Chapter 212
As for the Chihan Empire, Qianye Shangxie found out that there has never been anything good about being connected with the Chihan Empire.Is it true that one side supports the other side?
In a country, the ruler of the country is like this, the royal family is like this, not to mention the Luo family who settled down here, and there is no good bird.

Shaking his head, he accidentally saw Ge Xingkong once, and Qianye Shangxie took a few glances, his expression frightened.He quickly released his spiritual power.Suppress Yue Qingran.

Qianye Shangxie has his advantage as the Qianye family, the forced opening of the veins, naturally progresses faster than Yue Qingran, who slowly opened the veins by himself.

Qianye Shangxie easily suppressed Yue Qingran with his strong spiritual power. "Qingran, draw back your strength." With the suppression of Qianye Shangxie, the spiritual power released from Yue Qingran became significantly less, and everyone present felt better.

Although it's not too uncomfortable, it's like two people contradicting each other. It's not uncomfortable, but their strengths are similar, and it's not uncomfortable to contradict each other.

Yue Qingran looked back at Qianye Shangxie with gloomy eyes.If Qianye Shangxie didn't give an explanation, Yue Qingran would definitely not let him go.

Sensing that Yue Qingran had pulled back his strength, Qianye Shangxie secretly breathed a sigh of relief.Seeing Yue Qingran's gloomy gaze, Qianye Shangxie groaned in his heart.

But after seeing Ge Xingkong's appearance, Qianye Shangxie didn't bother to say anything else, he hurried over, put his palm on Ge Xingkong's back, and slowly input some spiritual power.

Yue Qingran only saw Ge Xingkong's appearance at this time, he was obviously poisoned, moreover, he must have been seriously injured.

"What's going on?" Yue Qingran was also a little guilty, and hurried over to feel her pulse.Then, the eyes became colder, and there was an impenetrable cold light in Shandong's eyes.

"The dean was wounded by the royal family and poisoned. He couldn't force out the poison for a while, and he couldn't use his spiritual power at the moment. Because of this, he brought everyone back."

"Otherwise, with the few of us, we can still defeat them with caution."

Yue Qingran listened and nodded. "Is Yue Jiqiu's antidote good?" Although Ge Xingkong didn't know what Yue Jiqiu's ability was, he still knew that the lord of Yaori Kingdom, Yue Jiqiu, was very good at refining medicine.

Shaking his head: "I'm afraid it won't work. This poison is very weird. I'm afraid the general antidote won't work. If I use it wrong, it will cost me all my cultivation. It's a tricky poison."

Yue Qingran's face became even colder, "The Chihan Empire? It looks like this country is going to be destroyed." He murmured something in a low voice, but no one heard it clearly, but the few people who were closer to Yue Qingran did hear it.

Qianye Shangxie had no expression on his face, even if Yue Qingran didn't do it, he would do it.There is really no need to stay in this country.

Relying on the Yuezhi family and the Qianye family, these two families are united together, plus the Yaori Empire of Yuejiqiu.It shouldn't be too difficult to destroy this country.

If there is a favorable wind, I am afraid that Guihai Kingdom will have a foot in it.Of course, this kick was definitely on Yue Qingran's side.Qianye believes that the evil has just not come.

For that gaze and the head of the Guihai Kingdom who is always calm and painful, Qianye Shangxie just doesn't think that the other party is a bad person.At least, he treats Yue Qingran no worse than others.

After hearing these words, Ge Xingkong was only shocked, and then he was relieved.He believed that Yue Qingran and Qianye Shangxie had this ability.

As for Ertou and Jueming, who also heard the same thing, sitting next to Ge Xingkong, obviously, these two people are not very happy.After they heard this sentence, they entered a state of confusion.

There is no doubt about Yue Qingran and Qianye's ability to ward off evil spirits.It's just that they said such words so brazenly, generally speaking, it's still a bit shocking.

After all, Ertou and Jueming, they don't know how powerful Yue Qingran is, they just think that they think things too simply.

Ge Xingkong breathed a sigh of relief, patted Yue Qingran's hand that was afraid of Yue Qingran, and signaled Yue Qingran and Qianye Shangxie to sit back, and he was going to continue talking.

Yue Qingran went back, finished it, and then listened.

Ge Xingkong continued what was said above, and Mr. Zhou continued without knowing where he was going. "Mr. Zhou, everyone who has been in contact with him knows that Mr. Zhou is a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside."

"Many of the students here are basically students called out by Teacher Zhou. Although Teacher Zhou's teaching methods may be a bit harsh, it is undeniable that the students taught by Teacher Zhou are very good."

"As long as you endure hardships and pass the level of Teacher Zhou, it will have an irreplaceable effect on you in the future. So, this time, no matter what everyone's attitude towards Teacher Zhou, I just want to say that I approve of Teacher Zhou's teaching Way."

Yue Qingran listened and nodded.Indeed, Mr. Zhou's teaching method is a bit scary, but he really carried it through, and everyone benefited in the end.

Seeing that no one had any objection, Ge Xingkong leaned back slightly, leaned on the back of the chair, and continued. "What happened this time was because Mr. Zhou's teaching method was disturbed by a student who did evil and pretended to be a child of the royal family, which led to such a thing."

Yue Qingran raised her eyebrows, is there such a thing?

Ge Xingkong slowly explained the reason, only then did Yue Qingran know the reason.At the same time, he also had a new understanding of the Chihan Empire, but this understanding was not good.

A certain student, relying on his wealth and power, relied on his strong background to successfully squeeze out a classmate who originally belonged to Teacher Zhou's class, and then became a student in Teacher Zhou's class.

As we all know, the classes taught by Mr. Zhou are all the classes where the elites are.It's just that elites need to be honed.That young man with a tough backstage was originally not very capable, and it was even more difficult to come here.

In particular, Teacher Zhou's teaching method is obvious to all.Brutal is an adjective.Teacher Zhou has the ability to expel students directly, so many students dare not speak out against his request.

For these students, for them, these physical training, these cruel events, are not the key to cultivation.As long as you can practice, that's enough.

They thought that this would make them stronger.Mr. Zhou still does his best to teach this group of students.It's just that this high-ranking official's son can't stand these treatments, so he innocently didn't go to the teacher's class last week.

In the later period, he was forcibly expelled by Teacher Zhou.It was because of the cover-up that this student held a grudge, and because of this, a series of tragedies happened about Mr. Zhou, about this Xinghui Academy, and about this small town.

The reason is just a simple-minded noble boy with well-developed limbs who won't suffer through the backstage machine.His revenge was to tell his father what happened.

My own father was inciting the lord of the country, so the tragedy happened.

The lord of the country ordered his army to come over and brutally trampled on this town in order to retaliate.The purpose is to tell Xinghui Academy that the next one is you.

Xinghui Academy, because of Ge Xingkong's existence, the country's lord does not dare to take direct action against Xinghui Academy.In particular, Xinghui Academy also has an inner court that never intervenes unless it is an emergency.

After the small town, the student's father was dissatisfied with this approach, because he wanted to shake the foundation of Xinghui Academy, but this approach was useless.

So, he once again said something to the king, and the king once got hotheaded and launched an attack.This time, he put on enough hands, not only captured Teacher Zhou, but also injured Ge Xingkong.

After Yue Qingran heard it, every time, this student, all of this was because of a student, a student who didn't learn countless things.

"So, what about the inner courtyard? Did you take action? Now that the situation has become like this, does the inner courtyard still choose to watch?" Yue Qingran has always been very puzzled by the existence of the inner courtyard.

He doesn't understand why the students of Xinghui Academy graduate directly after a certain time, no matter how good you are when the time comes.Even if you have become a senior spiritual master or a higher level, you will graduate directly.

Not even a chance to enter the inner courtyard.So, what is the purpose of the inner courtyard?

Now, I finally know how mysterious the inner courtyard is from this sporadic words.The inner courtyard doesn't even appear in front of the Star Academy.

Obviously, the entire Xinghui Academy, whether it is the inner courtyard or the outer courtyard, was established by Ge Xingkong.Even if he doesn't give other people's face, Ge Xingkong's face must be given, right?

Ge Xingkong shook his head: "Although I was the one who received resumes in the Inner Court, the current person in charge of the Inner Court is not mine, so we had three chapters of agreement at the beginning."

After finishing speaking, he pondered for a moment: "Speaking of which, the inner courtyard is still the inner courtyard, but the selection criteria are different from the outer courtyard. The outer courtyard is for entry by examination, and the inner courtyard is for the teacher to go out to find students to enter."

"So, the strength of the inner court is very powerful. On the surface, they are part of my Xinghui Academy. In fact, they have their own rules and regulations, and I have no way to interfere. Strictly speaking, they are lazy to choose names. The Unnamed Academy is also available."

Yue Qingran finally understood that the inner courtyard of feelings just used a name, in fact, it was their own school, and they just didn't want to leave Xinghui Academy.

"Then under what circumstances will they help?" Ge Xingkong frowned: "To put it bluntly, I don't know. It should all depend on their mood to help. I have never encountered such a thing, so It has never been used in the inner courtyard, so naturally I don’t know.”

After finishing speaking, he rubbed his chin: "It's because of this that I brought you all back, just to prevent the inner court from not helping. If we don't help, then we will have to rely on ourselves."

The corner of Yue Qingran's mouth twitched, and he let out a weak sigh. "I only know that Mr. Zhou was taken away in this incident, who is the student and what is his identity."

Ge Xingkong took out a stack of materials, which are the materials that everyone needs to enter Teacher Zhou's class.He took out a copy and handed it to Yue Qingran.

"What I hope you can do is to help bring Teacher Zhou back. After all, that place is the imperial palace, and I don't worry about him being taken away by the royal family."

Yue Qingran looked at the information: "I will be responsible for finding the bad luck of this family, you will be responsible for finding Teacher Zhou, and the rest will stay and guard the school. If possible, I will let them come to the school once."

(End of this chapter)

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