Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 192 Tang Aotian wants to rebel and force the palace

Chapter 192 Tang Aotian wants to rebel and force the palace
Although Moon is worried about Bai Ling'er's physical condition, but he is also not deeply involved in the world, and he doesn't know what to do to comfort this girl who seems to be about to collapse.

The only thing he can do is to rub the girl's cheek non-stop, or lie in her arms and quietly act as a pet.A pet that always follows, a loyal pet.

"Get out of the car." Luo Qingqing didn't care how the girl inside was crying and weak.Looking at the other party with a look of disgust: "Come down quickly, you are walking so slowly, if you delay my going back to get married, see how I will deal with you.",

After speaking, he pushed the other party.Bai Ling'er has experienced this before.Bai Ling'er, who was already weak, has become even weaker now.The two ounces of meat that had been raised with great difficulty turned into the scrawny appearance now.

His small face was sallow and haggard.When we arrived at the inn, the waiter saw Bai Linger's appearance, and subconsciously didn't want her to enter. "Isn't this a disease?"

"Don't worry, it's very good. It's just a little uncomfortable. I have a fever. There won't be any infectious diseases. Don't worry. Arrange two rooms for me."

After speaking, he gave the shopkeeper an extra tael of silver.Seeing that the money-eyed shopkeeper picked up the silver, he smiled and arranged two rooms for them. "Bring the food."

After speaking, he took Bai Ling'er to find a clinic. "Show him what's the matter. It's not good to have a fever." Luo Qingqing said in a very bad tone.

Bai Ling'er was led here and then there in a daze and staggered.In the end, he didn't know where he was, he just followed casually.

Bai Ling'er snorted in pain, the doctor looked at it, and said directly: "It's just a normal fever, it's just that it's been delayed for too long, so it's just something else."

After speaking, he gave Bai Ling'er acupuncture and arranged medicine.After taking the medicine, Bai Ling'er fell asleep soundly.When I woke up again the next morning, I felt much better.

At least, the fever is no longer there, and I feel refreshed all over.Luo Qingqing saw that the other party was almost healed, and snorted coldly: "If it wasn't for fear that they would think that I abused you when they saw you, I wouldn't treat you like this. Just be content, don't get sick anymore, or you will definitely be sick. Abandon your body to the wilderness."

After being threatened for a while, Bai Ling'er felt that it would be better to abandon her body in the wilderness, at least she would not have to suffer.But when she thought that she would not be able to see Bailitang if she was abandoned, Bai Ling'er took good care of her body.

Bailitang's pursuit all the way was not without effect, at least, when Luo Qingqing just entered the range of the Luo family, Bailitang had already chased him.

With sharp eyes, Bai Litang saw the big word 'Luo' on the carriage in front of him, probably this was the Luo family's carriage, but it was unknown who was sitting in it.

Bailitang stopped the carriage, and when he saw Luo Qingqing was on his way, he felt his eyes burn. "Where's Bai Linger?" At this time, Bai Linger was sitting in the carriage.

Hearing a voice calling her, Bai Linger hurriedly wanted to go out.Luo Qingqing was also worried that if Bai Ling'er made a sound, it would make Bailitang angry or something.

Therefore, Luo Qingqing immediately sealed Bai Ling'er's acupuncture points, making it difficult for him to move even if he wanted to make a sound.Seeing Luo Qingqing's small movements, without further ado, Bai Litang got off his horse and was about to look for it in the carriage.

"Bold, presumptuous!" Luo Qingqing looked anxious.Bai Litang glanced at it, but said nothing. "I don't have the person you're looking for. You're so courageous that you dare to search my Luo family's carriage? You don't want to see whose territory it's in now."

After finishing speaking, he gave Bailitang a hard look.

Bai Litang sighed, "Then, how do I know if it's your little tricks that sealed the other person's acupoints, making him speechless. The young master won't marry you, you should give up your heart."

Luo Qingqing, who said she had a sore foot, was furious. Just as she was about to do something to Bailitang, she heard the sound of horseshoes in the distance. "Hmph, good luck to you, I won't be angry today."

Turning his head, looking at the carriage galloping in the distance, he smiled. "Here." Bailitang frowned when he saw the person coming. He didn't know this person, probably someone from the Luo family.

The search was weak, and Bailitang didn't want to reveal the young master's identity before the young master revealed his identity, so he could only watch Luo Qingqing leave in the carriage.

However, when he was leaving, Bailitang saw a pair of eyes protruding from the window, and those eyes came from the cat and the moon.Bai Litang opened his mouth and smiled.

Luo Qingqing, you have made thousands of calculations, but you have only missed the moon, a living person, right?
Knowing that the moon is on the carriage, then I am afraid that Bai Ling'er is also there.This way, it will be much more convenient.Ready to wait for the moon to find him, Bailitang found a small inn to stay.

Since this area belongs to the Luo family, Bailitang didn't dare to make mistakes here, and could only be careful not to let them pay more attention to him.

Bailitang has already decided to secretly rescue Bai Ling'er.Without alarming them.It's not suitable for me to reveal my current identity, so now I can only act in secret.

On the other side, when Bailitang was waiting for the news from the moon, Yue Qingran's side had already turned upside down.Tang Aotian was abolished as the prince, which made Tang Aotian very dissatisfied.

About Yue Qingran's identity, only the lords of past dynasties can know the real news. God knows how Tang Aotian got this news, so when he could no longer get Yue Qingran in a legitimate way, Tang Aotian thought of forcing the palace.

Yue Qingran found that the security inside and outside the city gate had become more heavily guarded recently, and some generals began to appear in the palace, and even a lot of soldiers and young generals had been stationed outside.

With this discovery, Yue Qingran knew that Tang Aotian couldn't hold back anymore, and was about to force the palace.It is not terrible to force the palace, what is terrible is how Tang Aotian wants to force the palace.

"Okay, everyone just wait and see the show. I am ready to announce my identity at any time. Yue Jiqiu, you are ready too, you know what to do, right?"

After finishing speaking, Yue Qingran turned her eyes: "By the way, Yue Jiqiu, take this time to get to know the palace well. If the identity is announced, I will decide to let you take this position."

"Yaori Kingdom is officially yours." Yue Jiqiu smiled, nodded, and agreed.Afterwards, Qianye Shangxie came over, "If you announce your identity, I will also announce it."

"By the way, there is another annoying person in Yaori Empire." Yue Qingran raised her eyebrows: "Who?" Know.

Yue Qingran had been in the palace during that time, so he naturally didn't know how annoying this person named Tang Mu was.

But since Yue Jiqiu said that this person needs to be careful, he might as well cut the weeds and root them out.Anyway, no matter what, those who follow the surname of the Lord Lord will die.

Two days later, the sky of Yaori Empire officially changed.

Inside the palace, it has become desolate.The guards didn't know where they went.The only lively place is probably the king's bedroom.

Inside the master's bedroom, Tang Aotian stood at the door.The Lord of the Kingdom sat indifferently at the only table. "I'm just curious why you would do this."

Tang Aotian sneered: "Do you think I don't know? I know everything. If the daughter of the Yue family is the supreme, would I not know this sentence? The monarchs of Yaori are all members of the Yue family. These are all from when I was young. overheard."

The general next to him was stunned for a moment: "What is this?" The side branch of the Yueshi is the ruler of the Yaori Empire. This is really a big joke.

"That's it. The Yue clan has always been a woman who is the master of the house. Therefore, the women of the Yue clan are rare. I finally got one, and I just ran away."

Then he continued angrily: "Then, you abolished me as the crown prince who had been so secure for so long? Are you kidding me? Of course I'm not reconciled, so now I'm here to grab it."

"He's right. Sitting in this position, he doesn't want to give up. Things that are justifiably obtained are never good, so things that you fight for are often more tempting."

Of course, Yue Jiqiu found someone to contact Tang Aotian, and then seduced Tang Aotian in this way.Tang Aotian, who was already dazzled by anger, naturally agreed without thinking too much.

Speaking of which, the person Yue Jiqiu found was actually a person who was good at observing a person's psychological state.In other words, the so-called people who specialize in psychology.

This kind of person is often avoided by everyone.Yue Qingran is very satisfied with the series of brainwashing activities this person carried out on Tang Aotian, because of this, Tang Aotian can do this easily.

Tang Aotian's current actions are in the hands of Zhongyue Qingran and the others.It's just that the only thing I didn't expect was that Tang Aotian would be anxious about so many people in such a short period of time.

It seems that the behavior of forcing the palace has already existed, but it has never found a suitable opportunity to realize it. Now that it is instigated by someone, it will naturally come true.

"You, you unfilial son, if it wasn't like this, how could you bear Yuezhi's anger? How much Yuezhi protects his children, do you know? If you threaten the other party like this, if the Yuezhi people Got it, what should I do?"

Tang Aotian snorted: "Who knows what you said is true or not, in my opinion, they are not enough. I only believe in myself, Yueshi will not come here for a mere woman."

(End of this chapter)

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