Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 236 Making trouble before passing the gate

Chapter 236 Making trouble before passing the gate
If you don't find Qianye Shangxie, how can you hug each other, how can you tell the so-called pain of lovesickness?

Yue Qingran rummaged through, tore up the entire package, but failed to find a piece of paper as she wished.No paper, including toilet paper, exists.

Yu Xiran already had a vague feeling of getting angry.Yue Qingran quickly comforted her: "Don't worry, don't worry, we'll go get it if it's a big deal, it's only a few days, there won't be any delay."

Yu Xiran suddenly thought, if this horse could talk, wouldn't this horse also be unable to resist scolding her?Yue Qingran can really only use him when showing his strength.

At other times, Yue Qingran is simply an idiot in life.

Such a simple thing is not clear, and such a little thing can't be done well.Such a person, besides Qianye Shangxie, who else would want him?
No matter how good Yue Qingran is, she is still an idiot in life.Yu Xiran sighed: "Forget it, I'll look for mine. Maybe Bailitang really brought it to us."

Yue Qingran listened and stopped her movements.This burden has been turned over several times, and things that are definitely not there cannot be changed.

Nodding, he tidied up his things, and then watched Yu Xiran rummaging through his little baggage.

Sure enough, there were some cardboard things in the bag, but Yu Xiran opened it and flipped through it, shaking his head, Fang Zhiyue calmed down, and continued to search.

Yue Qingran looked at the thing in her hand, opened it and looked at it, it turned out to be the usage methods and images of various hidden weapons.Yue Qingran was surprised, it turned out that Yu Xiran was so thoughtful.

And, the point is, Yu Xiran draws very well.These pictures are exactly the same as the real ones, and even every small place has been drawn out.

Yu Xiran looked for it again, then shook his head: "I don't have any here either." Yue Qingran changed from a surprised expression to a dull one: "Could it be that we want to go back and get it?"

Yu Xiran rolled his eyes and stared at Yue Qingran.Yue Qingran rubbed the back of her head, helplessly: "It looks like we might have to go back." After speaking, he turned the horse's head and ran back.

After walking not far, he saw a familiar person coming along the way, who seemed to be the person beside Yue Jiqiu?For some reason, Yue Qingran had a premonition, so he slowed down.

The person on the opposite side also saw Yue Qingran and the two of them clearly, stopped their horses quickly, got off their horses, then walked over respectfully, and nodded slightly: "I am the captain of the guard, come and deliver the clearance documents to Miss Yue Qingran."

Yue Qingran breathed a sigh of relief, raised her eyebrows and looked at Yu Xiran, meaning to say: How about it, am I a good character?Someone actually delivered it in person.

Yu Xiran rolled his eyes, not looking at Yue Qingran.

"I see, give it to me, and then you can go back." Yue Qingran sat on the horse, looking proudly at the captain of the guard.The captain was also unambiguous, and took out the documents and handed them to Yue Qingran.

Then without looking at the person on the horse, he lowered his head respectfully and turned over to mount the horse again.Turn the horse's head and leave.

Yue Qingran looked at the other person's leaving figure and nodded: "This guy is not bad, neither humble nor overbearing." Yu Xiran snorted: "The captain of the guard, how can he be a mortal if he can do this?"

"A person at this level has already cultivated his abilities. If he can be easily overwhelmed by others, I am afraid that Yue Jiqiu will not let him be qualified for this position."

Yue Jiqiu personally selects every high-level position in the palace.For example, the chief eunuch, the captain of the guard team, and the secret guard team are all selected by himself.

Except for those few ministers and those members of the Yue family, the people Yue Jiqiu likes are probably those who are really capable.

Yue Qingran thought about it, and it was the same thing.If the person chosen by Yue Jiqiu is flattering and flattering to others, Yue Qingran may wonder if it is really good for him to give this position to Yue Jiqiu.

But looking at it now, Yue Jiqiu did really well.In addition, these subordinates are also very good.

"Let's go, take advantage of the present, let's pass the customs quickly, and then we can stay at the inn in the Chihan Empire." After Yue Qingran finished speaking, he went back again, lined up again, and then passed.

There are many people riding horses, but only Yue Qingran and Yu Xiran stand out.Because the combination of these two people is really too mismatched.

A woman, with a little boy, appears like this, I am afraid everyone will think wrong.Especially these two people, their expressions and movements are similar.

The most important thing is that although it is covered with a veil, the veil actually does not cover anything.This looming beauty adds a lot of fun.

Therefore, by the light of the torch, it is obvious that this is a beautiful woman.An ice beauty.

The interrogating soldier came over and showed Yue Qingran what he thought was the most handsome smile, and then asked obscenely: "Little girl, why are you alone?"

At Yue Qingran's age, she is still a girl.He is only sixteen or seventeen now.Yu Xiran is also a beauty, although he is a boy, but there are some high-ranking officials and nobles, so he is still very interested in it.

Yue Qingran turned her eyebrows and thought of an idea.He said a word to the soldier coldly: "Get lost." Then, he didn't even look at him.

The soldier was rejected like this, but he didn't care.If Yue Qingran answered something else, the soldiers might still be worried, but this would make things easier.

"Hehehe, little beauty, otherwise, you can give me the paperwork, I'll take a look, and then you can pass. But..." Rubbing her hands, she looked excited.

"The premise is to please me." Yue Qingran deliberately pretended to be in a hurry, but the other party was fooled.

Yu Xiran couldn't help turning his head away, not wanting to know how miserable the soldier died in the end.

Yue Qing suddenly turned her head, her eyes brightened: "Really?" The soldier smiled even more obscenely. "That's natural, I will do what I say." Yue Qingran turned her beautiful eyes: "I don't know how to please you?"

The soldier rubbed his hands: "What do you think? I'm not short of that money, but... I'm alone here, so it's very cold. I don't know if you want to consider letting me warm up?"

Yue Qingran thought, is it warm?Well then, I can even make you feel cold even if you want to. "Okay." Yue Qingran readily agreed.Give the document to the other party.

After the other party saw it, he smiled. "You can go through." After finishing speaking, he blinked: "I'll wait for you there." Pointing to the back, which is the place after Yue Qingran passed the barrier.

Yue Qingran nodded, and walked over step by step.Then seeing the waiting soldiers, he got off his horse.Walking up to Yu Xiran, he said, "When we see me coming back, the two of us will gallop away on horseback. When we arrive at the inn, I will disguise you."

Yu Xiran knew what Yue Qingran was going to do, so she was always ready.

Yue Qingran hugged the other party, but only in a virtual hug, and didn't even touch the other party.The spiritual power rises and spreads to the opponent.The other party only felt a burst of warmth all over his body.

Yue Qingran said with a cold face, "Is it okay?" The other party seemed to be stupid, and nodded in a daze.Yue Qingran turned her head and mounted her horse quickly.

Seeing Yue Qingran get on the horse, Yu Xiran quickly grabbed the rope and started to run fast.

When the two walked a certain distance in one swift motion, the spiritual power in the soldier's body rioted as if it had gone to its master.

The soldier was so hot that he was at a loss and scratched his body frantically: "Ah! Ah! It's hot, it's so hot. What's going on? That woman, that woman!"

After yelling, his whole body turned red, like a cooked shrimp.The rest of the soldiers panicked, not knowing what was going on.

Hearing that the other party said that it was the ghost of that woman, it suddenly dawned on him.At this time, it was too late to find a solution.This person is dead.

Exploded to death.

When they arrived at the inn, Yue Qingran unhurriedly put the horse away, and took Yu Xiran upstairs.

"That person is probably dead. In this case, I'm afraid it will be inconvenient for us to travel tomorrow. If we can't find him for a while, I'm afraid the notice will be posted for a long time. So, we will disguise ourselves later."

After finishing speaking, let Yu Xiran sit in front of the bronze mirror, and prepare the tools for disguise.

"Can we ride those two horses?" Yue Qingran didn't know how to answer Yu Xiran's question. "It's just a horse, you can still ride it."

Just two horses. Horses all over the world are basically of this color.Brown with a tuft of white hair on the tail.Such a horse is the easiest to find.

It is because most horses are like this, so there is no need to replace it at all.

Yu Xiran did a good job obediently, Ren Youyue Qingran put a layer of cool stuff on her face.Yu Xiran was frozen and moved slightly.

Yue Qingran quickly pressed it down: "Don't move around, or the effect will be bad. This is the best ice skin. Not everyone can make such a thin layer."

Yue Qingran's complaining tone reminded her that Yu Xiran had no choice but to endure such a cold thing and put it on her delicate face.

After washing and dyeing, Yue Qingran also put on her human skin mask.After putting on Yue Qingran's human skin mask, she was a girl with a scorched complexion.

In addition, Yue Qingran changed his temperament casually, so even if he walked in front of that soldier, he might not recognize him.

This effect is what I want, Yue Qingran took two steps in front of the washing and dyeing, and came down very proudly: "How is it, isn't it good?" Yu Xiran had no choice but to nod honestly.

Yue Qingran is indeed very powerful, she can change a person in many ways in such a simple way.

"I'll teach you later." After Yue Qingran said something, she put Yu Xiran on the bed: "Now, rest first." After speaking, she blew out the candle and ran out by herself.

Yu Xiran was lying on the bed, and the human skin mask on his face was gradually firmly attached to his face, but the current feeling was still a little tingling.

(End of this chapter)

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