Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 170 Unfamiliar Place

Chapter 170 Unfamiliar Place

Under the leadership of the moon, everyone finally came out safely, but after coming out, this place made everyone feel strange.

This is where?Why is this small town so strange, where have we come now?Questions filled everyone's minds. "Moon, where are we now?"

The moon doesn't know where it is here, he only knows how to get out.In addition, he has never been to the mainland after he came out. "I don't know where this is? I have never come out except for being abducted from the meeting."

Pursing his lips, he continued, "I know that forest, but I don't know this place." After finishing speaking, he lowered his head with a sad face.It seemed that it was his fault for bringing everyone to a strange place.

"It's all right, it's just an unfamiliar place, we just need to ask others. It would be nice if they can bring us out." Seeing the slumped look on Yue Qingran's face, Yue Qingran quickly comforted her.

Yue Qingran's eyes lit up, she looked at Yue Qingran, and said happily: "Really? Did I do the right thing?" Yue Qingran coughed, looked at Yue Qingran, with a sincere face: "You did a good job, you put We brought it out. It was fine."

The moon grinned, childishly.

Yue Qingran couldn't help shaking his head, he really didn't know if this childish Yue Yue was really taken away by others, would he still be like this now.

But fortunately enough, at least, what the moon met was Yue Qingran, not someone else.

"Okay, although it's not a town we're familiar with, you can just ask for directions." Bailitang flicked the moon's head, and swaggered over to ask for directions.

A moment later, amidst everyone's pointing and pointing, he came back.His face was ugly.

"What's wrong?" Seeing his ugly face, everyone was puzzled.Bailitang muttered about family planning before speaking out: "They said that this is a Fengshui town, and it doesn't belong to any of the continents we mentioned. Even, they have never heard of the continent we mentioned, no matter which one it is."

"This town belongs to Tomorrow Continent. Facts have proved that we have never heard of such a continent. The current place does not even use the same coin."

After Bailitang finished speaking, he looked at everyone.Sure enough, after hearing this, everyone's faces became ugly.Although Yue Qingran was amazed, but for him, what is impossible for a dead person to survive in this way?

However, time travel again?Or take everyone together?What a joke.The most important thing is that this is the forest that the moon is familiar with.

Looking at the moon, the moon is pale. "Moon, isn't this the forest you are familiar with?" Turning her head, she pointed behind her.However, Yue Qing was stunned.

What about the forest when we came out just now?The forest is behind everyone, and no one has even moved the place.Why is it now standing on the side of the road in a small town?What about those forests?What about the scene?

"What's going on here?" Yue Qingran couldn't help but ask back.But this time even Bailitang couldn't answer. "What should we do now?" Yue Jiqiu looked at it with a serious expression.

The moon's complexion is even more ugly, and it seems to be very confused. "Don't be afraid, Moon. You are with us, so don't worry. Now, we are all together, and you have nothing to be afraid of."

Seeing the moon seemed to remember something bad, Yue Qingran hurried to comfort her.At this time, absolutely no one should be in any other situation.

After being comforted, Yue Yue felt much better, her face turned rosy, she nodded, and said firmly, "Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'm very strong."

Yue Qingran smiled kindly, looking at the current situation, she frowned again.

"Let's find an inn to live in first. If you really don't have any money, why don't you exchange it for something, or let's do a show?" Yue Qing said indifferently.

"Bailitang, go find out what kind of world this is. I believe we can go back, but before we go back, we need to find out about this place."

Bailitang pointed at himself and looked at Yue Qingran: "Me? Why is it me again? I have already been treated as an idiot once." Yue Qingran rolled his eyes: "Then you should be a complete idiot. Do you need help? "

Bailitang looked at Yue Qingran, shook his head, and pretended to be stupid helplessly, then ran to ask the other party.Half an hour later, Bailitang came back and sighed: "Here, internal force dominates, and everything else is demons and ghosts, as well as sorcery."

"That is to say, those of us with bright spiritual power are magic here. As for the others, the time and everything are similar to ours."

Yue Qingran nodded, "How do you convert the money here, what is the concept." Bai Litang pouted with a bitter face, "The other party thought we were robbed and had no money, so they kindly rewarded us with some money. "

After finishing speaking, I also talked about the conversion of money. In fact, it is no different from the place where Yue Qingran and the others are located.If we say it is different, it probably means that the method is different, and the style of money is different.

"Go to the pawn shop first, let's go to the pawn shop and go to the hotel to rest." After Qianye Shangxie saw the money, he held it in his hand for a long time, but nothing else was changed, so he had to put it down feebly.

Everyone look at you, look at me.Seems like the pawn shop is the only place to go.After inquiring about the location of the pawnshop, everyone walked in.

"What do you want to be?" The other party didn't raise his head, but he heard a voice and asked directly. "We have to pay back the money, but you can see how much this can be exchanged for."

After finishing speaking, I gave the so-called gold to the other party.Let the other party see how much money can be exchanged for such a shiny thing.

The money here is all black.It is in the shape of a round cake.The bigger your pie, the more money you have.On the contrary, if it is a small round cake or does not become a whole at all, then it is another matter.

The other party had never seen such an exquisite golden thing, and his eyes were round, but he restrained himself immediately, coughed, and took out three things of the same value as gold.

That is, the three most valuable round cakes.Then, handed it to Yue Qingran and the others.It was really unexpected that one piece of gold could be exchanged for three of these.

But is that all it's worth?Yue Qingran clearly saw the calculation in the opponent's eyes.Although she didn't know how much these were, but subconsciously, Yue Qingran asked: "Why, is it just this little money?"

The other party looked at Yue Qingran: "Where did you get this thing from?" Yue Qingran rolled his eyes and said, "Mine, it's from my ancestors. I only found out about it recently. I'm short of money right now, so I exchanged it for money. .”

After finishing speaking, he pointed at the people behind him, pretended to be rich and powerful, and puffed up his chest: "You also saw that I have so many friends, it's rare to come here, why don't I entertain them well?"

"I don't have so much cash on hand, so I'll exchange it." Ting Le Qingran said this, and everyone changed their demeanor in an instant, and they all acted like they were rich and powerful, showing that they were all children of rich families, and this was just getting rich overnight.

If you let the other party know that there are many such shiny gold or silver things on your body, will you stare at your eyes?Yue Qingran looked at the other party impatiently: "I said, is it worth this little? Don't lie to me."

The other party wiped the sweat from his forehead and rubbed his hands in embarrassment. After a while, he took out copper coins and the like, threaded them into a string, and took out twenty strings.

"Only these, if you are still not satisfied, then you can only go to another place to change." The other party said that because he recognized that there was only this pawnshop in this small town.

Yue Qingran looked at the people behind him, Qianye Shangxie nodded calmly, and Yue Qingran picked it up cursingly: "Unlucky, that's all it is? It's a family heirloom. It's true. Okay." That's it, let's go. Let's go, I invite you to the best restaurant to eat."

After finishing speaking, he greeted everyone cursingly and left.Walked out, at the corner, everyone waited for the development of the situation.

Sure enough, the owner of the pawn shop only said that he got a good thing, and then he was closed today.Yue Qingran thought, indeed, all the crows in the world know how to do it without being taught.

No matter where you go, it's like this.But it doesn't matter, Yue Qing can firmly believe that everyone will not stay here for too long.Even if it's just a dream, can't you come over in three days?
If you can't wake up for three days, the money is enough for half a month.This time it should be almost the same.

"In half a month, everyone has to find the nearby forest, and we have to find a way to go back. Although this place is very good, it is not a place for us to stay."

Moon said calmly.Bai Litang slapped his head: "Wait a minute, I'll go and ask you where the forest is here." After finishing speaking, no need for everyone to remind, I asked someone automatically and consciously.

"Didn't he still look reluctant just now? What's the matter now?" Yue Jiqiu looked at Yue Qing's clear expression, snorted in his heart, and opened his mouth: "It's probably fun to pretend to be a fool. in this way."

Yue Qingran looked at it and nodded clearly.Afterwards, Bailitang came back with an incredulous expression on his face: "There is no forest here? Damn, how did we get here?"

Yue Qingran was shocked: "What did you say?" Yue Yue also looked at Bailitang in disbelief.Bai Litang had a bitter face: "At that time, I didn't dare to show it at all."

"Didn't you find that there are no trees here? I told them that there are only green trees in patches. The man told me that not to mention this small town, even the entire continent, there are no trees. "

Yue Qingran had an unbelievable expression on his face: "How is that possible, how is that possible. No matter where you are, plants cannot exist. Is there only the ocean here?"

"Don't mention it, the other party doesn't know what the sea is. Where does the water come from? It is pumped out of the ground. As for the so-called sea, they said they have never heard of such a thing."

Bai Litang stroked his chin and continued, "Don't even mention that I told them about streams and lakes. There is nothing. I really don't know how they survived."

Only then did Yue Qingran realize that something was wrong with this world, very wrong.It seems that people here can survive even without eating.

How can there be a place where you can survive without eating or drinking water. "Do they eat?" Bailitang was stunned for a moment: "I haven't asked this question before, why don't you ask? Can I be smarter?"

Yue Qingran looked at Bailitang and smiled.Bailitang really felt that this smile was too dangerous.But now this situation, I am afraid that is the case.

(End of this chapter)

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