Chapter 209

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, three days have passed.The trading activities went smoothly, and the Chihan Empire received the support of nobles from many countries for this.

So, this event is over.After this is over, half a month later, it will be time for the Three Kingdoms Competition.For the past half month, the Chihan Empire has been summarizing its human and material resources.

When it comes to competitions, everyone must show off their most powerful national power resources.Not only the alliance, but also the wealth of various people, the strength of each country, manpower and so on.

As long as it is proud and can be used to show off, it can be displayed.The purpose is to let other countries know that they are a hard bone, not easy to chew on, and you should pay attention to those who want to attack.

This time, the Luo family directly announced an alliance with the Shangguan royal family, so this also explained why the Luo family would host royal families and nobles from various countries in the form of family banquets.

That's why.When Yue Qingran heard the news, she was in Yue Jiqiu's palace, and she called it, come here to see the scenery...

Yue Jiqiu gritted her teeth: "The Luo family, that's really despicable. I didn't expect them to use such a method."

The Lord of Guihai Kingdom also heard the news, and was stunned for a moment: "Yue Jiqiu should be the Lord of the Yaori Empire, right? What is the relationship between Yue Jiqiu and Yue Qingran? It seems to be good. If this is the case, how about supporting the Yaori Kingdom?" Bar."

"It's counted as flattering Yue Qingran, how about it? Brother Huang, what do you think?" The King of Guihai played with the fan in his hand and nodded: "I'm just curious why Brother Huang is so kind to him."

This question... The Lord of Guihai Nation narrowed his eyes and shook his head: "It's not the time to tell you this question. After a while, I will figure out how to tell you and Yue Qingran, and I will announce it."

The King Guihai didn't want to ask any more questions.No matter what my brother did, he was right.

Smiled, my younger brother, in fact, is also very good sometimes.

"The Luo family and the Shangguan royal family formed an alliance to jointly deal with the Yaori Yueshi. This is shocking news! I don't know, have our Yueshi offended anyone?"

After Yue Jiqiu received this news, she shook her head helplessly: "Yue Qingran, Yue Qingran, look at you, have you caused a lot of trouble? I'm heartbroken!"

Yue Qingran snorted coldly: "So what? Didn't you also say that you would not let the Luo family have a good life?" Yue Jiqiu touched his nose, as if he had said such a sentence.

"Okay, okay, no matter what, our Yue clan is so big, can't we deal with a small royal family?" Yue Qingran smiled and didn't care about this question.

At the same time, the Lord of Guihai Kingdom issued a notice: "Unconditionally support the Yaori Yueshi, if you really need it, you can withdraw from the competition, and support the Yaori Royal Family behind the scenes!"

Colleague Yue Jiqiu has information from both sides, which is very insidious. "Yue Qingran, look, the one who dealt with you was because of you, and the one who helped you was because of you. You said you, what did you do?"

Yue Qingrana was also shocked when she saw this news. What shocked her was none other than that the Lord of Guihai Kingdom was willing to give up the game unconditionally for this!

"What kind of feelings does the Lord of Guihai have for me? What is the meaning of it... Could it be that he really likes me?" Yue Qingran touched his chin and said slowly.

"Don't put gold on your face, I hope the other party has no other thoughts about you. If you have other thoughts, or take a fancy to the strength behind you, you should be careful if you take other people's hands softly."

"It's still too late to refuse!" Yue Jiqiu persuaded.After all, what the ruler of the country is going to do has never been said.Yue Qingran said in person that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

That being the case.He must have a plan. If he didn't have a plan, how could he give up these things so easily?You know, this is a good time to show off your national strength. Is it really worth giving up all this in order to please Yue Qingran?
Yue Qingran pondered for a moment: "I choose to trust the other party. No matter what the other party's plan is, I want to believe it. The way he looks at me shows no malice! So, even if he asks for something later, I'm willing to give it."

Yue Jiqiu stamped her feet angrily, but Yue Qingran had no right to change what she had decided.That being the case, since Yue Qingran has decided to agree, then so be it.

"The path you choose, you are responsible for completing it yourself. If you encounter something, don't blame me. I won't spend the whole Sunday as your funeral."

Yue Qingran nodded: "If it really comes to that time, and you are really deceived, then you should take Yao Ri off to force Yue Shi, and don't be implicated innocently."

Yue Jiqiu glared at Yue Qingran angrily, and sighed helplessly. "Why are you so overwhelmed?" Yue Qingran smiled wryly: "I also want to know why I am so stubborn."

Because Gui Haiguo withdrew from the competition, he chose to support Yaoriguo.On the other side, the Luo family supported the Chihan country, so, after this, the competition between the two countries became a draw.

This also means that Yaori Kingdom will definitely not sit idly by if they want to move back to Hai Kingdom in the future.Similarly, if the Luo family is moved, then the Chihan Kingdom will not just sit idly by.

So, now, both sides are a little wary.Not daring to act rashly, so this 20-year-old Three Kingdoms competition turned into a draw.

"Tsk tsk, it's actually a draw?" Yue Jiqiu couldn't believe it.Bailitang smiled: "It would be great if the Qianye family also participated, but unfortunately, at that time, it is not suitable to reveal their identity."

Yue Jiqiu shook his head: "That's right, there are always some unknown trump cards here, right? Our biggest trump card is the Qianye family!"

"The Yue family has been announced, so now only the Qianye family is left. Therefore, this will be our biggest hole card, and at the same time, it is also the hole card we are proud of."

After finishing speaking, Yue Jiqiu looked at Bailitang meaningfully: "When it is really necessary for you to show up, it will be fine for you to show up again. At that time, it will be too late to reveal your identity."

Qianye Shangxie was on the side, originally silent, but suddenly spoke up: "If I announce it, then my first thing is to crusade against the Luo family. If the Luo family dares to threaten me, then I will never let him go .”

Taking a look at Yue Qingran: "Also, I will not let anyone who dares to hurt Yue Qingran go away." Yue Qingran smiled in satisfaction.

Seeing that Qianye went up heresy and said that he wanted to crusade against the Luo family, Yue Qing didn't feel it at all.Yue Qingran doesn't care about the reason he said, the only thing Yue Qingran cares about is whether he has a little bit because the Luo family treats her badly.

Yue Qingran didn't want to deny it, but in her heart, she really liked what Qianye Shangxie said.Moreover, I don't want to admit it, when Qianye Shangxie didn't say this, Yue Qingran was a little nervous.

I was so worried, Qianye Shangxie forgot his own reason.

"Okay, when you need it, you are welcome to attack the Luo family at any time. After the Luo family is resolved, the next step will be easier. If you want to unify the Three Kingdoms, it is not impossible."

Yue Qingran raised the corner of her mouth and smiled. "This time, Guihai Kingdom actually gave up the competition, out of reason, Yue Jiqiu, you have to go there as the lord of the country, as a thank you, and stay sincere."

Yue Jiqiu nodded: "I know this, don't worry, I will go. When are you leaving? I will be with you." Yue Qingran thought for a while: "Then, I want to go and have fun, and then go. "

Yue Jiqiu Fue: "No, what's your plan?" Yue Qingran shook his head: "No, the plan was to start directly from Luo's house, go around the back, go directly to the back of Guihai Kingdom, and finally arrive at your place."

"But now, it's changed, it's directly to you. So, you can go wherever you want." Yue Qingran raised her eyebrows, looked at Yue Jiqiu, and waited for Yue Jiqiu to say something.

Yue Jiqiu was speechless, and didn't understand why Yue Qingran was so interested in traveling.Walk around and look for places that are remote and uninhabited, suitable for living in the wild.

Sighing: "Okay, you can go however you want, as you please." After listening to Yue Qingran, she smiled: "Sure enough, I knew it would be like this."

Yue Jiqiu took a look at Bailitang, Bailitang had already started kissing me with Bai Linger, Yue Jiqiu was speechless: "Don't you bother with him? Don't you feel tired with his appearance?"

Qianye Shangxie shook his head: "As long as he likes it." Bai Litang didn't even look at it: "We can't care about it." After finishing speaking, he continued to contact Bai Ling'er.

"You guys, you guys! Yue Qingran, go to the Lord of Guihai Kingdom first, Xian expresses his sincerity, and then we go to other places to play. If we go late, they will be dissatisfied."

Yue Qingran turned her eyes and nodded: "Okay, yes." After finishing speaking, she turned around and found a place to rest.

"I'm going to rest, you continue." After finishing speaking, take a step first.Seeing Yue Qing ran away, several men who had no right to speak continued to talk there while suffering.

"Bailitang, I ask you to find out what the Lord of Guihai Kingdom means to Yue Qingran, and what does this attitude mean!" Suo Wan looked directly at Bailitang.

Although I know that Yue Qingran is with me, but the attitude of the Lord of Guihai Kingdom towards me also affects my analysis.

Bai Litang nodded, "I'll investigate." Said Wan, and left first.

The next morning, when Yue Qingran got up, she saw Yu Xiran who was practicing with Bailitang. Yu Xiran worked very hard, so now his strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

Seeing the harmony between these two individuals, Yue Qingran was relieved. "Morning, did you wake up early!" Bailitang saw Yue Qingran from the corner of his eyes, stopped his movements, and greeted Yue Qingran.

(End of this chapter)

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