Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 237 The Night in the Formation

Chapter 237 Qianye in the Formation
Yue Qingran took this opportunity to inquire about the attitude of the outside world towards this matter.Fortunately, this matter has not been announced yet.

Early in the morning, Yue Qingran took Yu Xiran and left here in a hurry.This is the closest to the customs clearance point. If you want to find someone, you will definitely start here first.

So now, the farther you go, the safer you will be.

So Yue Qingran brought Yu Xiran, and the two of them arrived at the foot of the Luohan Mountains in one breath, and settled down in an unknown town on the west side of Mingyue Town.

In order to prevent the Luo family from knowing the news, they did not live in Mingyue Town, but in another town on the edge of the town.The two towns are not too far apart, but there are many villages inside, so there is a certain distance between them.

Yue Qingran knew that if the incident on the way to pass the customs was told, the Luo family would definitely receive the news.Perhaps, Chi Han's lord will also receive the news.

Then Yue Qingran must ensure the safety of the two of them, only in this way can they wait until Qianye is attacked by evil spirits.

Qianye Shangxie has already entered the formation.

After all, when Qianye Shangxie came in, he hadn't made any plans to get out safely.The worst plan is to run out of spiritual power and consume it in the formation.

Qianye Shangxie didn't know how many days it was already.I don't know how far this formation has reached.He only knew that no matter how he walked or which path he took, this formation would be dead.

Either way is wrong.Qianye Shangxie panicked and became chaotic.What the hell is going on here?Is this a hallucination or what?
Why can't you get out no matter what?

The exhausted Qianye Shangxie sat down on the side, not wanting to think about this formation anymore.Qianye Shangxie cried and laughed: "It's really a loss, it's a big loss. I actually took over such a task from my senior, a task that I couldn't complete by myself."

"Sure enough, you are too arrogant? Otherwise, how could it be like this. I really underestimated the ancient formation." With a wry smile, he shook his head and fell asleep with his head on his side.

Qianye Shangxie has been walking around inside without sleep for several days.He didn't even know if it was day or night, or what time it was.

There has been no sunlight here, only darkness and a few green things like will-o'-the-wisps floating around.This feeling is like falling into the ground after that earthquake.

Qianye was not nervous at the beginning.Relying on his keen intuition and understanding of ancient formations during training, he can always find a way out in various dead ends.

But now, Qianye Shangxie was at a loss.There are indeed dead doors here, it's true.This also means that there is a dead door that is superficially false.

But Qianye Shangxie traveled all directions, turned every corner, but couldn't find the door of life.The door of life and death, only the formation of the door of death does not exist.

But the probability of this is small.The production of the gate of death must have this great resentment, and he decided to dedicate all of himself, including his soul, to endure the torment of hellfire life after life.

Of course, this is just a legend.Does not exist in reality.After all, no one wants to give up their soul just for an empty thought that doesn't exist.

However, Qianye Shangxie clearly knew this, but he couldn't find a way out.

The predecessors also clearly said that only during the Millennium War did someone defy the sky and create the gate of death, and there is only one in the world.That is to say, the elves did not use the gate of death when making this formation.

Thinking about it, Qianye Shangxie fell into a drowsy sleep.Even in the dream, what I think is that I have traveled every road, but I haven't found the door of life.

Waking up from such a nightmare, Qianye Shangxie rubbed the center of his brows, he was still a little sleepy, he couldn't get out, he might as well spend more time on his practice, so that his brain can fully rest so that it can perform better.

During the rest, Qianye Shangxie seemed to feel that the spiritual power in his body was out of control.Even the hidden jade pendant was a bit difficult to control.

Qianye Shangxie wanted to wake up in a daze, but a huge pain swept over him, Qianye Shangxie couldn't breathe well for a while, and passed out.Afterwards, the pain extended to the whole body, and Qianye Shangxie could not help but curl up in pain.

Under such circumstances, the jade pendant slowly turned red.Drops of red beads ran out, and the jade pendant became useless, without the support of the red beads, it shattered to the ground.

The red beads seemed to be alive, and they all got into Qianye Shangxie's body.The unconscious Qianye Shangxie couldn't help curling up his body again, resisting the excruciating pain.

The entry of the red beads excited the suppressed Red Legion.On the other hand, his spiritual power was a little sluggish.

The red beads didn't care about those, and rampantly wreaked havoc in Qianye Shangxie's body.Qianye Shangxie's face was distorted, and beads of sweat dripped down his face.

There was a collision with Lingli, and the two started a tug-of-war.In the end, the spiritual power was too much to disturb, and because the ability of the red bead was too large and domineering, the spiritual power was swallowed up in the end.

These, Qianye Shangxie didn't know at all.

The red beads that had devoured their spiritual power began to turn their finger on the Red Legion.At this time, the Red Legion also flinched, wanting to find some shelter.

But now, all the spiritual power has disappeared, where can I find shelter?

Not surprisingly, the Red Army was swallowed without resistance.Afterwards, the red bead who occupied the mountain as king seemed to want to get familiar with every place, and went on a rampage regardless of any place he could enter.

As long as there is a gap, the red beads will go in regardless.This brought great pain to Qianye Shangxie who was in a coma.

After getting familiar with each place, Red Bead began to choose a good place to rest.Compressing himself, it finally became a whole round and smooth red bead, quietly not moving at the dantian.

When Qianye Shangxie woke up again, his whole body was in pain as if he had been crushed.

If you don't understand what happened to you, you subconsciously check your spiritual power.This investigation is remarkable.Qianye Shangxie exclaimed, "What?"

A roar resounded through the sky.Qianye Shangxie couldn't believe it, what about his spiritual power?Why are they all gone?No matter how much you mobilize your spiritual power, no matter what, the spiritual power will disappear without a trace.

However, when his consciousness sneaked into his body, he was surprised to find a red bead. "What is this? What the hell? Where are my red legions? Where's my spiritual power?"

Qianye Shangxie knew that no one was there at this time, but he couldn't help but question the red bead loudly.The red bead seemed to hear half of it, jumped a few times, and then calmed down.

Qianye Shangxie let out a weak sigh.If the spiritual power is gone, it will be gone. The big deal is to cultivate it.Now it is more important to think about how to reach the eye of the array.

Without spiritual power, it was even more difficult for Qianye Shangxie to detect the way.However, Qianye Shangxie was suddenly surprised to find that his eyes had turned red.

In this red, every road and the place leading to it can be clearly seen.

A trace of doubt flashed in Qianye Shangxie's mind, and he tried again.Decided not to look over there, and withdrew his thoughts.Then, sure enough, there was darkness in front of him.

Qianye Shangxie was puzzled for a while, and then he used this strange ability with peace of mind.Anyway, it would be good to give me some extra compensation for running away my spiritual power.

Lowering his head, he saw the jade pendant shattered all over the place, and a gleam of understanding flashed in Qianye Shangxie's eyes.It seems that Qianye Shangxie already knows where this bead came from.

Qianye Shangxie's eyes were blood red, making this difficult road much easier to walk.Qianye Shangxie also used this new detection ability with ease.

On the other side, Yue Qingran and the two of them quietly found an inn in a small town on the west side of Mingyue Town, and then began to inquire about the recent situation of Qianye Shangxie and the Luohan Mountains.

After hearing that the Luohan Mountains had recently started to snow, Yue Qingran's eyes flickered with something unpredictable.Yu Xiran saw it, and after returning, he asked, "Did something happen somewhere?"

Yue Qingran shook her head: "I don't know, let's go find Senior Lingxi tomorrow." Yu Xiran knew who Senior Lingxi was after turning his mind.

"Okay, leave tomorrow?" Yu Xiran asked carefully.Yue Qingran propped her chin, and looked at Yu Xiran without blinking.Yu Xiran turned his head uncomfortably, "What are you looking at?"

Yue Qingran opened her mouth and smiled a little: "I always thought that I was the only one who changed when I got here, but I didn't expect that you have changed too!"

Yu Xiran looked at Yue Qingran with puzzled eyes: "What are you talking about?" Yue Qingran propped her chin, sat in front of the table, and poured herself a cup of tea slowly.

"I'm just saying that you seem to be much more talkative." Yu Xiran turned around, ignoring Yue Qingran's nonsense.It is undeniable that, indeed, Yu Xiran has changed a lot.

However, with such a group of people, it is false not to change, right?

"Okay!" clapped his hands together, "Let's go tomorrow." Yu Xiran pouted and continued to look out the window.Yue Qingran walked out indifferently, and closed the door behind her intimately.

Because Qianye Shangxie had this red bead in his dantian, although he lost his spiritual power, he felt that his senses had become more acute.

Because of this, Qianye Shangxie easily walked out of the first gate of the formation.Successfully found the only living door among the many dead doors.

It is said that there are three gates in this formation.After walking through three gates, it is the eye of the array.Now, having broken through one, will the remaining two be far behind?

Qianye Shangxie kept walking, and only had time to look at the sky.Finally saw some colors other than black and red.That is the color of the blue sky and white clouds.

After only one glance, without any further aftertaste, the cloud and mist drifted over, blocking Qianye Shangxie's sight again.

(End of this chapter)

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