Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 231 First Attempt to Seal Formation

Chapter 231 First Attempt to Seal Formation
The senior spent the whole day explaining how to make and seal the formation.Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran seemed to understand but half understood.

In terms of formations, Qianye Shangxie has deep attainments, but Yue Qingran is different.It is customary to use cold weapons, and it comes from modern times.This Qimen shield technique only appears in modern ancient books.

Moreover, the understanding is not deep.So Yue Qingran has no other thoughts except that she has heard it.When I got here, relying on my own understanding of high technology, I just got away with it like this.

Moreover, Yue Qingran's use of knives and guns is superb, and spiritual power is a dispensable foreign product.That's it, Yue Qingran is considered strong in this.

Now, someone tells you that you need to start learning the Qimen shield technique, and then seal the formation, Yue Qingran just wants to say, you might as well let me go to sleep.

Therefore, Qianye Shangxie listened with great interest, and could even draw inferences from one instance.However, the only thing Yue Qingran can do is to sleep at the critical moment.

This kind of reaction to Yue Qingran was expected by Qianye Shangxie, and also expected by Senior Lingxi.Since the senior is able to understand everything in the outside world, he must be able to know what kind of character Yue Qingran really is.

"Hahaha, I thought he could pretend in front of me, so he's so honest." Qianye Shangxie burst into laughter: "Forget it, everyone has things that they don't know or are familiar with. I will Just do it."

Senior Lingxi shook his head with a serious face: "It's okay to pet her, but not at a time like this. Today is the first and last time." Qianye Shangxie opened his mouth wide, what does that mean?
Senior Lingxi sighed heavily, and said with a heavy face: "You don't understand, I asked you to practice so much, I didn't ask you to come here to practice spiritual power."

"I let you know how to seal the formation. Yue Qingran is bound to enter the formation's eye with you. You also know that the formation's seal is to use the formation's eye. If he doesn't go in, it's okay, If you go in, can you guarantee that he will follow you closely? I don't even know how big this formation is."

"If he gets lost or goes wrong, you know the consequences. If you don't want to take the risk, then you have to learn, even if you don't want to learn, you still have to learn."

"He won't, you can teach him. One day if he can't, then two days, one day will be fine. The two of you must do it, even if you are alone, you can walk through the formation safely."

"Even if you can't make it through, you have to stay where you are and find a way out." After Senior Lingxi said this, he looked at Qianye's evil spirit. "Qianye is evil, do you understand?"

Having said so many words at one time and at such a fast speed, Senior Lingxi's mouth was dry.

He shook his head irritably: "Forget it, think about it for yourself today, and come back tomorrow. That's it for today." After speaking, he quickly crawled back.

sunk at the bottom of the lake.Qianye Shangxie was on the shore, a little lost.That's right, Yue Qingran will definitely not be willing to be her burden.Therefore, it is impossible to spoil her by yourself.

Life and death are at stake, and those who are not favored can only fight side by side.Qianye Shangxie looked at Yue Qingran with pity, such a person would feel sleepy when he heard it, why did you choose to accept this task?

You are stupid as hell.

Qianye Shangxie was obviously helpless, but he still smiled dotingly.How can I find such a lovely person?Carefully picked up Yue Qingran who was already sound asleep, and brought Yue Qingran back to the current room.

As soon as she was lying on the bed, Yue Qingran woke up.Grabbing Qianye Shangxie's sleeve, he looked vigilant.Seeing that it was Qianye's evil spirit, Yue Qingran relaxed and closed her eyes.

Then, he opened his eyes suddenly, and looked at Qianye Shangxie in surprise.Qianye Shangxie was amused by Yue Qingran's actions, and shook his head helplessly: "Are you awake? It's okay, today's work is over, you can rest."

Yue Qingran stuck out her tongue: "Did I fall asleep?" Qianye Shangxie suddenly fell silent, thinking of what the senior said, Qianye Shangxie didn't know how to answer.

Yue Qingran looked at Qianye Shangxie, and blinked in confusion: "What's wrong? What did senior say?" Yue Qingran realized that things might be a little serious.

Qianye Shangxie shook his head subconsciously: "It's okay, you just fell asleep." Yue Qingran breathed a sigh of relief: "Oh, that's good. That's good."

Qianye Shangxie was silent, turned around and went out: "I'll go out to do some things first, and I'll be back later." Yue Qingran blinked, not understanding what happened to Qianye Shangxie today.

Qianye Shangxie stood outside silently.The senior's words were enlightening, and Qianye Shangxie came to his senses in an instant.Yue Qingran is like this now, indeed, if it's anything else, it's easy to say.

But, is it really okay to just run for your life?Although this is the last resort to save your life, it is inevitable that other things will happen.

Once, two people are really separated, what should we do?Yue Qingran can safely and boldly follow her side, so what if she gets lost?
"If you get lost, I'll stand at the highest point and wait for you to find me." The words Yue Qingran once said were so unreasonable to Qianye Shangxie.

If you get lost in the formation, where do you want to find me?How am I going to find you again?Qianye Shangxie leaned against the tree silently, looking up at the sky.

God, tell me, what am I going to do?Yue Qing is not suitable for this, I know it.At this time, can he be allowed to leave?Convince him to leave and I will go in alone.

Qianye Shangxie didn't even know that Yue Qingran was right behind.Yue Qingran was in a daze, Qianye Shangxie was rarely like this, so lonely, so... at a loss.

"What's wrong?" Yue Qingran stepped forward, putting her hands on Qianye Shangxie.

Qianye Shangxie's body froze, only then did he realize that Yue Qingran had already woken up. "I..." Qianye Shangxie felt like being caught for a while.

For a while, I felt ashamed.

"Why?" Yue Qingran raised her eyebrows.Qianye Shangxie's current state is very strange.

Yue Qingran became serious: "Did senior say something? What did senior say while I was sleeping?" Qianye Shangxie was flustered for a moment, although he quickly covered it up, he was still caught by Yue Qingran's keen caught.

"You won't say it? Well then, I won't force you." What Yue Qingran thought in her heart was to go to the senior later and see what the senior said.

Qianye Shangxie was not as sensitive as before, and he was a little happy to hear the amnesty order. "Okay, I'll go to practice first, let's go together." Yue Zairan rolled his eyes: "Okay."

The two went to practice happily.Qianye Shangxie escaped this questioning, very excited.

After practicing for a while, Yue Qingran went to find her senior.After the senior explained the cause and effect, Yue Qingran was also silent.Yue Qingran knew that she was not very interested in this.

If you are not interested, how can you learn?Could it be that he should give up this opportunity and let Qianye Shangxie enter a dangerous situation by himself?
That's impossible, Yue Qingran won't forgive her selfishness.However, Yue Qing was not sure if she could continue listening.

"Tomorrow, I will make a formation, a small one, go in and see how it feels." Senior Lingxi thinks this is a good way, "By the way, I can see if you are suitable. If not, I will I'll take you out myself."

Yue Qingran was shocked and sent herself out, which meant that there was no possibility of her coming back.Moreover, if this is the case, Qianye Shangxie will not allow himself to continue here.

Walking back in a daze, looking at Qianye Shangxie with a complicated expression, Yue Qingran fell into cultivation with such a mood.

Sure enough, Senior Lingxi prepared the formation before Yue Qingran and Qianye Shangxie arrived.

The sun was shining in the sky, and after Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran came out of cultivation, they saw the formation made by the seniors. "This is?" Qianye Shangxie didn't know why.

"You enter this formation one by one, find the eye of the formation, and then seal the formation. Come out when you do it. I will observe you at any time, and I will help you at any time. If Yue Qingran is not suitable for this, I can only send him go out."

Qianye Shangxie heard this, pursed his lips, and nodded.

Yue Qingran grabbed Qianye Shangxie's sleeve.Qianye Shangxie turned back: "If it doesn't work, you... you can go, wait for me outside, and I will look for you soon."

"You can let Bailitang and the others do what they have to do, and then with the ability of seniors, I can find you." Yue Qingran's expression flickered, and he could only nod in the end.

I'm sorry, although I promised this matter, if you can only complete it by yourself in the end... I will wait for you until death.

The two walked into the formation together, and Qianye Shangxie's eyes turned into a white mist. In the mist, he couldn't even see where he was.

According to the method of Qimen Shield Technique, Qianye Shangxie closed his eyes, quietly felt the fluctuation of spiritual power, and then walked along the 'Shengmen' on the right.

The door of life and death, the door of life to live, the door of death to die.It's just that, sometimes, it looks like a door of death, but in fact, it can be endlessly alive, and can be transformed into a door of life at any time.

Qianye Shangxie felt a pulling force behind him, and firmly believed that it was Yue Qingran who was pulling him.

After the white mist passed, Qianye Shangxie turned around, but where was Yue Qingran behind him?What about Yue Qingran?Under such circumstances, can you get lost?

Qianye Shangxie couldn't help but want to go back and find someone, but in the formation, how could he just go back?
Before and after, two choices, Qianye Shangxie hesitated, stood where he was, and waited.

After Yue Qingran entered here, she only felt darkness.Holding a corner in his hand, he walked around with him.But then, he tripped over his feet and let go of his hand.

It was dark, and she couldn't see her fingers. Yueqing walked around in a daze, but couldn't get out.Even touched the mechanism several times and almost died.

"Qianye is evil, Qianye is evil?" Yue Qingran shouted twice, but there was no response.

Consonance's voice sounded: "Go on."

(End of this chapter)

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