Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 210 Visiting as the Lord

Chapter 210 Visiting as the Lord
Yue Qingran nodded, and Yu Xiran also stopped his basic ability training. "Practice hard, you will be useful in the future." Yu Xiran nodded: "I will."

With an indifferent voice, Yue Qingran felt helpless: "Your voice is so indifferent, you won't be able to find the little girl in the future." A crack appeared on Yu Xiran's delicate and perfect face...

"You don't have to worry about this. Individuals have their own tastes." After finishing speaking, he continued to practice. "Hey! You are so young, you still know what taste is?"

Yu Xiran gave Yue Qingran that supercilious look, and looked at the other party mockingly: "Is it possible that you didn't know when you were so old?" Yue Qingran was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

"Little guy, when I was your age, what I had to do every day was to test medicine, train, kill, and test medicine! It was all these things every day, sometimes I didn't even have time to sleep, and I was free to think about other things? "

Yu Xiran lowered his eyes, did not speak, and continued to move his hands.

Yue Qingran said 'tsk tsk' twice: "Go ahead, I'll go back first." After speaking, Yue Qingran left first.Yu Xiran absent-mindedly did the morning exercises he had to do every morning last night, then looked up at Bailitang.

"Okay, go and have a look." After finishing speaking, he patted Yu Xiran on the shoulder. "You are a man. If you did something wrong, you should comfort him well."

Yu Xiran nodded with a firm face.Although, I can't see it...

Find Yue Qingran, Yue Qingran is in a daze, looking at a big tree.

"Are you angry?" Yu Xiran asked cautiously behind Yue Qingran.Yue Qingran shook her head: "How come? I'm just thinking about the past, I'm almost forgetting my past life."

"Tsk tsk, it's really been too long since you've been here?" Yu Xiran moved his lips, wanting to say something, but finally swallowed weakly.

"Isn't it good that you are like this now? It's not good to forget the past. Since he is willing to give you a new chance, just live a good life. Before, it can be regarded as a dream. When you wake up from the dream, you still The moon is clear."

Yu Xiran thought about it and said so.

Yue Qingran suddenly turned her head back, and stared at Yu Xiran closely: "What did you say?" Yu Xiran was stunned for a moment, pursed his lips, and said again: "Take that as a dream, now, start over!"

Yue Qingran smiled: "Yeah, it's just a dream, I don't care how long this dream has been, but now that I wake up from the dream, that's enough, I'm still me, there is no change."

"The only thing that changed is that I met more people. Also, I met my favorite person and brother!" Yu Xiran twitched the corners of his lips: "Well, you met me, the most beautiful."

Yue Qingran let out a chuckle: "It really puts gold on your face, the best thing is to meet Qianye Shangxie." Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

"I heard someone talking about me, what are they talking about me?" Looking at Yue Qingran, waiting for him to give a satisfactory answer. "I'm praising you, meeting you is my greatest happiness and luck."

Qianye Shangxie was taken aback for a moment at first, then the light in his eyes flashed and he smiled.The brilliance that bloomed in an instant made Yue Qingran's heart flutter!
"Why am I not? Meeting you is my greatest happiness." Yu Xiran curled her lips silently and gave up the venue to these two people.

Anyway, I know that because of my own existence, Yue Qingran feels that her life is complete.This is enough, his status, in his heart, must not be low.

"Qingran, I heard what you said. No matter what your previous life was like, I will accompany you in your future life. Those are all Nanke Yimeng. When you wake up from the dream, I will be by your side!"

Yue Qingran laughed, very happy.I am very happy to have you here.I am very honored that I have the opportunity to come here, meet you, and fall in love with you.

The next day, when we were ready, we set off.This time, with the participation of Yue Jiqiu on the way, the atmosphere has obviously become much better, and Yu Xiran also likes to make Bailitang angry.

Therefore, Yue Jiqiu successfully got the dream ally.The two of them had been enjoying Bailitang along the way, and Bai Linger never tired of watching from behind, without saying anything about helping.

It is actually very close from here to Guihai Country.Because Sunday is not a very big country.Therefore, it took less than two days for everyone to enter the sphere of influence of Guihai Kingdom.

From here, it is still a bit far to reach the imperial city of Guihai Kingdom.However, it took a day to arrive.Yue Qingran doesn't remember who said a word before, in modern times, you can go anywhere within 24 hours.

In ancient times, no matter where you went, even if you only walked less than one kilometer, it took half a day.In ancient times, time was spent on dry roads, so it was used to pass the boring time.

In modern times, time is spent playing video games, so it is used to pass the boring time.This is the difference between ancient and modern.

Yue Qingran suddenly misses that carriage that can fly in the sky.It's a pity that the existence of that carriage is the only one, and there is no other semicolon.

At other times, do you want to hurry?You can use a carriage, anyway, you have some time, from birth to death, with so much time, you can always complete these journeys.

In the evening, at the last moment of blocking the city gate, everyone finally went in.The guard at the door also complained: "Be early next time, if this is the case, next time I won't stop."

Bailitang smiled apologetically, and then reluctantly went in.From a distance, seeing that the city gate was about to be closed, Bailitang started to shout: "Wait a minute, wait a moment."

Then, speed up the carriage.The guard at the city gate had some conscience, so he stopped there and waited for a while.Then, when Bailitang and the others came in, they closed the city gate tightly.

Because it was a private visit, the leader of Guihai Kingdom was not notified, and therefore, no one came out to greet him.But this is not a problem, just a few people go together tomorrow.

Having said that, the Lord of Guihai Kingdom still received the news.

"What? Are you here? Tomorrow morning, go out to meet him." After speaking, he waved his subordinates back.

Early the next morning, just as Bailitang got up, he saw a row of people at the door... Bailitang was speechless.Looking at the people at the door, he said, "Wait for a while, everyone will come out soon."

After finishing speaking, let's go in quickly, Yue Jiqiu and the others called out.When Yue Jiqiu came out and saw this situation, he was shocked: "You guys, how did you know the news?"

The other party smiled: "It's nothing, I just received the news, please tell me!" After speaking, he made a gesture and pointed to the carriage behind him.

Yue Jiqiu rubbed her forehead helplessly. "Let's go, I thought we could visit in private, but look at this, with such a big show, we are doomed."

After finishing speaking, he lifted the hem of his clothes and got into the carriage.

Afterwards, Yue Qingran and the others also boarded the carriage.When they arrived at the palace, the Lord of Guihai Kingdom was already waiting by the side.

"I came here this time as a country lord, and I came here to thank the lord of Guihai country. For this, you have paid so much and made so many contributions." These are all occasional words, and Yue Jiqiu still wants to ask Some private topics, just not now.

The lord of Guihai Kingdom also noticed it, and waved everyone away.

"What do you want to say, say it." Yue Jiqiu called out Yue Qingran and the others.Yue Jiqiu said bluntly: "I want to know, what kind of benefits does the king want by doing this?"

"Or, what are you plotting against Yue Qingran? All I know is that if you don't have anything to do, it's either rape or robbery. So, would the lord of the country be willing to tell you what you think?"

What Yue Jiqiu said was so aggressive that the ruler of Guihai Kingdom didn't know what to do.His face was a little ugly.Looking at Yue Qingran in embarrassment, he hesitated.

"This... I will only tell you that I will not harm you. Anyone can pay you back, but I will not. I will only support you unconditionally. I know you may not believe me when I say this, but I just want Said, I will definitely not have any other plots." If there is a plot, it is only to plot that Yue Qingran can forgive herself after knowing the truth.

Yue Qingran raised her eyebrows: "Why are you so sure that anyone can harm me, but you won't? Why do you say that you have no plot against me? No plot, what are you doing now?"

The Lord of Guihai was stunned, how could Yue Qingran think so. "You, I don't know how to tell you the truth now. If it is possible, if you really want to think so, then I am just seeking some benefits. You can understand it this way. As for the benefits I want, I still have to Didn't think about it."

Yue Qingran frowned: "What are you talking about, are you saying that I can do whatever I want? You have to make it clear, otherwise, our relationship will come to an end."

The head of Guihai Kingdom slapped the table and stood up: "No! You can do anything, but our relationship can't just stop here." Qianye Shangxie frowned: "What's your relationship?"

Yue Qingran was stunned for a moment, as if, unknowingly, she said something that was misunderstood?
"There is no relationship between us, you are overthinking." After speaking, looking at the leader of Guihai Kingdom, the threat was obvious. "Yes, there is no relationship between us. If there is a relationship, it is also my relationship, and it has nothing to do with him."

These words completely confused Yue Qingran.

"What on earth do you want to say? What do you want to do? There is nothing to show courteousness to, rape or steal. In this world, there is no free lunch. How can I believe that you are doing this now?"

The Lord of Guihai Kingdom had a bitter face: "Don't think so much, you just need to know that I will never harm you. If he loves you, then I love you..."

Pointing at Qianye to be evil, pointing at himself, but no matter what, he couldn't say what he wanted to say.

"What are you doing to me?"

Sighing: "I just think that if I can have a child like you, I will be very pleased. So, you just take it, I want to train you to be a righteous daughter."

Yue Qingran snorted coldly: "That's it, it's too simple, isn't it? It seems that you want to say more than that? When are you going to make it clear?"

Sighing: "No matter when, you have to remember, not now."

Yue Qingran sneered: "Since that's the case, let's do this first. I choose to believe in you, don't let me down. Well, next, you two kings have a good talk. I will leave first."

After finishing speaking, Yue Qingran stayed for Qianye Shangxie, and left first.Only Yue Jiqiu and the owner of Guihai Kingdom were left, and the two stared at each other, not knowing what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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