Chapter 211
The Lord of Guihai Kingdom sighed weakly at last, "Does the Lord of Yaori Kingdom have anything else to say? I will help only because of Yue Qingran's existence, so there is nothing else to talk about. If it's okay, I'm tired , Lord Yaori can visit by himself."

Yue Jiqiu blinked and lowered his hands: "Okay, then I will visit by myself, my lord, please do it!" The lord of Guihai Kingdom just ordered the people to take good care of him, and then left.

Rose followed behind, and the two parted ways in the corridor.

"Yue Qingran!" Yue Jiqiu watched the Lord of Guihai leave, and turned back to look for Yue Qingran.Before entering the door, there was already a mournful sound.

Yue Qingran was sitting with Qianye Shangxie hugging at this time, Qianye Shangxie heard the sound of mourning, and cast a fierce glance at Yue Jiqiu who just walked in.

Yue Jiqiu shrunk her neck and walked in with a dry smile. "You let him go just like that? Are you going to ask again?" Yue Qingran raised her eyebrows, "What are you asking?"

"Hungry..." Touching his nose, he sat down on his buttocks: "Then, you believe that he still has a reason not to say it, and you believe that he is not actually using you?"

Yue Qingran's eyebrows turned slightly: "Yes, that's how I believe it. It's just a feeling, and I think it's quite accurate. I just want to say, I will believe him. He will definitely not harm me."

Yue Jiqiu sighed: "Come on, you can do whatever you want. It's still the same sentence, you will be responsible for the consequences. Just don't come to me crying. Sadness and disappointment are all your own business."

Yue Qingran smiled, leaned against Qianye Shangxie's arms, and stopped talking. "You don't care, in case Yue Qingran is really sad at that time, in the end you will be the most distressed, right?"

Yue Jiqiu said evil things to Qianye.Qianye Shangxie lowered his eyes and looked at Yue Qingran: "Anyway, I will accompany her, laugh with her, and cry for her." Yue Jiqiu was so disgusted that he shivered all over and quickly got up.

"Okay! You two love each other, go, I'll leave first, I can't stand the two of you, really." With a distorted expression, he hurriedly got up and left, he would rather go to someone else than watch the two of them irritate himself, a lonely person. .

However, if you are looking for someone else... Thinking about the two equally loving couples, Yue Jiqiu sighed heavily, it seems that there is really no place for me to stay.

No matter what Yue Jiqiu thinks, Yue Qingran has no reason to believe it.Yue Qingran even thought that if she was really used, she could even imagine how broken she would be if she was really betrayed.

Pay for your self-confidence and blind trust.

Yue Qingran could imagine the consequences, but in life, shouldn't she just give it a go.At least, it didn't come in vain.If the journey along the way is too calm, in fact, it is not good for Yue Qingran.

Try it like this, if you really fall to pieces, Yue Qingran will probably learn to behave better from now on.If not, then Yue Qingran can only say, thank God for being willing to take such good care of herself.

"Don't think too much, no matter what decision you make, I will be with you." Qianye Shangxie looked at Yue Qingran's absent-minded side face, knowing that Yue Qingran was probably planning for the outcome of this matter .

I dare not think of a good result because I am worried. In fact, God has never cared for me.Therefore, only think of the worst outcome, as long as the last thing is not the worst outcome that I thought of, then it should still be within the range that I can bear.

After hearing Qianye Shangxie's words, Yue Qingran felt more at ease.I am not afraid of anything else, but worry that when I know the result, someone will blame me.Now that someone is willing to share weal and woe with her, Yue Qingran will relax a bit.

At least, some burdens can be shared by others, so that you don't have to carry them by yourself.

"Okay, let's go out and see what to eat first, so you haven't eaten well, so let's go eat something first. I talked with the king for so long, and I didn't eat any snacks."

Yue Qingran rolled her eyes, staring at Qianye Shangxie.Qianye Shangxie actually dared to eat snacks?Talking to the Lord, it’s not bad if you don’t sit upright, but you want to talk while eating?What a joke.

"Forget it, let's find a place to eat." Yue Qingran sighed helplessly.Qianye Shangxie is generally very serious, but as a man, there are always one or two days a month when he is not serious.

Qianye Shangxie didn't know what Yue Qingran was thinking, otherwise he would definitely vomit blood and die.

After staying with the Lord of Guihai Kingdom for a few days, Yue Qingran and others who originally decided to take a look around Guihai Kingdom were forced to find them by a message from the north.

As the saying goes, people are not as good as heaven.However, Yue Qingran found out that no matter whether it was calculated by man or by heaven, it seemed that she had never figured it out, and she had never even figured it out.

After a while, it just made myself more dizzy.

Starlight Academy's urgent call, how dare you not go?Under normal circumstances, Ge Xingkong knew the situation of several people.Especially in the current turmoil, Yaori Empire has changed hands, don't know who changed hands, Ge Xingkong has no reason not to know.

Since Ge Xingkong knew, it must be worth the relationship between Yue Qingran and Yue Jiqiu, so Ge ​​Xingkong had no reason to call everyone back when everyone was so busy.

Although they were everyone, they were mainly looking for Yue Qingran and Qianye Shangxie.Because only these two people are the ones who bribed the college, and the rest, it can only be said that they have no place to go so they are together.

But even so, it doesn't work.Everyone is really like a wolf before a tiger, and just experienced the 20-year three-country competition. Although the final result is unclear, at least they participated in it.

After the competition, the Shangguan royal family followed closely, and the attitude of the Guihai Empire in front was unclear.Yue Jiqiu was basically used by one person as two people. At this moment, Yue Qingran, they didn't help, but ran away instead, which was unreasonable.

Ge Xingkong has been the dean for so many years, so he is not a vegetarian if he can be among the strong.Since he can clearly distinguish the current situation, he will not call everyone back at such a juncture.

At this time, seeing the password of this emergency recall, the only reason everyone can think of is: Xinghui Academy is in trouble.

Otherwise, teach the two of them what to do?General small matter, Ge Xingkong can settle it, it is useless to call it back.At this time, calling them back must be related to the survival of Xinghui Academy and other major events.

But Yue Qingran couldn't think of any major event that would force Ge Xingkong to ask the two of them to go back.Is it because of their ability or their power?
Can't bear to think too much, now, what everyone has to do is to go back quickly.

"No, I'm leaving now? That old fox Ge Xingkong, did he do it on purpose?" Yue Jiqiu heard the news, immediately slapped the table and got up, roaring angrily.

It's true, Yue Qingran and the others are here, even if they can't help, there are some things we can discuss together.None of them are outsiders.

But now, everyone is gone, which means that Yue Jiqiu will go back with the moon.Yaori's private visit on Weibo, by the way, thanks to the Guihai Empire, this matter has passed.

After they left, Yue Jiqiu had no reason to stay here.It means that he is going back to China and has dealt with state affairs.It means that he has no one to help share some of it.

"You can find people from Yuezhi. They are all smart and brainy. You don't need to be in the right place. Train them well, let them work harder, and help you share."

Yue Qingran said lightly, without even blinking her eyelids. "What you said is simple. How long will it take me to train them? This group of people can't learn well."

"That's your problem. Anyway, I'm going back. Ge Xingkong knew about our situation, and he still gave us the letter, which means something really happened."

Yue Jiqiu gritted his teeth: "It's better to be like this." Gritting his teeth, he said: "Otherwise, if you let me know that he is just idle and bored, I will make Xinghui Academy become Star Academy from now on."

Make him dizzy, dizzy with stars in his eyes.

Qianye Shangxie burst out laughing: "Actually, the stars are pretty good too." Yue Jiqiu gave Qianye Shangxie a vicious look.

Several people gathered around the square table, discussing in a hurry.The moon knew that everyone was leaving, so she was a little bit reluctant.Yue Qingran sighed deeply: "Moon, next time, I will come back to see you."

When is the next time you agreed?Yue Qingran doesn't know the exact time, maybe a month, maybe a lifetime.No one can say for sure.

Although this is an extremely inaccurate and meaningless oath, it still makes the moon grin. "Then I'll wait until you come next time."

Yue Qingran's eyes darkened, she stared deeply at the moon for a long time, finally nodded, with a friendly and gentle smile on the corner of her mouth: "Okay, wait for me."

"Come on, now is not the time to talk about this. Tell me, when to leave. I also know that I can't stop you, I can only let you have a smooth journey. The moon is clear, no matter how good the scenery ahead is, without those Humans are not good enough."

"Since those people are not in front, you might as well look back, even though you have already walked the road there. However, you have left your heart behind, in the scenery behind, and in the people behind You might as well look back."

Yue Qingran no longer remembers where she heard these words before, but she just felt very familiar.However, what I can do is still nodding and smiling, nothing else.

Someone once said that, look back and see where your heart belongs.But Yue Qingran's answer at that time was indifference, right?
Since you choose to start over, it is better to change a result.What's the use of people if you don't have a heart?If it is true, the scenery in front does not have those people, so what is the use of being beautiful?

No matter how beautiful the scenery is, without the person who accompanies you, you will always feel lonely. "I will." Yue Qingran replied.After getting the answer, Yue Jiqiu breathed a sigh of relief.

At least there is an answer, then maybe he will consider looking back at those scenery and those people.

(End of this chapter)

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