Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 199 Another Brother

Chapter 199 Another Brother

If it is said that Yue Qingran took away the other party on impulse, then Yue Qingran definitely wanted to take the other party away on purpose.Whether it's because his name is Yu Xiran, or because he has a superb hidden weapon skill.

In short, Yue Qingran wanted to take her away.Yue Qingran doesn't mind if she has another younger brother.After all, he will be leaving soon, and when he leaves, the team of six will eventually become four.

Yue Jiqiu was about to take root in the Yaori Empire, and the moon was left to Yue Jiqiu, so there were only four of them left on the road ahead.At this time, Yue Qingran suddenly thought, if there is one more Yu Xiran, it will be good.

"Boss, I want this child." Yue Qingran that Monkey Rock would not, yes, he just wanted him.What is the purpose of healing, Yue Qingran thought about it, just because of this name, because of his indifference, Yue Qingran thought of another child.Therefore, Yue Qingran wanted to treat him as her own wolf cub and make up for him again.

Even if it's him, it's not him.

Yue Qingran just wants to say, Yu Xiran, here, I met a wolf cub like you, my father's relocation of you, he made up for it, would you feel it?
Don't be sad, don't be sad, in fact, I always remember you.Yu Xiran!

After Yue Qingran said these words, Yue Xiran looked up at Yue Qingran.Calm, other than these four words, Yue Qingran doesn't know how to describe him.

Just like that little wolf, always calm and calm.When I first met him, Yue Qingran received the task.There was a family surnamed Yu, they were revenged by the enemies, Yue Qingran was responsible for killing these people surnamed Yu.

At that time, Yue Qingran chose a seemingly remote material to climb in.Unexpectedly, there was actually a person living in it.A thin boy with an indifferent face.

"Who are you?" Yue Qingran looked at the child defensively, randomly determined that the other party was not in danger, so she smiled indifferently, and said coldly, "The person who came to kill you."

The boy was already so indifferent: "It's up to you? Those who came to kill me and trouble me are all dead. They will be buried downstairs. Do you want to see it and decide."

Yue Qingran Naite laughed uncontrollably after doing this bustling work, tears flowed from her laughter. "I am responsible for killing all living things in this house."

The boy thought for a while: "I want to live. If you don't mind, I can leave now. Don't worry, I won't tell the truth. If you don't worry, I can help you kill them all."

Yue Qingran was taken aback, this child, shouldn't he be afraid?Compared with the people he killed, this time I want to make sure that there is no living person in this family.Even if he is not afraid, he should have some other performance.

"Yes, give me a reason."

The boy had no expression on his face, "I can hurt you, but I can't kill you. If you fight hard, it's okay." Yue Qingran raised her eyebrows: "Really?"

The boy nodded and shot without hesitation.Yue Qingran already felt that the hairs all over her body were lost. This is... This is a dangerous instinct.Yue Qingran hastened to open more.

In the dark, I didn't even see what it was.However, when both Yue Qingran and the boy stopped attacking, the boy's breathing seemed heavy, obviously he was seriously injured.

Yue Qingran clutched her neck and said, if she didn't dodge, there might be a deep blood mark here, and she might die here.Also thankful that he dodged in time, and also thankful that the boy's wrist strength was not strong enough to kill him.

"Now, is it okay?" Despite being injured, the boy still had that indifferent voice. It seemed that even if he died here in the next moment, the boy would not have any objections.

"Hey, boy, you can do it." Yue Qingran praised the man, prenatal education.The boy watched Yue Qingran's movements with great enthusiasm, anyone could make a move.

Yue Qing ran around, but couldn't find anything like a lamp.Such a place where you can see everything at a glance is really just living with a child, there is only one bed, and the balcony is next to the bed.

The boy didn't even have a wardrobe, and there was a small door next to it, which was probably the bathroom.Yue Qingran went in and took a look, and sure enough, it was a small squatting toilet.

A squat pit, a small sink.This room may only be less than ten square meters, Yue Qingran sighed: "Your room is really small."

The boy didn't speak, just kept silent. "Is there no light?" Yue Qingran looked at the place curiously.The boy pursed his lips, stepped forward, found a random place, and pulled the rope.

A small light came on in the toilet, and the boy opened the door of the toilet, so that the bedroom inside could be seen more clearly.

"There are no other lights?" The boy shook his head: "It would be nice to have one. What do you think Yu Jia would be a good thing? It would be nice to give me a place to sleep."

Not mocking, just telling the truth plainly.Yue Qingran was angry for a moment, but then she was relieved. "Help me, tell me where everyone lives, and I promise not to kill you."

With this little light, Le Qingran could see clearly that this boy was about seven or eight years old, thin and pale, not the kind of sallow yellow from malnutrition, but the kind who would wear thin clothes and freeze in the middle of winter. from.

Lips are a little purple.The skin is very fair, but this character is really unpleasant.Yue Qingran also saw clearly where the other party was studying abroad, and suddenly wondered whether this paleness was injured?
There was a huge gash in the abdomen, bleeding, but the boy was expressionless. "You're bleeding." Yue Qingran pointed to the opponent's abdomen, wanting to remind her.Naturally, he knew the power of the dagger he shot.

The boy looked at it blankly, frowned, and then walked into the bathroom nonchalantly.The door was closed and the whole house was plunged into darkness.

Yue Qingran sighed, this kid is really shy.However, at this time, I should have completed the task and left, but now I am still spending time with a child.Most importantly, he was actually injured by a child.

Silently touching a shallow scratch on her neck, Yue Qingran shook her head, this was the first time she missed it, and the only thing she wanted to keep alive...

When the boy came out, the clothes were still covered in blood, but the chest and abdomen of the clothes were completely soaked. "How did you do it?"

The boy raised his eyes, looked at Yue Qingran, and replied, "Just washed it with water, and then wrapped it in a towel." After speaking, he walked to the door: "Let's go, I'll take you to find them."

"You promised, you can't kill me, a dignified killer, can you keep promises?" Yue Qingran couldn't help laughing: "Of course, this is the promise I have to keep."

The boy was relieved, and took Yue Qingran, starting from the servant's room, and killed them one by one.The boy watched coldly and blocked the door.

A few people who didn't have long-sightedness ran over and would be killed by the boy's superb hidden weapon.

When she got to the master bedroom, Yue Qingran sighed at the milk cow pass, no matter what, it was at the level of a master and wife, and she was afraid that the child would have psychological shadows, so she didn't want to let him in.

However, the boy took the initiative to ask: "I will kill the male, and you will have the female." Yue Qingran raised her eyebrows, making an exception again. "Yes." The boy killed the man who could be called his father with his own hands.

It was only then that Yue Qingran realized that this unpopular person was actually the illegitimate son of the Patriarch, and that woman was the real wife of the Patriarch.

After killing an adult, there are still two children left, twins, both of them are cute, but Yue Qingran is more satisfied with the child beside her.

The two boys were both young, but when they saw the boy beside Yue Qingran, they still felt a little disgusted.

There is no one alive in this family except him.The boy remained calm. "I'm even more curious, how did you develop this hidden weapon skill?"

The boy pursed his lips and remained silent. "You have to say it, otherwise I won't trust someone with a secret." What Yue Qingran said was a lie. From the moment she saw this boy, Yue Qingran decided to trust him unconditionally.

"One person taught me, and later, he died. But I learned it and kept practicing. If someone provokes me, I will kill it." After speaking, he looked up and looked at Yue Qingran.

Yue Qingran nodded. "Okay, follow me from now on, let's go." After finishing speaking, he took the child and left.This child's name is Yu Xiran.

The name Yue Qingran gave him, he didn't have a name, but his surname was Yu.

Later, the two of them were completely together.This is a secret, no one knows that Yue Qingran has raised a boy in her home.

No matter who it is, they don't know.Fortunately, the boy is well-behaved and doesn't go out easily. Sometimes, even if he goes out, he will come back cautiously.

He knows how to protect himself, he also knows that Zi Ou remembers his identity, and he knows how to avoid those pursuers.Some of these were handed over by Yue Qingran, and some of them were his own.

Yue Qingran's thoughts ran too far, from the first time she saw Yu Xiran, to the last time she saw Yu Xiran on the island, flashed in Yue Qingran's mind.

Looking at the child in front of him, it's just that he is a little older. In fact, they are all about the same in personality.

Qianye Shangxie raised his eyebrows: "What are you thinking?" Yue Qingran lay down next to Qianye Shangxie's ear and said a few words, Qianye Shangxie raised his eyebrows and looked at the child up and down, finally, he nodded in agreement.

Yue Qingran was persuading him to take in this child.from any aspect.Qianye Shangxie doesn't care at all, this is just a child, Yue Qingran likes it, so just stay.

"Miss, if you take it away, won't it cut off my money?" The boss also saw that these two people are not easy to mess with, so he didn't find a thug, but wanted to set some conditions.

Yue Qingran gestured to Yue Jiqiu.

(End of this chapter)

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