ling'er found an unusual looking place, and since he couldn't figure it out, he called everyone. "Look, what does this mean?"

Yue Qingran took a look, a hint of interest flashed in his eyes.In this matter, Yue Qingran taught Qianye Shangxie how to deal with some codes.Not all codes can only be written on the wall or what.

You can use branches or other things to make a secret sign.What Qianye Shangxie put out now was a code that no one could understand.

Speaking of which, he is also a form of Morse code.From outsiders' perspective, they are just some unfounded and regular codes, but Yue Qingran, who has a deep understanding of Morse code, knows the meaning of this.

It seems that Qianye fell into the evil because of time constraints, so he didn't go back to find everyone immediately. He also analyzed Yue Qingran's character, and he was sure that Yue Qingran would show up to look for him at this time, so he looked for him at this time. It looks hidden, but in fact, there is a secret sign in a place that is easy to see.

Thinking about it this way, Qianye Shangxie should have placed another secret signal not far from here.

It showed that Qianye Shangxie seemed to have seen something strange, so he decided to take a look.But I was worried that something might happen, so I put the code words of Qianye Shangxie Bar here.

Then Qianye went to Shangxie for a while, and he should still come up with a code word.The last branch is placed obliquely. It is not a password, but a coordinate in one direction.

Yue Qingran raised the corners of her lips, and couldn't help but want to praise her man, he was really smart.

With this, Yue Qingran looked at the direction, although she was a little puzzled, she made a decisive decision and asked everyone to follow.In order to prevent this coordinate from being misdirected by birds and beasts, Qianye Shangxie deliberately placed another coordinate with stones.

So, in this way, there is nothing wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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