Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 242 Ye Shangxie Comes Out Safely

Chapter 242 Qianye Shangxie Comes Out Safely
Going inside again, everything is so beautiful.It's as if this place is really a mountain range derived independently.Even, I saw beautiful creatures that I had never seen before.

"Who are you?" Yue Qingran stared in shock at an elf flapping its wings.The other party noticed it, turned around, and looked at Yue Qingran with some confusion.

When I spoke, the voice was so ethereal and beautiful.Yue Qingran couldn't believe it, she was actually bewitched by the voice.

"I'm asking you something." The other party spoke again impatiently, but his eyes were already full of guard.Yue Qingran quickly replied: "I'm here to find someone."

The other party frowned: "Looking for someone? Who?"

Yue Qingran thought for a while, "A man with similar clothes to me." The other party shook his head: "There is no one you are looking for here." Yue Qingran stood still, standing in front of this elf.

"No, he's here." The other party tilted his head in confusion, blinking his eyes: "Indeed not." Yue Qingran watched this cute elf make such a move, wishing she could raise one herself.

"How is it possible, he came here to seal the formation." Yue Qingran felt free and time-traveled.This time, where is it?There won't be that kind of childbirth every minute again, right?

"Seal? What are you sealing? Are you kidding me?" After being entangled, the other party no longer used that polite words.

Yue Qingran rolled her eyes: "Why didn't you come to seal it, don't tell me you didn't know that this place is inside the formation."

"What formation? Tell me clearly."

Yue Qingran rolled her eyes: "Why don't you tell me, what era are you living in now?"

The other party did not hesitate: "After the great war through the ages, only three of the major families remain." Yue Qingran did the math, Nima, how many years have passed?
"You guys have been living here all this time?" Yue Qingran asked cautiously.At the same time, take a few steps back.If it's an ancient mission, I can't deal with it myself, so I can only approach it cautiously.

The other party nodded: "Of course, the Luohan Mountains are where we have lived for generations."

"Then do you know that you sacrificed yourself to seal the formation?" While speaking, he looked around.No wonder it is so familiar, it turns out that everything here is what the seniors said.

Yue Qingran couldn't help being curious, what does the current senior look like?
"What are you talking about? Are you making trouble? Come!" While speaking, a group of people were called.Yue Qingran quickly waved her hands: "You misunderstood." Yue Qingran restrained her hippie smile, and began to become serious.

Yue Qingran, who became serious, was so upright that they didn't dare to take this person down for a while.

"I'm just looking for someone. What I said is also true. You are in the formation. The Luohan Mountain Range will not be like this after a thousand years. I am the patriarch of the Yue Clan."

According to my calculations, the current Yue clan is still a very large family, and it is normal for them to know.

The other party was stunned for a moment, and burst out laughing: "Although the patriarch of the Yue Clan has been young for generations, not everyone can be competent. Just rely on you?"

Yue Qingran raised her chin: "Yes, it's up to me. I am the current patriarch of the Moon Clan. The ruler of the Yaori Empire is a member of my Yue Clan, and I personally arranged it."

A trace of confusion flashed in the other party's eyes: "What are you talking about? What empire?" Yue Qingran smiled. It seemed that the Sun Empire did not exist at that time.

"I'm just here to tell you, don't be obsessed anymore. Is it really good to live inside the formation? Now the outside world has changed. It doesn't matter how long you stay here."

The opponent changed from dazed to ferocious.The whole person's face was distorted.Yue Qingran shook her head, sure enough, beautiful things are unbelievable.

The more beautiful, the more cruel-hearted.

Like now, distorting the beautiful face becomes even uglier.

Yue Qingran watched the other party become more ferocious, and even roared angrily.The roar can be recalled throughout the mountains.Yue Qingran suddenly realized, didn't she, she awakened the dreamer with a single word, and then became like this?
"I just want to tell you, stop being obsessed with obsession. Go where you should go. The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. This is an eternal truth."

"Outside now, there is the current law of survival. It is no way for you to persist in this obsession. If there is one who can seal you, there will be a second and a third. It is impossible for you to go out for the rest of your life and overturn history."

The other party didn't listen, or in other words, the angry and extremely distorted mind could no longer hear anything.Yue Qingrana went on to say: "Although the outside is not good, it is still good."

"At least, everything is unexpectedly orderly. Since you can be hunted once, you will naturally be hunted a second time. What's more, people's wisdom is no longer as simple as it used to be."

"Those who are as immersed in the past as you are, I am afraid that they will only experience one death when they go outside. Don't be obsessed with it. Wherever you should go, just go there. This is not suitable for you."

Tianyue Qingran had finished what she had to say, and kept a fighting stance at all times, on guard.

"You are talking nonsense, you are talking nonsense. They are the ones who hurt us. We want revenge, and those who hurt us will die. We have waited for so long, and we will not be overwhelmed by a few words from you, a little kid." Give up."

Yue Qingran shook her head: "You have waited for thousands of years, but the other party may not necessarily wait for you. From the beginning to the end, it was you who made life difficult for yourself. The other party has already had a full family of children and grandchildren, and left this world happily."

"Even if you want to find them, you should go to the reincarnation world to find them. Now there are only their descendants, and it won't help if you find them."

The other party shook his head: "No, no, you lied to me, it's impossible, you lied to me. How could they die? How could they die if we were treated so badly?"

"Cut, who cares what happens to you? What should they do? You are the only ones left here who are blinded by hatred and obsessed with obsession."

Yue Qingran looked at them mockingly.For a moment, that gaze was like that of a king looking at the life like ants under his feet.

Such eyes stimulated them.That disdainful, mocking look at the weak deeply stimulated the patriarch of the elves.

"You, take your gaze back, take it back for me." Yue Qingran sneered: "If you want me to take it back, then take out the capital, let me respect, let me admire the capital again."

"Before I heard this story, I really admired you. You are the only one who thought of using your own life, sacrificing your ego, and hitting me. I admire you and am proud of you."

"But now that I see it, it's nothing more than that, tsk tsk!" Shaking his head, he looked at them jokingly.

"You!" The other party had nothing to say, but could only calm his anger.

"What are you doing?" Suddenly, a voice came, Yue Qingran trembled and turned her head.Qianye is evil!This person is actually Qianye Shangxie.

Yue Qingran looked at it, but was puzzled.Qianye Shangxie walked past him expressionlessly, as if he didn't see him.Sensing that Yue Qingran's gaze towards him was not innocent, the other party frowned.

"What are you doing?" This sentence was asked to the patriarch of the elf clan.

"I, I didn't do anything." The other party crossed his arms, "Then, why did you vent all your anger, causing everyone here to panic?"

The other party looked respectful, as if Qianye Shangxie was the boss.Yue Qingran was even more puzzled. "You, Qianye Shangxie?" The other party raised an eyebrow: "Who am I?"

Yue Qingran is sure, this person is not Qianye Shangxie.

"Who are you? What is your capacity to appear here?" Why did the senior never mention him?In other words, the seniors didn't know this person either.

"The former head of the Qianye Clan." The other party answered without hesitation.predecessor?According to this calculation, this should be the ancestor of Qianye Shangxie.

"I've already given you my heart and soul. If you need it, you can use it at any time. And, this thing, help me convey it." He said, taking a jade pendant from his neck.

Yue Qingran was shocked when she saw this.This was something that I was looking for and hungry at that time, but I couldn't pick it up.It turned out that this belonged to Qianye's family.

No wonder Qianye Shangxie picked it up without any reaction.No wonder, no wonder.Yue Qingran carefully looked at this person, this person had a similar appearance to Qianye Shangxie.

However, this person's eyes, if you look closely, you will find that his eyes are purple.Purple black.

"What are you looking at me for? Little baby." The other party was always paying attention to Yue Qingran's every move. When he saw this jade pendant, he was surprised for a moment, and then understood.

Never seen such a lovely child.

Yue Qingran shook her head: "I know a person named Qianye Shangxie, she is exactly the same as you. He is the current patriarch of the Qianye family."

After finishing speaking, Yue Qingran asked back: "By the way, did you lose this jade pendant later?" The other party understood and nodded.

Yue Qingran's eyes widened, did this person know what happened later?
"This jade pendant was lost, and then passed away outside. In the end, it was returned to my Qianye family. This is enough, and there is no need to know anything else."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand: "Since you are this child's friend, let's go."

From nowhere, it brought Qianye Shangxie who was still in a coma.Yue Qingran stepped forward and patted Qianye Shangxie.Qianye Shangxie opened his eyes.

"Qing Ran?" I couldn't believe it for a moment.Looking back, I was even more surprised to see someone who looked the same as me.

"Let's go first, go out and talk."

(End of this chapter)

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