Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 207 The Trouble Caused by the Luo Family

Chapter 207 The Trouble Caused by the Luo Family
Yue Qingran was sitting outside the carriage, and when she heard Yu Xiran say this, she originally wanted to stop it, because these are two different worlds, and that world has passed away.Think about it later, if you want to say it, you can say it, if Qianye Shangxie doesn't like him because of this, then it can only mean that Yue Qingran doesn't know people well.

Very good, Qianye Shangxie, after all, did not let himself down.It's just that I never knew that the life-saving pendant had something else to say.

That old man, he really knows his sadness and estimates, he would rather use this method to give himself a new life and let himself shine again.

Yue Qingran suddenly felt very grateful to the other party. If there was a chance, she would definitely thank the old man for giving her a new life.

A new life, a new life, is really good.

Yue Qingran is already satisfied with her current life, even if she has no ambitions, it is enough.There is a younger brother, a lover, and maybe more new lives will be added in the future.

That's good enough.

Yue Qingran was sitting outside the carriage thinking, Qianye Shangxie was sitting inside the carriage facing him, Yu Xiran was leaning on the back of the carriage, looking at these two people, one was meditating, the other was deep thinking, they were both very good.

The two of them are a good match, even better than that person.The one who wants to get his sister wholeheartedly.He wanted to get his sister, let her belong to him forever and be used by him, but he was unwilling to pay.

Qianye Shangxie also wants to get his sister, and wants him to only look at her forever, but he knows how to give, and he knows how to make himself reciprocate.That's all.

It's just that the two different control methods have decided that when my sister is here, she will not go to extremes, he will not destroy anything, and she will live happily ever after.

Bailitang looked at the few people who suddenly fell silent, not knowing why. "What's wrong with you? Have you been acupunctured?" Yue Qingran came to her senses the first moment Bailitang spoke.

Yu Xiran gave Bailitang a hard look.Dissatisfied with him talking at this time.Originally, the two fell into memories, and finally calmed down a bit, but he returned to their original form with a single word.

Bai Litang didn't know why, he only thought that he had offended the other party, but he didn't know why he offended the other party, so he shook his head helplessly and sighed: "I said, what's the matter with you?"

Qianye Shangxie said silently to Xiran's head, "Okay, it's fine." Yu Xiran then obediently looked away. "Go to sleep first." After finishing speaking, Qianye Shangxie walked out.Seeing Qianye Shangxie go out, Yu Xiran lay down on the chair directly, ignoring Bailitang's ignorance.

"What's the situation with you guys? Who did I provoke?" After speaking, he yelled twice. "It's nothing, you just disturbed everyone's rare peace." Yu Xiran said with a poisonous tongue.

Bai Litang sighed: "Little devil, you don't have a place to talk here." Yue Qingran smiled and said, "It's alright, alright, stop arguing. By the way, you didn't know just now, a letter from Rose."

"What content?" Qianye Shangxie asked curiously. "It's nothing, it's just that the Luo family has created some moths." Qianye raised his eyebrows evilly: "Oh? What moths?"

"Isn't there still a period of time before the 20-year competition? The Luo family suddenly had a romance, and turned to entertain the royal family. Now, Yue Jiqiu received the news and asked us if he wanted to go."

"Then go!" Yueqing accommodated Monaco and snorted: "At the same time, I request that everyone in the Luo family go back, including... me!" Qianye Shangxie frowned: "What is this for?"

"Who knows what she wants to do. In short, we can't go if we don't go now." Qianye smiled evilly: "That's not just right, it's been a long time since the rose, and life has become much more boring."

"Taking advantage of this opportunity, let's meet Yue Jiqiu again." Bai Litang nodded: "We are going to go there. But now, we may not be able to continue our journey."

"It doesn't matter, it's okay to do it after you come back. At that time, just walk over from Luo's house, and it will be closer." After finishing speaking, he gestured to Bailitang.

"Let's go back and go with the lord and the others. The lord and the others will also send people there, so we just go with them and let them see how good my life is without the Luo family."

Qianye Shangxie nodded in agreement.After leaving the Luo family, it's not that everyone's life is not good. On the contrary, it's more nourishing than before. This is unexpected to you, right?That's right, there is only what you can't think of, there is nothing we can't do.

It was decided in this way, and everyone rushed to go back.Taking advantage of the present, he has just separated from the Lord of Guihai Kingdom, so hurry over there, he should be able to catch up, and go back together, and then start from there together.

Therefore, Bailitang hurriedly turned around.Early the next morning, he caught up with the Lord Guihai and the others. The Lord Guihai was obviously a little excited when he saw his appearance.

Qianye Shangxie just looked a little uncomfortable, but like Yue Qingran said, this could obviously be his father's material, no matter how much he likes it, it's impossible.

Therefore, Qianye Shangxie was only jealous for a while, but did not respond extraneously.

Explaining the purpose of coming, Gui Haiguo wrapped it up and agreed to the letter, which obviously came soon. "It's great, you can still think of us when you encounter things, it's great."

Yue Qingran rolled her eyes back at the other party, please, I just thought of someone I could use, why are you so excited?Qianye Shangxie remained silent, but the silent incident caused a low pressure.

Yue Qingran rolled her eyes again and again, one by one, what and what.

Follow all the way back, and then the lord will arrange for people to follow along with them, which will delay four or five days.Fortunately, the schedule is not too tight.

Moreover, the 20-year competition is still more than a month away from the start time, so everyone has time to attend the Luo family's family banquet before participating in the 20-year competition.

As for where the competition took place, it is still unknown.It is said that the final decision is made among the sovereigns of various countries.So, there is no exact notification yet.

When Yue Qingran heard the news, she shrugged her shoulders. Since there was no notice, then everyone can continue to do what they should do.

Five days later, they arrived at the Luohan Mountains.To be precise, it is now in Luohan City, in Mingyue Town.Yue Qingran looked at the name of this town and felt infinite emotion.

"Mingyue Town, is this the place?" Bailitang looked at it, and nodded to King Guihai next to him.Originally thought that one minister would be enough for Guihai Kingdom to shoot this time, but he didn't expect to let the prince out.

Well, since the prince is here, everyone needs to treat him well, right?Moreover, all the princes or rulers from other countries came in person.

One status is higher than the other, which flatters the Luo family.

"My lord, you came early. Please hurry up." After speaking, several elders of the Luo family came to greet him.Yue Qingran sneered from behind.

"Yue Qingran!" Seeing Yue Qingran appearing here, everyone exclaimed. "What are you doing here? Come out quickly. The prince made you laugh, this is an unworthy descendant of our Luo family, let you laugh."

Yue Qingran sneered: "Since when did I become a member of your Luo family? I'm not worthy of your descendants, are you putting too much money on your own faces? How dare you ask me to come back after you made such a troublesome thing?"

"What do you mean?" the Great Elder scolded angrily.Yue Qingran rolled her eyes: "What do I mean, don't the elders understand best? Who said that I, Yue Qingran, have nothing to do with the Luo family from now on?"

The King of Guihai watched this farce with leisure.It doesn't matter to Yue Qingran, anyway, it's not her who loses face, but the Luo family's face, does it have anything to do with her?

"You... Yue Qingran, don't push yourself too far." After speaking, she glared at Yue Qingran. "Sensible, don't look for bad luck at this time."

The prince frowned when he heard this. "I'm sorry, that's our honored guest from Haiguo, we can't let you move around at will."

Let's go down with a clear and clear one, do you hear me?VIP.Why don't you take good care of me now?
"I'm a distinguished guest now, don't you think it's bad luck not being able to come to me? Otherwise, I'm in a bad mood, and Guihai will feel very humiliated. It's hard to bring me here, and the result is like this?"

"Yue Qingran, you are too presumptuous. In front of the prince, how can you not even have a straight face?" Yue Qingran raised his eyebrows, and before he could speak, Qianye Shangxie took a step forward: "You want him to have What shape?"

"What are you? It's not your turn to speak here." Several elders of the Luo family have become trolls now. Except for the prince's words, the rest of the people will all talk!

Qianye Shangxie frowned, Yue Qing was not happy anymore, my Qianye Shangxie, when is it your turn to teach him a lesson?

"Qianye Shangxie is also our benefactor, please don't talk nonsense." The prince saw Yue Qingran's dissatisfaction, and quickly answered.I can see that my imperial brother is very concerned about this child, although I don't understand that it's just that he looks a little like him.

But since Brother Huang cares about people, he can take good care of them himself, there is no need to do anything else, and there is no need to understand why.

So, seeing that Yue Qingran was dissatisfied, the prince hurriedly wanted to smooth things over.

"This..." The old Luo family didn't know how to put it away.After talking about it for a month, it turned out that he was a distinguished guest of Guihai Kingdom. After talking about a thousand nights of evil, it turned out that he was a benefactor of Guihai Kingdom.

What happened to these two people, how did they become their benefactors and distinguished guests with such good luck?
Yue Qingran stood proudly at the door, if you don't give me an explanation, I won't go in.

(End of this chapter)

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