Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 215 The Embarrassed Teacher Zhou

Chapter 215 The Embarrassed Teacher Zhou
Qianye Shangxie stayed behind to be in charge of 'destroying corpses and eradicating traces'.The so-called destruction of corpses and traces isn't it? This woman was killed. After all, she had already promised this woman not to kill him, even if this woman had passed out now.

But it can't be.Qianye Shangxie still disdains this kind of style of doing things in person.

Keep a cold face, let the scent of the ecstasy incense go away, and then clean up the ashes of the almost burned ecstasy incense, and restore everything to its original state, even the original appearance of this woman is exactly the same.

Then, with a sigh, he followed the two people who had already walked a long way.

"You two are heartless, don't you know how to get back to the original? Don't you understand that this tells others that we have been here before. Since we promised that woman, at least we have to show it."

Entering the secret passage, Qianye Shangxie didn't have to worry about being heard by others, so he shouted to the two figures in front of him.Yue Qingran stopped, smiled, and turned her head.

"Isn't it because of you? It's because of you that we can be so relieved." Smiling and facing Qianye Shangxie, the three of them walked to the study together.

Seeing the location of the circle that was not on the table, Qianye Shangxie rubbed his chin: "That's right, this woman's status is not low, she really knows this."

"I hope it's not a lie." He snorted, looked at the circle, and walked silently according to the location of the secret passage: "I probably know the location, let's go."

While talking, they heard a voice coming in this direction, and several people hurried into the secret passage.Hearing the sound of someone coming in, Bailitang didn't have time to close the door of the secret passage, so he could only hope that he wouldn't come in to see.

Otherwise, I will definitely meet them face to face.

The prayer worked, and the man stood at the door for a while, then said hesitantly, "Did I hear it wrong just now? I clearly heard a voice, it's strange."

After finishing speaking, he murmured and left.Bailitang breathed a sigh of relief, and closed the door to the secret passage.Go to the place where the circle is drawn on the map and come out.

"Tsk, no matter how you look at this place, it looks like that kind of dead man's grave, or that kind of wilderness dead man's pit with no people." Bai Litang looked around and sighed.

"Go in." Qianye Shangxie glanced at the big dark red iron gate.Pushing it away made a loud noise, but no one appeared.

"Perhaps no one is there? Or is this place only on the periphery, and it will be very difficult for us to get inside." Yue Qingran muttered in confusion.With such a loud sound, even the deaf can hear it. This gate should be in disrepair all the year round.

Walked in, and sure enough, as they said, there was no one there.Going inside again, turning around and turning around, it is considered to have heard a human voice.

"Boss, I just heard the sound of the door, why didn't you go and have a look?" A person asked very puzzled.

"What do you know? This gate rings once every three days, and it's all caused by the wind. Why do you care so much? It's enough to keep an eye on the prisoners inside."

The leader called the boss said impatiently.

"Oh, that's fine." After finishing speaking, the two continued to patrol, doing what they should do.

Yue Qingran and the others suddenly rejoiced that the gate was in disrepair all year round, so there would be noise at both ends of the gate, otherwise they would be kicked out before they could enter like this today.

You have to drive these patrolling guards and walk inside, only to realize that some prisoners who are not up to the table are guarded here.It is well-equipped inside, that is, the defense works and is powerful.

If you are not careful, you will die here completely.Therefore, there are only a few guards here.Because once the mechanism is guessed, the person is dead.

It is also because of this that many people would rather wait for death in peace and stability than run out desperately, right?

Yue Qingran carefully avoided a floor tile trap once, and looked at the people around her.They had no hope for this kind of person who came in suddenly.

Some even kindly said: "Girl, hurry up and get out, the more you go inside, the more difficult it is, you have the heart to save people, don't kill your life inside."

Yue Qingran paused: "Is it difficult to walk inside?" The old man nodded: "Yes, it is very difficult. The people inside are really relatives of the king, and we are just some old ministers."

Yue Qingran nodded, it seems that Teacher Zhou was really put inside, it should be a very strict place.

"I know, but I have to save this person." The old man shook his head and sighed: "You can do whatever you want, I'm going to retire here for a thousand years."

Yue Qingran suddenly became interested: "Why, aren't you planning to go out and reunite with your family?"

"What about the reunion? The day of the reunion is coming later. When I die, I will be completely reunited with them." After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes indifferently and stopped talking.

Yue Qingran smacked her lips and didn't know what to say, so she just bowed to the old man who had closed her eyes and stopped talking, and then went on the road again.

After Yue Qingran left, the old man opened his eyes and smiled gratifiedly as he saw their backs trying to move forward, narrowly dodging hidden weapons.

It's better to be young, for the sake of the people who must be saved, to be able to work so hard to this point, is really a good boy who values ​​love and righteousness.Let's hope they can take whoever they want to take.

Yue Qingran followed behind Qianye Shangxie. In terms of hidden weapons, Yue Qingran had never been proficient in these things, so this time she could only follow behind the two of them resentfully.

For these two people, Bailitang's ability is also stronger than that of Yue Qingran.

After going through five stages and killing six generals, he finally found Teacher Zhou's place.Seeing that Mr. Zhou just looked embarrassed and decadent, Yue Qingran breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, it's just that I'm a little haggard, there's nothing else going on." Qianye Shangxie breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly opened the lock of the cell door.

"Teacher Zhou, are you okay?" Yue Qingran hurried over.Hearing someone calling him, Mr. Zhou's eyes moved, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Yue Qingran's concerned face.

"Hehe, you are here. Really, the dean brought you back after all." Teacher Zhou was just a little haggard, and did not suffer any greater grievances.

Yue Qingran caught Teacher Zhou's pulse and frowned: "Teacher, are you okay?" Feeling that Teacher Zhou's spiritual power was rampaging uncontrollably, Yue Qingran was a little worried.

His face was pale, Mr. Zhou touched his chest, shook his head, and smiled with relief: "It's nothing, I'm fine, I'll be fine after some recuperation."

After finishing speaking, his expression tightened: "How did you come here? This is the imperial palace. Are you all right, ah, are you injured?" Teacher Zhou looked at Yue Qingran with concern, and glanced up and down.

"It's okay, teacher, can you still not believe the students you teach? Don't worry, teacher, let's go now, I'm afraid someone will come over later, let's go first. If you have anything to say, go back and talk about it .”

After finishing speaking, Yue Qingran turned around and was about to recite Teacher Zhou.Qianye Shangxie pressed Yue Qingran's shoulder: "Let me do it." After finishing speaking, Qianye Shangxie asked Mr. Zhou to memorize it.

Taking a deep look at Qianye Shangxie, Yue Qingran walked side by side with Qianye Shangxie.

It was much easier when I went back, after all, I have traveled for a while.

On the way back, Yue Qingran paused as she passed the old man.

"What, did you bring it back? You are young and promising. Good boy." Qianye Shangxie glanced at the old man, frowned, and instantly flashed a murderous look.

If the old man speaks out, I'm afraid...

"Hehehe, young man, young man. I am planning to retire here, and I won't live for a few years. Let me die by myself, and you don't have to work hard."

Qianye Shangxie was stunned for a moment, suppressed the murderous look in his eyes, blinked his eyes, and glanced at Yue Qingran: "I'll wait for you in front." After speaking, he left the time for Yue Qingran.

Yue Qingran looked at the old man: "We are leaving now, you can retire here, as for what you saw today, don't say anything about it."

After finishing speaking, he arched his hands deeply.

The old man smiled, and waved his hand indifferently: "Forget it, after living most of my life, would I still care about these things? I will naturally forget about it after I sleep, you guys go."

Yue Qingran smiled gratefully, and hurried to Qianye Shangxie.Several people successfully walked out with the embarrassed Teacher Zhou and left the palace.

After going out, it was already daylight. In order to prevent being noticed, everyone was more cautious.

After dressing up Teacher Zhou so that no one would notice him, they returned to the inn cautiously.

After taking a nap, when I woke up in the afternoon, I found that the place had turned upside down.It was discovered quite quickly, Yue Qingran thought in his heart.

Now, the city gate has been under martial law, and all people who leave the city gate have to be checked one by one, every corner of every inn in the city is checked, looking for all kinds of suspicious people.

This time, Yue Qingrana lived in the same room with Teacher Zhou, and Qianye Shangxie lived in the same room with Bailitang.Probably because the inn is located in a remote corner, so no one has been able to find out for a while.

But that doesn't mean you can hide it.After all, if there is an extra person for no reason, the shopkeeper will definitely notice.

At this time, in the inn, Yue Qingran was taking care of Mr. Zhou who was in a state of spiritual confusion.Take out the elixir given by Yue Jiqiu, hoping to be of some use to Mr. Zhou.

When I first met Mr. Zhou, Mr. Zhou was really embarrassed.His whole body was in tatters. Although there were no obvious scars, the spiritual power in his body might really delay Teacher Zhou's future.

Seeing that Teacher Zhou has adjusted, Yue Qingran will tell Teacher Zhou the result of his discussion with Qianye Shangxie just now.

"We are going to send you back to Xinghui Academy first, and then we will find a way."

"Going back now is telling others that I was taken away by people from Xinghui Academy."

(End of this chapter)

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