Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 200 He is Yu Xiran

Chapter 200 He is Yu Xiran
Yue Jiqiu stepped forward: "Here, this is yours. These children, if you want to get rid of them, you can let them continue performing arts, or take them to find a good place to live. In short, these are For you."

Five thousand taels of silver bills, if these were born, it would be enough for them to spend a lifetime.If the purpose of performing arts is to make money, then the money is earned now.If performing arts is just for fun, then follow them.

"I'll keep this child, and you can do whatever you want with the rest."

The boss just wanted to keep the money in his pocket as a result.Suddenly thought of something, with a troubled face, he put the money in front of Yue Qingran: "If, if he doesn't agree, I don't want the money."

Yue Qingran was suddenly in awe of the boss.If, in Yue Qingran's understanding, the bosses of performing arts should be the kind of unscrupulous bosses who can even do anything unexpected for some money, then the current boss is definitely a weird existence.

This person, he can pay back 5000 taels of silver notes for a word of "no" from these children, so he can say that he will return it, no wonder, these children are so voluntary.

No wonder, that little girl handed in all the money just now, and didn't even leave anything for herself.At first, Yue Qingran thought that the little girl was afraid, but it turned out to be so.

Even if all of them are handed in, the boss will surely distribute the money to them evenly and let them use it for pocket money, right?
Because of Yu Xiran's height problem, he could only raise his head and look into everyone's eyes.This kind of action makes this little child look a lot cute.

Yue Qingran smiled, Yu Xiran used to be like this, sometimes when she was really angry, she would step on the sofa, stand up and look at herself.

He won't quarrel in a fit of rage, just occupy the sofa and look at himself.He expressed his strong dissatisfaction towards himself with silence, with that calm and paralyzed face.

This is already very good, before he got to know Yue Qingran, he didn't make any outrageous moves.The only exception is murder.All those whom he was dissatisfied with, he killed.

But after Yue Qingran, he would stand on the sofa and look at himself when he was angry, and he would vent all his dissatisfaction on the furniture, using his hidden weapon.

Sometimes, after Yue Qingran returns home, she will see the mess all over the house.Yue Qingran also took pleasure in being the subject behind, and the children looked at Yue Qingran proudly as a slave, cleaning up the mess he made.

Even if the child has no expression, Yue Qingran is happy to let him have such mood swings. At least, this proves that he still has a childhood.

No one else would know Yue Qingran's love for this child.No one would know, but this little boy did.Therefore, no matter how fierce the war between them is, and sometimes they are forced to do so, they will still do it.

However, no one has said, these two people, Yue Qingran has never said: "Get out of here, how could I bring you back?"

Just like little boys never say with a calm face: "I'm annoying you, I want to go out, don't come to me!" The same with such words, they know that even if they are noisy, they can't do without each other.

Seeing Yue Qingran's playful smile, the boy frowned and nodded: "Yes." After speaking, he stood beside Yue Qingran.Seeing that Yu Xiran agreed, the boss put away the money contentedly.

"Well, this child belongs to you. If you really think he has a bad character, I'm here every day. I hope you don't abuse him and return it to me. At worst, I'll give you the money."

After speaking, he bowed deeply to these people.Yue Qingran's eyes flickered: "Don't worry, I won't let him have a chance to go back to you, and I won't give myself the chance to let him go back to you."

The boss froze for a moment before he understood Yue Qingran's implicit meaning. "That's good, that's good." Yue Qingran looked at the child and left directly.

The goal has been achieved, and there is no need to look here.

"Let's go, do you want to continue playing or go back?" Qianye Shangxie turned his head, looked at Yue Qingran, and then at the child.This kid has a really bad personality.

However, as long as Yue Qingran likes it, it doesn't matter.

Yue Qingran lowered her head, looked at Yu Xiran who was following her with an expressionless face, "Do you want to go shopping again?" Yu Xiran raised his eyes: "Ask me again?"

"Yes, I'm asking you." Yu Xiran thought for a while and nodded.Yue Qingran wanted to hold Yu Xiran's hand and move on, but Yu Xiran turned her body sideways and avoided it.

Yue Qingran lost his hand, just glanced at the other party, and then walked ahead indifferently.Why did I forget how much effort I had to go through to be able to walk hand in hand with Yu Xiran.

After playing all morning and afternoon, several people went back.Still living in the mansion where Yue Jiqiu was an imperial physician, Yue Jiqiu went back to live in the palace with a crying face, and the rest went back to the mansion one after another.

On the way back, I introduced everyone to Yu Xiran, only the moon was not introduced.Yu Xiran is very clever, and he can accurately call out everyone in just a short while.

"Okay, this is the moon." After finishing speaking, he said to the idle moon squatting by the tree.The moon's eyes lit up and saw the children.

"Yue Yue, this is Yu Xiran." After finishing speaking, Yue Qingran threw Yu Xiran to Bai Ling'er and Yue Yue, and went back to discuss some matters with Qianye Shangxie.

"How about this kid, isn't he not bad?" Even though he knew that the other party was not Yu Xiran, he still hoped to hear words of praise from Qianye Shangxie.

Qianye Shangxie nodded: "Yes, it's just too indifferent." Yue Qingran rolled his eyes: "It's okay, it will be better after a while."

Qianye Shangxie cannot be denied.

The next day, after Yue Qingran woke up, the first thing she did was to find Yu Xiran.

Seeing the appearance of this child's water-based glue, Yue Qingran felt that this child, no matter which Fang Min, was very much like the Yu Xiran she knew.

If it wasn't for the fact that the other party had someone else's face, Yue Qingran might have thought that her younger brother couldn't do without her, so she followed along.

When Yu Xiran just woke up, she would go out according to her own feeling without opening her eyes like now.What to do when you go out, just to blow the cold wind outside.

After blowing the cold wind, I didn't feel any better, so I rubbed off my gums and opened my eyes.After seeing the surrounding environment clearly, he would be stunned for a moment, as if he didn't know why he was here.

When you close your eyes, it's like sleepwalking, but after a while, you will understand, it's like a sudden enlightenment.

Now, Yu Xiran is like this.He found himself outside the room with a dazed expression on his face. After realizing it, he looked back at you and his own position speechlessly, as if he was helpless about it.

Yue Qingran went out and stood in front of Yu Xiran, smiling kindly.Yu Xiran frowned, trying to ignore the magnified face in front of him.

"What do you want?" Taking a step back, Yu Xiran stayed away from the other party. "Is that your only name? Do you have another name? What about your family?"

Yu Xiran thought of something and blinked. "My name is Yu Xiran. As for the parents, if I say that I killed them with my own hands, would you believe it or not?"

Yue Qingran smiled and shook her head: "I don't believe it." Yu Xiran moved: "I'm sorry, it's really like that." Yue Qingran sighed, this kid has an extraordinary personality Difference.

"Can I leave? I need some time for myself." Yue Qingran spread her hands, reluctantly: "Okay. I'll leave." After speaking, she retreated to the other side.

Yu Xiran's papers were taken away by Yue Qingran, so he took out the hidden weapon in his hand and started to practice.After contacting for a while, Yu Xiran frowned: "Too weak, the accuracy is too bad."

"I look pretty good." Yue Qingran answered from behind.Yu Xiran said dissatisfied: "From the point of view of my previous peak state, the difference is too much."

Looking at Yu Xiran's dissatisfied expression, it was like every time the wolf cub had an aggrieved and dissatisfied expression after fighting with him.

He seemed to be unable to understand why his hidden weapon that could kill people got to Yue Qingran, and saving him could only make the other party see red, and he couldn't even see blood.

"Because you are too young now, it will be fine after a while." Yu Xiran was silent for a moment, then nodded.That's the only way to explain it.

"You are like a sister of mine." Yue Qingran raised her eyebrows, never thinking that he would take the initiative to talk to herself.Waiting for the other party to talk about the same thing, the other party glanced at Yue Qingran's expectant face, and suddenly he was in a good mood.

"Tongue dry." After finishing speaking, he left with a blank expression.

Yue Qingran felt a little messy, this bastard, dare to say that his tongue is dry...

After regaining his composure, he went to look for Yu Xiran, and saw him sitting with Qianye Shangxie, eating. "I heard that someone said you have a dry tongue?" Qianye Shangxie looked at Yue Qingran's darkened face amusedly.

"You bastard, you bastard, wait for me!" Yue Qingran roared angrily, and sat aside to eat first.The emperor is big when eating, and no one can affect his own eating.

"By the way, don't you have no sister?" Yue Qingran suddenly thought of this question.Yu Xiran paused with his hands: "Probably, God knows."

"What's going on?" Qianye Shangxie's expression changed, and he asked.You know, their identities are destined not to trust people with unknown backgrounds.

"Nothing, my sister died. Died in the explosion." Explosion?Qianye Shangxie frowned, what is this?Yue Qingran heard it, but her expression changed.

"Your sister died in the explosion?" Yu Xiran nodded and looked at Yue Qingran. "Is there a problem?" Yue Qingran rubbed the corners of her eyebrows: "Do you know that there is no explosion here, and do you know where it is?"

(End of this chapter)

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