Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 243 There is no more ancient formation in the world

Chapter 243 There is no more ancient formation in the world
The two walked out safely, Qianye Shangxie stared at the black mist in a daze. "That is to say, I was in this black mist? Didn't I come out?"

Yue Qingran nodded: "The other party is waiting for me to go in and find you." Qianye Shangxie smiled: "Really, then well, my princess, you saved me."

"How about a promise with my body?" Qianye Shangxie had just come out of danger, but he was already joking like a normal person.Yue Qingran rolled her eyes: "You have long been mine, why?"

Qianye Shangxie went down silently, put his chin on Yue Qingran's shoulder with a cheeky face, and hugged Yue Qingran. "Qing Ran, thank you for your hard work."

Yue Qingran snorted, but didn't speak.Qianye Shangxie hugged for a while, then raised his body: "Okay, tell me, what happened?" Yue Qingran raised his eyes: "Before that, shouldn't you talk about what happened?"

Qianye lowered his eyes to prevent Yue Qingran from seeing his emotions.What did you see?Did he see his blood-bladed relatives, or did he see that the person he hated for so many years was not his father at all?

Or what, or have I never seen the person my mother loves in my life?

"Let's talk first." Putting away the emotions on his face, he looked at Yue Qingran with a smile. "Mine is more thrilling. In comparison, I think your story is more touching."

Yue Qingran rolled her eyes and told the ins and outs of where she went.Speaking of the man who looked exactly like Qianye Shangxie, Yue Qingran said it carefully.

"That is to say, that is my ancestor? In other words, this jade pendant was originally left by him for future generations, but it was lost for some reason?"

Yue Qingran nodded. "He has the ability to predict, so maybe he foresaw all of this." Qianye Shangxie murmured silently. "So, he knows everything?"

Yue Qingran nodded: "Probably so."

"Then, he played me like a fool!" Qianye Shangxie was a little emotionally unstable.Yue Qingran was only curious about the reason for the other party's instability, but didn't care about the others.

Seeing that Qianye Shangxie was even more angry than usual, Yue Qingran blinked: "This is normal. Even if he knows, it depends on the good fortune. It can predict, but there is no way to tamper with it."

Qianye Shangxie suppressed his filth, and shook his head helplessly: "If he wants to change his destiny, he really doesn't have the ability."

Yue Qingran shook her head: "That's right, he doesn't have that ability. Thinking about this in his tone, why don't you go to senior. Senior is worried about you."

Qianye Shangxie nodded and followed Yue Qingran to the senior.

"Senior, we're back. We're back safely." Yue Qingran happily went over to call, but senior wasn't there. "Could it be sleeping at the bottom of the lake again?"

Qianye Shangxie muttered, took a wooden stick and began to stir up the lake water.

"No, have you gone out?" Qianye Shangxie said casually.Yue Qingran suddenly felt a burst of heartache, for some reason, Yue Qingran wanted to cry.

"I don't know, but I don't think it's that simple."

Qianye Shangxie shook his head: "Don't worry, senior is very powerful, and he won't die easily. Besides, there will be no accidents for senior, maybe it's just a place to find someone to connect with. "

Qianye Shangxie didn't care much about it, seniors were always elusive, and this situation is normal now.Seeing Yue Qingran still looking a little downcast, Qianye Shangxie sighed.

Since knowing the use of the red beads, Qianye Shangxie's perception ability has improved a lot.It's easy to find someone now.

Although, the other party is not human...

"Okay, okay, let's go find it." After finishing speaking, Qianye Shangxie closed his eyes, it was impossible for Yue Qingran.Slowly, perceive where the spiritual power fluctuates the most.

"Let's go, northwest. Where is the senior?" With Yue Qingran, he hurried to the northwest.

Yue Qingran was very interested in Qianye Shangxie's new skills and looked at Qianye Shangxie curiously.Qianye Shangxie sighed: "It's useless, it's in my pendant."

"In the beginning, he sucked up all my spiritual power, and I was almost trapped in it. Later, when it was sealed, the spiritual power came out."

Yue Qingran looked enviously at her forehead and business.But after hearing the following words, Yue Qingran withdrew her envious application.The spiritual power has been sucked away, who wants this kind of thing?
"So, you can perceive things now?" Yue Qingran said while walking. "No, it's just limited." Looking back, seeing Yue Qingran looking around, her heart softened.

He actually ran inside to look for himself. If he really thought it was as dangerous as what he saw outside, Qianye Shangxie couldn't imagine it.

The two ran all the way, and they saw the senior.

"Senior, we have come out." During this time, Yue Qingran's relationship with her senior is unprecedented.Well, even Qianye Shangxie was surprised.

"You're back? That's good." Senior Lingxi turned around and looked at the two children who satisfied him. "Just come back. I will find a way to destroy this ancient formation. I want to make this world no longer have ancient formations."

"Our era has passed, and the following era belongs to you. Since this is the case, don't let our era stand here for a long time. From now on, ancient formations will only appear in In the record."

"Ancient spirit beasts, divine beasts, from now on, only exist in the records. I will be quietly silent at the bottom of the lake, waiting for my death."

After finishing speaking, the senior quietly kowtowed to the land behind him.

"Senior..." Yue Qingran didn't know what to say.

"No need to say anything, no need to ask. What I have decided cannot be changed. In this world, I am the only ancient spirit beast left. The land behind me used to grow all our ancient spirit beasts."

"It also brought us bad luck." After shaking his head, the senior didn't speak for a long time.

"After they died, they were all buried here." Looking at the deep apprentice, the senior said almost melancholy. "I only hope that after I die, I will be here and return to my family. I will meet them underground."

Yue Qingran has a bad premonition, this premonition is that the senior may leave at any time.Yue Qingran lay down on the huge tortoise shell of the senior, and smiled: "Senior, I'm afraid that your wish will be fulfilled by my descendants."

Senior Lingxi also laughed: "That's it, that's fine, then just wait for your descendants to bring it to completion."

Yue Qingran brought Qianye Shangxie and Senior Lingxi back together. "Senior, we will come to see you next time, I promise. But next time, when we disturb you, you must show up."

This time, Yue Qingran was really frightened.Senior Lingxi smiled and nodded.Yue Qingran and the others left, Lingxi was alone, sitting by the lake, looking into the distance.

There, my friends, my enemies, and my lover are buried.

Lingxi knew that his day was coming.Knowing the fate at fifty, I am afraid that I can know my own destiny.Lingxi knew that he was killed by someone.He would rather escape this disaster to himself.

Die quietly at the bottom of the lake.

Yue Qingran, this time, I really need you to complete it.Only you can complete it.I will die here, before you.

"I always feel that there is something in what senior said this time?" Yue Qingran said worriedly as she walked back.

Qianye Shangxie smiled: "Maybe." Qianye Shangxie knew that Nas was being saddened by the seriousness, and he saw it.It's just that he doesn't want the Yueqing people to take that kind of heart.Yue Qingran felt sad for her senior, but Qianye Shangxie was very happy, which meant that Yue Qingran gradually began to get in touch with people or things around her.

It's just that he didn't want Yue Qingran to be so sad at such a time.

Going out, just after arriving at Mingyue Town, there was a loud noise from the Luohan Mountains behind the red wool. "What's wrong?"

"what happened?"

"What happened to the Luohan Mountains? What's the situation?"

Yue Qingran and Qianye Shangxie hadn't reacted yet, and looked back blankly.Passers-by by the side galloped past, and quickly rushed towards the Luohan Mountains.

"What's the matter?" Yue Qingran stared blankly at Qianye Shangxie next to him, and turned half a circle on the spot.

Qianye Shangxie shook his head: "I don't know what's going on. However, it shouldn't be senior, right? Senior won't make such a loud noise."

"Go and have a look." Yue Qingran made a decisive decision and hurried back.

These two people, as soon as they came out, they quickly went back.

After returning, they found that the place surrounded by everyone was actually the location of the formation where Qianye Shangxie had just walked out.Yue Qingran breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems, senior, the ancient formation has been destroyed."

In the distance, I saw the Luo family rushing over, and also saw the lord of the Chihan Empire rushing over with a group of subordinates.

"From then on, the ancient formation is completely destroyed." Yue Qingran said lightly.

Qianye smiled evilly: "Then, let's go. There is no need to stay here anymore." After speaking, he took Yue Qingran and left.

While the lord and their subordinates did not come.

From the looks of it, everything in the Luohan Mountains was being watched by the Korean station at any time.Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Lord Chihan to rush over so quickly as soon as something happened here.

Quietly, the two left.Since then, Qianye Shangxie has become the only person in this world who knows and personally experienced the ancient formation.

However, no matter how much he asked, Qianye Shangxie would never make an ancient formation, nor would he express his various feelings in the ancient formation.At this moment, the ancient formation was completely destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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