Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 182 Straight to the Glorious Sun Country

Chapter 182 Straight to the Glorious Sun Country
On the second day, we continued on our way. Three people and two horses continued to walk along the road.

"Young master, should we be late?" Qianye Shangxie frowned, just stood up, but sat down helplessly.

Bailitang smiled knowingly, and continued to sit on the grass with the moon, knowing that the sun had become high and big, Qianye Shangxie really couldn't wait, so he stood up and walked around irritably twice.

"Can we go?" Bailitang actually wanted to say, in fact, it is okay to play for another day, but looking at Qianye Shangxie's appearance, I am afraid that he has reached the limit, so let's do it.Nodding his head, he got up, patted his pants, and straddled the horse.

The moon again takes the form of a cat, crouching on the back of a horse.When they were on their way, everyone walked leisurely, but this time, they all followed the horse's wishes.At night, everyone didn't go far.

But this was enough, when he raised his eyes and saw a city in front of him, Bailitang hurried over with Qianye Shangxie in a carriage.Before the city gate was closed, the two went in and found an inn, where they stayed comfortably for one night.

Yue Qingran still doesn't know how far Qianye has gone to the evil side, she only knows that she stops and stops here and doesn't know where she has gone.However, according to his own judgment of Qianyexi, Qianyexi probably returned to Yaori Kingdom in all likelihood.

Knowing the general direction, Yue Qingran relaxed.Bai Ling'er was a little flustered, after all, she was not familiar with the place she was in now, and she was a little worried that she would hold Yue Qingran back. "Don't worry, we're actually pretty good the way we are now."

Finding that Bai Ling'er seemed a little worried, and her complexion became a little pale after a few days of traveling, Yue Qingran was a little worried about Bai Ling'er's current body.Bai Linger put her hands together: "Miss, do you think I did something bad? I'm too willful."

Bai Ling'er lowered her head in reproach.Yue Qingran frowned: "Don't think too much, everyone has to be willful and crazy for their own love. If you don't do this, you won't be able to experience this beauty."

Yue Qingran has no chance to experience this beauty, but it doesn't mean that Yue Qingran doesn't want to go crazy.No matter who it is, they don't want their life to be so ordinary, doing nothing but killing people every day, right?

If possible, Yue Qingran would rather experience the youthful frivolity of the past like those teenagers who are dying for love.But now, even without these things, Yue Qingran feels that life is not bad.

Bai Ling'er's thoughts were only somewhat conservative.From Yue Qingran's point of view, at a time like this, if you like someone, you should speak out boldly.Do you dare to disagree?No problem, then call until you agree.But in this kind of society, such an idea is obviously too inhumane.

Bai Ling'er nodded, her expression suddenly changed.

He lifted the curtain of the carriage and vomited wildly to the outside.Yue Qingran's face changed, and something obscure flashed in his eyes.Sensing Bai Linger's strangeness, Qianyexi stopped the carriage.

"What's going on?" Qianyexi didn't have much worry, but was purely annoyed because Bai Linger delayed her on her way. "Can you still hurry? If possible, let's continue walking, don't delay the big things."

Yue Qingran didn't know what the so-called big thing was, but seeing Qianyexi's current attitude, she frowned.There is always a very bad feeling, but not knowing what will happen is the so-called big thing.

"Yes, yes." Bai Ling'er was in a daze, and it took a while for him to recover.Seeing Bai Ling'er's aggressive state, Yue Qingran frowned. "If this continues, he may die on this road at any time."

Yue Qing was not sure what kind of end the other party wanted to see her.Can't find the other party's psychology. "If I let him die, I think I'll be much more relaxed." Yue Qingran pretended not to care, shrugged her shoulders, as if she was very pleased with Bai Ling'er's current state.

Qianyexi, who was in a hurry to hurry, hesitated for a moment after hearing this.If Yue Qingran really gets rid of this oily bottle, I'm afraid that his idea of ​​making the other party's life difficult will be shattered.If you don't want Yue Qingran to relax so quickly, you have to delay your journey and treat him.

What is going to happen?Seeing the indifference on Yue Qingran's face, and the lightness and joy that flashed in his eyes, Qianyexi clapped his hands, made a decisive decision, went to the next village, found a doctor, and showed this 'oil bottle' to take a look.Can't make Yue Qingran so happy.

Seeing that Bai Ling'er was getting better, Qianyexi urged Bai Ling'er to get into the carriage.Slowed down, and continued to move towards the small village ahead.Noticing that the speed had changed, Yue Qingran smiled in the carriage.Sure enough, Qianyexi just didn't want to make things easier for herself.

When they arrived in the village, Qianyexi called a doctor to treat Bai Ling'er.Qianyexi didn't miss the trace of regret and annoyance that flashed in Yue Qingran's eyes.I couldn't help but smiled, Yue Qingran, I will never make it easier for you.

Seeing Qianyexi's sneer, Yue Qingran sneered in the bottom of her heart calmly.Qianyexi, should I say you are innocent, or should I praise my acting skills for being too good?

Qianye Shangxie's side also continued to hurry, but it was much more leisurely in comparison.

Bai Litang looked at this and that, and he didn't have any sense of rushing to save people.However, it quickly reached the border.Going forward, you will officially enter the position of the Sun Empire.

After all, the speed of the carriage cannot be compared with the speed of riding a horse. Before Yue Qingran and the others had reached the border, Qianye Shangxie and the others had already arrived.Qianye Shangxie raised his eyebrows: "Where do you think they will be?"

Bailitang analyzed it, and felt that the most likely possibility was to be in the imperial city. After all, Qianyexi was a general here, so he should live in the imperial city as a matter of course.At the feet of the Son of Heaven? "Probably in the imperial city, let's go to the imperial city."

Qianye Shangxie also thought it was possible, nodded, and took Bailitang, two people and a cat, and continued to stroll leisurely in the carriage to the imperial city.At the border, Qianye Shangxie once brushed past Zhe Zhuoyue Qingran's carriage.

Sensing Yue Qingran's aura, Qianye Shangxie curled his lips enough, and then brushed past it.By the way, he picked up the stone in his hand and bounced it a few times on Yue Qingran's carriage.Yue Qingran was in the carriage, Bai Ling'er's expression was still ugly, but it was much better.

Hearing Shi Zi's voice, Yue Qingran's eyes suddenly opened, with a trace of meaning in them.

Qianye Shangxie and the others were really fast, they dared to come up.But it doesn't matter, even if you arrive first, everyone is together.

Yue Qingran smiled, but Bai Ling'er was startled when she suddenly heard the sound of Shi Zi. "What's wrong?" Bai Ling'er sat up in panic.Qianyexi heard it, but didn't care.He replied: "I jumped on a stone."

Only then did Bai Linger feel relieved.Only Yue Qingran smiled meaningfully.Jump to?What kind of strength does a stone need to be bounced on a carriage instead of a wheel?It's obviously man-made, but it's because the people sitting inside can hear the location clearly.

Qianyexi drove the carriage and finally reached the border of the Yaori Empire.At this time, Qianye Shangxie and Bailitang were already outside the imperial city of the Yaori Empire.When they arrived at the Yaori Empire, the original territory of the Yaori Empire was very small, so in less than half a day, two people who were on the go had already rushed to the place ahead of time, ready to ambush.

Although he didn't know what Qianyexi wanted to do, but it didn't matter anymore, Qianye Shangxie decided to follow Yue Qingran's plan and command with full authority.But people are not as good as heaven, Qianye Shangxie, who finally rushed here day and night, left Yaori Empire not long after because of some things.
That's why, his Yue Qingran was almost calculated by others.

This has also become one of the most important factors for Qianye Shangxie to wish Qianye Xi to die.

Now Qianye Shangxie has arrived at the gate of Huangcheng, but because of the access control problem, they may not be able to enter until the city gate opens tomorrow morning.Qianye Shangxie, who was sleeping outside, raised his eyebrows. This is already the imperial city, so if you go south, it should be another country, right?
"Bailitang, let's just wait outside for Yue Qingran?" Bailitang rolled his eyes: "My lord, it will take at least a day for the carriage to arrive here. How long are you going to wait here? One day?"

Qianye Shangxie rubbed his forehead, as if this was impossible.Although I'm not the kind of person who can't bear hardships, but I know that I can eat delicious food and drink spicy food inside, so I absolutely can't sleep outside.

"We can go in and eat, and then come out." Yue Yue looked at everyone puzzled.Bailitang rolled his eyes fiercely again: "It's different, we can obviously live on the bed inside, why do we sleep on the grass?"

(End of this chapter)

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