Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 208 The Luo Family's So-Called Family Banquet

Chapter 208 The Luo Family's So-Called Family Banquet
"You... Yue Qingran, don't push yourself too hard!" The head elder of the Luo family shook his head and said angrily.Yue Qingran smiled: "Keep an inch? I'm sorry, I'm not interested in this."

"Then what do you want?" The Great Elder looked at Yue Qingran.Because of the existence of these two people.A large crowd of people had already gathered at the door, watching the excitement.

"It's not as good as He, but, you should at least give an explanation?" The prince was also stunned, not knowing what explanation Ao Yue Qingran wanted.

"What do you want to say?" Yue Qingran thought for a while: "I remember that I am no longer from the Luo family. Is it unreasonable for you to summon me back now?"

"You..." The elder had nothing to say.Call him back for what?It wasn't Luo Qingqing, the person Luo Qingqing liked followed Yue Qingran, in order to bring that person back, that's why Yue Qingran came back.

I know that this reason is not easy to find, but for a while, there is only such a reason left, right?
"Yes, you are no longer a member of the Luo family, so, are you satisfied?" Yue Qingran shook her head: "No, what I want is not a word from you, but, you asked me to come back and do it." What."

"I didn't teach you." The elder helplessly shirked responsibility. "It's not you, then it's the patriarch. Ask the patriarch what he wants to do. Am I, Yue Qing, the one you call and go when you call?"

After finishing speaking, there is a tendency to be unreasonable and unforgiving.

Yu Xiran stood at the back, shaking his head, with a look of disapproval, but, with a paralyzed face, he still looked calm and calm in front of outsiders.

"You are too naive, and besides, very boring." After speaking, he glanced at Yue Qingrana, with some contempt in his eyes.Yue Qingran gritted her teeth: "I am willing."

Yu Xiran shrugged, you are willing, so I have nothing to say.I'm just feeling sad for this family, offending someone like you, it's really a rare ancestor who didn't accumulate virtue in previous years!

"Do you have an opinion? Kid Yu Xiran." Yu Xiran shook his head: "If you have no objection, just be happy." Yue Qingran nodded, and her eyes continued to fall on the elder of the Luo family.

However, the elder of the Luo family looked at Yu Xiran.This child is so upright.

"Are you interested in coming to the Luo family?" Yu Xiran looked at the elder of the Luo family expressionlessly.At first, she felt sympathy for this person, at such an advanced age, but now, Yu Xiran just wanted to say that he deserved it.

Shaking his head: "It's not your turn to take care of my affairs."

Yue Qingran's colleague said: "My little brother, when did you need to teach him?" The head elder of the Luo family was stunned for a moment, this is actually Yue Qingran's younger brother?

"When did you have a younger brother? Why didn't I know." Yue Qingran smiled: "Need to let you know?"

"You!" The Great Elder had nothing to say again.

"I just want to ask if you can go in and talk about it. I don't want to take care of your Luo family's housework, but just don't disturb my benefactor and distinguished guests."

After speaking, he looked up at the sky.When everyone arrived, the sun was already westward, and now, the sun is about to set.Only then did the elder of the Luo family realize that such a long time had passed.

Standing here with Yue Qingran, at least one stick of incense time.Yue Qingran just wanted to say that one stick of incense was obviously not enough.Yu Xiran has a deep concept of time: "Now, at least half an hour."

Yue Qingran nodded, half an hour is possible.

Entered the house, arranged the room, and then put everyone here, free to move around.Only then did Yue Qingran understand the meaning of the so-called family banquet.

Just taking advantage of this time, the various nobles had a friendly conversation, and as for the royal family, they had some friendships and the like.It's just an early warm-up for the later 20-year competition.

The Lord of Guihai Kingdom was the only one who did not participate in such activities.The other two kings have already arrived.Rose Rose is also here, seeing Rose Rose, Yue Qingran smiled.

Everyone only knows that the leader of Yaori Kingdom has changed, but as for who has changed, no clear news has been received yet.Now, seeing the appearance of Rose Rose, everyone was a little dazed.

I can't come back to my senses, what's the matter with him?Yue Jiqiu was very satisfied with everyone's sluggishness, which fully satisfied her bad taste.

"Your bad taste?" Yue Jiqiu nodded when he saw Bailitang. "I deliberately didn't reveal my identity and appearance, and then I got here two days in advance, not bad."

Yue Qingran shook her head, Yue Jiqiu was hopeless. "Restrain yourself. By the way, we have prepared a lot of good things for you on the way back. Take a look."

Rose's eyes shine. "It's very good? Let me see it." Yue Qingran gave everyone a look, and then took out the black pearl, "Hurry up and eat it, it's good for your health."

Rose ate it unprepared.What they give, even if it is poison, Rose is willing to eat it.Yu Xiran looked at Yue Jiqiu with pity, and shook his head helplessly.

Poor kid, congratulations, the last one to be duped.After the moon rose happily finished eating, she sadly found that there was not a single place on her body that was white.

In other words, you are now completely naked, standing in the dark, as long as the light does not shine on you, you will never notice that you are not wearing clothes.

"You guys, you guys are treating me like this..." Yue Qingran looked at it and laughed out loud. "Very good, very good, the effect is good." After finishing speaking, looking at Yue Jiqiu, except for a little white eyes, everything else turned black.

"It's the black pearl we accidentally discovered under the sea. I think it's not bad, suitable for evil tastes, so I specially use it to honor you."

"When will it be better?" Yue Jiqiu looked at Bailitang in pain, but now, she couldn't see the expression and mood of Yue Jiqiu at all.

The tangled mood of Yue Jiqiu at this moment can only be judged by the sound.

"Well, I don't know, maybe a day or two." After finishing speaking, everyone did not give her any accurate information.

"You guys are too dark, too sinister." After speaking, he covered his face and ran back.Yue Qingran shouted from behind: "Even if you don't cover your face, no one can see what's wrong with you."

Yue Jiqiu heard a burst of crying, and then ran away. "Hahaha, this person is really interesting." After saying this, several people went back with smiles.

Early in the morning of the next day, Rose Rose had returned to her normal complexion, but she had already missed a day's family feast.This family banquet, that is, this trade fair, will probably last for three to five days.

Specifically, it depends on Daojia's attitude towards this.But now it seems that only the leader of the Chihan Kingdom is keen on this.

Yue Jiqiu came here purely to find Yue Qingran and the others, neither Gui Hai Guo Yao nor the lord had appeared.The rest is the Chihan Country, and they are very keen on this.

Even if it is not the nobles of the Chihan country itself, as long as it can benefit themselves, the Chihan country is willing to pay a certain price.It's just for the next 20 years' competition.

Yue Qingran shook her head, she had never seen such enthusiasm, it was like something.Qianye Shangxie looked at this group of people who didn't know what to do. Do they really know the price they have to pay after contacting the royal family?

A companion is like a tiger, do they really understand this truth?Now it is only a temporary benefit, which means that this family will not be able to continue to grow.

When it grows to a certain level, it will definitely be remembered by others, and it will definitely be regarded as a certain threat by the royal family.

Therefore, they are just people who see the immediate interests, people who don't know the inside story at all.Can they really do something with Chihan Country like this?

Is it really possible to seek skin from a tiger?

The few people who had stolen half a day of leisure were discussing these noble children who had reached some kind of agreement.

"I'm looking forward to seeing the fate of these nobles in my lifetime. It's really despicable to be moved only for a little profit."

Yue Qingran sneered: "Do you think they will have that chance to grow stronger? If someone can see the situation clearly, they would already be sensible enough not to participate by now."

"That's right, those who participated are nothing more than greedy people. Greedy, doomed to end badly. Is this the usual practice?" Bailitang participated.

Moon, who hasn't seen Bai Ling'er for a long time, these three people are having fun at this moment.

"Speaking of it, it's better not to be tempted. In this world, there is no free lunch. There is only an idiot's lunch!" After Yue Qingran finished speaking, Bai Litang asked cautiously: "What is the difference between these two? ?"

"Yes! The words are different." Forgive me, after writing these two words down, Bai Litang nodded clearly. "Yes, there is no such thing as a free lunch, only an idiot's lunch."

Qianye Shangxie shook his head, these two people.

Yue Jiqiu glanced at the moon and said: "How about it, as you wish, this child, I didn't spoil her, right?" Yue Qingran nodded, looking at the moon, he was still so clear.

Even, this clarity is even better than that of Yu Xiran.Yu Xiran is not innocent, on the contrary, sometimes he knows more than everyone else, but he is just a little weaker in other aspects of emotional intelligence.

Therefore, Yue Qingran does not hope that there will be another person like this in this world.Now, the moon is very good, and the simple and happy life of the moon is very good.

"Keep going. In the future, don't let him have the opportunity to understand everything else." Yue Jiqiu nodded: "I will try my best, there is still a long way to go!"

After speaking, he looked at Bailitang.Bailitang patted the other party's shoulder: "Brother, you have worked hard, keep it up!" Yue Jiqiu sneered: "Who is your brother."

(End of this chapter)

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