Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 168 Strange Things

Chapter 168 Strange Things

Only Yue Qingran understood the secret words left by Qianye Shangxie, so Yue Qingran whispered to everyone to always pay attention to these secret words placed with branches, stones, or leaves.Lest you miss out on time.

Yue Qingran was very careful when she spoke, and even used some gestures.Because he was worried, there is such a saying that walls have ears.Even if there are no ears, the monster stone will be heard and seen by those birds and beasts, and it would be bad to reveal the secret in advance.

Qiangqian was amused and did not find Taiyuan, and sure enough, he found one.In this case, it proves that the path you are taking is getting closer and closer to the so-called truth.

I don't care about those unwarranted things, just looking at the part of the code word, Yue Qing understands it, probably saw a ray of light, I don't know what it is for now, but I suspect that it may be caused by the death of some spirit beast.

Yue Qingran doesn't know why there is light in retail death, but this kind of miraculous thing will always make a sound, and it's okay to see it.

Yue Qingran continued to move forward in the direction indicated by the arrow.This time, after walking for a long distance without seeing any signs of code words, Yue Qingran could not help but stop, this is not right.

With Qianye's evil spirit, he would only write slogans from a certain distance.Even if it is only a short distance from the destination, he will remind everyone.A situation like this has never happened.

What happened?Did you miss it?Yue Qingran couldn't help the Yuanlu Women's Association.I didn't miss any corner, searched carefully, even looked at the top of the tree, but there was still nothing.

There are not even branches on the ground, which is not right.Could it be that someone discovered that the things left by Qianye Shangxie were passwords, so they cleaned them up in advance?

It shouldn't be so clean, so clean that there isn't even a trace of it.Yue Qingran shook her head, she believed in the existence of this thing too much, its existence is a very miraculous thing.

Although puzzled, Yue Qingran still decided to continue on the path pointed out by Qianyeshan.Maybe Qianye Shangxie forgot this matter for some reason.

Yue Qingran couldn't help but wonder if Qianye Shangxie would think that only branches, leaves and stones are acceptable, and other things cannot be used as code words.

But at that time, he did not find these things, so he did not leave a code word.

Yue Qingran smiled, if Qianye Shangxie was such a dead-headed person, Yue Qingran would never take a liking to this person.However, is my brain wrong?Entered a dead end, or a misunderstanding?
Since there were no such things at the time, did Qianye Shangxie find other alternatives, but he didn't know?Yue Qingran went back again helplessly.

"I said, are you going to leave a smell on this road, or do you want to leave your giant figure? You have walked this road three times, aren't you tired?"

Bailitang looked helplessly at Yue Qingran who went back again.Yue Qingran waved his hand: "Just wait here, I'll go and have a look. Qianye Shangxie shouldn't have done this."

Bailitang knew that everyone knew what the so-called shouldn't be. "Maybe I just forgot." Yue Qingran didn't believe it, Qianye Shangxie wouldn't interrupt his train of thought because of something.

Yue Qingran went back again, based on her own understanding of Qianye Shangxie.If there were no leaves, branches, or stones nearby, she wouldn't have taken them from other places and placed them here.

So, he must have used other methods.

So what exactly is this solution.Based on the principle of non-destructiveness, there must be no excessive behavior. "Qianye Shangxie will not let you look down on these trees, and tell you something based on these trees?"

Yue Qingran looked at the group of people who followed behind at some point with black lines all over her head. "Are you trying to exhaust me to death? Or do you think Qianye Shangxie would still have the leisurely mind to float around in the air in such an emergency?"

Yue Jiqiu rubbed her head, smiled and took two steps back.

Yue Qingran looked up, there seemed to be nothing worth paying attention to around here.But... why does this fruit grow so irregularly?Can there be such an irregular growth on a tree?If so, shouldn't the tree be dead long ago?
So, fruit?Yue Qingran looked at the fruit tree above her head, not knowing what to do.Sure enough, if you look carefully, you will find that there are directions on the fruit.But there were no other words.

Yue Qingran sighed, she was tired after wandering around here for so long, so she simply picked the fruits and ate them one by one.

"How's it going, what news did you find?" Yue Qingran focused on eating apples, and turned away the question with a twist.The moon looked not far away, thoughtful.

"Yue Yue, what's the matter with you? What did you think of or what?" Bai Litang asked while eating, noticing Yue Yue's trance.Moon turned her head and looked at Bailitang, but she was drifting towards Yue Qingran from the corner of her eye.

"It's nothing, I just found that there is a lot of energy ahead, should we go over and have a look?"

The direction mentioned by the moon is the direction of Qianye’s heresy, so did the moon discover it only after walking here?Yue Qingran thought for a while, hurriedly ate two mouthfuls of fruit, and hurried on the road.

Rose rose held the fruit in her hand, wondering what she was thinking.Seeing that Yue Qingran was about to go on the road after only taking two bites, she hurriedly stopped her: "Such a good fruit, I am willing to go on the road."

Yue Qingran was stunned, but seeing Yue Jiqiu's serious face, probably this is some kind of good fruit.It's just that they don't know where Qianye Shangxie got the rest of the fruit on the tree.

After gnawing it thoroughly, Yue Jiqiu smiled: "This fruit is most suitable for pregnant people..." Yue Qingran spat out all the fruit that hadn't been chewed in his mouth.

Then Yue Jiqiu showed her big white teeth, and said with a smile, "Actually, I was just teasing you." Yue Qingran narrowed her eyes, looking at Yue Jiqiu with a gloomy look.

Yue Jiqiu shrugged: "The atmosphere is very bad now, I was just joking, who knew you would be like this?" Yue Qingran looked up at the sky physically, eagerly hoping that a bird would fly by at this time, and in the time of the rose Shit on your head.

The moon was still looking in that direction, Yue Qingran stopped talking nonsense and started on the road decisively.However, when passing by Rose Autumn, there was still a heavy 'hum'.

Yue Jiqiu rubbed his nose and followed on the road.

"Brother, tell me, what is the effect of this fruit?" Bai Litang asked quietly.Yue Qingran was in front, rubbing her forehead, helpless.Did he think he couldn't hear such a voice?
"This, it's just an ordinary fruit, I'm not sure about the specifics." Yue Qingran felt that she had the urge to kill the two of them.But it can't be done now.

Not long after walking, he saw Qianye Shangxie standing there in the distance.Yue Qingran nodded, sure enough, both of them were smart enough.

Qianye Shangxie turned his head, saw Yue Qingran and the others arrived, and smiled.Waiting for Yue Qingran and the others to walk in, Qianye Shangxie looked at Yue Qingran appreciatively.

"Look, this is the thing that died just now, but I don't know why there is light." Yue Qingran said that he didn't even know as much about spirit beasts as Qianye Shangxie.

"Yue Yue, do you know why?" Bai Litang looked at the group of people with big eyes and small eyes. At this time, it is better to ask the moon.

Sure enough, Yue Qingran came back to her senses and looked at the moon.It was the first time that the moon was stared at by everyone like this, and it was a little shy.After a while, Yue Lian coughed and said slowly, "This is actually quite normal."

normal?Yue Qingran turned around and was stuck with Qianye Shangxie.Qianye went to evil hands, had he experienced it before?

"Well, it's like a dead person. Some people will have relics after they die." After finishing speaking, Bailitang laughed: "Only eminent monks will have relics, not everyone has them."

Moonlight nodded: "This is similar, and not all puppets will be like this. With the help of light, after death, they will find a good home and will not be attacked."

Yue Qing understood, and everyone else also suddenly realized.The moon went on to say: "Such a spirit beast must have done a lot of good deeds or be very powerful and capable in order to be like this, and it can only be respected by others."

"Haha, respected by people? Is it respected by beasts?" Bai Litang said indifferently.The moon blushed, was dazed for a moment, and nodded: "Probably. I don't know, but I know it must be very good to be like this."

Yue Qingran probably understood that it was the same as the death of a so-called eminent monk.Those who know are people who have deeply understood this way, and those who don’t know are just hearsay, and there are more versions. As for what it is like, only when you understand it can you really understand it.

"Okay, then this has nothing to do with us, let's take a look and forget it, we can leave."

Qianye Shangxie nodded, but this kind of scene is hard to see. "However, do you just randomly find places when you are dead in retail here? Shouldn't someone be guarding something?"

Yue Yue pursed her lips and shook her head: "No, we do things casually here, and death is death. This light will cover the body after a while, and then it will not be disturbed. Everyone will respect it when they see it. of."

So, Qianye Shangxie seems to understand something. "No need to bury it, or put it in the ground for peace?" Yue Yue smiled: "That's what you humans pay attention to, and spirit beasts don't pay attention to these things. Some spirit beasts even died in other people's stomachs, how to bury them? Everyone It’s just about going with the flow.”

Well, taught.Qianye slammed Xie Zhouzhou's nose, never expecting that he had spent so much effort to come here, but he could only see such a little thing.Yue Qingran looked at Qianye Shangxie, gloomyly: "Next time, can I trouble you to let me know and leave?"

"Didn't I analyze your heart and leave a mark?" Qianye Shangxieting oh ok smiled, Lou Yue Qingran said: "Okay, okay, I'm going back. It's not very good to use your brain Well."

Yue Qingran glared at Qianye Shangxie, and finally followed back helplessly.Back to the place where it first appeared, everyone found the right direction and left.

But when leaving, Yue Qingran still found some fruits to take away.Otherwise, we will not have enough food, and we don’t know how long we can go.

Fortunately, here is the woods, there is everything, it should be said that it has everything.

After walking through many places, everyone took the fruit from the book.In the end, everyone had a pile of fruit in their pockets, and they couldn't hold it anymore, so everyone set out on the road with peace of mind.

"This way of walking, we will see a river in a short time. The moon knew about this in advance." The moon is also very unfamiliar with this place, and it is not his ability to enter here.

Therefore, he has no other abilities other than being able to find water sources.

(End of this chapter)

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