Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 181 The Imperial Palace of the Sun

Chapter 181 The Imperial Palace of the Sun
Yue Yue pursed her lips and nodded half-understanding: "Sister is fine, where did she go?" Bai Litang cried and laughed: "We went to find him, but he took a step first to help us find the way."

Only then did Yue Yue understand, her eyes lit up: "My sister is amazing." Bai Litang felt that he had suffered serious internal injuries.Randomly, weakly thinking, the moon thinks so, so let it be, don't meddle with it.

There is a saying, never discuss issues with a bastard, because they will bring you to the same height as him, and then beat you with rich experience.

Now Bailitang is experiencing this.Talking to an ignorant and ignorant child is equivalent to once.Bring you to their height and IQ, and then... beat you.

"Okay, that's it, let's leave later and let Yue Qingran go to explore the road first." After speaking, he pushed the moon upstairs by himself.As soon as he went upstairs, he heard crackling sounds coming from Qianye Shangxie's room.

Bailitang shook his shoulders and put his index finger to his mouth, telling the moon to keep silent.The two quietly walked through Qianye Shangxie's room, and went back to their own rooms.

Qianye Shangxie sulked alone in the room.It's not about Qi Yue Qingran, but Qi, how could he let Qianyexi take Yue Qingran away under his nose.

Although Yue Qingran left voluntarily, Qianye Shangxie would get angry thinking of this.The two agreed to protect each other, Yue Qingran protected herself very well, but what about him?How did he protect Yue Qingran?

Thinking about it made me angry, Qianye also swept all the tea sets on the table to the ground, kicked over the table, smashed the bed, and made the whole room feel like a fight just now, and then Qianye Shangxie went out Changed a house.

Still just like before, he became a vandal, and Qianye Shangxie was not satisfied until he destroyed these houses to the same extent as his own room.

Finally, he remembered to leave one thing for himself to cook, and Qianye Shangxie only destroyed five houses.But this was enough to keep Bailitang depressed for a while.Even if the plague here is lifted in the future, the owner of this shop will cry.

Early the next morning, Qianye Shangxie hurriedly packed his luggage, and found that Bailitang hadn't come out yet, so he couldn't help but stepped forward and kicked him.

Bailitang was woken up, looked up at the dark-faced Qianye Shangxie, then looked at the door that had been kicked into pieces under Qianye Shangxie's kick, and mourned helplessly.

"Young master, let's leave at night. You calm down and think about it. Why is Yue Qingran so powerful but Qianyexi took her away without any effort?"

Seeing that Qianye Shangxie had calmed down, Bailitang got up, wrapped in a quilt and went to the clubhouse helplessly: "Yue Jiqiu took a step first, and we will wait until evening. At least let Qianyexi's plan succeed, we I don't even know what Qianyexi's plan is."

"It's not too late for us to act when we know." After Bailitang finished speaking, he couldn't help but smiled wryly when he saw Qianye's Shangxie went out without looking back.When did the young master become so lost in himself?

Poor thing is to take it by yourself?Fortunately, I have already come out of cultivation, otherwise I will go crazy sooner or later.Qianye Shangxie directly kicked down a door, Bailitang felt that he couldn't stay in this room anymore, so he might as well go outside and wait until the next night when it was dark.Would this be better?

Sure enough, as soon as Bailitang came out, Qianye Shangxie went and completely destroyed the room in Bailitang.The scene like the scene in the hardest-hit area made the corners of Bailitang's mouth twitch when he heard the sound.

The moon looked at Bailitang with horrified and puzzled eyes, and the corners of Bailitang's mouth twitched again. "It's okay, it's okay, the place we lived in, we did this in order not to leave clues for others."

This person pointed out that it directly caused the moon to run across the continent.When I am alone, every time I appear in a certain inn, I will directly destroy a room of the other party as the basis for 'the moon is here to visit'.

Therefore, because of Bailitang's words now, there was an extra bully on the road.However, this bully has an angelic face, and his innocent eyes look like others, so everyone can't bear to talk about him.

This is also the reason why the moon has become more unscrupulous.In the future, after Bailitang knew about these glorious deeds of the moon, he would always twitch at the corner of his mouth and call out the perverted brother Ma Yue Qingran. , the house must be destroyed.

But those are things for later.Now, Bailitang and Yue Yue are sitting at the table downstairs, which is the only place left in the entire inn where they can sit.

They can't even find a guy to drink water now.If you want to drink water, wash your hands first, and then drink it with your hands.If you don’t want to drink water with your hands, it doesn’t matter. With such a water tank, you can go in and drink water while swimming.

Bailitang looked at Qianye Shangxie where there was not even a single bit of intact furniture and wood, and shook his head helplessly.Yue Qingran Ah Yue Qingran, if you learned about Qianye Shangxie's glorious deeds after you came back, would you be moved?

By the way, does it make a difference?Of course there is a difference, the difference between once twice and three times.Let's see how many times Yue Qingran can be touched after she comes back.

Finally, in this kind of place, the two of them spent the whole afternoon calmly, and it was only at night that they arrived.

As soon as it got dark, Qianye Shangxie impatiently took Bai Litang's clothes and brought Bai Litang into the carriage.Bailitang smiled helplessly, he was an intermediate level healer after all, and was about to become a senior level healer, so he was brought up by Qianye Shangxie by the collar, but he didn't have the ability to fight back, so it would be embarrassing to say it ah.

"Hurry up, we'll go to the Sun Empire right away." After speaking, he jumped into the carriage.Bailitang was helpless again, my ancestor, you said hurry up, but how fast do you think the carriage can go?

Even if the wheels are all run away, it's nothing more than that.Don't you think it's better to ride a horse at this time?Obviously, Qianye Shangxie had already forgotten about this matter.The current Qianye is evil, and the whole person is very bad.

At this time, a shrill horse cry outside the carriage reminded Qianye Shangxie that there were still two batches of unoccupied horses here.

Qianye Shangxie jumped down quickly: "You, take the horse on the moon, and I will ride a horse myself. Let's go. It's not too late to change the carriage after finding Yue Qingran."

Bailitang thought angrily in his heart, if you leave a sound horse in a place like this, do you want him to starve to death or to infect him with the plague?
Even if the horse is not infected with the plague, it is not good to just starve to death here, right?Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.But at this moment, the young master is the biggest in the world, and the young master can do whatever he says.

Bailitang glanced at the moon, and the word 'powerless' was deeply revealed in his eyes.But the moon spoke: "I can become a cat, and it won't take up space by Bailitang's side."

Qianye took the Xieyan car and nodded in agreement.So two people, two horses, and a cat in Bailitang's arms, began to march towards the Sun Empire with such a strange combination.

Bai Litang really didn't want to hug this cat.If it's a girl, just hug it, but it's a male cat, and Bailitang knows what this cat looks like when it becomes a human.

Holding a cat now, no matter how you think about it, it's awkward. How can it be like this? This combination is too unfriendly.

Qianye Shangxie whipped his horse fast, and the horse ran fast. Under such circumstances, Bailitang felt that Qianye Shangxie's current state, no matter how you looked at it, was trying to give up the wasted time of this morning. hurry back.

If this is the case, maybe you can really catch up with the rose and autumn who are walking leisurely somewhere.Even, it is not impossible for them to catch up with Yue Qingran.

"Young master, let's slow down. Didn't I analyze it for you this morning? There is a reason for Yue Qingran to do this. We should trust him. Who is Yue Qingran? I dare not provoke him easily, not to mention that he has broken through to a high-level spiritual master now."

Qianye went to Xie Ting to listen to it, but he just raised his hand and whipped it down, without any ambiguity at all.

"Young master, if you rush over like this, Yue Qingran and the others will definitely be chased by you. In this case, everything Yue Qingran has done will be in vain. You don't want them to do useless work, do you? You don't want to be resented by Yue Qingran Bar?"

Hearing that he would be resented, Qianye Shangxie finally hastily reined in the horse.Bailitang, who had been following closely behind Qianye Shangxie, was off guard for a moment, and almost got caught up with Qianye Shangxie's horse.

Bai Litang took a bad breath, the current young master, how should I put it, although he was a bit reckless, but at least he had a lot more human touch.Speaking of which, I still want to thank Yue Qingran for appearing.

Talking about the matter of being unintentional, Bailitang admits that he is unintentional, but how many members of the Qianye family have intentions?Being a housekeeper is no exception, let alone being a master.

Therefore, Qianye Shangxie deserved to be heartless, but Qianye Shangxie's performance was not obvious, so it gave others an illusion.

"Let's walk slowly, don't spoil Qingran's important event." After finishing speaking, he unexpectedly found a place at random, tied the horse, and sat down casually to get ready to rest.

Bai Litang sat down with an "Aiyoyo", hammered his sore shoulder, and then turned his head to look at Qianye Shangxie who had closed his eyes and rested. "Young master, it's the first time I've seen you worry about someone so much."

Bai Litang said softly.Although he has been to the courtyard, it is assumed that Bailitang is very happy to see his young master like this.Qianye Shangxie's eyes moved, but he didn't speak.

(End of this chapter)

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