Chapter 193
"You... you, why don't you believe what I say? The Yue family is such an ancient hermit family, do you think they are just talking?"

Tang Aotian looked defiant in his clothes: "So what? They are still hidden now, that's fine. Maybe they have declined, but everyone still doesn't know because of their reputation."

The ruler of the Sun Empire no longer knew what to say.It's my own fault that makes my son look arrogant.It's because I'm not good, I protected her too well, so that he didn't experience all the things.

Let this child naively think that everything in this world can be settled as simple as imagined.Let him not know what it means to be beyond others.

"If you do this, it will only make the Yuezhi people even more angry. Then, they will definitely find someone to take revenge on us. Oh my god, the Tang clan of the Yaori Empire is going to die."

Tang Aotian snorted coldly, "I have never believed in retribution from God or something. You are the only one who believes in it forever. It is not the Tang surname of the Yaori Empire that will perish, but you alone."

"Believe me, the Sunshine Empire will lead to a better tomorrow under my leadership." The ruler of the Sunshine Empire shook his head resignedly: "Let it be with you, let it be with you, God will kill me."

"Oh my God, what evil did I do in my last life to make God treat me like this."

Tang Aotian still sneered, a dismissive sneer. "What evil did you do? Then you have to ask after you die." After finishing speaking, he paused: "Are you going to die yourself, or should I send you on your way?"

The ruler of the Yaori Empire knew that he was completely hopeless, and he also knew that his attitude towards this son made him too presumptuous, and it was because of this that she should suffer a little bit.

"You can do whatever you want. I really don't have the face to face you. How do you want me to face your dead mother? I have educated you so badly."

Shaking his head: "No, no, you have educated me very well. See if I am a very good and successful person now. At least, I will lead my country to prosperity."

Sighing, the ruler of the Sun Empire picked up the sword next to his table: "If one day, you are also faced with such a thing, I just hope that you can conceive with dignity."

"This sword has always been used to let the monarchs die. It is stained with the blood of countless people. Among them, you will definitely be among them. It is only a matter of time."

Tang Aotian looked at this sword: "I will keep him, but I will not let this sword have a chance to be stained with my blood. I will die a natural death. You can rest assured that I will not let you Wishes come true.”

"Okay, okay, okay, up to you, up to you!" After finishing speaking, he picked up the sword and killed himself.In the Yaori Empire, some of the rulers of past dynasties will die under the witness of this sword.

This sword has also been passed down from generation to generation.

After Yue Qingran found out about this, her first reaction was to applaud: "Speaking of which, this king is a man of integrity. At least he knows how to give himself the last chance to die."

In fact, that's not what I said.The original words at the time were: Leave a bullet for yourself.

I would rather die by my own hands than let others catch me and make me a prisoner.Now, this lord of the country is indeed like this, with courage, ability, and backbone.

Yue Qingran appreciates such a person, but it's a pity that they have different ways and don't conspire with each other.

"How is Bailitang going?" Yue Qingran asked. "Oh, it's nothing, it's just poisoned, but fortunately, the two of them have already achieved a positive result."

"Huh?" After hearing Yue Jiqiu's answer, Yue Qingran raised her eyebrows and snorted twice. "What's going on?" Yue Jiqiu said one by one.

It turned out that on the second day when Bailitang arrived here, the moon had already found Bailitang's residence.In the evening, Bailitang went to explore the place where the Luo family placed Bai Ling'er.

The guards are tight, because Bai Ling'er is now as important as an important prisoner.It's just that Bai Ling'er's treatment will be better than those prisoners.

Food and drink are offered to each other, but the guards are tight.On the third day, Bailitang found out the time, and sneaked in when stepping on them to change shifts.

After finding Bai Ling'er, Bai Litang planned to take her away. "No, I can't leave. They will come back to check in a while. It will take a quarter of an hour. If they find that I have left, they will immediately block the city gate."

Bai Litang raised his eyebrows, no matter how bad Bai Linger was, he wouldn't be unaware that the gates of the city would have been closed a long time ago, right?
Looking at Bai Ling'er, the indifference in his expression didn't seem like he had suffered at all.But in fact, according to Yue Yue, if it wasn't for waiting for rescue, Bai Ling'er wouldn't even be able to persevere.

Therefore, according to my understanding, Bai Ling'er should be very haggard and uneasy right now.Seeing the people who came to the rescue, there should be a moment of surprise.

Bailitang observed his performance just now, and he was too indifferent.It was even as if it had been predicted.Bailitang couldn't help wondering, is this person a fake?

"Okay then, I'll figure out a way. I'll pick you up at this time tomorrow. Okay? You stick around for another night." The fake Bai Ling'er listened, rolled her eyes, and nodded.

Biting his lower lip: "Then hurry up, I'll wait for you. You must come tomorrow." Bai Litang took a deep look at the other party: "Don't worry, I will definitely come to save you. I won't let You suffer here."

After finishing speaking, Bailitang hurriedly left here.It was easy when I came in, and it was still easy when I went out.Bailitang had a hunch that that person was probably a fake.

The purpose is to seduce myself, saying that they will come back tomorrow, then tomorrow they will definitely not be caught.Bailitang suddenly wanted to call the moon, at least he had to know where the real Bai Linger was now.

Outside, the moon was waiting, and seeing Bai Litang coming out alone, his eyes widened: "Where's Bai Linger? Why didn't you rescue him?" Bai Litang shook his head: "We'll talk about it when we go back."

After speaking, he accelerated the speed of leaving.

"What, you mean, Bai Ling'er is not real? Impossible, I have been by his side all these days." Bai Litang frowned, could it be that the moon was seen through?

No, everyone still trusts the ability of the moon.

"Could it be that when you left, they replaced someone? Help me find out where the real Bai Ling'er is, and then tell me." Yue Yue bit her lip with a guilty look on her face.

"It's all right, Moon, you've done a great job. I wouldn't even be able to find a place without you. So help, Moon, you've done a great job, don't feel guilty. No one is born big Things, it's just an exercise."

Moon nodded guiltily, turned into a cat shape, and left.Bai Litang sat on the chair, looked at the moonlight outside and sighed: "Bai Ling'er, where are you? Without the company of the moon, will it make you sad and scared?"

The next afternoon, the moon came running. "I know where Bai Linger is." Bai Litang was overjoyed: "Tell me, where is it?" Yue Yue took a breath and said, "It's just where you went, but there is a dark prison there, inside the dark prison It's the real Bai Linger. I saw them open today."

Bailitang's expression was fixed: "You were not discovered?" Moon shook his head: "No, I hid in the straw, and they won't find out that there is a cat here."

Bai Litang breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, you wait here for me obediently, and we will go together after I save him. It's not safe here, we're going to a safer place, you know?"

Moon nodded and followed Bailitang. When it was dark, Bailitang hesitated and decided to take the risk to save people.

The moon said that Bai Ling'er's condition is not very good, if she is one day late, Bai Ling'er may not be able to survive.He was very worried that the Bai Ling'er he saw would be a person who would die soon.

Because of this, Bai Li Tang resolutely went to the cell that night after agreeing to the fake Bai Ling'er, knowing that the other party would not be caught in the net.

This time, Bailitang passed the fake Bai Linger's house, and then came to the dark prison that the moon said.Open the door, inside, Bai Ling'er didn't bring anything, just squatting there.

His complexion was sallow and a little thin.He stared blankly at the person in front of him. "Bai Ling'er." Bai Ling'er's eyes lit up when he heard someone calling him, a voice he was familiar with.

The slack eyes found the focus: "Bailitang?" A voice of surprise.Bai Litang heaved a sigh of relief and laughed uncontrollably. "Hurry up, people here already know I'm coming, so let's hurry up before we know where I am."

After finishing speaking, he hugged Bai Ling'er without saying a word.Bai Ling'er smiled sweetly, and obediently lay in Bailitang's arms, neither talking nor asking why, but trusting him wholeheartedly.

The feeling of being trusted, Bailitang only felt that this feeling was really good. "You think you can leave once you come." Bailitang stopped and looked at the group of people standing outside.

"Are you afraid?" He whispered to the little girl in his arms.Shaking his head: "You won't be afraid if you're here." After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and lay on Bailitang's body.

Bai Litang sighed: "I must go out today." The fake Bai Ling'er stood up and said, "I'm even more curious about how you know I'm fake."

"Just based on your gaze, I'll be sure." After finishing speaking, he secretly accumulated strength, jumped up suddenly, and was about to run out.

(End of this chapter)

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