Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 206 Exchange the Black Pearl for the King

Chapter 206 Exchange the Black Pearl for the King
Here, many are movable, and have clam shells that attack.Amin in the clam shell is the so-called black pearl.This made Yue Qingran feel like she was playing an online game.

During that day, Yue Qingran had never played online games, only heard about them.So, does this count as an experiential life?Because I am afraid of water, a water-proof bead was placed on my body.

Therefore, when everyone was drenched, Yue Qingran was protected by a bubble, and there was no water to get close to her.

Yue Qingran was very satisfied with this.Seeing that he was stunned, he asked for the coffee table, but how to collect it was a problem.

"How do you collect these to give to your king?" Qianye Shangxie asked.The other party replied: "As long as you kill him, then he can open his mouth."

Kill him and let him open his mouth: "Is it necessary to complete both of these? Is it possible to just let him open his mouth?" The other party nodded: "Of course, it depends on what you are going to do."

Yue Qingran nodded: "Use a torch. The high temperature can make them open their mouths. If they do well, we can test some to eat." "In water, are you sure they will open their mouths?"

"No, in water, are you sure that fire is useful?" Yue Qing smiled proudly: "Have you forgotten that a person is dry when you are all soaked?"

Qianye Shangxie took a meaningful look at Yue Qingran.Sure enough, Yue Qingran was the most suitable candidate.

"You are in charge of throwing them in, and I am in charge of lighting the fire." After speaking, he took out the fire folder. "You find some aquatic plants or something, and leave it to me."

"Aquatic plants?"

"Water plants?" Bailitang and Qianye Shangxie exclaimed at the same time. "Are you sure it's a water plant? The one in the water?" Yu Xiran wanted to despise this woman's ability to respond.

Yueqing then suddenly realized that the water onion is actually wet, so, can I really click to find it? "Then what should we do?" Qianye Shangxie sighed, "Take off one piece of clothing and burn it."

Yue Qing suddenly realized that none of her things were wet, which meant that her changed clothes could be burned down at any time.

Take a piece of clothing from the storage bag and burn it.The fire started, Qianye Shangxie and Bailitang hurriedly grabbed the offensive shells and threw them to Yue Qingran.

Yue Qingran was only responsible for getting them all into the fire.After a while, there were indeed a few who spoke.Yue Qingran took out the pearl inside and looked at it: "Is this edible?"

"Only aquatic creatures can eat it, so you can rest for a while." Yue Qing didn't believe in evil, and ate one.It melted in the mouth, and after eating, Yue Qingran's whole body turned black...

"You..." Qianye Shangxie looked at Yue Qingran speechlessly, not worried about what would happen to Yue Qingran.After all, Yue Qingran's ability is already very high.

Yue Qingran had a bitter face, seeing that her whole body was of the same color, she couldn't help being speechless. "It doesn't matter, it should be fine in a while. Try to use spiritual power and see if there is any benefit."

While Qianye Shangxie comforted him, he threw a few clam shells into the fire.Yue Qingran was dissatisfied with Yile, using spiritual power, in fact, nothing happened, it just changed the color of her skin.

However, you can't change yourself, and others will not change.Therefore, Yue Qingran coerced and lured everyone to eat one.So, while the fish with a human face was jumping up and down in anger, everyone ate a black pearl.

By the way, the entire storage bag is full.

In the end, there were still a dozen or twenty pearls left, Yue Qingran decided to put all the food in her pocket.The black pearl that can change the skin color of the human body will definitely be useful in the future, but it is really not good, it can also be used to tease the rose.

So, it was a happy decision.

"Do you have any red pearls or pink pearls here? If you have any, show us." The human-faced fish was unwilling, but said honestly: "Yes, but the things inside are not edible. .”

"It's okay, look, don't we eat the black pearl too?" Yue Qingran suddenly wanted to make some teasing things.

The other party was so angry that he jumped up and down, and finally, under Yue Qingran's instigation, he took them to the place where red pearls are rich.Yue Qingran smiled, and asked them to quickly get some more before the fire was extinguished.

She still ate one, and her skin changed color here, Yue Qingran ate one for each of them, and put the rest into storage bags.The pearls were almost collected, and everyone decided to return.

After going back, the man-faced fish said everything with a bitter face, and he didn't care if the other party's king was a magnanimous person: "It's okay, it's okay, I support the black pearl, and you can take the rest if you want." .”

The more, justifiably, everyone took away the extra black pearls and other pearls.Just about to leave like this, it suddenly occurred to me that the purpose of everyone coming is to return to the Lord of the Sea Kingdom. Now... the pearl has arrived, where is the Lord?
"Where is the person we want?" After getting the pearl, the other party happily decided to let him go.The Lord of Guihai Kingdom and his attendants appeared in front of everyone unharmed.

Seeing the appearance of these people, Yue Qingran smiled: "Well, it looks pretty good. Didn't I tell you, don't move the sea creatures, and something will happen if you understand. Now, look, you deserve it .”

"Fortunately, it's just because the king is a magnanimous person. So, you are lucky to go." After speaking, Yue Qingran clapped her hands and left triumphantly.

The king of the ocean still opened a passage for them, and the passage in the core of their desks directly returned to the boat.However, this boat is not enough for so many people to sit.

"Well, otherwise, you guys, follow the swimmer in the sea, we will hold the rope, and you won't fall." The corners of the mouths of the guards of Guihai Kingdom's lord twitched.

"Anyway, your clothes are all wet, so it's not bad for these things, right." After speaking, he smiled and clapped his hands. His decision was really wise and powerful.

"By the way, you guys help push the boat, otherwise it will be very difficult to go back." Qianye Shangxie sighed, Yue Qingran has been really, too lively and childish recently.

Afterwards, several people and a group of people pushed the boat in the sea, and a group of people rowed the boat on it, and finally saw the coastline safely.Yue Qingran was finally able to return to land safely.

Sure enough, Yue Qingran is a species of life on land.This thrilling journey has come to an end.

When the Lord of Guihai Kingdom saw Yue Qingran appearing, he was already surprised.On land, Yue Qingran bid them farewell.The king looked surprised: "You guys, don't you want to go back with me?" Yue Qingran shook her head: "What are you going back for, let's go play again." After finishing speaking, she was ready to leave.

"You..." The king didn't know what to say.Yue Qingran raised her chin, motioning for the other party to continue. "Do you know that the 20-year competition is about to start?"

Yue Qingran nodded: "I know, what's the matter? You want us to watch?" Yue Qingran was confident that the leader of Guihai Kingdom must not know about his relationship with Yueshi.

"Aren't you from the Yue clan? Isn't Yue Jiqiu the ruler of the Yaori Kingdom?" Yue Qingran narrowed her eyes, and her momentum instantly rose: "Who told you?" Seeing this, the ruler of Guihai Kingdom hurriedly comforted him. Yue Qingran had already blown her hair.

"Don't worry, I already knew this. Don't worry." Yue Qingran became quiet.When Tang Aotian took him away, didn't he already say that he was a daughter of the Yue family?

It's just that it's not as comprehensive as it was said. It's not surprising that the Lord knows now, right?
"What is there in that competition." The Lord of Guihai Kingdom smiled: "Actually, it's nothing, the main thing is to compare the national strength of your country, some talents, resources and the like."

"It's not like a competition between families, it's more than that. After all, this is just a competition between countries." Yue Qingran nodded while rubbing her chin.

So it's just this kind of competition, so it's not enough, right?

"In these competitions, who will evaluate the promotion in the end?" Guihai Kingdom Lord said: "There is no winner or loser, it's just that everyone has a number in their hearts."

"Once every 20 years. One is to develop the country, and the other is to tell others that if you want to annex my country, you must first look at my country's human and material resources. If you have the ability, you will fight. If you don’t have the ability, you have to wait until the next 20 years.”

"That's it!" After speaking, he spread his hands, feeling a little helpless.I don't know who thought of this in the first place, but it was for this. "Oh, maybe there were constant wars in the past, so I came up with such a method, and it's just for the people to live and work in peace and contentment."

Yue Qingran thought for a while and concluded.The Lord of Guihai Kingdom nodded appreciatively: "That's how it is." After finishing speaking, he looked at his several guards who were dying of exhaustion, and they had all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, we'll leave if it's okay." After finishing speaking, he looked at the Lord of Guihai Kingdom, and the Lord shook his head helplessly: "Okay, then you can go."

Seeing that Yue Qingran was about to leave after six years like this, the leader of Guihai Kingdom hesitated to speak, but he didn't know what to say, and he didn't know how to persuade him to stay.

"My lord, my feelings for you are not ordinary, Yue Qingran, you can do it, everyone, young and old, can get along with you." Bai Litang said recklessly.

Yue Qingran gave Bailitang a hard look.Only then did Bailitang look at Qianye Shangxie belatedly, and found that the other party's face was incomparably dark.

Quickly shrinking his neck, he prayed silently in his heart, hoping that Qianye Shangxie would not take his anger out on him.Qianye Shangxie sighed helplessly, feeling really uncomfortable.

It's an indescribable feeling.

"You don't trust me?" Yue Qingran asked back.

(End of this chapter)

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