Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 214 Prepare to meet the baptism of anger

Chapter 214 Prepare to meet the baptism of anger
Qianye Shangxie found the door where the Leng Gong was, listened attentively, and walked out quietly without the sound of breathing.

After leaving the cold palace, counting the time, it was almost time, Qianye Shangxie quickly took a look at the place he was in charge of, and after confirming that there was no Mr. Zhou and no prisoners, Qianye Shangxie left with peace of mind.

The same goes for Bailitang.Bailitang Tan searched around, but found no clues worth using, and was almost discovered by several guards of the Chihan Empire.

Bai Litang wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead. Although the sweat didn't exist, it was undeniable that he was really frightened.

Bailitang hissed and hurried to the meeting place.At the rendezvous point, Qianye Shangxie is here, and Bailitang is also here, and now only Yue Qingran has not returned.

Yue Qingran carefully searched every corner of the palace. In the courtyard of the palace, there are always some things that the emperor's family wants to hide. Therefore, secret passages and secret rooms are indispensable no matter when and where.

Because of this, Yue Qingran was unwilling to miss everything.

However, time waits for no one, the agreed upon meeting time is almost here, Yue Qingran could only stomp her feet impatiently, and in desperation, she bit her lip and left here unwillingly.

Yue Qingran didn't find out her scope clearly, but due to time issue, she had to go back quickly.Yue Qingran knew in her heart that if Teacher Zhou was really missed by others, it didn't matter if she went early or late, as long as she was thinking about things sooner or later.

Although Teacher Zhou is a good teacher, in comparison, he is really not important.Therefore, even if Yue Qingran was a little unwilling, she continued to search without wasting time.

In Yue Qingran's view, there is no need to spend so much for someone who is not too important.He is a good teacher and has kindness to himself. It is true, but speaking of it, it is the same as the difference between classmates, ordinary friends, and girlfriends.

Even as a teacher, there are grades and grades.Teacher Zhou can only be regarded as a classmate.Get along day and night, have some feelings, you are in trouble, I will help if I can, and I don’t care if I can’t.

Therefore, Yue Qing was not reconciled to not being able to find anyone.But it doesn't mean that Yue Qingran can do something outrageous for an insignificant person.

There are priorities, Yue Qingran can still understand clearly.

Stepping on the time to go back, I saw that these two people were already waiting anxiously.If he appeared a few seconds later, would these two people rush back to find him?
"Why so late?" Qianye Shangxie breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Yue Qingran appear, and then began to complain.

"Hehe, I searched more carefully." Qianye Shangxie frowned, "Is this necessary?" Yue Qingran shook her head and smiled, without saying a word.

"I don't think it's important or not. I'm afraid Yue Qingran has other thoughts? I don't believe that Yue Qingran has done so much for an ordinary teacher. Find out carefully? Are you kidding me?"

Bailitang followed behind the two, talking as they walked.With everyone's understanding of Yue Qingran, Yue Qingran will never do such thankless things.

Even if the other party is really in trouble, there is a purpose for Yue Qingran to help.It's just that the so-called purpose may simply be to satisfy one's own inflated sense of satisfaction.

Anyway, no matter what you do, you won't get hot headed, this is Yue Qingran.He always has his own plans and goals to achieve.Although the so-called "don't give up until the goal is reached" cannot be reached, it is not so bad.

"You're smart." Seeing Qianye Shangxie's questioning gaze, Yue Qingran shrugged, but he never said that he was a good man and a believer. "I just want to see the structure of the Chihan Empire."

After finishing speaking, he blinked and said mischievously: "To make plans for the future, what if there is a need? I just make plans now."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Qianye Shangxie with an innocent face.

Qianye Shangxie sighed, Yue Qingran was probably the only one who could speak so confidently, right?
"It's up to you, you can do whatever you want. Go back first and talk about your own discoveries." While speaking, everyone had already returned to the inn.

In the inn, Qianye Shangxie, Bailitang, and Yue Qingran sat around a square table, the candlelight was flickering, shining on everyone's faces, the flickering candlelight gave a somewhat terrifying atmosphere.

Especially at this time, it is already late at night.Now is the time when people are fast asleep.

"I don't have anything over there, but I know there should be some important person there. Many guards are walking around there, and there is no gap in between. The maids are also walking around from time to time."

Bailitang was talking about playing, and Yue Qingran touched his chin: "I didn't go all the way here, because I was more careful. But my side should not be an important place, and the number of people is not that many. There are many capable people in the dark. The dark guard is here."

Qianye Shangxie sneered: "There are some powerful hidden guards in that place, there is no doubt about that. But the place you mentioned in Bailitang, I think it should be the place of a noble concubine?"

Bailitang thought about it, maybe it was possible.Yue Qingran nodded: "Indeed, the place assigned to you is the harem where some noble concubines and the like are located. It should be normal for some people. It should be more normal for court ladies to appear frequently?"

Yue Qingran is not sure.

"Well, Bailitang is a key place. There are so many people there, maybe it's because we can't tell where Mr. Zhou is. They're all women, so it should be more convenient to watch together, right?"

"That makes sense." Bailitang nodded in acknowledgment of Qianye Shangxie's words. "Then, the key point is the place Bailitang mentioned, and I found a secret passage in the Imperial Study Room, which can lead to various places, and where can I enter in the cold palace."

Yue Qingran's eyes lit up: "This is a very good discovery."

"So, let's go again tomorrow. Bailitang, you still pick up the place you found? If you walk in the secret passage, can you tell the specific location?"

Bai Litang nodded: "No problem, don't worry."

"Well, let's go again tomorrow, and go in from the Lenggong. This time, we don't need to split up, go to the place that Bailitang found first, and then Qingran. If you want to continue to investigate, we might as well go back the day after tomorrow. Go once."

Yue Qing said 'En', nodded, and stopped talking.

"Okay, it's almost dawn, let's take a rest first, tomorrow night is still the same time, let's go." After Qianye Shangxie finished speaking, he looked at everyone.

Bailitang went out, and thoughtfully closed the door of the room.Everyone asked for two rooms, Bailitang lived in a room for himself, and Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran lived in a room.

Originally, Yue Qingran and Bai Ling'er were supposed to live together, but Bai Ling'er was sent back to Xinghui Academy, so the two of them were naturally kept in this room.

The next day, everyone slept until evening.After a hasty dinner, a few people sat in a room waiting for it to get dark and for everyone to rest.

After finally getting dark, several people went to the palace and waited together.Especially this time everyone went to the direction of the Leng Palace first, and jumped in after everyone relaxed.

A few hours later, the watchman beat the drum, and Yue Qingran made a gesture to the two of them, and while they were changing guards, several people turned into a black shadow and quickly jumped in.

Along the secret passage, I first found the place Bailitang said, and listened carefully to the sound above the ground, but there was nothing special about it.

However, the broken ears of the two maids let everyone hear other news.

"So many people are here recently, what are they doing?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't. Hurry up and do your thing." A sophisticated voice sounded.

"I'm just curious, dear sister, tell me quickly." The unique voice of a girl, with a coquettish charm, even if you haven't seen this person, I'm afraid just based on this voice, you know that even if this girl is not good-looking, Must be very cute.

"It's nothing, it's okay, don't shake it. I tell you, can't you?" A helpless voice sounded.Yue Qingran and the others held their breath below and listened carefully.

Due to the problem of location, their voices are faintly visible, but some important places can be heard.

According to everyone's translations, basically a very powerful person was imprisoned in this place. This person was kept here by the king's subordinates in a certain way.

Several people met their eyes: "If there is no accident, this person should be Teacher Zhou, right?" Bai Litang asked curiously. "Probably, let's go and see."

After speaking, just as he was about to find the door to go out, he heard a shrill voice.

Yue Qingran frowned.

"You guys, hurry up, what are you muttering about here?" After finishing speaking, he muttered: "Fortunately, they are all women, otherwise, how can we take care of this half-dead look? Really, this is too serious, I don't know What did this woman do to anger the imperial concubine to receive such treatment."

Hearing this sentence, Yue Qingran couldn't sit still.Although Mr. Zhou is not a very important person to me, it doesn't mean that a sad person can be bullied like this.

If it was really Mr. Zhou who was treated like this...

Yue Qingran sneered, if it was really Mr. Zhou who was bullied to death by you, then you should be prepared to meet my Yue Qingran's baptism of anger.

"Let's go and have a look. We must be quick, and it's best to come out as soon as possible." After finishing speaking, Yue Qingran walked ahead of Qianye Shangxie and Bailitang.

Qianye Shangxie smiled wryly, it seemed that Yue Qingran was angry.

If Yue Qingran gets angry, the consequences will be very serious.At least, Qianye Shangxie has seen it well.

Quickly follow Yue Qingran's pace, seeing the color of Yue Qingran's pupils changed, she knew that this incident made Yue Qingran very angry.

Such a clear moon will shock everyone who sees it.

(End of this chapter)

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