Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 230 Learn to Escape and Practice Formation

Chapter 230 Learn to Escape and Practice Formation
Every day that followed, Yue Qingran and Qianye Shangxie raced through each other.In the beginning, I ran with a heavy load and spiritual power, trying my best to run.Because the distance is not too long, everyone is sprinting and running without much endurance.

Later, it became a weight-carrying run without the help of spiritual power.

Later, Senior Lingxi said: "Perhaps, when you seal the formation, no matter whether you succeed or not, you may consume a lot of spiritual power. You know, after the spiritual power is consumed, the body will feel very uncomfortable."

"You are escaping without consuming spiritual power, so you may feel very relaxed. I am very relieved of your current state. However, I am worried that your spiritual power will be consumed too much by then, so... you go on The focus of my practice is how to escape without any spiritual power left!"

Lingxi finally said two words and ran for his life.That's right, it's not a practice, it's not a game, but how to use the limit of the human body and escape for your life when the spiritual power is exhausted and you may be unconscious at any time after you die.

What followed was a protracted battle. Under the guidance of Lingxi, every day, Yue Qingran felt that she might faint and die at any time.This feeling made Yue Qingran think of the past.

He was close to death, and he couldn't even buy his footsteps. In such a situation, there was still a life-and-death escape, and the hard-nosed people couldn't stand it.

The living environment of a narrow escape will always lead to rapid progress, and Yue Qingran feels that her spiritual power has become much thicker in the blink of an eye, and there is even the possibility of accelerating the increase.

Yue Qingran's Yueshi Kung Fu is also improving steadily.

On this day, the two carried out various overloaded exercises in the forest as usual, then ran to the side of the formation, and then ran out from around the formation to a safe area outside the Luohan Mountains.

After running over and back, he saw Senior Lingxi had been waiting for a long time.

"Senior!" Yue Qingran and Qianye Shangxie held back the bouts of dizziness in front of them, supported their bodies with their arms, and looked at Senior Lingxi in surprise. "Senior, is there something wrong?" Qianye Shangxie wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Around a person like Qianye Shangxie, he grinned a little bit, very embarrassed.

"Well, you look good now, I decided to teach you how to seal the formation from now on." Qianye Shangxie was surprised, looking at Senior Lingxi, a little unbelievable.

"What? We are like this now..." Looking at each other, they both saw consternation in each other's eyes.The corner of Yue Qingran's mouth twitched: "Senior, it's difficult for us to escape. If we learn the formation, I'm afraid we will really die in it."

There was a smile on Senior Lingxi's tortoise face, and his whole person looked lively.Crawled over, walked to Yue Qingran and Qianye Shangxie, and slowly closed his eyes.

Feel the breathing and heartbeat of the two of them now, as well as their current spiritual power.Lingxi opened his eyes with a satisfied expression. "You guys are doing pretty well now. According to the schedule, it should take a month to do what you are doing now, but you did it six days in advance."

"So, I am very satisfied with your state. Now you can learn some ancient formations. Then, you can find some time to practice how to use these formations."

Yue Qingran sat on the ground, a little limp. "Okay, senior, you have won. If you really want this formation to be sealed, then you can do so."

Yue Qingran sat for a while, adjusted her breathing, and then slowly stood up.Lingxi raised his head and nodded: "Yes, I am very urgent. I checked, and the formation is speeding up, and it may be fully activated at any time."

"If that time comes, I'm afraid we will all die here. The protection here has become narrower. His kindness and resentment are too strong. We must compete for points and hurry up."

There was an unbelievable look in Yue Qingran's pupils.Thinking about it, sure enough.Yue Qingran did feel that the place where the temperature was considered to be normal had become much smaller. At first, she thought it was because the senior was incapable of doing so.

It turned out that it was because of resentment.

"Okay, senior, as you wish, should we start now or tomorrow?" Yue Qingran raised her eyebrows, staring blankly at Senior Lingxi.

Lingxi looked at the sky: "I'm afraid there will be a heavy rain today. I hope this heavy rain can wash away some of those resentments, so that their resentment can be reduced."

Yue Qingran raised her eyes, the sun was in the sky, where did the heavy rain come from?What about cheating?
"Senior, if you can't survive in the future, no, I mean you can't survive, with your ability to be a thousand-year king and 8-year-old tortoise, you can be a forecaster. It seems that this industry is also very popular now. Second only to pharmacists?"

Qianye Shangxie pursed his lips, turned his head away, the frequency of his shoulders loosening could be seen, and he knew how happy he was at this moment.Lingxi, the giant turtle, was stunned for a moment, looked at Yue Qingran, and said angrily, "No need, I'm the only one who can just say a word here, and someone will be responsible for carrying it out. I don't have to worry about not being able to eat."

Yue Qingran stuck out her tongue in disappointment and stopped talking.

"Okay, stop making trouble, now you all hurry up and tidy up your houses. If the rain stops tomorrow, you can learn the formation. If it doesn't stop, then you can only continue with your project today."

After speaking, Lingxi slowly sank to the bottom of the lake, and went to sleep and meditate.

The two looked at each other, and Qianye Shangxie looked at Yue Qingran helplessly: "I'm going to clean up the house, if it really rains tonight, I'm afraid our thatched house may be watered by rain."

Yue Qingran sat here cross-legged.It's not that I don't want to help, it's just that I am so tired that I can't stand up at all.Talking to Senior Lingxi just now, out of politeness, Yue Qingran stood up.

Now, I really don't have the ability to stand up.The whole leg was shaking.Yue Qingran smiled wryly, in this situation, she would only do this before she shined.

Later, after Yue Qingran became the trump card in the team, these situations never happened again.Whether it's trembling legs, or almost fainting from exhaustion.

Yue Qingran is a myth in the team, a god in the organization.No one can surpass it.Now, Yue Qingran is being drilled to the point of death. This is really a rare event in a hundred years.

Qianye Shangxie packed everything up, then went back, and carried Yue Qingran back.Even though Qianye Shangxie was trembling all over, he could still hug him for a month.

The two sat cross-legged and slowly entered the state of cultivation.The rainy night came as expected.One moment it was a sunny mountain range, and the next moment it turned into patches of dark clouds emerging.

Bai Litang and Bai Linger sat in the inn, looking at the rainy day outside, Bai Linger propped his chin: "Tell me, Miss, are they still alive?"

Bai Litang shouted angrily: "Bai Ling'er!" Bai Ling'er quickly covered her mouth, blinked her eyes, and looked at Bai Litang cautiously.Bailitang sighed: "Okay, I was wrong."

"However, Linger, stop talking nonsense. They will definitely be alive. I will wait here, no matter what time it is, I will wait."

With tears in her eyes, Bai Ling'er nodded.No more talking.

Bailitang sighed heavily, the conversation with the young master is still vivid in his memory, as if it happened yesterday.But in the blink of an eye, almost a month has passed.

Young Master and the others, there is no news at all.

Young master, even if you are fine, you should give us some peace of mind, at least give us some news.Bailitang is helpless, young master, are you guys crazy?

Bailitang and the others sat here. For the first few days, they were in no mood to do anything else, they could only wait here.Later, Bailitang was relieved.Take Bai Ling'er and start to wander around, looking for a place to have fun at close range.

At least, this matter cannot be forced.

The next day, the sky cleared and was cooler than usual.The Luohan Mountains are much warmer than usual.Senior Lingxi's protection also expanded.

Obviously, some of those grievances were washed away by the torrential rain, and the rest were strong and persistent.Senior Lingxi looked at the center in a daze.

"Senior...Senior?" Yue Qingran called out twice cautiously, but Senior Lingxi didn't speak or regain consciousness.Yue Qingran was about to leave when she suddenly heard Senior Lingxi say: "Tell me, are those grievances hers? She misses this place so deeply, does she also hate those who hurt them?"

Yue Qingran stopped in her tracks, and turned her head: "Senior, are you talking to me?" Lingxi didn't answer, and looked into the distance with blank eyes, not knowing what beautiful things he was recalling.

Whether it's good or bad, it doesn't matter anymore.

When Yue Qingran went back, Qianye Shangxie was rearranging his house.The supplies have been washed out by the rain.However, these two people practiced very selflessly, and when they woke up, they almost floated out with the current.

The drenched two changed their clothes and looked for the senior, but the senior stood there in a daze.

"What?" Seeing Yue Qingran coming back alone, Qianye Shangxie stopped what he was doing, feeling a little puzzled.Yue Qingran shrugged: "Senior is in a daze, I don't know what to do."

Qianye Shangxie raised his eyebrows, "That's it, then let's go to Senior after a while." This waited until noon.After Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran came back out of breath again, they saw that senior had been waiting for a long time.

This time, they were not surprised, they just supported their knees and panted. "Senior, are you going to practice formation?" Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran were not surprised by this.

"Yes!" After saying affirmatively, he took out a book again from his turtle shell. "Here, take a look at it first. Come to me tomorrow morning. After reading this, I will tell you some key points of practice. You can learn it by yourself."

After speaking, he crawled back.The two looked at each other, sat together in the sun, and read the book.

After being optimistic, the two continued to practice.After dawn, go to see the senior as usual.

(End of this chapter)

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