Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 169 The So-Called Drifting

Chapter 169 The So-Called Drifting

After discovering the sound of running water, everyone was shocked.At least I found hope of getting out.The clear stream flowed down the front, and Yue Qingran suddenly wanted to experience the so-called rafting.

"Don't worry about it. If you leave a small stream in this place, you will run aground. This is not on the top of the mountain. It can flow directly into the river or other places. Don't be kidding."

Bailitang listened to Yue Qingran's thoughts and hit him mercilessly.Qianye Shangxie rubbed Yue Qingran's head, and pulled Yue Qingran into his arms.

Yue Qingran looked at the stream, thoughtful.In fact, the so-called rafting is just such a wide river, no big deal. "Let's make a raft, let's float and play."

Bai Litang couldn't help complaining about Yue Qingran: "You've had enough, don't you think you can't die fast enough for drifting in this kind of place?" Bai Ling'er couldn't help but stepped forward: "So what about playing, it looks like fun .”

Bailitang suddenly fell silent, and muttered angrily to the side, then obediently brought the wood and asked them to tie it into a raft by themselves.

Yue Qingran touched her chin, looking at the way these two people got along, it was funny no matter how you looked at it.Bailitang is so obedient, Bai Linger, shouldn't you be proud?

Bai Ling'er didn't seem to expect that her words would be so effective, and Bai Litang would be so obedient.Because of this, Bai Ling'er was stunned for a long time before she could react.

After Bailitang had no rebuttals, everyone started to do it.Seeing everyone working so hard, Bai Ling'er hurried over to help.

Yue Qingran shook her head and told Bai Linger to go aside for a while, and it would be done soon.Bai Ling'er also felt that her appearance was causing trouble, so she obediently ran to the side to rest under the shade of a tree.

The rafting in Yue Qingran's imagination should make everyone ride on a raft and then float down the river together.Therefore, after putting the wood in the water, I found that when everyone went up, the wood would sink to the bottom.

"You might as well make a raft for one person, put two pieces of wood together to make one person. That way everyone can float. Otherwise, it would be impossible for so many people to float in such a place."

Yue Qingran thought about it, and it was indeed the case.So he widened the raft, and found that it would touch the shore, so he obediently dismantled the raft.

It was replaced by a small raft for three people and one raft.In this way, when the three of them went up, Mu Fa could really float up.Once Mufa can float up, he can leave naturally.

Seeing that everything was ready, everyone started to act on the two rafts one after the other.At the beginning, the current was strong enough to lift everyone up.Later, the water flow gradually slowed down, and drifting and so on naturally stopped.

But the only interesting thing is that when everyone followed the direction of the stream, the raft deviated from the navigation and drifted in another direction.

And this direction is just right, you can see a huge lake below, and there is a little waterfall in the middle.It also means that everyone will fall from above, and fall into the lake below.

Although the height is not as high as the so-called "flying down three thousand feet" of the waterfall, it still has a height.This height, although not unprepared during the earthquake.But it was because I saw it in advance that I was even more worried.

"Wow! Yue Qingran. This time you are satisfied, look, this is enough for you, right?" After Bailitang Zhou cursed, he still resigned to his fate to control the speed, and then slowly slid along the water go down.

The rapid high-altitude fall made everyone feel a little uncomfortable, especially when everyone still had to control the raft below them, it was simply indescribably uncomfortable.

One is to control the body, and the other is to control the raft.It is not yet possible that the raft goes down first, and the people go down afterwards.That's why everyone thinks it's much more difficult than rock climbing at that time.

Sliding below, there is no flow speed, and the raft is spinning in the lake.Afterwards, Bai Linger's raft also fell down, sending out huge splashes.

Seeing them still in shock, Yue Qingran suddenly laughed.Qianye Shangxie and Rose Moon are on another raft.On the raft where Yue Qingran is located are Bailitang, Yue Qingran and the moon.

At the beginning, it was said that the two were strong and one had no spiritual power and could not swim.Qianye Shangxie was with Yue Qingran, but later said that Yue Qingran and the others were too powerful, and worried that everyone's speed would be different, so Qianye Shangxie had passed...

Now, seeing the discrepancy between the faces and hearts of these two people, Yue Qingran really doesn't know what expression to use.Are you worried?Yue Qingran thought that Qianye Shangxie need not worry, but she was joking if she said she was not worried.

The so-called drifting means floating in the water.It was only later that rafts appeared.Now, the flow rate in the water can only make everyone spin in the water, which is unscientific.

Therefore, Yue Qingran asked: "Is anyone going to float in the water for a while?" Bai Litang lost nothing, and he had decided not to complain about Yue Qingran anymore.

But this time, no one answered.Yue Qingran shook her head in disappointment: "Don't you really want to feel the water? Water is a good thing, you might as well give it a try."

Qianye Shangxie rubbed his forehead: "Why do I feel that you have changed too? Are you really still Yue Qingran? When you were alone in the gap, did you really encounter nothing?"

Qianye went to the evil question to play, in exchange for Yue Qingran's ignorance.Yue Qingran looked at it, but there was really no answer, so she couldn't help shaking her head in disappointment.

"Now that it's like this, what are you going to do?" Looking at the distance from the shore on both sides, although it's not too far away, it's not very close either.

Even for swimming, it is as long as a swimming pool.

Bailitang thought about it, maybe he really had to feel the water as Yue Qingran said.

"Let's mail it over, it's the best way I can think of at the moment." Bailitang said.Seeing that everyone didn't like it, Bailitang couldn't help asking: "Are you going to paint it back with your hands?"

Chinese rose look at the distance between the two sides, use your hands?On a raft?Well, that's not realistic.So, everyone gave up the raft one after another.

"Which one of you can't get water." Yue Qingran looked at everyone.Yue Qingran's question brought Qianye Shangxie's white eyes: "Don't you know that there is an ability called floating on water?"

Yue Qingran rubbed her forehead, it seemed so.You can fly over directly with spiritual power.So what to do?Is it possible that it really doesn't go into the water?How can it really work?

Yue Qingran's nerves, which had been tense for so long, relaxed, and she had to drag someone into the water with her.No, everyone has to go into the water.

"Everyone, don't move now, I'll see which one of you is suitable." After speaking, he looked at everyone.Yue Jiqiu looked at Qianye Shangxie, thinking that Qianye Shangxie was the person who understood Yue Qingran best.

"What does he mean by being appropriate?" Qianye Shangxie shook his head regretfully, talking about the guard: "Unfortunately, I don't know what he is talking about."

Yue Jiqiu turned her head and watched the development of the matter.Yue Qingran looked at Bailitang who stood up and was about to fly over at any time, and kicked it down cruelly.

Sensing someone kicking him from behind, Bailitang just wanted to resist, but unfortunately, who can easily resist Yue Qingran's ability?
Thus, Bailitang was kicked down with such honor.Yue Jiqiu stared at all this dumbfounded, and only came back to his senses when he heard a 'puchi' smile from behind him.

"Now, I understand what he meant." After Bailitang entered the water, Qianye Shangxie touched Abin and said in a low voice with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Yue Jiqiu still didn't understand.

"She wants us all to experience the so-called drifting. So, the so-called appropriateness is just to take the opportunity to get us all into the water. Do you want to go into the water by yourself, or be kicked?"

Yue Jiqiu thought for a while, and suddenly felt Yue Qingran's eyes shooting over, and was grateful to Nao: "I will go into the water by myself, and go down by myself. You don't have to come here."

After hearing this, Yue Qingran straightened up and clapped her hands.

Here, Bailitang emerged from the water and looked at Yue Qingran: "Bah! You are so cruel, you can just say it directly? It's not like I can't go into the water."

Yue Qingran smiled and looked at him, without saying a word.Bai Litang sighed: "It's already down, I'll swim back." After speaking, he saw the direction of the shore and passed.

Rose also quickly went into the water, and the water was still very bright.Seeing that Bailitang had already started to swim over, he followed closely behind.Yue Qingran looked disappointed and shook her head, although it was not as interesting as she imagined, but everyone got into the water.

"What about you? Are you still in the water?" Qianye smiled evilly, and told Bai Linger: "You just stay here, I will push you over later."

Only then did Yue Qingran suddenly realize, looking at the moon, it seems that the moon can't swim?Yue Yue saw that Yue Qing was confused, and nodded angrily.

Yue Qingran burst out laughing with a 'puchi'. "Okay, okay, then you go to that raft too, let's push you together." The moon looked at the raft where Bai Linger was, and jumped over it lightly.

Afterwards, Yue Qingran and Qianye Shangxie got into the water, and the two of them were on both sides of the raft, pushing the raft forward.Bailitang swam halfway, looked back and saw two people sitting on the raft, gritted his teeth: "Yue Qingran, why do you think I can swim? If I can't swim, can I also do it?" Enjoy this kind of treatment?"

Yue Qingran rolled her eyes gracefully from behind: "If you don't know how to swim, at worst, you can come up and then float over. There are ways."

Bailitang was furious, and Yue Qingran continued: "Besides, are you as beautiful as Bai Linger? Are you as pleasing as Moon? If not, what capital do you have to demand this kind of treatment? Swim back by yourself."

Rose came from behind and patted Bailitang on the shoulder: "Resign to fate." Bailitang sighed and continued to thump and swim in the water.

Bai Ling'er, who was listening to their conversation, looked at each other and smiled, and continued to sit here with peace of mind and wait to reach the shore.

When they got to Ann's side, they saw two soaked people lying on the ground, rolling their eyes, but Bai Ling'er and Yue Yue kindly didn't disturb them.

They must be very depressed now, so the two who have the capital wisely did not bother.

Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran used their spiritual power to light a fire first, dried their clothes, then looked at the two people who were still soaked and refused to move, and smiled.

"Get up quickly, let's continue walking after the clothes are dry. The two of them are here, and we are about to go out." After finishing speaking, he looked at the two of them.The two moved and dried their clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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