Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 241 Don't give up looking for Ye Shangxie

Chapter 241 Never give up looking for Qianye Shangxie
Here, waiting for the fog to disperse, waiting for two days, there is no change in the thick black fog, and Yue Qingran's face becomes even uglier.He couldn't wait any longer.What can be done now is to quickly find a way to break this black fog similar to the enchantment.

Senior Lingxi is more patient than Yue Qingran.Now in this situation, seeing Yue Qingran stood up and wanted to make a move, Lingxi quickly bit the hem of Yue Qingran's clothes.

"What are you doing?" Yue Qingran roared angrily in a low voice, her fists clenched tightly, ready to go all out at any moment.

Shaking his head, he looked at Yue Qingran with consonant and smiling eyes: "Don't worry, I assure you, Qianye Shangxie is still alive." Yue Qingran paused, then sat down dejectedly: "I also know that he must still be alive." alive."

"But, I'm worried if I don't see him." Yu Xiran had already been taken back.The only ones waiting here are the two of them.Yue Qingran can bluntly express all her worries.

Anyway, Senior wouldn't laugh at himself.

Lingxi took a deep look at Yue Qingran, and shook his head: "It's okay, Qianye may have his own way of getting rid of the evil. Perhaps, this is a test for him. He will come out later."

Yue Qingran had a determined face: "If this is a test for him, I would want to be by his side, to support him, to encourage him. If you are alone, you will always be confused."

Consonance has nothing to say.Opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.One person, two people, which one is better, he didn't know how to say.It's just that, if that's the case, even if it's nothing to help, as long as the other party is by your side, you will feel at ease.

Sighing, Lingxi shook his head: "I suddenly started thinking, should I not let you leave his side in the first place?" Yue Qingran was shocked.

At the beginning, she chose to leave his side, and quietly watched him take risks outside with her own eyes.Yue Qingran is lying when he says that he doesn't hate, but he is very understanding and hates himself.

If I can be more patient, can I still be by his side?What will be encountered there will come from nowhere.But Yue Qingran knew that one of the formations, especially this ancient formation, was to expose her old scars and watch her blood dripping in front of her eyes.

Yue Qingran was thinking, what kind of scars would Qianye Shangxie face?Could he come over, or rather, how did he carry it over?Aren't you tired of walking with your wounds?Doesn't it hurt?

"Senior, your intentions for this matter are good. I'm just regretting. If I worked harder, I would rather disappear and die with him now, than sit here and do nothing. "

Taking a deep breath, with a sad face: "In my life, the most annoying thing is that I am watching from the outside, while someone is suffering inside. Unfortunately, I can't do anything. I can't even be a savior."

"If possible, I really want to stay with him inside. Even if I become his burden. Even if it is a burden, it still has a role. When necessary, it can be a shield."

Lingxi listened, smiled, and shook his head, "That's all you need? A shield! Heh." Yue Qingran curled her lips.Although it was a joke, but the mood is not good.

Forced herself to laugh, Yue Qingran felt very tired.Suddenly I don't want to laugh anymore.

Lingxi shook his head, looked at Yue Qingran like this, and sighed.

"You said that if at the beginning, I thought you were so courageous, at least dared to fight for it, wouldn't I have to remember the millennium here?"

Yue Qingran tilted her head and tilted her head, puzzled: "Senior, these are two different concepts. At that time, the two of you at most had a crush on each other, but not so good that you could die for him. He is willing to be with you." You are at the same level as life and death."

"We are different. Our relationship is based on a year of getting along. In this year, we have traveled to many places and experienced many things. I almost died, and he was dependent on life and death. Because of this, I am willing to accompany him Take risks and accompany her wherever he wants."

With a faint sigh: "It's just that sometimes, he really doesn't want to. He hopes that I can live well and wait for him alive."

Lingxi shook his head, with a wry smile: "Do you need to pick up my scars like this? We just have some good feelings between us. As you said, there is really no need for such a big thing, but you don't have to say it like that."

Yue Qingran smiled and touched her nose, now she can't find Qianye Shangxie, so why not think about it.Think about it, those various fragments that once moved you.

"Senior." Yue Qingran was silent for a moment, then called out faintly.

"En?" Lingxi stared at the black mist in front of him, and answered casually.Yue Qingran turned over, lay down, closed her eyes, with a warm smile, slowly remembering.

"I remember before, he told me that if we get lost, one of them will go to the highest place and wait, and the other party will definitely find the other party."

"Say, do I want to go to the highest point now? Wait for him." Lingxi turned her head and looked at Yue Qingran in surprise.Feeling such a surprised gaze, Yue Qingran smiled wryly.

"Senior, do you think I want to go? As long as I think, the highest point is always mine." Lingxi shook her head quickly, and slapped Yue Qingran on the face by the way.

Yue Qingran who was disturbed suddenly opened her eyes and glared at Senior Lingxi. "Senior, what do you want to do?" Senior Lingxi withdrew his claws and said, "You don't need to do this, it's completely unnecessary."

Yue Qingran raised her eyebrows: "Then what do you think I should do? Now that he's inside, I can't find him."

"But, you know he's there. You can't find him just because you can't get in, it's not that you can't really find him. In this case, if he doesn't come out, you can't find him even if you are on the zenith. "

Yue Qingran shrank her shoulders back, looked dejected, and said aggrievedly: "But I couldn't find him. The first time I couldn't find him, I went crazy. In other words, I went crazy gone."

Senior Lingxi was taken aback for a moment, and became obsessed. What kind of concept is that?Being able to remain so calm now means that he is not simple.Not only can I restrain myself, but I can also restrain my negative emotions.

Yue Qingran shrugged: "Don't look at me like that. He disappeared at that time. I couldn't control it for a while, and I went crazy. After I found him, I gradually recovered."

Senior Lingxi couldn't help but propped his chin, and began to think, these two children, are they really dependent on each other for life and death?
Yue Qingran saw Senior Lingxi's expression of distrust.But I don't know how to answer.He wanted to justify himself that they were really bound by life and death.However, the fact is that everyone has their own things to do, and we can't end it with a sentence of death willfully.

"Okay, let's go in and look for it. I might have a way to get in." Senior Lingxi didn't tell the other party how to do it because, this way is very dangerous.One mistake, both of them may die.

Yue Qingran's eyes widened: "What can I do? Tell me quickly." Senior Lingxi sighed: "I am an ancient spirit beast, how powerful do you think I am?"

Yue Qingran thought for a while, then shook her head: "I really don't know." Senior Lingxi sighed: "How did I know you?" After speaking, he took a deep breath and looked at Yue Qingran with sad eyes.

"Because of you, I've beaten all eight of them inside. If you see Qianye Shangxie, tell him to come out quickly. Otherwise, my life will be in danger."

Yue Qingran's eyes turned red.Although, this spirit beast was seen and known by Qianye Shangxie.Although everyone respected him very much, Yue Qingran never thought that senior would do this.

"Okay, okay, don't be sad there. I will use my turtle shell to make a gap later, and I will stand there and wait for you to come out. As long as you find Qianye Shangxie, maybe you will be able to come out .I now suspect that Qianye is in a state of evil, and everything after entering is up to you."

"The formation has been sealed. As long as the formation is not touched, generally speaking, there will be no danger. After entering, be careful."

Yue Qingran nodded, looking at the senior with red eyes, he used his own strength to bump into the black mist for a period of time, just to leave a gap for himself to get in.

Once, twice, three times.Yue Qingran, a senior who could only do this countless times, suddenly couldn't bear it when he saw the cracks on his tortoise shell.

However, Qianye was evil, how could he give up looking for him, how could he give up the chance to find him?
"Yue Qingran, come here quickly." Senior Lingxi suddenly called out, Yue Qingran raised her eyes, and saw a piece of black mist dissipate here.Yue Qingran hurried over.

Before Yue Qingran took it in, the senior said for the last time: "Pay attention to safety, I hope you both come back safely. Remember to go to me and let me rest assured."

The last few words were shouted out.Because Yue Qingran had already entered, the black mist surrounded the place again.

Yue Qingran heard it, but couldn't answer it.When he answered, the figure of the senior was no longer visible.Qianye Shangxie, I have come to look for you, you wait for me, I will not give up looking for you.

There is no cloud of black mist in it as imagined.On the contrary, it looks like the former Luohan Mountains, just like the seniors said, everything is so beautiful.

Yue Qingran walked inside, and couldn't help being stunned for a moment.How could such a beautiful place be destroyed like this?

Such a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters and outstanding mountains and rivers has been destroyed.It turned out to be what it is now.

Yue Qingran just shook her head, but continued walking.

Qianye Shangxie was still inside, and he couldn't give up looking for him.

(End of this chapter)

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